Who are your favorite Popes?


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I do not understand the bad rap some people try to put on him. Everything I read seemed like he was trying to do the right thing in a very difficult situation.

I agree with many of the Popes mentioned, but I'd like to mention another one. Pope Pius XII. There is some controversy surrounding him, but he actually did a lot of good. In particular, he sheltered many many Jews in Church property throughout Rome during the years of WWII when the Nazis were on their genocidal rampage. He ordered Bishops to likewise shelter the Jewish people, and is responsible for a great many Jewish lives saved. He also scathingly denounced Fascist ideology before the war kicked off into full swing. A very wise and conscientious man during a horrifically turbulent time.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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I do not understand the bad rap some people try to put on him. Everything o read seemed like he was trying to do the right thing in a very difficult situation.

the Soviet Union used Communists around the world to discredit Pope Pius XII
because of his witness to the love of Christ many people converted to Catholicism
"The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, took refuge in the Vatican following the Nazi occupation of Rome in 1943. After the war he converted to Catholicism and took the name "Eugenio" in honour of Pope Pius XII.


did he make mistakes? oh I am sure he did
but I think he did what he thought was right and tried to save as many people as possible
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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in a lot of ways, John Paul II is what I think of when I think of the Pope
he was the Pope from before I was even born till my first year of University, he did so much to show the love of Christ to the whole world

Pope Leo XIII was Pope from 1878 till 1903 (JPII was from 1978 till 2005 so their reigns were comparable in length)
a lot of what we understand about Catholic Social Justice comes from the writings of Pope Leo XIII, with the economic ideas of subsidiarity and distributism being based on his work
he also definitively declared the Holy Orders in the Anglican Church to be null and void, he was not afraid to speak hard truths in order to save the souls of the lost
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Love to pray! :)
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The Linkous's in our area were from Germany. As the original Linkous could not write he signed his name with an "X" when he bought property in the 1700's here in Virginia. Dallas Linkous was probably the shoutingest man I have ever met. He would shout at church, shout on his job, and shout at home at his dairy farm. He would also run the aisles and was a very animated man. The German descendents were very emotional in church like I have never seen.

Dallas Linkous (especially in his older years) is also a spitting image of the Pope Benedict. I can tell by looking at the Pope that he had the same character that exists in the Germans of our area. So my favorite Pope is Pope Benedict.

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Jun 9, 2010
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Colin, I have no idea why you are getting so upset. This is supposed to be an upbeat thread where we learn about our favorite Popes. Seems that to me you are being overly sensitive. I'm sorry you feel that way. I'll miss your presence.
My apologies for going off in a huff .

Yes I am being over-sensitive ......just that some things get under my skin when I would be more sensible if I ignored them as much as possible .

Sorry if anyone was offended .

Yes I do wish members of OBOB well , but I would love to see a closure to so much that is negative on OBOB , and that includes any negativity created by myself in anything I have posted .

I have lived during the pontificates of seven popes.......Pius XII , John XXIII , Paul VI , John Paul I , John Paul II , Benedict XVI and Francis .

I loved all of them . Each brought his own gifts to the papacy , and I believe that each was elected because the cardinals at the seven elections were obedient to the Holy Spirit . Each was unique , but each was/is an extraordinary gift of God to the Church .

I have no favourite , but one I would have loved to have hugged was Pope John XXIII .

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The Eucharist is Life
Apr 8, 2014
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Pope Benedict the 16th, because of his desire to return the Church to Tradition. Pope JP2 second because I grew up during the 80's and he was the 80's Pope, I love the 80's :). I will be upfront I miss B16 and do not care for Pope Francis
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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You could say that we in the Coptic Orthodox Church have a bit of a soft spot for your Pope Paul VI, since it was during his papacy that the relics of St. Mark the Apostle to Egypt were returned to their homeland after over a millennia of absence. We have commemorated this event every year on the appropriate day in our synaxarium, which is read aloud as part of every liturgy. Here is the syanxarium entry that describes what happened:

1. The Turning Over of the Relics of the Great St. Mark the Apostle by the hand of Pope Paul the Sixth, Pope of Rome.
On this day, of the year 1684 A.M., that coincided with Saturday the 22nd of June, 1968 A.D., and in the tenth year of the papacy of Pope Kyrillos the sixth, 116th Pope of Alexandria, the official delegation of the Pope of Alexandria received the relics of the great St. Mark the Apostle, the evangelist of the Egyptian land and the first Patriarch of the See of St. Mark from the hand of Pope Paul the Sixth, Pope of Rome, in the Papal palace, Vatican City.

The delegation consisted of ten metropolitans and bishops, seven of them were Coptic and three Ethiopians, and three lay leaders. The Alexandrian papal delegation left Cairo on Thursday the 23rd day of Baounah, 1684 A.M. (June 20th, 1968 A.D.) on a special plane accompanied by 90 of the Coptic personalities, among them, seven priests. They were received by a delegation of cardinals and priests delegated by Pope Paul the Sixth, and the ambassador of Egypt to the Vatican, at the airport in Rome.

Twelve o'clock, the morning of Saturday the 15th of Baounah (June 22nd), was the appointed time for the Alexandrian Papal delegation to meet the Pope of Rome and receive the relics of St. Mark the Apostle. At the appointed time, the delegation went in headed by Anba Marcus, metropolitan of Abu-Teeg and Tahta, and were received by Pope Paul VI in his private office. Pope Paul greeted the delegation, commending Pope Kyrillos the sixth, and the church of Alexandria. He congratulated the delegation on the opening of the new St. Mark Cathedral and the receiving of the relics of St. Mark. Anba Marcus, the head of the delegation, replied with a short speech, in which he carried the greetings of his brother, the Pope of Alexandria. Then he handed him a letter from Pope Kyrillos the sixth, thanking him and introducing the members of the delegation.

Pope of Rome, along with the head of the Alexandrian delegation, then carried the box that contained the relics of St. Mark. They all walked in a procession to a grand room, which was prepared to receive the Copts, accompanied by the official delegates to witness this historical and joyful moment. The box containing the relics was placed on a special table. The Roman Pontiff came forward and knelt before the box and kissed it. He was followed by Anba Marcus, the head of the Alexandrian Papal delegation, who was followed by the members of the delegation. During the veneration of the relics of St. Mark the Apostle, the Coptic priests and deacons present chanted appropriate ecclesiastical hymns. Joy filled the hearts of everyone, Egyptian and foreign. An atmosphere of spirituality and holiness filled the room.

The Roman Pope then sat on his throne, and Anba Gregorius, bishop of higher studies and scientific research, gave a speech in English, representing the delegation. He expressed in it the greetings of Pope Kyrillos the Sixth, and the joy of the Christians of Egypt and Ethiopia for the return of the relics of St. Mark the Apostle after eleven centuries. During which the body of St. Mark was absent from the country in which he was martyred.

Pope of Rome, replied in an official speech in French, that he read while sitting on the throne. In it he exalted the history of the Alexandrian church, and its long struggle in the field of dogma. He also praised its heroes, and its learned people such as Athanasius the apostolic, Kyrillos (Cyril) the Pillar of Faith, Pantaenus and Clement. He hoped that the celebration of the day would be a sign of love and a bond between the church of Alexandria and the church of Rome. The Roman Pope asked in his speech also from the head, Cardinal Doval, and members of the Roman Papal delegation to carry his greetings, admiration, and appreciation to Pope Kyrillos the Sixth, the clergy of the church of Alexandria, Egypt and its people.

Afterwards, the Pope and Anba Marcus, the head of the delegation, rose up to exchange the commemorative gifts. Anba Marcus gave the Pope the presents which were sent by H.H. Pope Kyrillos. Pope of Rome admired the precious gifts and asked Anba Marcus to convey his thanks to H.H. Pope Kyrillos. The Pope in return gave the members of the delegation commemorative presents.

The Roman Pope, then gave Anba Marcus, the head of the Alexandrian Papal delegation, an official document dated May 28th, 1968 A.D. testifying that the relics were authentic and belonged to St. Mark the Apostle, and were taken from their original place with veneration. The document was signed by Cardinal Porfeer, the deputy of Vatican City. Thus, the official celebration of handing over the relics of St. Mark the Apostle ended, and the delegation went back to their hotel.

May the blessings of St. Mark be with us all. Amen.
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Jared R

Aug 31, 2015
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My favorite is St. Pius X. I read a biography about him, many of his encyclicals, and he just seemed like such a kind and pastoral man. And I think he had a prophetic insight into the dangers of modernism.
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Unchanging Deposit of Faith, Traditional Catholic
May 10, 2007
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Mar 29, 2005
My most sentimental Pope is JPII. I admired and followed him before I entered the RCC. I entered in October of 2004 and wrote to him the following Christmas and got a reply back giving me an apostolic blessing. :)

Probably my favorite Pope. He seemed strong, deeply spiritual yet uncompromising.
He stood strong with Lech Walesa of Solidarity and Ronald Reagan against the Soviet Union. It was very effective.

The younger generation is probably not aware how dangerous the times were during the cold war. I remember when JPII came to Boston, the crowds were huge.
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He was a wonderful Pope an many levels imo. I read his bio and he was the perfect man for the job during that time.
Probably my favorite Pope. He seemed strong, deeply spiritual yet uncompromising.
He stood strong with Lech Walesa of Solidarity and Ronald Reagan against the Soviet Union. It was very effective.

The younger generation is probably not aware how dangerous the times were during the cold war. I remember when JPII came to Boston, the crowds were huge.
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Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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My favorite Popes are John XXIII, who was the Pope when I was a child, and Francis.

In a world that has changed more in the past century than in the previous 6,000 years since humankind has walked the earth, John XXIII realized that the Church needed to change, too. And so, although he had been expected to reliably maintain the status quo, he did the unexpected. Truly the Holy Spirit had a hand in his election.

John Paul II and Benedict XVI were great scholars, and along came Francis, who is living proof that there are many kinds of intelligence. He has extraordinary emotional intelligence, and although he is scholarly, he always leads with his heart. He is humble and authentic--the real deal.
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Jul 30, 2011
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In a world that has changed more in the past century than in the previous 6,000 years since humankind has walked the earth,
? Not meaning to sidetrack, but human beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Or did you mean "civilization?"
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Jun 9, 2010
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Here is JPII when he came to Boston. The crowds were massive.


As they were when Pope Paul VI came to New York.......


As they were when Pope Paul VI came to Africa......


As they were when Pope Paul VI came to India.....

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