Let us talk masturbation.

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Jun 25, 2012
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Samantha is married to Michael, Jesus pops down from heaven for a meal with them. Samantha and her husband go up to their bedroom and have relations, Jesus pops into their bedroom.

Should Samantha and Michael be ashamed for Jesus to watch?

Story 2:
Samantha is married to Michael, Jesus pops into their bedroom while Samantha is performing [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] on her husband. Should Samantha or Michael be ashamed for Jesus to watch?

While I understand what you mean, MyLordMySavior, I don't quite see how it's practical to apply that to everything. What happens in the marriage bed, is sacred. Now, I can see how this might be relevant for singles in their own bedroom while self-gratifying themselves, I think it might be best to think of Jesus watching you as a reminder that we are never alone. We may feel alone, we may have lustful thoughts or feelings but to be scared out of your mind by the thought that Jesus is actually watching you perform those acts in your own bedroom, while alone, and He is always watching you, judging you, is not how I feel my Savior is.

I know He knows what lust feels like even if He didn't experience it first-hand. I am not aware if he did have lustful thoughts, but I am going by what I have read in the Bible and and am saying that He didn't. But since God created us, and feels everything we feel, I can know that He knows how it feels to have these thoughts and feelings running rampant. I'd like to believe that it is Satan who put these thoughts and feelings into me, but I know it isn't. And I am grateful to believe that because had I believed it was all Satan I would be spinning around in my chair blabbering nonsense and believing the sky was falling.

I don't allow myself to be guilt-tripped into believing something. Yes Jesus watches me, though it's not like He is singling me out. And honestly, even if He did single me out while I was in the act of gratifying myself I have enough peace within me to know that He watches everybody, all the time, and God created our sexual desires, and He knows we are not perfect. There is no perfect human. Only humans trying to be perfect.

I have decided to stop reading certain a certain genre of novel, stop entertaining those thoughts and feelings. I will see how I do and I will keep praying to my Lord for forgiveness, understanding and help to overcome the the lust and other issues that plague my life.:prayer:

Okay, so I answered light-heartedly since I was in a sarcastic mood, but now since I'm exhausted from practice I'll go ahead and answer more seriously.

Masturbation is sin because it's unnatural. When you perform the act you are tricking your body into believing you are having intercourse. I can go into more detail to give evidence of that claim, or you can look it up yourself. But believe me, that is true. Your body's physical response is proof of that.

If masturbation is tricking your body to believe you're have sex, does this not seem perverse?

You say Jesus did not experience the lust you feel, but you are wrong. Hebrews tells us, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin."

So, Jesus has experienced the temptation of lust. It bothers me when men say it is something they have to do because of the build up of sexual desires or sperm. Jesus withstood for the entirety of his life. Now, Jesus is perfect and we are not. But just because we accept the fact that we are sinners does not mean we have to give in to the "self-gratyifing" our sexual desires in an unnatural way.

1 Peter 2:16 For you are free, yet you are God's slaves, so don't use your freedom as an excuse to do evil.

Yes, we are forgiven and free, but that isn't excuse to go "Oh well, I aint ever going to be perfect. God will understand, so might as well." This kind of thinking is VERY dangerous. Believe me, I have fallen into some deep dark times because of it.

Back to whether or not it is sin. Do you ever have a gut feeling in your stomach saying, "Oh, this is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this." Like, I see some hunch punch at a frat's house and before I drink it, I can feel something tugging at my heart saying, "This isn't a good idea. God wouldn't like this." This is what I call, the Holy Spirit :) People say God doesn't talk to them, but boy does He. This is the strongest way God talks to me. This is God's way of guiding you and letting you know if you should or shouldn't be doing this. Now, when I have went into some "seasons of sin" where I just lose myself, the tugging you'd normally get fades away and gets lost. It's really sad... :-(

But any who, I used to partake in masturbation. Ugh, I hate talking about it, but I'll speak because I want to make my point clear. When I did it, I would say it's not a sin just like you, and believed it too, because 'aw man, I'm a ranging teenager with hormones." Yet, I felt guilty after doing it even though I thought it wasn't a sin.

When I used to do it, it actually caused me to get more sexual desires and do it more often. It made me desire sex more, didn't decrease it. This was very important. The times in my life where I wanted to have sex most is when I partook in the "self-gratifying act". Anyways, after feeling guilty I figured it was God trying to talk to me. It is a HARD habit to quit. Like cussing, if you start it, it's almost impossible to stop.

You can't slowly back out of it. Because once you do it, your sexual desires get stronger, therefore you have to do it more and it's just an awful awful cycle. One of the hardest to quit. Luckily, I broke down, wondering why I felt so guilty every time, and end up begging God to stop me, and He did. (He's done it twice actually. I love him so much for it <3 )

You can tell when He does take it away because you'll end up losing the desires that make you want to do it. He didn't lessen my desires to where I'd only do it not that often, He dropped ALL desires. No longer did I have that desire to do it ever or really care about it. It's so wonderful haha.

Now, that doesn't mean I never get horny haha. I can just handle it. I'm pretty in tune with the Holy Spirit, He tells me if I am doing something right or wrong. This felt very very right, and when I was doing the act, it felt very very wrong. That's why I am 100% confident it is a sin. Jesus doesn't want you misusing the gift He gave you.

That's my testimony for it.

But let me reiterate, Jesus did experience your temptation of lust. He did.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin."

I am saving myself for marriage, and it is nicer to know the "feelings" will be fresh than kind of... used. Plus, it can cause desensitization which is a problem I don't want on my wedding night or with my spouse.

Anyways, have a great night! ^_^
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Aug 17, 2014
United States
Marital Status
But any who, I used to partake in masturbation. Ugh, I hate talking about it, but I'll speak because I want to make my point clear. When I did it, I would say it's not a sin just like you, and believed it too, because 'aw man, I'm a ranging teenager with hormones." Yet, I felt guilty after doing it even though I thought it wasn't a sin.

When I used to do it, it actually caused me to get more sexual desires and do it more often. It made me desire sex more, didn't decrease it. This was very important. The times in my life where I wanted to have sex most is when I partook in the "self-gratifying act". Anyways, after feeling guilty I figured it was God trying to talk to me. It is a HARD habit to quit. Like cussing, if you start it, it's almost impossible to stop.

You can't slowly back out of it. Because once you do it, your sexual desires get stronger, therefore you have to do it more and it's just an awful awful cycle. One of the hardest to quit. Luckily, I broke down, wondering why I felt so guilty every time, and end up begging God to stop me, and He did. (He's done it twice actually. I love him so much for it <3 )

I really like what you say here. One thing, a lot of guys are going to red this and go "well, she is a girl, guy sexuality is different", and its not, at least in this way. Ive had a problem with porn my whole life, guys, let me tell you, If Ive learned anything other than gods love through this struggle, its this. Sexual sin leads to more sexual sin, you have to stop, and cold turkey. i still struggle with it, for a while I had pulled back and didn't (as much). Let me tell you, you don't loose the sexual desires you have, but she is right on the money here. When you get off, it gives you a release temporarily, but very very soon you will have a strong desire to do it again. Ive alway put this down to the fact our bodies wern't designed to stop having sexual relationships once we start having them (even with our self). If you look at the bible, the layout for marriage is pretty clear that you don't have sex till your married, and then you don't really stop. Its my belief that our bodies arn't ment to "turn off" or go back to the state we were in before being sexually active. This would account for why sexual sin is SO hard to stop. I'm not saying we can't go back to that state, but its very hard to do, I don't know if I'll every be able to go back, I started touching myself at such a young age I don't know if I even remember not doing it.

Don't push this off. I know for me, If I touch, even without porn, there is almost a 100% chance I will look at porn the next day, its because that "sexual release" only makes us want it more.

I don't want you guys to think Ive got this figured out or anything, I'm preaching to myself here more than anything, cas I'll be honest, I struggle, even now as I write this with this sin.

I'll leave you with this though. can you touch while thinking of your mother or grandmother? I mean, if its just a mechanical release and not lust you shouldn't have any problem doing that. The fact is, most if not all fantasize when masturbating, cas lets be honest, as guys, its kind hard to get "in position" without that, or at the very least, maybe you arn't lusting after a woman, but your own sexual desire?
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
How long does it take for sexual sin to lead to more sexual sin?

I've been masturbating for years and... so far I can't think of anything else I've done sexually at all.

So, just wondering, how long does it take that "more sexual sin" to kick in?
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Aug 17, 2014
United States
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How long does it take for sexual sin to lead to more sexual sin?

I've been masturbating for years and... so far I can't think of anything else I've done sexually at all.

So, just wondering, how long does it take that "more sexual sin" to kick in?

Masturbating is a sin. The sin of masturbation leads to more masturbation. For me it also pushes me towards looking at porn and makes it easier to give in to the temptation.

When you touch once, it makes it easier to touch again.
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
Masturbating is a sin. The sin of masturbation leads to more masturbation. For me it also pushes me towards looking at porn and makes it easier to give in to the temptation.

When you touch once, it makes it easier to touch again.

But how does it lead to "more" sexual sin?

I was taught as a child that once you do a "little" sin, you immediately tumble into a horrible pile of sin. However, I've found in life, that it doesn't work like that.

So I'm just wondering, how does masturbation lead me into more sexual sin?

I'm... still at the same level I was when I first started years ago. The only difference is that I've chipped away at the guilt and shame that the church I grew up in layered on me about it.
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But how does it lead to "more" sexual sin?

I was taught as a child that once you do a "little" sin, you immediately tumble into a horrible pile of sin. However, I've found in life, that it doesn't work like that.

So I'm just wondering, how does masturbation lead me into more sexual sin?

I'm... still at the same level I was when I first started years ago. The only difference is that I've chipped away at the guilt and shame that the church I grew up in layered on me about it.

For me, I wanted to watch more porn, more dirty magazines, my collection kept growing. Then I began craving toys and weird stuffs(I will stop here). It's a pity u don't know what u are up against, even years after u are free from it, u will still have to deal with dreams and other stuffs. But first u need the power to overcome, and this only comes with acceptance of guilt and a contrite and repentant heart. "Ask and u shall receive" Matt 7:7

For all who think masturbation is ok, hope God makes u realize it's not. God bless
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
It doesn't stop because the human body craves sex. That's what we're built for- to have sex for bonding reasons and for procreation reasons.

It's like if you denied yourself food. You're going to get hungry- not because it's a sin you're feeding into, but your body craves food. The sex drive isn't nearly as demanding as the food drive, but it's still a drive we're born with.

Unless you are one of the small percentage of people born asexual (and sometimes even if you are- because sex drive is separate from the need for a sexual partner), you're going to have sexual urges no matter what you do.
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Jun 25, 2012
Marital Status
It doesn't stop because the human body craves sex. That's what we're built for- to have sex for bonding reasons and for procreation reasons.

It's like if you denied yourself food. You're going to get hungry- not because it's a sin you're feeding into, but your body craves food. The sex drive isn't nearly as demanding as the food drive, but it's still a drive we're born with.

Unless you are one of the small percentage of people born asexual (and sometimes even if you are- because sex drive is separate from the need for a sexual partner), you're going to have sexual urges no matter what you do.

And you deal with those sexual urges is the most important part. Do you pray to God and focus on Him, or do you turn to self-gratify yourself through empty and temporary relief? I choose the first choice!
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
You can do whatever you'd like, there's no problem with that.

I still don't see how masturbation is different from sating other natural urges, though. I don't see how we glorify God through eating or sleeping, for example. It's a temporary gratification for those urges, which will return soon enough.
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Aug 17, 2014
United States
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You can do whatever you'd like, there's no problem with that.

I still don't see how masturbation is different from sating other natural urges, though. I don't see how we glorify God through eating or sleeping, for example. It's a temporary gratification for those urges, which will return soon enough.

Just because its a natural urge doesn't mean you have to feed it. guess what, If you don't touch, after a while there is less of an urge. Unlike eating you won't die if you don't have sexual release, if you go so long (as a guy at least) where your sperm needs to be released then it happens via a wet dream and some of it is absorbed by your body and gotten ride of that way.

Some people have a natural inborn desire to hurt others, that doesn't mean they should give in and hurt others.
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stupid bleeding heart feminist liberal
May 2, 2013
Marital Status
Once again, on this same thread, masturbation is not equivalent to hurting others.

I don't see how people can ever equate the two. Touching your genitals =/= harming a person.

My urges are still here even if I don't touch for weeks (and sometimes I don't, just because it can be boring). It's not overpowering or crippling, it's just an urge that's still there. In fact, I tend to go longer without it once I do it and get it out of my system. Then I don't feel it much for a while.
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Mar 22, 2010
Marital Status
For me, I wanted to watch more porn, more dirty magazines, my collection kept growing. Then I began craving toys and weird stuffs(I will stop here). It's a pity u don't know what u are up against, even years after u are free from it, u will still have to deal with dreams and other stuffs. But first u need the power to overcome, and this only comes with acceptance of guilt and a contrite and repentant heart. "Ask and u shall receive" Matt 7:7

For all who think masturbation is ok, hope God makes u realize it's not. God bless
What you are talking about is sex addiction.
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Mar 22, 2010
Marital Status
Just because its a natural urge doesn't mean you have to feed it. guess what, If you don't touch, after a while there is less of an urge. Unlike eating you won't die if you don't have sexual release, if you go so long (as a guy at least) where your sperm needs to be released then it happens via a wet dream and some of it is absorbed by your body and gotten ride of that way.
At the risk of sounding graphic. Wet dreams are no panacea.
A) They very often involve very erotically charged dreams.
B) The content of the dreams themselves is not controllable.
C) Nocturnal Emissions are unpredictable.
E) As with having a bladder empty while sleeping a Nocturnal Emission is often not to desirable either.
F) They can be physically very uncomfortable.
G) Not all men have them much, this can cause infection.
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Mar 22, 2010
Marital Status
OGM, thank you for posting. I'm not sure of your age, if that would even matter, but I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the desire I have since I have no valid way to alleviate it other than self-gratification. I'd like to pick your brain. You made a very good point that I hadn't thought of. Having normal hormone levels at any age at puberty and beyond is likely to cause these sexual desires. I don't mind sexual attraction but it's the desires I want reduced so that I can at least concentrate on normal, healthy things other than those desires. Do you have any tips that work for you (I know you are male) that could possibly help me and others reduce the severity of the desires? I feel like I am 16 again and it's getting to the point that even when I see a picture of an attractive man on the internet (his face alone) I go crazy. I don't know if this is some kind of test or if it's not from God or it's simply one of those things that I have to learn to tame but I really have no idea how to tame this beast. I feel so controlled by it. The desires, not the self-gratification.
Sorry for getting back to you so late...work as eaten up a lot of time. To answer your question. I have many short and long term projects going on in my life. If your hormone levels are indeed normal, any attempt to reduce them could be very problematic. Certain antidepressants have been known to reduce libido. However now you would have to deal with the other issues that class of drug brings, physically and mentally. Also those drugs sometimes reduce libido. But in many people those same drugs actual increase libido to a higher than normal level.

In your case ElectricBlueBauble, it is possible there is more going on with you. You said you were very sick and had virtually no libido. Now you are feeling much better but your libido seems out of control. To the point that seeing an attractive man on TV causes you to be very distracted. You indicated you have difficulty concentrating since you have gotten better.

I would recommend you see a physician about this. I am not saying something is wrong but I would sure feel better if you ruled it out. One of my employees was acting depressed, lost all interest in life. I asked him why? He said he just was depressed. I recommended a doctor I know. He was reluctant to go because he thought he was just going through a "phase".

Come to find out his testosterone level was very low. He was treated for it and now he is once again a happy-go-lucky guy. Improper hormone levels can make a person; depressed, cry, lose libido, gain too much libido, sick, you name it.

I am not saying your hormone levels are off. I am saying based on your medical history, it would be prudent to explain to your physician how you feel and how constantly distracted you are. At least they could perform tests to rule out the possibility of an endocrine issue.
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Rio de Janeiro
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good points Traci

our sexuality is meant to be enjoyed with our spouse

How to deal with the desires and sensations of the body? Even though I know it's normal to feel (and not do, resist sin), I feel very sick when I have a nocturnal emission, or pleasure in erections.
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Sep 1, 2015
Rio de Janeiro
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Okay, so I answered light-heartedly since I was in a sarcastic mood, but now since I'm exhausted from practice I'll go ahead and answer more seriously.

Masturbation is sin because it's unnatural. When you perform the act you are tricking your body into believing you are having intercourse. I can go into more detail to give evidence of that claim, or you can look it up yourself. But believe me, that is true. Your body's physical response is proof of that.

If masturbation is tricking your body to believe you're have sex, does this not seem perverse?

You say Jesus did not experience the lust you feel, but you are wrong. Hebrews tells us, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin."

So, Jesus has experienced the temptation of lust. It bothers me when men say it is something they have to do because of the build up of sexual desires or sperm. Jesus withstood for the entirety of his life. Now, Jesus is perfect and we are not. But just because we accept the fact that we are sinners does not mean we have to give in to the "self-gratyifing" our sexual desires in an unnatural way.

Yes, we are forgiven and free, but that isn't excuse to go "Oh well, I aint ever going to be perfect. God will understand, so might as well." This kind of thinking is VERY dangerous. Believe me, I have fallen into some deep dark times because of it.

Back to whether or not it is sin. Do you ever have a gut feeling in your stomach saying, "Oh, this is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this." Like, I see some hunch punch at a frat's house and before I drink it, I can feel something tugging at my heart saying, "This isn't a good idea. God wouldn't like this." This is what I call, the Holy Spirit :) People say God doesn't talk to them, but boy does He. This is the strongest way God talks to me. This is God's way of guiding you and letting you know if you should or shouldn't be doing this. Now, when I have went into some "seasons of sin" where I just lose myself, the tugging you'd normally get fades away and gets lost. It's really sad... :-(

But any who, I used to partake in masturbation. Ugh, I hate talking about it, but I'll speak because I want to make my point clear. When I did it, I would say it's not a sin just like you, and believed it too, because 'aw man, I'm a ranging teenager with hormones." Yet, I felt guilty after doing it even though I thought it wasn't a sin.

When I used to do it, it actually caused me to get more sexual desires and do it more often. It made me desire sex more, didn't decrease it. This was very important. The times in my life where I wanted to have sex most is when I partook in the "self-gratifying act". Anyways, after feeling guilty I figured it was God trying to talk to me. It is a HARD habit to quit. Like cussing, if you start it, it's almost impossible to stop.

You can't slowly back out of it. Because once you do it, your sexual desires get stronger, therefore you have to do it more and it's just an awful awful cycle. One of the hardest to quit. Luckily, I broke down, wondering why I felt so guilty every time, and end up begging God to stop me, and He did. (He's done it twice actually. I love him so much for it <3 )

You can tell when He does take it away because you'll end up losing the desires that make you want to do it. He didn't lessen my desires to where I'd only do it not that often, He dropped ALL desires. No longer did I have that desire to do it ever or really care about it. It's so wonderful haha.

Now, that doesn't mean I never get horny haha. I can just handle it. I'm pretty in tune with the Holy Spirit, He tells me if I am doing something right or wrong. This felt very very right, and when I was doing the act, it felt very very wrong. That's why I am 100% confident it is a sin. Jesus doesn't want you misusing the gift He gave you.

That's my testimony for it.

But let me reiterate, Jesus did experience your temptation of lust. He did.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin."

I am saving myself for marriage, and it is nicer to know the "feelings" will be fresh than kind of... used. Plus, it can cause desensitization which is a problem I don't want on my wedding night or with my spouse.

Anyways, have a great night! ^_^

I understand very well what you said, I also have the same problem as the author of the topic.

The problem is that even having prayed several times the desires did not disappear, in fact, if I could like to be a complete eunuch, not to feel emotional and physical attraction for women.

I have failed to fight sin, but even when I fight I could only stay a while without sinning.

The problem is that I find nocturnal emissions and erections very shameful things, I always wonder, why did God make us (men) like that? Like, the land is already full of people, we do not need more babies (the angels are lucky for not having this part in their nature)

I feel very bad about the sensations of the body, no matter how people speak, there are two types of desires, those of the mind that we feed and those of the body.

Those of the body are much slower, but they grow over time, I remember that when I started having the nocturnal emissions they came every two days.

It is very bad the feeling of when I am days, weeks without having relieved, erections all the time, uncomfortable feeling of pleasure, very bad feeling.
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Aug 1, 2010
United States
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I believe its a sin but its even alot worse when done excessively.

I havent been able to function sexually because of it, im finally read to join the no fap and purify my mind, body and soul.

Its effect my mood, i have swelling and scars from it. It makes my anxiety worse, it makes me feel fatigued.

Its been a bad habit of mine since i was 12, im almost 31 now. Ive had it!! I cant do it no more, i want my mind to be sharp so i can be more of a blessing to others. I have so much good in my heart but over the years masturbation, drugs, alcohol, anxiety and depression have gotten in the way. Masturbations the last thing i gotta cross off that list
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Sir Robbins

Waiting for Fall
Sep 28, 2012
Saint Augustine, FL
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It doesn't stop because the human body craves sex. That's what we're built for- to have sex for bonding reasons and for procreation reasons.

It's like if you denied yourself food. You're going to get hungry- not because it's a sin you're feeding into, but your body craves food. The sex drive isn't nearly as demanding as the food drive, but it's still a drive we're born with.

Unless you are one of the small percentage of people born asexual (and sometimes even if you are- because sex drive is separate from the need for a sexual partner), you're going to have sexual urges no matter what you do.

as an asexual, there is still a build up of hormones in many but what makes us different is we don't desire sex with anyone of either gender. It just doesn't appeal to us. We aren't anti-sexual and aren't disgusted about it (except maybe me being medically diagnosed with OCD). On top of the OCD, being an ace, ect I have had serious intimacy issues. I don't like being close to anyone. Not physically, not emotionally, nothing.

to get back on it. I can touch once and go months without it but then it will kind of pop up when I don't expect it. The more I ignore, the less sleep I get, the more restless and irritable I become. After a release, I'm fine. I would like someone to point out where masturbation is a sin. I don't want a "generic" verse either. Something specific.
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Stabat Mater dolorosa

Jesus Christ today, yesterday and forever!
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Jun 18, 2014
Somewhere up North
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At the risk of sounding graphic. Wet dreams are no panacea.
A) They very often involve very erotically charged dreams.
B) The content of the dreams themselves is not controllable.
C) Nocturnal Emissions are unpredictable.
E) As with having a bladder empty while sleeping a Nocturnal Emission is often not to desirable either.
F) They can be physically very uncomfortable.
G) Not all men have them much, this can cause infection.

This is a great post and not at all to be ignored.
If youre on vacation and sharing room with family members and such Id touch beforehand solemnly to avoid the terror of wetdreams ans nocturn emission. I then promise to do so without lust which believe it or not can be obtained if going long enough beforehand.

Well after this guilt sets in and then im in a free fall as Ive already sinned. Then follows porn, more guilt and more masturbation and fetishes etc etc.
Then I go to confession and the cycle is ended for that time.

Other times there are other excuses, but those times Ive been having this under most controll has always been ruined by things like this.
Wetdreams are NO FUN!
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