The Lord Knows Your True Heart Condition!

During the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry He had many clashes with the religious people of that day who claimed to be God’s people, but as was proved out were truly practicing nothing more than their own manmade doctrines and traditions in God’s name. You see, Jesus knew the true condition of the heart of these self-proclaimed believers. “So He (Jesus) said to them (religious people), ‘You are the ones who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is prized among men is detestable before God.’” Luke 16:15 Thus, no matter what someone says or practices outwardly, the Lord knows the true condition of every heart. “He (Jesus) did not need any testimony about man, for He knew what was in a man.” John 2:25

Today’s “Christianity” within the local church system has become the modern version of the religious people Jesus encountered during His earthly ministry. These self-proclaimed believers practice their manmade doctrines and traditions in the name of Christ. However, Jesus knows the true heart condition of the hearts or those who proclaim to know Him. I am confident it is a painful thing for Jesus to deal with the many unbelieving hearts falsely believing, just as the Scribes and Pharisees, that they are living a righteous life. However, if we know the truth we also know that we can never live a righteous life outside of Christ. Yet, today’s local church system offers a path that tells those who follow it that they can gain a life of righteousness by following their manmade doctrines and practices. Regrettably, the teachings found in the many local churches produces the same kind of believers as the Scribes and Pharisees who confronted Jesus. Thus, the Lord’s message for today’s churchgoers is what He told the Scribes and Pharisees, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17

Jesus is calling His followers out of this world, to include those who are following this world’s manmade local church system that claims the name of Christ. This includes countless organizations going by names such as Evangelicals, Bible Believing, and a multitude of denominational and non-denomination labels. Jesus said we must be spiritually reborn (born again) to become a true child of God. He also said this only happens when we completely surrender our lives in this world to serve His kingdom forevermore. This does not mean that we can simply pray some sinner’s pray with our lips, join some church, read our bible, pray, etc. to become children of God. Instead, this means we must turn away from this world, not just in word and deed, but also with our hearts as we repent of a self-focused life here on earth. Moreover, this means we must humble ourselves and submit everything that we are to become what He wants us to be. Therefore, our words and deeds are no longer ours, but they are now His as we allow the Holy Spirit to have full control of our lives every day. Anyone can become a churchgoer, but only those who turn away from their own lives in this world can become a true believer.

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 This means we have to stop thinking with our grown-up independent mindset (surrender it) and become totally trusting in the Lord as a child trusts their parents in all things. However, this is not easy for adults, as they want to be in control of and understand all things. Remember, Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” Matthew 7:21 The Fathers’ will is that we stop thinking as the world has taught us to think and totally trust in God in ALL things. MANY make the claim to know Christ and in truth only have a religious relationship with Him. This means they do not actually have a personal relationship with Him, but instead they truthfully have a personal relationship with today’s local church system.

Therefore, I urge you to search your own heart. Are you simply a churchgoer, or do you truly have a personal relationship with Christ. Your eternal existence depends on what your true heart condition is. Jesus knows the true intentions of your heart and knows if you are all in, or if your heart has settled for a compromised life in this world. Jesus illustrated what this means in His Parable of the Two Sons. In this parable, we find a great analogy from our Lord illustrating how people react to His gospel message. Some will make the claim to follow Christ and yet never surrender their lives, while others (the few) will resist and even outwardly reject this message, but in the end surrender their lives in this world to follow Christ.

“But what do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first one and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ‘I will not,’ he replied. But later he changed his mind and went. Then the man went to the second son and told him the same thing. ‘I will, sir,’ he said. But he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?” “The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in a righteous way and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.” Matthew 21:28-32 Do not be like a religious person who says I will surrender everything, but does not. Instead, be the obedient child who submits everything to serve heaven forevermore. “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matthew 12:50

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