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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

I'm afraid...

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May 12, 2008
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I want to come to Jesus, but I fear I've committed the unforgivable sin? Can anyone help me with this?

The Bible says that only unforgiveable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which translates to those who do not accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Every thing else, no matter how horrible it may seem to you is forgiveable. God will forgive all your sins when you repent and surrender your life to Him. It is really that simple.

The Bible also says that Jesus did not come to condemn us, but to save us and to give us life. Jesus will not condemn you. You don't have to be afraid of that. He loves you. He loves you so much that he died on the cross to take those very sins you think are unforgiveable.
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HoneyComb Son

Jan 27, 2004
Caty..if you are being drawn to Jesus..and want to come to Jesus..thats the Holy Spirit's work....your far from being unforgivable...dont worry..the bible says none comes to Him except by The Father..if you were past hope you would not care or be drawn to the Lord...how i know..cause i have struggled imensly with the same issue..thought i gone to far..im a christian..even when i was a christian..i thought i said things thought things that were the unpardonable sin..but once your saved..your saved..jesus paid a price for all time sin..he didnt leave one out..past present future..if he did..thats means im lost..but its said jesus paid for sin peroid..it doesnt leave one out at all..you must not listen the devil who is the one behind this torementing you..just believe and be at rest..dont go by your head or thinking or logic..once your forgiven your forgiven..dont rely on your senses or your head or yourself..believe what Jesus did..he paid the price for all of your sins..he didnt miss one out
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Aug 16, 2005
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I want to come to Jesus, but I fear I've committed the unforgivable sin? Can anyone help me with this?

There is absolutely nothing you can do to separate yourself from the Love of God.

He Loves You so much more than I could even begin to describe. I'd like to share with you something I believe God showed me concerning the Prodigal Son. I hope it helps you;


When God put this on my heart, I thought a good place to start would be to define "prodigal". I really didn't know what the word meant, so I looked it up, and this is what I found;

characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish
recklessly spendthrift

This in itself was interesting to me. The sermon at church was titled "The Prodigal Father". We all think of the son's lifestyle as being "prodigal", but equally, if not moreso "prodigal" was the father's Love, grace and mercy toward his son.

So I began to examine the parable of the prodigal son more closely.

The first thing that happens is the son asks his father for his inheritance. The father does this. I hope you'll permit me some speculation here, but I suspect that the father knew the younger son's intentions. But he gave the inheritance to his son anyway. "Prodigal" of him, you might say.

The next thing that happens is the son goes and wastes his inheritance on "riotous living". The Amplified Bible describes his lifestyle as reckless and loose [from restraint]. Later, his brother talks about how he wasted his inheritance with "immoral women". In other words, this was some bad lifestyle. Real bad.

So the son squanders his entire inheritance on this "riotous living", and then a famine hits. So he runs to the world. The Amplified Bible says that he forced himself upon one of the citizens who hired him feed his pigs. He finds himself dying of hunger, and that's when "he came to himself". The NLT says, "he came to his senses". He realizes this is stupid. His father's servants eat better than this.

So he comes up with a plan. He'll return home and repent to his father, and then at least he can be one of his hired servants, even though (by his estimation) he is no longer worthy to be called his son.

This is where the revelation hit me, and what I've felt strong in my heart...

The father in the parable did not know this. This was something that the son said within himself before he returned home. The father in the parable is not God, and is not all knowing. He's just a father.

That's where the impact of this hit me. The next part of the parable says that when his father saw him, still a long way off... That tells me that the father was watching and waiting for his son's return. He was anticipating the best for his son. He was not sitting around talking about all the horrible things his son was doing. He thought the best of his son, and was anxiously awaiting his return.

While he was still a long way off, he RAN to his son and EMBRACED him, BEFORE he knew that his son was repentant for his actions. In other words, his father was not concerned with his repentance. His father was concerned with him. The Love that the father displayed to his son was not conditional upon the act of his son's repentance. He Loved his son, because he was his son, and for no other reason. Not because he acted the right way or said the right things. Not because he repented. Not because he had learned his lesson. But simply because he was his son.

It was then remarkably easy for the son to be repentant, I believe, because of his father's "prodigal" display of Love toward him.

The son goes on to say, I'm not worthy to be called your son. But what the father does next is remarkable....

I'd like to stop for a minute and give you the world's view, and to a large degree, the church's view, of what should happen next. People will tell you there is a process. You need to prove your accountability. You need to repent of your sins and be exposed so the world can see your flaws. You need to be publicly humbled and shamed. You need to acknowledge, in detail, every wrong you committed and display a sufficient remorse. You need to make sure you've "learned your lesson", usually meaning you have to suffer the consequences of your actions sufficiently. You need to serve your punishment before any true restoration can take place.

But the prodigal father had a very different view.

There were most definitely consequences to the son's actions, but note that those consequences stopped the instant his father embraced him.

The very first the thing the father does is call on his servants to bring the very best robe to his son. I believe this is not just a robe, but symbolic of the father covering his son. He did not put his son's shame on display for the world to see. He did not require his son to list everything he had done wrong and promise never to do it again. No, what he did is what most of us would consider reckless and foolish. He COVERED his son. He HID his shame. He did not strip him and publicly humiliate him. He CLOTHED him. He gave him a ring. He acknowledged, THIS IS MY SON. He gave him sandals for his feet. He killed the fatted calf and threw a party in his honor!

Guess who was NOT happy? His brother. I suspect his brother felt that the father was maybe a bit too "prodigal" with his grace and mercy. He compared himself to his brother, and talked about how much better he had behaved than his brother, and yet he never got to have a party. Essentially, he is saying, I was/am better than my brother, because I never did any of those horrible things that he did.

The lesson here is, don't expect your brothers and sisters to be happy about your restoration. In fact, expect them to throw your sins back in your face and show how much better they are than you, and how much more they deserve to have the party for themselves. The brother does just that when he brings up the "immoral women", something the father was not concerned about. The father was concerned with only one thing; his son was lost, and now he is found!

We sing a song at church called "This Is Our God". That's what this parable is. It shows us the Father. THIS is our God! But more than that, it shows us what we should strive for. As He is, so are we in this world. If He is "prodigal" with His Love, grace and mercy, we should be too. There is a line in that song that says He is "recklessly wildly Loving a dangerous world". There is another line that mentions His "scandalous mercy". These are things that I feel so strongly in my heart are keys to unlocking the Kingdom of God in our world.

The world doesn't need more of our judgment and holier-than-thou attitudes. The world needs lavish, reckless, wild, scandalous, prodigal Love.

Restoration of someone who has fallen doesn't need to be a "process". God's prodigal Love for you can restore you in an instant.

My point in all of this to you? God is not concerned with what you deem to be the "unforgivable sin". Jesus took care of your sin. God is just waiting for you to come to Him so that He can embrace you and rejoice over the fact that you have come home.

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May 12, 2008
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thank you all, I have ocd---and I was told ot come here and you all could help me and you have. :) I just have this fear that I think I'll be saved (& have this blind faith) and find out that in the end I wasn't.

Oh, sweetheart, :hug: if you repent of your sins and surrender your life over to Christ, then you are saved. Have you made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ?
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Dec 18, 2003
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thank you all, I have ocd---and I was told ot come here and you all could help me and you have. :) I just have this fear that I think I'll be saved (& have this blind faith) and find out that in the end I wasn't.

Salvation in early church times was not generally viewed in the same way it is viewed in modern Christianity. Generally it was viewed that salvation was something that would happen in the future when the corruptible puts on incorruption and the mortal puts on immortality.

The unforgivable sin that you referenced was taken from the passage where Jesus says all sins and blasphemies will be forgiven men except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Those who Jesus spoke this to accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan. What they were efffectively doing were cutting themselves off from the one person who could save them. It was not that God would not forgive them, but that they were by there actions cutting themselves off from the only who saves.

If someone is dangling about to fall to their death, I can hold out my hand to pull them to safety, but if they refuse saying "NO I WILL NEVER TAKE YOUR HAND" then that person has alienated themselves from their one source of help and if they continue in that state then they will eventually fall to their death because they refused to take my hand. It's the same way with God.
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Oct 23, 2003
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what do i need to get saved from? Hell & a life without God.

That's the rewards of salvation, I agree. What have you done that have kept you from this? The reason I ask is that I can tell you, and you will probably hear a lot, about the love of God. But unless we really understand that love, we won't repent. Heaven doesn't rejoice when one sinner accepts the love of God, it rejoices when one sinner repents. The love of God was demonstrated when God poured out His wrath on Jesus, when Jesus became a curse and became our sin. To understand that makes one turn from that sin, and it also makes one realize there is nothing they could do to pay the price for it. When we realize that, and confess Jesus is Lord, believe that God raised Him from the dead to show the payment has been made in full, then we can be assured we are Christian, because we can only point to Jesus as the author of our salvation and take no credit.
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im trying, but this fear keeps coming over me that God will not forgive me---i just dont see how i can ever know for sure that im saved ( i know that might seem like little faith) but it scares me so much.

Check your PM as soon as you can. :hug:
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Aug 16, 2005
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im trying, but this fear keeps coming over me that God will not forgive me---i just dont see how i can ever know for sure that im saved ( i know that might seem like little faith) but it scares me so much.

God has already forgiven you. When Jesus died on the cross for you, He was doing so for the forgiveness of your sins.

Don't be afraid. Nothing you've ever done has taken God by surprise or caused Him to Love you any less. You are forgiven, because He Loves you.

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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Why are you afraid?

that i'll have faith and get to know God and then when I die, I will not be forgiven and I will lose more than if I had not came to him. I'm afraid im unforgivable and that if i come to Him, it will anger Him. see i started to come to Him back in december but I didn't know that i had to have faith in Jesus. I tried to do it on my own and i got mixed up and my ocd became religious and it's been kinda down hill from there...
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