Notes: Exodus 16:28 To Leviticus 10

*Exodus 16:28 / *Ex. 16:28 -

Note that this does not require that God had commanded any special behavior on every sabbath before the time of Exodus 16. For right before Exodus 16:28, God had commanded through Moses that the people not try to gather manna on the sabbath (Exodus 16:25-26). But some people went ahead and tried to anyway (Exodus 16:27).


*Exodus 16:36 / *Ex. 16:36 -

An "ephah" (H0374) would fill a five-gallon jar.


*Exodus 17:14 / *Ex. 17:14 -

See Deuteronomy 25:17 below.


*Exodus 17:15 / *Ex. 17:15 -

"Nissi" (H5251) means "a flag" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary). So in Exodus 17:15, Moses named the altar: "YHWH is my flag", in the sense that Israel fought for YHWH God (Exodus 17:13-16), just as, for example, American soldiers today fight for their flag, representing their country.


*Exodus 19:4 / *Ex. 19:4 -

See section 2 of Revelation 12:14 below.


*Exodus 19:6 / *Ex. 19:6 -

See 1 Peter 2:9 below.


*Exodus 20:11 / *Ex. 20:11 -

(Re: A six-day creation with no gaps)

See section 2 of Genesis 1(space) above


*Exodus 20:13 / *Ex. 20:13 -

(Re: Capital punishment)

See Deuteronomy 5:17 below.


*Exodus 20:25 / *Ex. 20:25 -

This and Deuteronomy 27:5 were for that time. They should not be read as contradicting Exodus 27:1-8. Nor should they be read symbolically as contradicting 2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Timothy 5:17b, Isaiah 28:9-10, and 1 Corinthians 2:13.


*Exodus 22:29 / *Ex. 22:29 -

The sons in Exodus 22:29 were not to be killed, but sanctified (Exodus 13:2) and redeemed (Exodus 34:19-20) by money offerings (Numbers 3:50-51, Numbers 18:15-16).


The original Hebrew word (dema`: H1831) translated as "liquors" can simply mean "juices".


*Exodus 23:3 / *Ex. 23:3 -

The original Hebrew word (hadar: H1921) translated as "countenance" can mean "to favor", in this case in an unjust way, that is, favoring a poor person in a court case, for example, just because he is poor, regardless of whether or not he is in the right. Exodus 23:6 counters the opposite error.


*Exodus 25:9 / *Ex. 25:9 -


The parts of the Old Covenant Mosaic tabernacle could have foreshadowed YHWH God's New Covenant way of salvation (Jeremiah 31:31-34). For the altar for animal sacrifices (Exodus 27:1, Exodus 29:12-13) could have foreshadowed Jesus Christ's New Covenant sacrifice on the Cross for our sins (Matthew 26:28). And the laver with its water (Exodus 30:18) could have foreshadowed Christian water-baptism (Acts 22:16). The menorah with its flames (Exodus 25:31,37) could have foreshadowed Holy Spirit baptism (Acts 1:5, Acts 2:3-4). The table with its shewbread (Exodus 25:23,30) could have foreshadowed Communion (1 Corinthians 11:26). The altar for incense (Exodus 30:1) could have foreshadowed Christian prayer (cf. Revelation 8:4). The Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10, Numbers 10:33) with its mercy seat (Exodus 25:21) could have foreshadowed the establishment of the New Covenant (Matthew 26:28), and Christians obtaining its mercy (Hebrews 4:16) unto eternal life (Jude 1:21).

At the same time, the tabernacle could have been a figurative model of the earth and its three heavens (2 Corinthians 12:2b). For the tabernacle's courtyard could have represented the earth and its atmosphere, the first heaven (Genesis 1:20b). And the tabernacle's holy place could have represented the second heaven, outer space (Deuteronomy 4:19). And the tabernacle's most holy place could have represented the third heaven spiritual realm (2 Corinthians 12:2b). In the tabernacle's courtyard, the altar (Exodus 27:1) could have represented the earth's land areas. The laver with its water (Exodus 30:18) could have represented the sea (compare "the sea" part of Solomon's temple: 1 Kings 7:23). And the veil between the courtyard and the holy place (Exodus 26:36) could have represented the atmosphere. The five pillars which held up that veil (Exodus 26:37) could have represented the five most powerful (now fallen) angelic princes who (before they were fallen) were assigned by God to rule the earth from its atmosphere/sky/air (Ephesians 6:12). The central of these five pillars could have represented Lucifer (Satan), "the prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), while the other four pillars could have represented four of his most powerful lieutenants.

In the tabernacle's holy place, the seven lights (Exodus 25:37) could have represented the seven moving lights in outer space visible to the naked eye from the viewpoint of earth: the sun, the moon, the first planet from the sun, the second planet, the fourth planet, the fifth planet, and the sixth planet. The twelve loaves (Leviticus 24:5-6) could have represented the twelve constellations of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac (Job 38:32). At the same time, the seven lights, both in the tabernacle and in the sky, could have been patterned after the third heaven's "seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God" (Revelation 4:5b).

In the tabernacle's most holy place, the veil between the holy place and the most holy place (Exodus 26:33b) could have represented the boundary between outer space (space-time throughout the universe) and the earth's third heaven spiritual realm. The four pillars which held up that veil (Exodus 26:32) could have represented the four dimensions of space-time, the four fundamental forces of space-time (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force), and the four possible states of matter in space-time (solid, liquid, gas, and plasma), so that going past the four pillars could have represented going beyond space-time and into the earth's third heaven spiritual realm. At the same time, all of the different sets of four things referred to above could have been patterned after the third heaven's four beasts/seraphims (Revelation 4:8, Isaiah 6:2-3).

The vertical boards which formed the back wall of the tabernacle's most holy place included six boards (Exodus 26:22) of a regular width of 1.5 cubits (Exodus 26:16), plus two corner boards (Exodus 26:23) which each had to have been one-third of the regular width so that the width of the back wall would be ten cubits, equal to the ten-cubit height of the boards (Exodus 26:16) and the ten-cubit length of the most holy place (this length being based on the tabernacle's top-covering curtains in Exodus 26:1-13 having been most-likely coupled, by the gold clasps, at the boundary between the holy place and the most holy place). That is, for the most holy place to have been a perfect cube, ten cubits (fifteen feet) on a side (similar to how the literal, heavenly city of New Jerusalem is a perfect cube, 1,500 miles on a side: Revelation 21:16), the back wall of the tabernacle had to have been formed by the equivalent of 6.66 regular-width boards.

The back wall of the tabernacle's most holy place having, in effect, the number 6.66 connected with it could have represented the rebellion against YHWH God by the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast"). For the gematrial number of the Antichrist's personal name is 666 (Revelation 13:17c-18). And he could break through the back wall of the future, third Jewish temple in Jerusalem (which will be built to YHWH by the ultra-Orthodox Jews), and the Antichrist could then enter in that back way when he sits in the temple (at least one time) and proclaims himself God (2 Thessalonians 2:4, Daniel 11:36,31). He could take great delight in entering the temple's most holy place by this forced, "back way". For it would show his utter rejection of YHWH's way to eternal life, pictured by the tabernacle.

(See also section 2 of Exodus 36:38 below. And see Exodus 36:22 and 2 Thessalonians 2:4 below)

(Regarding the future, third temple, see Revelation 11:1 below)


*Exodus 27:10,17 / *Ex. 27:10 / *Ex. 27:17 -

(Fillets / Filleted)

See section 2 of Exodus 36:38 below.


*Exodus 28 / *Ex. 28 -

(Re: High priest and sons)

See Leviticus 8 below.


*Exodus 28:6 / *Ex. 28:6 -

(Re: Is not this and Exodus 39:9-13 what Revelation 17:4 is referring to?)

Do you mean that Revelation 17:4 refers to a corrupted Old Covenant Israel, the high priest of which wore the holy ephod and breastplate of Exodus 28:6 and Exodus 39:9-13? If so, note that while Old Covenant Israel's corrupt aspects are included in what Revelation's symbolic "Babylon" (Revelation chapters 17-18) represents, it represents much more than just the corrupt aspects of Old Covenant Israel.

(Compare section 2 of Revelation chapters 17-18 below)


*Exodus 28:11 / *Ex. 28:11 -


See Exodus 39:6 below.


*Exodus 28:36 / *Ex. 28:36 -

The engraving "HOLINESS TO THE LORD" was restricted to the high priest's mitre during Old Testament/Old Covenant times (Exodus 28:36-38). And yet during the future Millennium, which will be under the New Covenant (cf. Matthew 26:28), the engraving "HOLINESS TO THE LORD" will be applicable even to the bells on the horses in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:20).


*Exodus 29:26-27 / *Ex. 29:26 / *Ex. 29:27 -

The original Hebrew word (teruwmah: H8641) translated as "heave offering" figuratively means a "gift", and literally means "raised" (compare "heaved up": ruwm: H7311 in Exodus 29:27). So the heave offering was lifted up before YHWH God, as the ruler in heaven, while a "wave offering" (tenuwphah: H8573) was "waved" (nuwph: H5130) from side to side before Him, as the ruler on earth (See Easton's). Compare what Deuteronomy 4:39 says. Also, compare the RCC's hand-blessing in the sign of the Cross, where a priest moves his hand up, then down, then from side to side.

(See also paragraph 1b of the "Cross" section of 1 Corinthians 15:1 below)


*Exodus 29:40 / *Ex. 29:40 -

The original Hebrew word (`issarown: H6241) translated as "a tenth deal" means "a tenth part", in this case a tenth of an ephah (See Easton's "Deal" entry). An ephah would fill a five-gallon jar, so a tenth of that would be about two quarts (or two liters), which was also called an omer.


A "hin" (H1969) was about a gallon, so "the fourth part of a hin" would be about a quart, or a liter.


*Exodus 33:5 / *Ex. 33:5 -

The original Hebrew word (qasheh: H7186) translated as "stiffnecked" can mean "impudent" (Ezekiel 2:4).


*Exodus 34:28 / *Ex. 34:28 -

(Re: Mosaic Law = Old Covenant)

See section 2 of Galatians 4:21 below.


*Exodus 35:22 / *Ex. 35:22 -

The original Hebrew word (kuwmaz: H3558) translated as "tablets" can mean "jewels", probably gold-bead necklaces.


*Exodus 36:11-13 / *Ex. 36:11 -

The original Hebrew word (qatsah: H7098) translated as "selvedge" means "a termination" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary), and so, like the English word "selvedge", can refer to the edge of a piece of fabric which is "finished as to prevent raveling" (Webster's).

In Exodus 36:11 the Hebrew word (machbereth: H4225) translated as "in the coupling" means "a junction, i.e. seam or sewed piece" (Strong's).

Exodus 36:11-13 means that the edges of the two curtains were joined together by fifty loops (in each curtain) of blue fabric, connected by golden clasps. Instead of these loops being joined end to end, which could have left gaps on each side of them, the loops could have alternated (like the teeth of a zipper), and been joined side to side, so as to leave no gap between the curtains.


*Exodus 36:13 / *Ex. 36:13 -


See Exodus 39:33 below.


*Exodus 36:22 / *Ex. 36:22 -

The original Hebrew word (yad: H3027) translated as "tenons" can literally mean "hands" (Exodus 35:25). But in this case it means that each board had two projections, like the tenons which join boards side to side. But the two projections in this case were at the bottom of each board, and were to be inserted into two heavy bases of solid silver which held the boards upright (Exodus 36:24).

The bases being of silver could have typified God's Word the Bible, which is compared with silver in Psalms 12:6. And there being two bases of silver for each board could have typified the two main parts of the Bible: the Old Testament and the New Testament. And the tenons of the boards being inserted into the silver bases to keep them upright could have typified Christians diligently continuing to study and believe the whole Bible to help keep themselves morally upright (2 Timothy 3:16 to 4:4).


*Exodus 36:38 / *Ex. 36:38 -

The original Hebrew word (rosh: H7218) translated as "chapiters" can mean "tops" (cf. 2 Samuel 15:32).


The Hebrew word (chashuq: H2838) translated as "fillets" can means "connecting rods", in this case connecting the pillars.

The literal pillars of the Mosaic tabernacle of God could have typified obedient Christians, who are figuratively called "pillars" in the New Testament (Revelation 3:12, Galatians 2:9), the Church being the New Covenant, spiritual temple of God (Ephesians 2:21-22).

In Exodus 27:17 a verb form of "fillet" is used to refer to the joining of the pillars by the connecting rods. For in Exodus 27:17 the original Hebrew word (chashaq: H2836) translated as "filleted" can mean "joined". The literal connecting rods of the Mosaic tabernacle of God could have typified how obedient Christians are joined together by their love for each other (Colossians 2:2). And, wonderfully, the same Hebrew word (chashaq: H2836) used to refer to the pillars being joined together can be translated as "love" (Psalms 91:14, Isaiah 38:17, Deuteronomy 7:7).


*Exodus 37:17 / *Ex. 37:17 -

The original Hebrew word (gebiya`: H1375) translated as "bowls" is not referring to the seven "lamps" along the top of the candlestick (Exodus 37:23), but could refer to cup-like decorations -- placed along each of the six branches of the candlestick (three per branch: Exodus 37:19), with four more placed along its central shaft (Exodus 37:20) -- each cup made to look like an almond flower (Exodus 37:19, cf. Numbers 17:8) with an ornamental knob (knop) at its base (Exodus 37:19).


The Hebrew word (kaphtor: H3730) translated as "knops" could mean just that, "ornamental knobs" (Webster's) in the sense of spheres.


*Exodus 37:23 / *Ex. 37:23 -

The original Hebrew word (melqach: H4457) translated as "snuffers" can be translated as "tongs" (Numbers 4:9), in the sense of "tweezers" (Strong's) with which to trim off any charred parts of the wicks of the lamps of the candlestick, causing them to burn brighter.

(Compare Matthew 25:7 below)


The Hebrew word (machtah: H4289) translated as "snuffdishes" could refer to trays for the tongs.


*Exodus 38:28 / *Ex. 38:28 -

(Filleted, same as Exodus 27:17)

See section 2 of Exodus 36:38 above.


*Exodus 39:6 / *Ex. 39:6 -

The original Hebrew word (mishbetsah: H4865) translated as "ouches" (like the English word, pronounced similarly to when someone says "Ouch!") can refer to gem "settings".


*Exodus 39:9-13 / *Ex. 39:9 -

(Re: Revelation 17:4)

See Exodus 28:6 above.


*Exodus 39:33 / *Ex. 39:33 -

The original Hebrew word (qerec: H7165) translated as "taches" means "clasps", in this case those which joined the tabernacle's curtains together (Exodus 36:13).


*Leviticus 1:16 / *Lev. 1:16 -

The original Hebrew word (mur'ah: H4760) translated as "crop", like the English word, in this context means the "craw" of a bird, which is a pouch in its throat.


*Leviticus 2:1 / *Lev. 2:1 -

The frankincense could have been added to increase the good smell, the "sweet savour" (Leviticus 2:2b), of the offering. It also could have typified innocence. For the original Hebrew word (lebownah: H3828) translated as "frankincense" is derived from the Hebrew word for "white" (laban: H3836), due to the whiteness of frankincense or its smoke (Strong's). And whiteness can represent innocence (Revelation 3:4). Also, the frankincense offered to Jesus Christ as a young child (Matthew 2:11) could have represented His innocence, which never left Him (Hebrews 4:15). And the frankincense being part of the offering in Leviticus 2:1 could have typified the key importance of Jesus' innocence with regard to His offering of Himself on our behalf on the Cross (2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 10:14).


*Leviticus 2:4 / *Lev. 2:4 -

The original Hebrew word (qorban: H7133) translated as "oblation", like the English word, means "religious offering".


It seems strange to call an offering of flour a "meat" offering. But here the Hebrew word (minchah: H4503) translated as "meat offering" can be translated simply as "offering", whether referring to an offering of grain or of animals (Genesis 4:3-5). Also, the KJV is using the English word "meat" in its archaic sense of "meal" (Webster's), in the sense of ground grain, like we still refer to "oatmeal".


*Leviticus 2:12 / *Lev. 2:12 -

That the firstfruits were spared (for the most part) from being burned on the altar brings to mind how the 144,000 male-virgins firstfruits of the Church (Revelation 14:1,4) will be spared during the first half of the future Tribulation (of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24), such as from the locusts of Revelation 9:3-4, by receiving a seal of God on their forehead (Revelation 7:3-8). And they will be spared from having to go through the second half of the Tribulation by being caught up by God into heaven as the "man child" right before the future Antichrist's (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's beast's) literal 3.5-year worldwide reign (Revelation 12:5-6, Revelation 14:1-5 Textus Receptus, Revelation 13:5).

(See also Revelation 7:4 below)


*Leviticus 2:13 / *Lev. 2:13 -

The salt could have typified peace with others (Mark 9:50b). That is, do not bring an offering to God until you have made peace with others, both those who have a grudge against you (Matthew 5:23-24), and those whom you have a grudge against (Matthew 6:14-15).


*Leviticus 5:11 / *Lev. 5:11 -

(Tenth part of an ephah)

See Exodus 29:40 above.


*Leviticus 6:13 / *Lev. 6:13 -

Compare what Mark 9:43-48 and Isaiah 66:24 say.


*Leviticus 8 / *Lev. 8 -

(Re: High priest and sons)

The Old Covenant, Aaronic high priest was a type for Jesus Christ, who is the New Covenant, Melchisedechian high priest (Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 7:11-28). And the high priest's sons, priests, were a type for Christians (Revelation 21:7, Revelation 1:6; 1 Peter 2:9). And the garments of the priests typified the spiritual garments of Christians (Revelation 19:8, Revelation 16:15, Revelation 3:4). And the sanctification by sacrificial blood in Leviticus 8:30 typified Christians' sanctification by faith in the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ Himself on the Cross (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 13:12).


*Leviticus 8:33-36 / *Lev. 8:33 -

(Re: Pre-tribulation rapture?)

See Numbers 10:1 below.


(Re: Does not this typify the Church being in heaven during the seven years of the future Tribulation?)

Note that Leviticus 8 does not refer to a week of years, but only to a literal seven days and nights (Leviticus 8:35), which could have typified a literal seven days and nights in which the Church, clothed in its ultimate bridal clothes of righteousness after the future Tribulation (Revelation 19:7-8), at Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming, will remain in the tabernacle which will have been placed over the earthly Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:5-6).

That is, these literal seven days and nights could occur antitypically on the earth after the Second-Coming rapture and marriage of the Church in the sky, and after the Church has descended back down from the sky (the first heaven) with Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:14) to have the marriage feast in the earthly Jerusalem (Revelation 19:9, Isaiah 25:6-9, cf. 1 Corinthians 15:54, quoting from Isaiah 25:8). This marriage feast could last for a literal seven days on the earth, just as other marriage feasts in the Bible lasted a literal seven days, like the one when Samson took a woman to be his wife (Judges 14:7-12). And the week in Genesis 29:21-28 could also refer to the literal seven days of a marriage feast.

And a literal seven-day marriage-of-the-Lamb feast on the earth after Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming, at the start of the future Millennium, could at the same time have been typified by the literal seven-day feast of tabernacles (Deuteronomy 16:13).

(See also Matthew 25:1 below, and the "feasts" section of 1 Corinthians 15:52 below)


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