Old Blog Software

After reading Psalms 119:145-152 Promises ring through the night, like owls, good-haunting the wise, echoing through forests of days, promises--what moonlight can’t shoo away. Wicked schemes may feel so near, yet far away are they from the clear conscience that is succored by law of the...
2 min read
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Old Blog Software
However did we survive before social media, a time when kids started giving away all their (and the family's) personal info online, selling their souls for a 'like'. Now most everyone is doing it. With phones it became a contagion spreading through the entire family. We deserve the monster it...
POWERTALK PRINCIPLES FROM.THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: THE PRINCIPLE OF REVELATION Click here to read full blog post, PRINCIPLES FROM THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: PRINCIPLE OF REVELATION We continue our discourse on the prayer life of Jesus. Luke 3:21-22 says, |||| When all the people were being...
Lightman is an spiritual action-adventure television show. The main character is Luke. Luke is a spiritual superhero who has the powers of light and holyness. His main enemy is Sin. Sin is a supervillain that uses the power of sins and darkness to corrupt people and havoc the cities. He can also...
Many times we begin to wonder if the God of Israel hears us and if He even cares as equally for those of the Christian Faith. If the God of the universe is as magnanimous as we have been led to believe. Did you know this is not unusual and in many cases, it is encouraged? Encouraged to question...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
From an ongoing series on perplexing Bible passages: John Currid on Isaiah 65:20 Dan Doriani on Matthew 24:15–16 Miles Van Pelt on Judges 11:29–40 Mark Gignilliant on Exodus 4:24–26 William Ross on Psalm 19:7 Jimmy Agan on Matthew 15:26 Dennis Johnson on Revelation 21:1 Greg Beale on Revelation...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
From a conservative Presbyterian perspective, there is no such support: http://www.thebluebanner.com/pdf/bluebanner8-9&10.pdf Web version: The Religious Observance of Christmas and ‘Holy Days’ in American Presbyterianism | Naphtali Press We should all follow the Regulative Principle of...
How will you fight to win but in love? Know not that man has been blinded by this world’s principalities and out of fear are many acting in defence. For the world has taught them to fear for the lack of the things that occupies the thoughts of men and the world. Many of the Faith believe these...
To the Body of Christ who is in the world but not of it. I greet you with the Love of Christ. A Love that surpasses anything that a man can fathom or express. Only the Christ is our redeemer in Love. As the Body of Christ, each one brings his or her thoughts to the body. We can bring them in our...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
You know, God is precise when it comes to His plans. He does not do fluff! So when He created this Earth, He did it with specific intent and thought of what He wanted to achieve. He commanded and the Word obeyed. He believed that when He spoke, it would be done. Just like every person in a...
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Old Blog Software
The Just Me and My Bible proponent lays claim to biblicism not really understanding what the term even means. All Reformed agree with biblicism, but not anti-historicist biblicism. Likewise, all Reformed agree with historicism, but not anti-biblicist historicism. The reformed tradition is...
I was looking up some game design colleges online and I noticed that there's only a few game design colleges in Chicago, IL like Columbia College, and DePaul University. The problem is that both these colleges are expensive in order to learn how to design video games. Most game design colleges...
1 min read
Old Blog Software
Rejoice today Rejoice today for He, Jesus has overcome the world. The fear that many of our Faith faces are truly spiritual real as satan orchestrates his final attempt at establishing the antichrist order. There is seen where good is now considered evil and evil is now considered good.
1 min read
Old Blog Software
A New Season. As one year comes to an end, tradition dictates that we ring in the New Year and make wishes, resolutions, and promises that eventually fade away as they are made without a solid foundation or commitment to a quality change and a vision for that change or improvement. Many go...
The Empowered Christian It is not unusual for Christian’s to move from one church to another. It should be encouraged! Sure, there must be a consistent and consolidated body that makes up the church but without spreading of this core of the body, other churches will not be strengthened. A church...
Christ is our priest, intercessor, advocate and Lord in all things and that of our hope; who authors and is the finisher of it. So set aside the weight of this life and work diligently for the promises made to us from old and prepare to renew the body, mind, and spirit to all that is Righteous...
5 min read
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Old Blog Software
I maintain a very small counseling practice. I have to be persuaded that the couple or individual is really in need of the type of counseling I provide. How I go about doing that is not based upon a rigid algorithm or questionnaire. I generally have to know the potential client reasonably enough...
6 min read
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Old Blog Software
God’s command, not our curiosity, is the measure of our duty. If I pray aright, God is graciously working out his purposes in me and through me, and the praying, though mine, is simultaneously the fruit of God’s powerful work in me through his Spirit. By this God-appointed means I become an...
4 min read
Old Blog Software
The law will always be needed for three purposes: pedagogical, civil, moral/normative. - The first is for the unbeliever to know how great their sin and misery is. - The second is the application of the moral law to public or civil life. - The third, contra Antinomianism, is whereby the moral...
2 min read
Old Blog Software
Hold one another accountable to: 1. Worship God alone, living all of life to his glory, renouncing all idolatry and all inordinate loves that might lead us to trust in any other help; 2. Worship God in humility, being reticent in either describing or picturing God, recognizing that right...