Freedom To Decide

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Walkin' and Singin'
Mar 15, 2009
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Something that happened very recently made me learn something about myself and about what is really important to me. I'd like to tell you about it and find out what you as Christians think. I'll be doing the same thing in the Non-Christian section.

I used to be a committed evangelical christian and my wife still is. Despite the changes that have happened to me, our relationship has thankfully become even stronger. We have 5 sons and one foster son.
My wife goes to an evangelical church across the road (she is there as I write) and 2 of my sons go too. All the boys have been given the choice to do as they wish in this regard.
A few days ago one of my sons (aged 14) suffered some hair loss, and I took him to the doctors. The main thing the doctor asked my son was whether he had been feeling stressed about anything, as this was often a cause of hair loss. He is taking blood tests as well.

Anyway, on leaving I asked my son who is an intelligent, sensitive, and usually confident boy (you’ll have to trust a doting Dad on that one) if he had been feeling stressed about something. I had in fact noticed a difference recently, but until this moment had not got any feedback about his feelings. He started to talk, and as he did he started to cry.

It turned out that he was anxious about the contradictions between some of the things he hears in church, and some things that he was hearing about what science says about the world. Although he didn’t say as much, it is possible that he was also concerned about the conflict between how all this affects how he relates to his mum and dad. It became clear that he hadn’t made his mind up about anything but was feeling confused, and perhaps a little scared.

We ended up having a lovely time together. I told him, in a struggling for words sought of way (as I have always tried to tell all the boys) that he should always feel free to question anything I say. Or anyone else for that matter. That I loved him whatever he believed or thought. That I knew his mum felt the same (she still loves me for goodness sake!) That he is the boss of his brain. That it wasn’t a bad thing to not understand something. That he should never feel scared to think his own thoughts. That making our own minds up about stuff was a big responsibility, but it is one that we should cherish. That not knowing the answers isn’t a bad thing. And I gave him (not an opportunity you always get with teenage boys) a massive cuddle! I think this is stuff that any loving parent would say and do in similar circumstances.

Ironically this whole area is something that had been concerning me recently, even before it became so personal. Whatever we believe or think about the world....and I mean whatever....shouldn’t we make it a priority that our children come to their own conclusions about freedom? When strong messages are being given out around them, shouldn’t we hold them and say with all the conviction and love we possess: “These are only the opinions of fragile human beings. You feel free as a bird to take them or leave them. There is lots of life and opinion out there in the world...go out, explore, and make up your own mind.”

I guess I’d be interested to discover if you feel the same as me about all of this. Thanks for any input.


Jul 2, 2008
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I believe that children are a gift from God and we as parents should teach them the ways of God.
Proverbs 22:6Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Ephesians 6:4 And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

It is necessary for children to explore ideas and the worrld buut it is important for parents to teach and guide them. When conflict of ideas occur, it is important to know the source of the information. Also what the Bible say about the situation. Then ask where one will put their trust in man's way or God's way.
I'll be praying for you and your family. Contact me if you have any questions.
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Walkin' and Singin'
Mar 15, 2009
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It is necessary for children to explore ideas and the worrld buut it is important for parents to teach and guide them. When conflict of ideas occur, it is important to know the source of the information. Also what the Bible say about the situation. Then ask where one will put their trust in man's way or God's way.
I'll be praying for you and your family. Contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for responding Seedling.

You say: "Then ask where one will put their trust in man's way or God's way"

My impression is that trying to define it in those terms may be what led to the stress that caused his hair to fall out.

That can't be a good thing, can it?
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Jan 27, 2009
Lynchburg VA
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It sounds like you are a good father, and if you aren't a christian I am not going to whack you over the head with Bible quotes as to why you should ground your child in the scripture. What I will say is it is not good for a kid to have to choose between his Mom and Dad. Every Sunday it sounds like they have to. Your son is battling who is right and is finding that aligning himself with ether side polarizes him from the other side. excuse me for being so bold but I would suggest all going to church maybe only every other week, this shows how although you and your wife don't agree you can respect each other 's convictions. This will show your son that the family is one cohesive unit. He will have the opportunity to experience both sides and make his decision while not being partial to mom or dad.
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Walkin' and Singin'
Mar 15, 2009
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...excuse me for being so bold but I would suggest all going to church maybe only every other week, this shows how although you and your wife don't agree you can respect each other 's convictions. This will show your son that the family is one cohesive unit. He will have the opportunity to experience both sides and make his decision while not being partial to mom or dad.

Thanks for your thoughts bibleblevr.

I can sort of see where you are you coming from with this, and it is something I would consider if I didn't think it would cause far more problems than it solves. I do attend the church occasionally btw when the children are taking part in the service.

The main problem with your suggestion is that although we would be giving the appearance of cohesiveness in this matter, it would in fact amount to living a lie. How far should I take your suggestion? Do I pretend that I believe what is being taught for the sake of family unity? If not, do I go home and refute what he has just heard at church? What about the children who don't want to will they feel about their place in the family? I for see far more problems arising in this scenario.

I think it is generally healthy for parents to have different interests. And I think it is good for children to see close up that people can be very different but still love each other.

Having said all that, I will discuss your suggestion with my son and see what he thinks. Cheers.
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