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    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Can’t eat because of OCD. Please help me.


Sep 18, 2018
United States
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Hi everyone. A couple weeks ago maybe, I started seriously questioning whether I’m truly saved because of some things that don’t seem to add up. In the short time since then, my religious OCD has dramatically worsened. I’m now at a point where I pretty much can’t eat.

This is for two reasons: 1) I feel that everything containing sugar (including fruit) is sinful because it’s not healthy to eat sugar. Intellectually I know this isn’t true. 2) When I try to eat, I have thoughts of cursing at God, and then I feel I have to stop because I need to cut off that sin. I feel that I couldn’t seriously repent and then continuing doing something that brings on those thoughts.

Here’s where it gets complicated: I used to have blasphemous intrusive thoughts only, but over the past few months I’ve been angry at Gid and found myself sometimes agreeing with these angry thoughts... I know it’s awful, and I’ve confessed it, but it keeps happening. It’s like I can’t stay not angry with Him for any reasonable length of time. So basically I have zero confidence that I can treat these cursing thoughts when I try to eat as just intrusive thoughts that I’m not responsible for.


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Dear one, our battle is not with flesh and blood as Ephesians 6 tells us. Those thoughts do not originate from you. They do not come from your heart. Those are thoughts of another being that is injecting those thoughts into your mind so that you will agree with them and own them, and thus it gets more legal right to imprison you.
Repent for agreeing with the thoughts and the demonic entity.
Ask God if you do not already know where you have possibly opened the door for this demon to come to you like this. It may not have been something you have done but a family line thing.
In any case you need to seek some trustworthy believers experienced in bringing people back out into victory.
It seems to me to be a religious spirit.
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John 12:25

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Aug 14, 2018
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To answer #1, hey, pretty much everything has sugar added to it these days..pretty hard to avoid it. The problem is when people’s entire diet is made up of junk or get hooked, over-eat, and become gluttons. Also, the sugar in fruit isn’t the same as the cancerous additive junk found in processed foods. Read Genesis 1:29 - fruit is a gift from God, perfectly fine to eat. Try to make a point to pray over your food, ask Father God to bless it in the name of Jesus and just try and have as healthy and well-balanced a diet as you can afford and thank Him for providing it.

As for #2 I am not sure exactly what to say other than this isn’t from God, this seems to be satan messing with you so don’t be so hard on yourself. You can be truly saved, yet also messed with by satan. In fact I have heard that those who are saved and trying to do right by God are attacked by satan even more so..the pagans are doing as satan wants by not following the Lord Jesus Christ, satan has it in for those who are trying to live Godly. Keep confessing, the fact you mention it is awful is a good thing. If you were an unrepentant reprobate, then it would be a problem.

All the best to you.
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Sep 18, 2018
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Thanks you both for responding. How do I know for sure these thoughts aren’t from me? I’m afraid to numb myself to them by ignoring them if they actually are mine, especially with the anger I’ve felt at God recently (Was at least in part OCD-related... I was frustrated with all the restriction, and it took me ages to realize some restrictions might not be from Him. I’m still struggling with the feelings of anger/frustration, and I’m not sure why exactly.).
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Sep 11, 2017
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This sounds like OCD. I'm so incredibly sorry that you're going through this. Remember God is merciful and knows our hearts and he also knows the differences between our hearts and our ocd. There are doctors and counselors who can help as well as people on this site. Understanding it for the disease it is is very helpful and healing. Avoid taking advice from people who don't understand ocd as they may make your fear/obsession and compulsions worse.
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Jun 17, 2017
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Thanks you both for responding. How do I know for sure these thoughts aren’t from me? I’m afraid to numb myself to them by ignoring them if they actually are mine, especially with the anger I’ve felt at God recently (Was at least in part OCD-related... I was frustrated with all the restriction, and it took me ages to realize some restrictions might not be from Him. I’m still struggling with the feelings of anger/frustration, and I’m not sure why exactly.).
You're going to be OK! I know how terribly terribly hard this is. I've had OCD for years with many different themes, most of them religious. You are absolutely right that intellectually it doesn't make sense for you not to eat sugar. However, OCD never allows our logic to work properly. It makes us so afraid of something that it obscures our common sense (which deep down we really know is true) and covers it with a bunch of fears and doubts. Do you know anything about OCD? Can you get any help (medication, therapy) for treating it? It's so, so important for you to start saying no to it, else it will just keep getting stronger. In your case, that means eating EVEN WHEN IT FEELS WRONG FOR YOU TO DO SO. I know how hard this is. Trust me, I know. However, it is vital in order for you to have victory over OCD. Try to resist it even in small ways, as much as you can.

I don't agree with other commenters that this problem is primarily spiritual. Those of us with OCD have a "glitch" in our brains that affects our reasoning when it is triggered by anxiety. The key is to work on this glitch, to learn the strategies that allow us to say no to the OCD and become in control of our own minds again. Not that we don't ask God for help - we do. But we also treat the physical/mental side of this, because it is a physical and mental disorder.

I understand how you feel, about feeling like you mean the bad thoughts because you're just so stressed out and frustrated. It's happened to me before too. It's natural - it's because you're requiring so much of yourself (so much more than God requires) that you naturally feel angry at Him, even though that anger is unwarranted.

Please, please don't hesitate in getting help if you need to. OCD is HIGHLY treatable and it is possible to live in victory over it. Get professional help if you need to. Keep reaching out on here (and you can pm me anytime!!). Find other supporters - the Facebook group "Christianity and Anxiety Disorders" is a great one (make sure to answer the two screening questions to get promptly approved). And please, force yourself to eat even if it feels wrong. Believe me when I say it's not wrong, and it is dangerous for you not to eat. Please feel free to contact me anytime. Your freedom is too important not to wait!
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I was frustrated with all the restriction, and it took me ages to realize some restrictions might not be from Him.
God is not a legalist. We can be; and most certainly the "accuser of the brethren" is. But God is NOT.

Meditate on that a while. God is not a legalist.
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Samaritan Woman

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Sep 2, 2013
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Dear one, our battle is not with flesh and blood as Ephesians 6 tells us. Those thoughts do not originate from you. They do not come from your heart. Those are thoughts of another being that is injecting those thoughts into your mind so that you will agree with them and own them, and thus it gets more legal right to imprison you.
Repent for agreeing with the thoughts and the demonic entity.
Ask God if you do not already know where you have possibly opened the door for this demon to come to you like this. It may not have been something you have done but a family line thing.
In any case you need to seek some trustworthy believers experienced in bringing people back out into victory.
It seems to me to be a religious spirit.

As someone who suffers from OCD, I have had the "demonic entity" line shoved down my throat WAY too much. OCD is significantly rooted in disrupted levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin which can be greatly improved with medication. I will say the Lord can help with the residual paranoia, but telling someone to repent from thoughts that supposedly come from demons just fuels the fear even more!!! As if an OCD sufferer doesn't experience enough self-condemnation already!! Your insinuations just put more pressure and self-hate on this OCD sufferer; to imply that they brought some type of demonic oppression on him/herself to have these symptoms manifest is traumatizing to the mind.

And just to clarify, nothing called a "religious spirit" is mentioned ANYWHERE in scripture. It's like the supposed "Jezebel spirit" - these expressions get thrown around so haphazardly without any regard for truth.
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Samaritan Woman

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Sep 2, 2013
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Hi everyone. A couple weeks ago maybe, I started seriously questioning whether I’m truly saved because of some things that don’t seem to add up. In the short time since then, my religious OCD has dramatically worsened. I’m now at a point where I pretty much can’t eat.

This is for two reasons: 1) I feel that everything containing sugar (including fruit) is sinful because it’s not healthy to eat sugar. Intellectually I know this isn’t true. 2) When I try to eat, I have thoughts of cursing at God, and then I feel I have to stop because I need to cut off that sin. I feel that I couldn’t seriously repent and then continuing doing something that brings on those thoughts.

Here’s where it gets complicated: I used to have blasphemous intrusive thoughts only, but over the past few months I’ve been angry at Gid and found myself sometimes agreeing with these angry thoughts... I know it’s awful, and I’ve confessed it, but it keeps happening. It’s like I can’t stay not angry with Him for any reasonable length of time. So basically I have zero confidence that I can treat these cursing thoughts when I try to eat as just intrusive thoughts that I’m not responsible for.

As someone who suffers from OCD (and bipolar illness), I HIGHLY recommend you see a psychiatrist ASAP! OCD has a strong biological basis in which there is an inbalance of the neurotransmitter serotonin within the brain; this can be addressed with proper medication. Granted, while a med can help immensely (as it has with me), there's always a psychological/spiritual component with which only the Lord can help. I could not do this without Him, that is for sure! My experience is that the med I'm on has buoyed my brain enough to help me get a better handle on my fear so some doors can be closed (at least somewhat).

As believers, we want to believe that all mental illness is rooted in spiritual discord; this is simply not correct. Disruptions in brain chemistry not only manifest in physical illnesses like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, but mood and thought disorders like ours. I was told for years that with prayer, "binding", and casting out demons my mind would heal and free me from "bondage"; all that ever did was fill me terror and feelings of horror. Thank goodness I don't have to live like that anymore.
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Oct 21, 2009
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Hi everyone. A couple weeks ago maybe, I started seriously questioning whether I’m truly saved because of some things that don’t seem to add up. In the short time since then, my religious OCD has dramatically worsened. I’m now at a point where I pretty much can’t eat.

This is for two reasons: 1) I feel that everything containing sugar (including fruit) is sinful because it’s not healthy to eat sugar. Intellectually I know this isn’t true. 2) When I try to eat, I have thoughts of cursing at God, and then I feel I have to stop because I need to cut off that sin. I feel that I couldn’t seriously repent and then continuing doing something that brings on those thoughts.

Here’s where it gets complicated: I used to have blasphemous intrusive thoughts only, but over the past few months I’ve been angry at Gid and found myself sometimes agreeing with these angry thoughts... I know it’s awful, and I’ve confessed it, but it keeps happening. It’s like I can’t stay not angry with Him for any reasonable length of time. So basically I have zero confidence that I can treat these cursing thoughts when I try to eat as just intrusive thoughts that I’m not responsible for.

Nothing nothing nothing can separate you from the love of God!

Ephesians 8
38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How precious is your unfailing love, O God! - Psalm 36:7

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. - Psalm 86:5

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. - Psalm 86:15

Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. - Psalm 136:26

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. - Zephaniah 3:17

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

gotquestions.org - The root of OCD, or OCD-like behavior in those not actually suffering with the illness, is anxiety. While OCD is not mentioned by name in Scripture, the word worry occurs 36 times (NLT). The consistent warning is not to worry. Worry is sin because it ignores the power of prayer and obstructs faith.
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Sep 18, 2018
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As someone who suffers from OCD (and bipolar illness), I HIGHLY recommend you see a psychiatrist ASAP! OCD has a strong biological basis in which there is an inbalance of the neurotransmitter serotonin within the brain; this can be addressed with proper medication. Granted, while a med can help immensely (as it has with me), there's always a psychological/spiritual component with which only the Lord can help. I could not do this without Him, that is for sure! My experience is that the med I'm on has buoyed my brain enough to help me get a better handle on my fear so some doors can be closed (at least somewhat).

As believers, we want to believe that all mental illness is rooted in spiritual discord; this is simply not correct. Disruptions in brain chemistry not only manifest in physical illnesses like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, but mood and thought disorders like ours. I was told for years that with prayer, "binding", and casting out demons my mind would heal and free me from "bondage"; all that ever did was fill me terror and feelings of horror. Thank goodness I don't have to live like that anymore.

Super late response here, but is there a way to PM people on this site? I'd like to ask you some more about medication if that's okay with you because I had a really awful experience with it, so I'm extremely hesitant to try it again.
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Jun 17, 2017
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Super late response here, but is there a way to PM people on this site? I'd like to ask you some more about medication if that's okay with you because I had a really awful experience with it, so I'm extremely hesitant to try it again.
Yes, you click on the username and then "Start a Conversation." You absolutely can pm me, but I have no experience with medication. I've learned a lot about fighting OCD, though, so I'd be willing to share that. :)
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