Approaching Homosexuality?

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After reading some of the replies I have to ask...

Did anyone notice that the OP asked a specific question and asked that you assume that homesexuality is sin and "IN THAT CONTEXT" how to deal with it?

That is how I understood the question. It seems very specific.

However, what I see here is many people trying to use this thread as their personal soap box. :doh:

How can anyone come here and get an honest answer?:scratch:
I don't always read the OP - in my opinion, a forum board is for more than just one person's question; I'm personally here to read all forms of input...
Most times I do read the OP, not always... sometimes I don't have time and just read the most recent page & address those issues...

The OP is also free anytime to hop in & complain or reask if they don't feel people are helping or contributing properly.
Just my 1/4 cent worth :holy: :angel:

But I totally agree with OlivePlants - if I boycott it's to send a message to a company that I don't want my money going to them when they support what I oppose.

Kinda like terrorism - if you find out the company you use funnels money into Muslim terrorism, are you so apt to keep buying from them? It's just the principle of it. And money DOES talk.

If a majority were to boycott, a company feels the pinch & sometimes changes their agenda. Money can be a powerful tool.
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Jan 5, 2007
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i think it is sad that the op's questions and the topic they bring up gets lost in the replies. i personally have not posted for a while because i was upset with this board because some people come here and need specific answer and sometimes never get there answers.

I agree Sin is sin is sin, the Bible is very specific about what is sin and what is not.
also boycotting is great if you can get the majority of buyers/payers to do it on a grand scae. but if you can't it's a waste of time.

witnessing to homosexuals is not hard at all. Just like any other people you don't witness to them by attacking a subject they feel passionate about, you deal with them with love and heart, then let God convict of the homosexuality, for only God and sometimes that person knows why somebody is in that paticual sin and who better to speak for God then God himself. convicting is not our job but the job of the holy spirit. If we are trying to convict/convence someone something is wrong with us. if we feel we have to do the holy spirits job. (sorry)

back to topic

as far as doing more a friend of mine has recently reminded me how much one person can do.

Say you get a homosexual saved that homosexual knows other and if they get saved they tell others. one persons decision to follow Jesus can do more then boycotting anyday.

Just my 2 cents
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Apr 14, 2006
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i think it is sad that the op's questions and the topic they bring up gets lost in the replies. i personally have not posted for a while because i was upset with this board because some people come here and need specific answer and sometimes never get there answers.

I agree Sin is sin is sin, the Bible is very specific about what is sin and what is not.
also boycotting is great if you can get the majority of buyers/payers to do it on a grand scae. but if you can't it's a waste of time.

witnessing to homosexuals is not hard at all. Just like any other people you don't witness to them by attacking a subject they feel passionate about, you deal with them with love and heart, then let God convict of the homosexuality, for only God and sometimes that person knows why somebody is in that paticual sin and who better to speak for God then God himself. convicting is not our job but the job of the holy spirit. If we are trying to convict/convence someone something is wrong with us. if we feel we have to do the holy spirits job. (sorry)

back to topic

as far as doing more a friend of mine has recently reminded me how much one person can do.

Say you get a homosexual saved that homosexual knows other and if they get saved they tell others. one persons decision to follow Jesus can do more then boycotting anyday.

Just my 2 cents
Again, I think the OP can stop in and READ the posts & tell everyone if they aren't happy with the replies too.
Not everyone follows entire threads or for long periods of time to know what all is going on.
Some jump in late, like me this time - & reply to others posts.

I don't make alot of threads, but the few I have, I'm IN THE THREAD asking more questions or contributing to it - some people don't always ask to know personally either.
Some people try to make threads to have threads around and for whatever other reasons. Not everyone has a personal interest in a Q. that they ask (I see that alot actually too - people start one & you never see them involved in the thread anywhere) & sometimes the thread Q. gets answered earlier on & further discussion breaks out from it.

Anyways, there's a good Christian ministry called Exodus who has a website that works with homosexuals to get them free of it. I've heard that they have a good track record.
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Apr 3, 2007
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As christians it's not our place to judge.

We need to educate our children first to love God, 2ndly to love the Bible, 3rdly to love following the Bible and lastly to seperate people from their sin.

As Christians we need to seperate the sin from the person. Yes, I do not agree with homosexuality and I believe it is a sin. But we are not here to judge and we can't 'hate' a person for the choices they have made.
Seperate the sin from the person!! There is nothing wrong with them knowing that you don't agree with their choice. But the Word teaches that we should still love them like Christ loved us.:)

Hope this helps or just sheds a light on another pesons views. Pray about this and pray about your heart.:prayer:

GOD BLESS !!!:thumbsup:
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Apr 14, 2006
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As christians it's not our place to judge.
Jhn 7:24
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

1Cr 6:3,5
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?..
1Cr 6:5
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

Luk 12:57
Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?

1Cr 5:12-13
For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? (the church/body of Christ) But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.​

1Cr 2:15
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
We actually are to judge people who are self proclaiming believers who are teaching, supporting & promoting known sin. God gives us that spiritual authority to divide from them. (and also gives instruction on not being too hard on them - gently taking them back in once they've repented).

And I do agree that we're to separate sin from the sinner - we don't condemn people, but we are to judge right from wrong & expose it for what it is. (Eph. 5:11).

This reminds me of that Westborough (sp?) Baptist "church" that crashes funerals with all kinds of hate signs & sick name calling. THAT is wrongful judging becuz it's not from LOVE - they're condemning people in joy. :sick: :doh: :swoon:

So I agree w/ your post to a degree but I think we do need to judge [correctly]; just use common sense & treat others like we'd want to be treated in doing so.
Give the truth in LOVE. :angel:
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Rom 1:28And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

If someone would like to expound on this a bit...I would be very appreciative. (If this should be a separate thread I'm happy to start one)

This verse concerns me greatly. God gave them over to a debased mind...

This reminds me of:

Exd 8:32 But Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also; neither would he let the people go.

Exd 10:20 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the children of Israel go.

Pharaoh hardened his heart repeatedly...and then the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart...he could not have changed his mind if he wanted to...

I consider this as I consider what is an effective way to minister or witness to the gay community (tough nut to crack).

Again...if this should be a separate thread...I'm happy to move it as I am very interested on thoughts regarding this particular Scripture.
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Apr 21, 2007
Burnie, Tasmania
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The one thing I think is atrocious about many so-called Christians is that they pick and choose which bits of the Bible they are going to abide by and then use everything else in it to push their own personal agenda (which usually includes gay-bashing).

This is appalling. God loves everyone; and homosexual sin is not listed in the Ten Commandments, but nobody has a caniption if someone has an adulterous affair or wishes they had the guy down the street's Ferrari.

I get really mad when it's not a big deal morally that some women are completely loose; or that men try to get themselves hooked up ten or fifteen times a night.

But, if someone is gay. Oh, call the Police. There's a gay on the rampage with his... or her... partner.

Now, I don't agree with anyone showing gratuitous displays of affection in public, whether that is straight or gay... It's not necessary. But if two people are holding hands, what is the big deal people?

Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.

These people deserve our compassion a great deal more than serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like. We need to start looking at people for who they are on the inside. How do they behave? Are they kind? Are they gentle? Do they believe in Christ? Do they genuinely love their partner? Do they want to live a normal life without being harrassed?

Most of them just want to live without fear of being bashed or murdered or ridiculed. Many teens commit suicide because their full-tilt Christian families would never accept them if they came out.

The sickness isn't in the people who are gay, but in the people who can't put aside their petty fears and prejudices.

I, for one, support people who strive to have a monogamous relationship, whether they are hetero or homo sexual. For anyone to make the commitment to be with one person for the rest of their lives, to raise a family and to be able to be a part of the Christian community gets my vote as a good citizen of any community.

Anti-gay Christians are hypocrites.
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Jun 26, 2004
Elizabethtown , PA , usa
The one thing I think is atrocious about many so-called Christians is that they pick and choose which bits of the Bible they are going to abide by and then use everything else in it to push their own personal agenda (which usually includes gay-bashing).

This is appalling. God loves everyone; and homosexual sin is not listed in the Ten Commandments, but nobody has a caniption if someone has an adulterous affair or wishes they had the guy down the street's Ferrari.

I get really mad when it's not a big deal morally that some women are completely loose; or that men try to get themselves hooked up ten or fifteen times a night.

But, if someone is gay. Oh, call the Police. There's a gay on the rampage with his... or her... partner.

Now, I don't agree with anyone showing gratuitous displays of affection in public, whether that is straight or gay... It's not necessary. But if two people are holding hands, what is the big deal people?

Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.

These people deserve our compassion a great deal more than serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like. We need to start looking at people for who they are on the inside. How do they behave? Are they kind? Are they gentle? Do they believe in Christ? Do they genuinely love their partner? Do they want to live a normal life without being harrassed?

Most of them just want to live without fear of being bashed or murdered or ridiculed. Many teens commit suicide because their full-tilt Christian families would never accept them if they came out.

The sickness isn't in the people who are gay, but in the people who can't put aside their petty fears and prejudices.

I, for one, support people who strive to have a monogamous relationship, whether they are hetero or homo sexual. For anyone to make the commitment to be with one person for the rest of their lives, to raise a family and to be able to be a part of the Christian community gets my vote as a good citizen of any community.

Anti-gay Christians are hypocrites.

I don't *completely* agree with your post but it does contain some truths . Christians tend to be obsessed with homosexuality because it is easier to deal with a problem that they don't think exists in their group than one that might be next to them in their pew ( or , even in their own seat ) . As you mentioned , adultry is quite common in christians circles ( especially in conservative christian circles ) . Yet , they want to give homosexuals more press-time .
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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The one thing I think is atrocious about many so-called Christians is that they pick and choose which bits of the Bible they are going to abide by and then use everything else in it to push their own personal agenda (which usually includes gay-bashing).

This is appalling. God loves everyone; and homosexual sin is not listed in the Ten Commandments, but nobody has a caniption if someone has an adulterous affair or wishes they had the guy down the street's Ferrari.

I get really mad when it's not a big deal morally that some women are completely loose; or that men try to get themselves hooked up ten or fifteen times a night.

But, if someone is gay. Oh, call the Police. There's a gay on the rampage with his... or her... partner.
This isn't grounded in reality. You're really stretching the truth. Just because a Christian believes that homosexuality is a sin doesn't automatically make him an extremist like Phelps.

Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.
They don't have the right to eros or dowd love other people of the same gender. That is between a husband and a wife only. Saying "gays have a right to love" in this way is like saying swindlers have the right to swindle.

These people deserve our compassion a great deal more than serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like. We need to start looking at people for who they are on the inside. How do they behave? Are they kind? Are they gentle? Do they believe in Christ? Do they genuinely love their partner? Do they want to live a normal life without being harrassed?
We are to love and reach out to sinners as Christ did. However, Christ did not excuse the sins of the tax collectors and prostitutes. He called them out of their sins.
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Nov 11, 2003
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The one thing I think is atrocious about many so-called Christians is that they pick and choose which bits of the Bible they are going to abide by and then use everything else in it to push their own personal agenda (which usually includes gay-bashing).

This is appalling. God loves everyone; and homosexual sin is not listed in the Ten Commandments, but nobody has a caniption if someone has an adulterous affair or wishes they had the guy down the street's Ferrari.

I get really mad when it's not a big deal morally that some women are completely loose; or that men try to get themselves hooked up ten or fifteen times a night.

But, if someone is gay. Oh, call the Police. There's a gay on the rampage with his... or her... partner.

Now, I don't agree with anyone showing gratuitous displays of affection in public, whether that is straight or gay... It's not necessary. But if two people are holding hands, what is the big deal people?

Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.

These people deserve our compassion a great deal more than serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like. We need to start looking at people for who they are on the inside. How do they behave? Are they kind? Are they gentle? Do they believe in Christ? Do they genuinely love their partner? Do they want to live a normal life without being harrassed?

Most of them just want to live without fear of being bashed or murdered or ridiculed. Many teens commit suicide because their full-tilt Christian families would never accept them if they came out.

The sickness isn't in the people who are gay, but in the people who can't put aside their petty fears and prejudices.

I, for one, support people who strive to have a monogamous relationship, whether they are hetero or homo sexual. For anyone to make the commitment to be with one person for the rest of their lives, to raise a family and to be able to be a part of the Christian community gets my vote as a good citizen of any community.

Anti-gay Christians are hypocrites.

You have made some very valid points. I agree with A LOT of what you said, I really do. :thumbsup:

I just can't agree that homosexuality is not a sin. I do see it as every other sin though. Homosexuals have to repent just as a liar does, God does not discriminate.

Many Christians do use it to push agendas, I agree with that. Many Christians like to pick fun at them because they are an easy target, and it makes their sins look reallllllllllllll good. ( They think anyway )..:amen:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
In My Father's Hands..No Safer Place To Be
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I don't *completely* agree with your post but it does contain some truths . Christians tend to be obsessed with homosexuality because it is easier to deal with a problem that they don't think exists in their group than one that might be next to them in their pew ( or , even in their own seat ) . As you mentioned , adultry is quite common in christians circles ( especially in conservative christian circles ) . Yet , they want to give homosexuals more press-time .

Exactly my point!

Just as much fornication, adultery, and sexual abusers and everything else you can name is going on by people who are Christians, as it is in the world. We are in no better shape. I swear if not for the Grace of God, NONE OF US will see the Lord..Not one of us! :thumbsup:
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Jan 20, 2007
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Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.

I snipped a large portion of your post because it seems there was quite a bit of Christian bashing. I personally don't feel comfortable with bashing of any type.

There is much talk about love and forgiveness...does that not apply as well to brothers and sisters?

I do not agree that gays do not have a "disease". They have the same "disease" we all were born with...the sin nature.

This is why I find Romans 1:28 so concerning. Is this Scripture saying that the sin of homosexuality is so deep that it can not be reached? Why did God give them over? Just the thought of this breaks my heart...but God's word is His word whether I like it or not. (no cherry picking)

There are people I care very deeply about that are in bondage to homosexual sin (and quite unhappy about it I might add...but how can anyone truly be happy separated from God) and I do not even want to entertain the possibility they are eternally lost.

I'm not sure I would use the term "heal" as much as I would use the term "released from the bondage of sin"

If we have the love of Jesus Christ in us...why would we not want to see everyone come to the saving grace that is offered by His loving sacrifice regardless of what form that bondage comes in (ie adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunkeness, drug abuse, covetness etc...)
These people deserve our compassion a great deal more than serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like. We need to start looking at people for who they are on the inside.
I don't mean to be antagonistic here but the truth is that none of us "deserve" anything but the righteous judgement of Holy God.

Another truth is that even serial killers, rapists, child molesters and the like...if they come to sincere repentance and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be forgiven whether we deem it appropriate or not. Does not Paul (Saul) set an example of a wicked, murderous, persecuting heart before he met Jesus on the road to Damascus? How about King David? The Bible is filled with great men and women of God who messed up on more than one occasion.

The very awesome thing about God is that by the sacrifice of His Son we do get what we don't deserve and that is the grace of God and forgiveness of our sin.

Also by His mercy we do not get what we do deserve which is His Holy Wrath.

Compassion? None of us are even remotely capable of the compassion and agape love of Jesus Christ. It is only in Him that we can love in any worthy measure.

It is in the agape love of Jesus Christ that we are compelled to reach out to the lost. To have compassion for them. And that includes the brothers and sisters that make you "sick to your stomach".

How do they behave? Are they kind? Are they gentle? Do they believe in Christ? Do they genuinely love their partner? Do they want to live a normal life without being harrassed?
As heart breaking as it is...there are many kind, gentle, good natured, hard working and loving people (regardless of sexual preference) that will not see the kingdom of God.

Do they believe in Christ...a more important question is have they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Have they invited the Holy Spirit into them to be conformed and to live transformed lives to the glory of God?

Why anyone would be more concerned with an earthly existance rather than the possibility of eternal separation from God is beyond me. How is that in anyway showing love and compassion? This life is but a vapor compared to eternity.

Most of them just want to live without fear of being bashed or murdered or ridiculed.
This is how believers want to live their lives as well. The word plainly tells us this is not the case. We will be persecuted for the sake of the Cross. We will be hated for His Name's sake.

The first time I read Scripture pertaining to these truths, it never even occured to me that the persecution and hatred would not only come from the world...but from other believers as well.

Many teens commit suicide because their full-tilt Christian families would never accept them if they came out.
This is hard for me to understand as well. I can not fathom that something like this comes from the love of God. The enemy...absolutely. I think it's a huge injustice to even suggest that a Christian family would not accept their own children...but Jesus Christ also tells us in Matthew 10 starting in verse 34...

"Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

v35 "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

v36 "and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household'

This particular Scripture is quite unsettling to me...but that does not make it any less the words of Jesus Christ Himself. ( cherry picking)
The sickness isn't in the people who are gay, but in the people who can't put aside their petty fears and prejudices.
I totally agree with you. And I am very glad you used the word "people" instead of Christians this time.

I think there needs to be a lot of discernment when we use the word "Christian" I personally do not believe this is a term that should be used lightly or confused with people who claim to be christian as opposed to those who are "followers" of Jesus Christ.

There are, sadly, many who profess a belief in Jesus Christ that have not yet learned how to acutally pick up their crosses and follow Him. Who believe in Him and yet follow the teaching of the world instead.
I, for one, support people who strive to have a monogamous relationship, whether they are hetero or homo sexual. For anyone to make the commitment to be with one person for the rest of their lives, to raise a family and to be able to be a part of the Christian community gets my vote as a good citizen of any community.
Which Christian community are you referring to? The Christian community that embraces sin in the name of the love?

Or the Christian community that embraces Jesus Christ and reaches out in His love to the lost for the hope of salvation that only comes in Him?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Romans 6:22 But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlastinglife.
Anti-gay Christians are hypocrites.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this?

Applying this same mind-set...would this also mean that anti-christian christians are hypocrites as well or would this simply be an oxymoron?

My thoughts are...that before we go about defining the perceived hate in others...we should consider how hateful we might be behaving ourselves.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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This is why I find Romans 1:28 so concerning. Is this Scripture saying that the sin of homosexuality is so deep that it can not be reached? Why did God give them over? Just the thought of this breaks my heart...but God's word is His word whether I like it or not. (no cherry picking)

There are people I care very deeply about that are in bondage to homosexual sin (and quite unhappy about it I might add...but how can anyone truly be happy separated from God) and I do not even want to entertain the possibility they are eternally lost.
Well, the good news is found in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
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Well, the good news is found in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

Thank you brother! I know it is possible to come out of the homosexual lifestyle (sin). I've heard the testimony of a few that have and they have also started awesome outreach ministries.

All the hoopla over this issue really started me thinking with all the threads and posts supporting homosexuality...I was beginning to consider is this what God was talking about...just give them over to their sin? Or as I this particular sin so deep...not many will be reached? Will there come a point, where like Pharaoh, they will refuse God so many times that there will no longer be an option? I guess that would apply to anyone that hardens their heart to God...

I still do not fully understand Romans 1:28 but you are absolutely correct...

the good new is 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

God bless you brother!
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Originally Posted by Jaisen
Gays have the right to love. They do not have a disease, and all these ministries that want to 'heal' them make me sick to my stomach. They didn't ask to be born gay. There seem to be quite a few folks here that would probably agree with me.
I'll reply to the same snippet Chris did ;)

I'd like to say this, I didn't ask to be born with the weaknesses I have to certain sins - or with other issues I live with on a daily basis... but I have to live with them nonetheless.

We are ALL born with sin natures - everyone struggles with a proclivity to one certain sin (or more) above others and it's near impossible not to give into them. We all have the duty to FIGHT AGAINST SIN and living how we know God doesn't want us to.

What makes a homosexual any less able than me to be rid of a sin they're drawn to than the ones I'm drawn to?
If I gave you the story of my life, you'de probly be saying "I can see why she would want to do this" - & whatever.
Who DOESN'T suffer as a Christian? Jesus said we had to pick up our crosses to follow Him. He also said if your eye causes you to sin, PLUCK IT OUT, it's better enter heaven blind than enter hell eternally.

How much is sin worth to us that we just throw up our hands & say , 'gays should be able to love who they're attracted to".... I'm attracted to people I"m not supposed to have to. WHAT ABOUT ME? :cry:
What is dying to sin? It's not meant to be a cakewalk that we give into just becuz we should be able to be "happy".
Are we worthy of being called a child of God if we refuse to be unhappy in this life?

Lastly, they aren't BORN GAY - they are born with a SIN NATURE and that is there bent/weakness. Mine is something else - either way, as Christians we're to supress that flesh and DIE to it to obey God instead.
It's our call as a believer.
Eternity is too long a time to make the mistake of being wrong on this issue. Nothing I"d gamble my soul over!.:eek:
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Jul 28, 2005
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Exactly my point!

Just as much fornication, adultery, and sexual abusers and everything else you can name is going on by people who are Christians, as it is in the world. We are in no better shape. I swear if not for the Grace of God, NONE OF US will see the Lord..Not one of us! :thumbsup:

Im with you here sister!

I recently saw a friend who got divorced and is now re-marrying. I know her heart has hardened to the Lord becuase she feels she is "livinig in sin" but that only makes me pray harder for her. In my mind, the same goes for anyone living with or "in sin". Pray for the sinners of the world and constantly remind them that Jesus died for our sins.

If we believe that fact and bring Him into our hearts we will be saved. Even our homosexual brothers and sisters.
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Apr 21, 2007
Burnie, Tasmania
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So my point is this, where I live, the community is highly 'Christian' in nature - that is to say, that there is practically a church on every corner of every denomination you can imagine.

There is a gay couple in the next town over; they have improved tourism and economy in our region due to their redevelopment and promotion of a local market.

Because they are gay, the 'Christian' community harrasses them, nails dead rabbits to their door and sends filthy anti-gay letters to all the residents asking them to basically run these guys out of the region.

That is not Christian like behaviour.

I am not 'Christian bashing', but trying to make the point that it is hypocritical of any Christian to take this kind of stance, where they do not show the ability to keep their opinions to themselves. To put these kinds of actions into the limelight only shows how narrow-minded anti-gay people are.

The majority of anti-gay folks are members of some kind of 'Christian' community and as such, they use the Bible to back themselves up; but are just as likely to go and have an extra-marital relationship or perve on members of the opposite gender and not blink an eyelid over it.

That, is hypocrisy. A real Christian would not judge these gay folks. A real Christian would not try to "heal" a gay person. A real Christian would be compassionate and understanding, as Jesus was; that is my point here.

If you're going to say you're a Christian, you should behave like one and try to care about these folks.

As for suicides... You would be surprised. In our region it is definitely a problem, because the majority of families all go to Church. These kids off themselves because they feel that they will be ostracised from their families - which some have been after coming out. They are forced to leave home because their families are disgusted, angry and resentful towards them. For this reason, these poor kids feel helpless and alone and kill themselves, rather than be an embarrassment to their highly religious families.

You would be surprised when you research these matters. I'm not saying it happens in every community, but it does happen here and it's appalling and makes me very sad that people are so narrow-minded as to ostracise their own friends and family just because someone turns out to gay. What difference does it make?

Why anyone would be more concerned with an earthly existance rather than the possibility of eternal separation from God is beyond me. How is that in anyway showing love and compassion? This life is but a vapor compared to eternity.

Then why bother even being born in the first place?

Are you saying it's okay to gay-bash because this is just someplace to hang out until we pass on?

Are you saying it's completely acceptable to suffer as a gay, or whatever, because if we believe in Christ our reward will be greater when we get to Heaven if we are believers?

I don't think so. Sure, as believers of Christ, we get razzed about being Christians or religious, or whatever, but nowhere near the extent that gay folks do. I have not heard of a Christian in a western country being bashed to death because they're a Christian. How many gays get severly beaten or murdered just on the provision that they're gay?

I'm just trying to get people to realise that if you say you're a Christian, then you should behave like one and not ostracise folks on the basis of their sexuality.

I'm a follower of Christ and I embrace all folks equally. I want everyone I know to get into the Kingdom of heaven and I try to teach that Jesus is the way and the life... I have gay folks that I know who are so indoctrinated that they're going to burn in hell, they completely abandoned Christ altogether. That is a sad indictment on what mainstream Christianity has done to their faith... don't you think?
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Jul 28, 2005
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I'm a follower of Christ and I embrace all folks equally. I want everyone I know to get into the Kingdom of heaven and I try to teach that Jesus is the way and the life... I have gay folks that I know who are so indoctrinated that they're going to burn in hell, they completely abandoned Christ altogether. That is a sad indictment on what mainstream Christianity has done to their faith... don't you think?

It hurts to read but this dude speaks the truth...

We must lead them to Jesus by the examples we set and the compassion and love we show...
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Apr 14, 2006
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So my point is this, where I live, the community is highly 'Christian' in nature - that is to say, that there is practically a church on every corner of every denomination you can imagine.

There is a gay couple in the next town over; they have improved tourism and economy in our region due to their redevelopment and promotion of a local market.

Because they are gay, the 'Christian' community harrasses them, nails dead rabbits to their door and sends filthy anti-gay letters to all the residents asking them to basically run these guys out of the region.

That is not Christian like behaviour.

I am not 'Christian bashing', but trying to make the point that it is hypocritical of any Christian to take this kind of stance, where they do not show the ability to keep their opinions to themselves. To put these kinds of actions into the limelight only shows how narrow-minded anti-gay people are.

The majority of anti-gay folks are members of some kind of 'Christian' community and as such, they use the Bible to back themselves up; but are just as likely to go and have an extra-marital relationship or perve on members of the opposite gender and not blink an eyelid over it.

That, is hypocrisy. A real Christian would not judge these gay folks. A real Christian would not try to "heal" a gay person. A real Christian would be compassionate and understanding, as Jesus was; that is my point here.

If you're going to say you're a Christian, you should behave like one and try to care about these folks.

As for suicides... You would be surprised. In our region it is definitely a problem, because the majority of families all go to Church. These kids off themselves because they feel that they will be ostracised from their families - which some have been after coming out. They are forced to leave home because their families are disgusted, angry and resentful towards them. For this reason, these poor kids feel helpless and alone and kill themselves, rather than be an embarrassment to their highly religious families.

You would be surprised when you research these matters. I'm not saying it happens in every community, but it does happen here and it's appalling and makes me very sad that people are so narrow-minded as to ostracise their own friends and family just because someone turns out to gay. What difference does it make?

Then why bother even being born in the first place?

Are you saying it's okay to gay-bash because this is just someplace to hang out until we pass on?

Are you saying it's completely acceptable to suffer as a gay, or whatever, because if we believe in Christ our reward will be greater when we get to Heaven if we are believers?

I don't think so. Sure, as believers of Christ, we get razzed about being Christians or religious, or whatever, but nowhere near the extent that gay folks do. I have not heard of a Christian in a western country being bashed to death because they're a Christian. How many gays get severly beaten or murdered just on the provision that they're gay?

I'm just trying to get people to realise that if you say you're a Christian, then you should behave like one and not ostracise folks on the basis of their sexuality.

I'm a follower of Christ and I embrace all folks equally. I want everyone I know to get into the Kingdom of heaven and I try to teach that Jesus is the way and the life... I have gay folks that I know who are so indoctrinated that they're going to burn in hell, they completely abandoned Christ altogether. That is a sad indictment on what mainstream Christianity has done to their faith... don't you think?
K, but there's a big difference in our SUPPORTING the sin and us 'befriending' the lost or those in sin.

If you read 1 Cor 5, the chapter is on church discipline. Now I know it's not for us privately, it's a corporate action that needs to be taken if or when any people are OPENLY practicing sin as a regular lifestyle as it's being promoted by them openly.
Those types of people are what the bible calls "leven" - their sin (if left ignored) will end up harming the whole congregation if it's not dealt with properly (and it's why I think some churches are being wiped out from effective service).

Anyways, we can befriend them without supporting their sinful lifestyles. It's not about hatred. Their sin is no worse than the prostitute, the drug pusher, the adulterer...
We have to be careful in how we handle situations as believers. We don't treat all situations the same - it takes discernment when to speak out, when to just show love & kindness, when to take disciplinary action on anyone's part.
It's not a cookie cutter type thing; one size fits all.

Lastly, I don't live by any gays (that I know of), & I have no calling from God to serve in this area - for now.
So I have no homosexuals to reach out to... & many other Christians don't as well.
Just becuz I don't know any or work in networks involving gay outreaches doesn't mean I hate them or don't care either.

We ALL have missions God puts us to work in - not everyone is called to homosexuality.
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Sep 20, 2006
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This may seem harsh, but it's probably better to stay a virgin and single for your whole life. (I will probably be with someone though) Jesus was never with anyone. It's a big sacrifice to do that. The Bible says that the virgins are holy.

1 Corinthians 7:34:
There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world&#8212;how she may please her husband.
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