question for chistians

peaceful soul

Senior Veteran
Sep 4, 2003
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the OT:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."
"His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."
In the Hebrew language ‘im’ is added for respect. Similarly ‘im’ is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is yet present.

Anyways, of course the Bible doesn't refer to Islam (submission to the Lord). The Bible (Greek for book) is series of excerpts from numerous texts that often contradict each other and that closely resembles the Qumran texts. It is obvious that this is not the Gospel Jesus (pbuh) used to preach with; the Bible is an offshoot stem that has gone astray from the mainstream message of Jesus (pbuh) which is submission to God.

You should stop quoting what others say and read things for yourself to understand if a claim is true. Relying upon Muslims for your source of Christianity is an unwise move since Muslims, by definition, have no stake in understanding the Bible in its true nature, since it would go against their a priori beliefs. Would you want me to take the word of atheist, for example, to understand the Qu'ran? No. Not because they are atheist, but because they are not likely to accurately describe what I believe and the scripture's true interpretation. They are more likely to use sloppy scholarship in interpretations, and not really care if they did not get a specific meaning or concept correctly understood. And for those who are careful, they still have a tendency to distort scripture to fit their world view. This is not to say that they cannot understand the Bible, but that they are not likely to be trained to understand it in its proper context. Does that make sense?

Perhaps your Muslim sources are good with Islamic material, but that does not qualify them to become authoritative on Christianity. You make yourself gullible for their authority in matters that they have not been trained to interpret and understand from a Biblical prospective. Think and read before you post to save yourself from some potential embarrassment. On the other hand, maybe you don't care.
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Islam_mulia said:
My POV is that it is very difficult to interprete the miraculous actions of the prophets, by the will of God, using modern scientific discoveries. You cannot 'prove' the crucifixion and resurrection just as much as you cannot prove Muhammad (pbuh) split the moon by the will of God.

You're talking about two different things. Classic Christians have never attempted to interpret miraculous actions by science. We don't try and explain away the walking on water by saying there was a sandbank there or something.

I'm not talking about making them reasonable by explaining them with scientific properties. I'm not talking about science at all. I'm talking about using historical methods to prove something happened- that there is a historic core to the events reported in the Scriptures.

And by standard historical methods, it can be proven that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified.

It is a mere exaggeration, added with a dose of dishonesty, to say that you can use 'modern historical methods' to prove the miracles, the crucifixion and resurrection.
Maybe you just haven't done the research, or just ignore it so nothing challenges your beliefs...

1. How do prove that the NT 'accurately potrays Isa' (pbuh) while the Quran does not? Interesting proposition and I like to hear more of this.
Ok basic historiography- primary documents and secondary documents. Primary documents are written closer to the time, whereas secondary documents are written based on primary documents. History is based off primary documents.

Without going too much into it... the New Testament writings, particurally the Gospels and the Pauline epistles, are primary documents. They are reflections of the original apostolic community on the events. Moreover, they reflect numerous, varied, and even tensious viewpoints, and yet agree on the historical core. Their disention on some matters makes their agreement on others all the more impressive. Mark, John, Paul, and Hebrews represent four independent first century sources testifying to the crucifixion of Christ. First century non-Christian historians like Josephus and Tacitus also testify to the event. The crucifixion is also consonant with standing orders against messianic leaders in Judea.

The Qur'an was written centuries later, after the fall of the Roman Empire, by a different ethnic group with no firsthand knowledge.

On a purely historical basis, the New Testament documents are exceedingly more reliable as sources to discover the historical core behind our varied Jesus-legends than the Qur'an. Have you ever wondered why no historical Jesus scholar, even those who are very, very pro-Islam (Robert Eisenmann), have ever used the Qur'an as a source? It's basic history.

If we can say anything about the historical Jesus (and we can say quite a lot), the most universally attested fact is that he was crucified. What does an Arabic document written centuries later have to contradict that?

2. The hadiths are possible narrations of Muhammad (pbuh) and the accuracy of the hadith can be ascertained by its consistency with the Quran and other sahih hadiths. If the argument is of divine origin, you should compare the Quran, not hadith, with the bible.
I'm not talking about inspiration and divine origin. I'm simply comparing historical testaments to Jesus and Muhammad, hence why I'm talking about the hadiths and not the Qur'an.

3. The consistency in the bible cannot be compared with the consistency in the Quran. You'll find many differences in narrations in the gospels according to mk, mt, lk and jn. You do not have inconsistencies in the Quran.
You're not arguing with an inerrantist, or someone who believes in verbal inspiration. You're arguing with a historian. Contradictions don't bother me, and in fact they make the core agreements all the more impressive since they meet the criterion of multiple attestation- a central criterion in historical investigation.

To start with, God says in the Quran that the book is from God alone, there is no discrepanise in the book, and He challenges you to prove otherwise. There is nothing in the bible that says the 66 books are from God and you do have a clear and explicit differences in the bible, with or wothout scribal errors.
So? Just because it claims to be inspired doesn't mean it is. Even if that were so, then wouldn't 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:15-16 convince you?

And internal consistency is no argument for inspiration. Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is internally consistent. The question is whether or not it is consistent with external reality. Your probabilities fare far worse than our's in this respect.

Raul7 said:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:
"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."

This is absolute nonesense. It's not Muhammad. It's machmaddim.

In the Hebrew language ‘im’ is added for respect. Similarly ‘im’ is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim.
Nonesense! The Hebrew 'im' just means plural! (For instance, perush is singular for Pharisee, whereas perushim is plural for Pharisees)

Anyways, of course the Bible doesn't refer to Islam (submission to the Lord). The Bible (Greek for book) is series of excerpts from numerous texts that often contradict each other and that closely resembles the Qumran texts.
What does the name 'Bible' have do to with anything?

As for excerpts- what historical and textual evidence do you have? Just the Qur'an? I'm not trying to insult the Qur'an or your religious sensibilities, but I'm speaking on purely historical grounds, and on historical grounds the Qur'an is not a useful or reliable testimony in tracing the textual development of considerably more ancient Scriptures.

And what to the Qumran texts/Dead Sea Scrolls have to do with anything? If anything, their conformity to the Masoretic and LXX textual norm is a critical tool that shows the antiquity of the text as-is. By what critical techniques of evaluation does the seventh century Qur'an judge the accuracy of far more ancient texts? It doesn't- it makes bold, open, sweeping claims without reason or merit.

It is obvious that this is not the Gospel Jesus (pbuh) used to preach with; the Bible is an offshoot stem that has gone astray from the mainstream message of Jesus (pbuh) which is submission to God.
The gospel Jesus preached was the coming and arrival of the kingdom of God through his very person. Scholars moderate and liberal affirm this basic fact.

Do you even know what gospel (euangelion) means? It's the same Greek word used by ambassadors of Rome to announce the ascension of a new Caesar. The very use of the term gospel implies the rule of a king- a king named Jesus Christ, to whom we submit as Lord.
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Respect Catholics and the Mother Church!
Jul 17, 2005
At The Feet of Jesus
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Thanks for your comment,

I'd like to refer you to the following aya of the Quran :

(6)Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
( سورة الممتحنة , Al-Mumtahina, Chapter #60, Verse #8)

(7)Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.
( سورة الممتحنة , Al-Mumtahina, Chapter #60, Verse #9)​

Saying: if you want to judge any one or any group
and you want to come to a right conclusion you must judge them
through their actions and their behaviors – are they compatible
with their belief or not?
But if you want to judge the belief itself you must refer to its authentic resources.
Doing that with Islam and Muslims I'm sure you'll change your


Well, I believe in practicing what you preach first of all.

I would also like to add this...During the Cold War, the US and her allies fought a common enemy called "Communism". Now, if you actually do a little research, you will find that Communism has never existed in this world. Instead, the governments we opposed were Socialistic Totalitarianisms. However, the world at large knew them as Communist. So, there are a few conclusions that we must determine are right or wrong about the Muslim religion:

A: The Muslim religon has never really existed because no one has really practiced it as it was taught by Allah via His prophet Mohammad.

B: The people who call themselves Muslim and support the annihilation of non-Muslims are not "true" Muslims.

C: The Muslim religion is not really from God, but Satan.

Which of these is correct? Is there an alternative that I have missed? If you answer B, why don't "real" Muslims rise up and unite with Christians and Jews to wipe out these heretical extremists who are murdering in the name of Allah?

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Feb 12, 2007
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Well, I believe in practicing what you preach first of all.

I would also like to add this...During the Cold War, the US and her allies fought a common enemy called "Communism". Now, if you actually do a little research, you will find that Communism has never existed in this world. Instead, the governments we opposed were Socialistic Totalitarianisms. However, the world at large knew them as Communist. So, there are a few conclusions that we must determine are right or wrong about the Muslim religion:

A: The Muslim religon has never really existed because no one has really practiced it as it was taught by Allah via His prophet Mohammad.

B: The people who call themselves Muslim and support the annihilation of non-Muslims are not "true" Muslims.

C: The Muslim religion is not really from God, but Satan.

Which of these is correct? Is there an alternative that I have missed? If you answer B, why don't "real" Muslims rise up and unite with Christians and Jews to wipe out these heretical extremists who are murdering in the name of Allah?


Now the US is busy fighting a new war, the war against Islam. Thus when someone invades us, we are allowed to retaliate. However, it does not mean we kill innocent civilians - we are only allowed to kill those who are killing us (ie. troops).

Anyways, it is not for you to judge who are true Muslims and who aren't. Let God be the Ultimate Judge.

How would you like it if I concluded that Christianity is just a deviant Satanic sect that has nothing to do with Jesus's (pbuh) teachings rather it is based on second-hand hypocritical accounts, the Qumran Scrolls and Roman-pagan traditions?
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Respect Catholics and the Mother Church!
Jul 17, 2005
At The Feet of Jesus
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Now the US is busy fighting a new war, the war against Islam. Thus when someone invades us, we are allowed to retaliate. However, it does not mean we kill innocent civilians - we are only allowed to kill those who are killing us (ie. troops).

Anyways, it is not for you to judge who are true Muslims and who aren't. Let God be the Ultimate Judge.

How would you like it if I concluded that Christianity is just a deviant Satanic sect that has nothing to do with Jesus's (pbuh) teachings rather it is based on second-hand hypocritical accounts, the Qumran Scrolls and Roman-pagan traditions?

Nice dodge, but this isn't a game of dodgeball. The war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq is not against Islam, and you know that. It is against those who threaten the peace of the world.

Second, since when didn't Muslim Extremist kill innocents? I suppose all those car bombs against the Jews and US military are justifiable by the Qu'ran, and the 911 attacks were also justifiable homicide?

Next, judge Christianity by Jesus and the Bible. If we are not following both, then, yes, judge us as Satanic. We cannot serve two masters. We will love one and hate the other.

Now, answer the questions: A, B, or C? If there is an alternative D, please let me know.

I noticed that you did nothing to condemn the militant Muslims who are participating and celebrating mass murder. Where is the love of Allah?

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Senior Veteran
Jan 17, 2005
If we can say anything about the historical Jesus (and we can say quite a lot), the most universally attested fact is that he was crucified. What does an Arabic document written centuries later have to contradict that?
The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ is "the most universally attested fact"? You must be kidding me.

Tell you what: We can have a friendly discussion, just you and me. What I need you to show is simply:

i) since you mentioned primary and secondary documents, show the readers here a 'primary document' (Jewish, Romans, etc) that is most universally accepted (ie. scholars do not argue over its authenticity) written within a few years of Christ 'crucifixion'.

ii) We know that Jesus had 12 disciples plus a self-confessed apostle. To have a fair discussions on his supposed crucifixion, we will not discuss biblical narrations (otherwise it would be circular reasonings). Let us use what you call 'historical methods'. What do the 12 disciples say of Jesus and his 'crucifixion'?

I'm not talking about inspiration and divine origin. I'm simply comparing historical testaments to Jesus and Muhammad, hence why I'm talking about the hadiths and not the Qur'an.

You're not arguing with an inerrantist, or someone who believes in verbal inspiration. You're arguing with a historian. Contradictions don't bother me, and in fact they make the core agreements all the more impressive since they meet the criterion of multiple attestation- a central criterion in historical investigation.
Unfortunately, your historical methods cannot prove the existence of Christ. In that absence, you and me believe that Jesus exists, like Abraham and Moses, through our faith.

As for Muhammad (pbuh) existence, you can use the Constitution of Medina as an example.

So? Just because it claims to be inspired doesn't mean it is. Even if that were so, then wouldn't 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:15-16 convince you?
The two do not say that all the 66 books are inspired. I will not elaborate on this unless you want me to (trust me, it will not be good for you)

And internal consistency is no argument for inspiration. Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is internally consistent. The question is whether or not it is consistent with external reality. Your probabilities fare far worse than our's in this respect.
Well, for a start Karl Marx is NOt God and his writings are not inspired. You'll probably see lots of discrepancies in his work, just like in the writings of unknown writers of the bible.

Right, you also touch on external consitency... which is good to evaluate the divine origin of a text. Btw, in the context of historical evidence and external consistency, do you have any evidence that a city of Nazareth exists during Christ' time?
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Originally Posted by Raul7
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the OT:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."
"His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."
In the Hebrew language ‘im’ is added for respect. Similarly ‘im’ is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is yet present.

Anyways, of course the Bible doesn't refer to Islam (submission to the Lord). The Bible (Greek for book) is series of excerpts from numerous texts that often contradict each other and that closely resembles the Qumran texts. It is obvious that this is not the Gospel Jesus (pbuh) used to preach with; the Bible is an offshoot stem that has gone astray from the mainstream message of Jesus (pbuh) which is submission to God.
:) Can't argue with that. :wave:

(Young) Romans 10:13 for every one--whoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, he shall be saved.'

Luke 21:28 and these things beginning to happen bend yourselves back, and lift up your heads, because your redemption doth draw nigh.'
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How would you like it if I concluded that Christianity is just a deviant Satanic sect that has nothing to do with Jesus's (pbuh) teachings rather it is based on second-hand hypocritical accounts, the Qumran Scrolls and Roman-pagan traditions?

That would not be factual and would be simply your ignorance.
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