The Book Of Romans (Notes and Thoughts)

Study of the Book of Romans:

John 16:13-14 “13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
It is my intent that for the next thirty days or more to take an extensive looks into the Book of Romans. In doing so I want to prove to myself and others that Jesus has given His words to the Holy Spirit to declare to us (the Church) everything we need to know. According to the Book of John 16:13-14 Jesus made it clear (and even promised) that the Holy Spirit will guide/lead/teach us (the Church) into ALL truth. Not only would the Holy Spirit come to lead us into ALL truth, He has come to tell us of things to come and to declare everything of Jesus to us. With this in mind, I have chosen to embark on this journey to grasp a greater understanding of the Book of Romans because many scholars proclaim that this was Paul’s most extensive and most intellectually piece of writing both of his day and even until now. Personally, I know the reason behind this and it is because Jesus made it clear to Paul while he was being taught in the Arabian Desert for 3 years. He was in constant communication and schooling during the time he had in the desert with Jesus. ( It was as though it was a second tour of duty for Jesus and his disciple)

The Book of Romans has been labeled the most comprehensive piece of writing directed towards the Church to encourage, teach, indoctrinate and rebuke the understandings of the foundational truths prepared by Jesus for His body. Romans will discuss many doctrinal issues; throughout the Book of Romans and it is my intent to grasp these truths so that I may obtain a thorough understanding of why I believe what I believe.
Romans 1:1-16 (Notes and Thoughts)

Out of the first sixteen verses written here is what I got out of them:

1.)God has a special plan for everyone; in this case for Paul it was to be an apostle to the Gentiles. As far as our calling, we the church (or even the pagan) have a particular design by God to complete a specific task. God never calls us to do more than what He requires of us meaning, we will be judged by God based solely on what He has called us to do “nothing more-nothing less”.

2.)God knows all things! Meaning, He has thoroughly laid out in scripture His intent for mankind including the “God-Man” Jesus. He declared through the prophets the coming of a Messiah that would deliver the people of the world from their sin and from their bondage. He also declared through the prophets and scripture of the coming kingdom that God will set up and where Jesus will sit on the throne of King David during the millennial reign.

3.)Through Jesus we (the Church) receive grace and our calling. To my knowledge, this unmerited favor was never offered before the sacrifice of Jesus. Meaning, by keeping the law did not make us right with God but rather now through faith in Jesus we have been pardon, blessed and deemed highly favored in the sight of God.

4.)We (the Church) have been called. Meaning, we (the Church) are chosen from among the people of the earth to be Jesus’ bride because of our simple trust in who He is. Since He has chosen us, He has also made us holy, wrinkled free and spotless in His sight. His sacrifice on the cross-purchased the complete package and it is no longer up to man to maintain the law to stay in relationship with God. Hence, the meaning of beholding a free gift!

5.)The Church are called saints! To me it sounds as though this is a position we hold in Christ.

6.)Our faith ought to catch the attentions of both the believers and unbelievers alike. This is why Paul made mention that “their” faith was heard about all over the world. Faith is such a powerful force that it literally determines your destiny. Where does your faith lay?

7.)God is our witness and He will be the same one that will call all of man into account for the life we live on this earth. Paul called God as his witness for two reasons: He is God and knows all things including the very intents of our hearts and because something can only be established based on two witnesses.

Now this leads me to the final verses of this portion of scripture. I want to discuss Romans 1:16-17. Paul writes “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? This is what the whole Christian faith is founded on, that through the death of one man, many will be made (declared) righteous in the sight of God. The last statement is the definition of what it means to believe in the good news or gospel. The only part we play is having the faith to believe this one man is the only way to the Father (God) and through Him we have forgiveness of sins and right standing with God.

So when Paul talks about how he is not ashamed of the gospel, this is what he means. “I know the truth, I have seen the truth and I believe the truth. And since I believe I will not shrink back in fear in what I believe because I have been with Him (Jesus). And nothing in this world can ever take that away from me. This is why declare this gospel because I have encountered the living God through the person of Jesus.” Of course, these are my thoughts but I have this inclination that tells me I may be onto something.

Lets continue with verse where it states ‘that it is the power of salvation for everyone who believes, first for the Jew (Since they were entrusted with God’s word first meaning they have first “choice” at it) and then for the Gentile.” What is salvation? Salvation is a process: Justified, Sanctified and Glorified. We are justified (declared) by faith legally righteous (or right standing) before our Creator. That all forms of charges against us have been made null void by trusting the sacrifice that Jesus paid for mankind. We are sanctified through the power of the Holy Spirit (who indwells and makes Himself at home in our hearts) and through our obedience to His teachings. Sanctification only works with both parties agreeing and working together to accomplish a common goal; in this case a changed or transformed life. This happens by submitting to the leadings of the Holy Spirit to change the way we think about matters that involve life. It is a place were constant repentance occurs, because we are constantly changing from glory to glory. In other words, it is where schooling takes place and we learn more who God is, who we are, what is our purpose and so on. Sanctification takes an active part from the believer. Finally there is glorification; this happen when we either die or when we are “raptured”. When one the two occurrences happen it is here were we step into our completed state, in other words we receive brand new bodies that are no longer riddled with death and decay. Not only will we receive a brand new body we will be placed in various places of authority, all this encompasses the final stage of salvation know as glorification. Let this statement be considered true: “I am saved, I am being saved and I will be saved.”

Let me wrap of this first post by stating that the verse 17 is the substance or the foundation on why all the things listed above happen to the believer. “The just will by faith!” This verse originally appeared in the Book of Habakukk 2:4. God in His mercy and wisdom decided that He will work with man based solely on “who He is and not what we do/” Meaning, man could not screw it up because it was a plan designed by God and for God and man had no say so in it at all but to just believe (To trust or adhere too). God is so passionate about our faith that He even declares He will bless those who have faith but also those who diligently seek after Him. I want that promise to be made complete in my life and the life of my family.

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