Choose Life

In Australia, in most states, it is now or is about to become illegal to help a woman choose life. New South Wales has joined other States in making it illegal to help a woman choose life.

If I am outside an abortion clinic and give a woman a leaflet offering help and support I am breaking the law. If I give her a leaflet supporting her decision to have the baby murdered, that is OK.

It appears that 70% of women who have an abortion do so because they have no support to carry the baby to term from parents, father or society. If the support was there she would not be having her baby destroyed. What this tells us is that given the support they need, the baby will live.

Is the government addressing this issue? No, they are not. They would rather stick their heads in the sand and make it as easy as possible to have the baby destroyed. There are many support centres around Australia and they are usually run by Christians. Women can get support and help and there is no charge for it.

One church I used to be part of bought the house next door when it came up for sale and turned it into a pregnancy support centre. It was one of the busiest ministries in the church. Which again, goes to show that if they are given the support many more babies will live.

In this day and age when government and secularists believe that life is cheap and disposable, any church that is prepared to use its premises for a pregnancy support and counselling centre should make that a priority.

Don't have the expertise? Don't worry. There are plenty of Christian ministries out there who can help you set up a centre and teach you how to run it. Just imagine adverts all over town for pregnancy support centres at a dozen churches. Just imagine how many babies will live and grow to a full and satisfying life. Just imagine how many babies will not have to go through the cruel, agonizing and painful experience of abortion.

Just imagine how you will be pleasing the Father for rescuing one of these little ones.

On to another but similar subject, I do not suppose we are the only case, but the Australian State governments are making it illegal to help someone with an unwanted same-sex attraction. If a young man in your church comes up to you one day and says "I am a homosexual and I don't want to be" as has happened to me, the government has said it is illegal to help them.

Your response must be "OK, I will help you overcome you not wanting to be and help you be happy as a homosexual." If I had to describe these sort of governments I would say they are brain dead.

You don't hear the government say it is illegal to say to a young man who comes to you and says "I am suffering from depression and I don't want to" and you say "OK, you have come to the right person. I will work with you until you have overcome your depression." They don't say you have to say "I will work with you until you have come to terms with your depression until you can cope with it."

In fact, they have organisations and referral services that will help you overcome your depression. They even blab on about it all the time about how much young people suffer from depression and that we should help them.

What is even worse and more stupid is that a lot of the time their homosexuality is the thing that is causing the depression. They are happy to try and solve the problem of depression but not the thing that causes it.

The fact is if you deal with the unwanted same-sex attraction you will in all probability deal with the depression.

So what is the moral of the story? More and more you are going to clash with governments that are hell-bent on destroying God's image in society and legislating to make it easier for Satan to destroy people's lives.

Choose you this day whom you will serve.

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