Notes: Genesis 6:17 (cont'd) To Exodus 16:27


Noah could have collected on the ark only land animals and birds (Genesis 7:8). Land plants, insects, and fungi could have survived the Flood on their own as seeds, eggs, and spores, which could have survived on mats of flotsam. Freshwater fish could have survived in a layer of fresh water at the top of the floodwaters. Also, God must have miraculously brought breeding pairs of the world's land animals and birds to Noah, and then miraculously redistributed them around the world after the Flood.

Noah's ark was huge (Genesis 6:15). So it could have stored sufficient fodder for the herbivores, and breeding rabbits for the carnivores. The carnivores could have been separated from each other and from the herbivores by wooden barriers. Or, if it was only after Noah's Flood that God sanctioned the eating of meat (Genesis 9:3), then during the Flood, God could have miraculously made it so that all of the animals on the ark lived as herbivores, just as at the Neolithic creation some 12,000 years ago, God miraculously made it so that all animals and humans started out as herbivores (Genesis 1:29-30); and just as on the future, New Earth, as in a new surface for the earth, God will miraculously make it so that all animals will be herbivores (Isaiah 65:17,25).


*Genesis 7:9-14 / *Gen. 7:9 -

This does not mean that Noah entered the ark for the last time seven days before the Flood, but means that he spent the seven days before the Flood bringing all of the animals into the ark. For Genesis 7:11,13 and Luke 17:27 show that Noah entered the ark for the last time the same day that the Flood started.

(See also the "7 days" section of Luke 17:26 below)


*Genesis 9:3 / *Gen. 9:3 -

See section 2 of 1 Timothy 4:1 below.


(Re: Were there unclean animals in Noah's time?)

Yes (Genesis 7:2), with regard to making sacrifices (Genesis 8:20). But Genesis 9:3 specifically states that, from that point forward, every animal could be eaten, so long as it moved. And so this would include animals which were sacrificially unclean.


(Re: Is "remes" a catch-all category for all creatures?)

No, but in Genesis 9:3 the original Hebrew word (remes: H7431) translated as "moving thing" is a catch-all category for all animals that move, just as its verb form (ramas: H7430) was used in Genesis 1:28 to describe all animals that move on the land, and its verb form was used in Genesis 1:21 to describe all animals that move in the sea.


*Genesis 10:8 / *Gen. 10:8 -

(Re: Means that *Nimrod was one of the Nephilim?)

Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah (Genesis 10:1-8), who was perfect in his generations (Genesis 6:9). And Nimrod was born two generations after Noah's Flood (Genesis 10:1b-8), which had killed off all of the Nephilim (giants) of Noah's time (Genesis 6:4,12-13), along with all humans not on Noah's ark (1 Peter 3:20). In Genesis 10:8 the original Hebrew word (gibbor: H1368) is different than the original Hebrew word (nephil: H5303) used to refer to the pre-Flood "nephilim" or "giants" (Genesis 6:4). Instead, Nimrod was "a mighty one" (Genesis 10:8) in the normal human sense of a "mighty man" (cf. Joshua 1:14b, Joshua 8:3b, Joshua 10:7b).


(Re: But the nephilim are found again after the Flood)

That's right (Numbers 13:33), which means that fallen angels cohabited with women after the Flood. But nothing requires that Nimrod's mother had anything to do with that.


(Re: But does not "began" mean to "defile"?)

In Genesis 10:8, while the original Hebrew word (chalal: H2490) translated as "began" can be used to refer to someone defiling something (Genesis 49:4b), it does not have to mean that every time that it is used. For it can also refer to someone beginning to do something good (Genesis 4:26b).


*Genesis 11:3 / *Gen. 11:3 -

The original Hebrew word (yahab: H3051) translated as "Go to" can be translated as the imperative "Come" (Exodus 1:10).

The Hebrew word (chemar: H2564) translated as "slime" can mean bitumen (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary), which is an asphalt which can be used as a waterproof cement (Webster's). Asphalt is based on petroleum deposits.

Just as ancient humanity tried to build the Tower of Babel into heaven itself (Genesis 11:4) using asphalt, so modern humanity has built much of modern civilization using petroleum.

But just as God stopped the building of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:5-9), so He could stop mankind's use of petroleum, during the future Millennium.

(See Micah 4:4 below)


*Genesis 15 / *Gen. 15 -

This happened sometime after Abraham was 75 (Genesis 12:4). And Genesis 15:13-14 (cf. Acts 7:6-7) foretold that Israel would be afflicted in Egypt for 400 years, meaning that Israel was not afflicted during the first 30 years of its 430 years in Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41).


*Genesis 16:3 / *Gen. 16:3 -

(Re: What is there to debate concerning *Hagar? I do not understand the controversy)

The controversy is between Islam on the one hand, and Christianity and Judaism on the other.

For Islam mistakenly says that the promises of God are through Ishmael (the son of Hagar), Abraham's firstborn son; and not through Isaac, the son of Sarah (Exodus 6:8).

Islam even mistakenly says that it was Ishmael whom Abraham almost sacrificed, instead of Isaac (Genesis 22).

The reason that Islam insists on these mistaken ideas could be because Islam was started by Arabs, who believe that they are descended from Ishmael, while Jews are descended from Isaac.

Islam mistakenly says that some parts of the original manuscripts of the Bible, even some key parts, were purposely altered by Jews and Christians in ancient times when they copied the manuscripts, so as to alter God's true choosing of the Arabs and Muslims as His blessed people.

These mistaken ideas could be taken up by the future Antichrist's False Prophet, as part of his eventually deceiving most Muslims into the worship of the Antichrist.

(See Revelation 13:11 below)


*Genesis 17:5 / *Gen. 17:5 -

"Abram" (H0087) can mean "exalted father", whereas "Abraham" (H0085) can mean "father of a multitude".


*Genesis 17:5b / *Gen. 17:5b -

This has been fulfilled (Romans 4:16b-17).


*Genesis 17:10 / *Gen. 17:10 -

This does not mean that Christians have to be physically circumcised.

(See the "Circumcision" section of Ephesians 2:15 below)


*Genesis 17:15 / *Gen. 17:15 -

"Sarai" (H8297) can mean "my princess", whereas "Sarah" (H8283) can mean "queen".


*Genesis 18:7 / *Gen. 18:7 -

The original Hebrew word (`asah: H6213) translated as "dress", like the English word, can mean "prepare" (Genesis 27:17). That is, the calf needed to be prepared for eating by being slaughtered, skinned, butchered, and cooked, all while the guests waited.


*Genesis 19:22 / *Gen. 19:22 -

"Zoar" (H6820) means "little".


*Genesis 20:16 / *Gen. 20:16 -

The "covering of the eyes" could refer to a veil, figurative of modesty. Sarah may have been "reproved" for a lack of it, in being willing to live in Abimelech's household.


*Genesis 21:22-34 / *Gen. 21:22 -

The peace treaty which Abraham made with the Philistines (Genesis 21:32), and the peace treaty which Isaac later also made with them (Genesis 26:26-31), could be why God later did not allow Israel to ever conquer and hold the Philistines' homeland (cf. Psalms 60:8b, but contrast Psalms 108:9b, Joel 3:4, and Isaiah 14:29-32).

Curiously, even still today, part of what used to be the Philistines' homeland continues to remain outside of Israel, as the Gaza Strip. But this does not mean that today's Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are the descendants of the Philistines with whom Abraham and Isaac each made a peace treaty. For today's Palestinians are Arabs, the same people who today rule all of the countries from Oman to Morocco. But the ancient Philistines (H6430) were probably Greeks from Crete (Amos 9:7).

(See also Jeremiah 47:4 below)

The Arabs are also an ancient people, but they are called "Arabians" in the Bible (e.g. 2 Chronicles 17:11). They are not called Philistines, but are distinguished from them (2 Chronicles 17:11).


*Genesis 22:2 / *Gen. 22:2 -

(Re: *Human sacrifice)

The fact that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:2) shows that it was possible for God way back in ancient times to accept human sacrifice, just as God would later accept the human sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the Cross (John 3:16, Isaiah 53). But nothing says that Isaac was a willing sacrifice (Genesis 22:7). For Abraham may have had to bind Isaac to keep him on the altar (Genesis 22:9). And God's subsequently-retracted command to sacrifice Isaac had only been a test of Abraham's obedience to God (Genesis 22:12).

Also way back in ancient times, God could have allowed Jephthah to sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering (Judges 11:31-40) because she was a willing sacrifice (Judges 11:36), just as God allowed the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the Cross (John 3:16) because Jesus was a willing sacrifice (John 10:11,17-18, John 15:13). Note also what 2 Kings 3:27 says.

But now, in these days, no one should ever think that God would accept them sacrificing their child as a burnt offering, even if their child was a willing sacrifice. For Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross has put an end to all such sacrifices for all time (Hebrews 10:5-18). So now, in these days, after the sacrifice of Jesus, if any people think that God is commanding them to sacrifice their child as a burnt offering, it is not God commanding them to do that, but their own insanity, or the devil, who loves to deceive people into committing murder (John 8:44).


(Re: Various types of *sacrifices)

Under the New Covenant, which Christians are under (Hebrews 12:24), there are various sacrifices which are acceptable to God:

1. The only acceptable sacrifice to God for our sins is the one-time, New Covenant sacrifice made by Jesus Christ Himself on the Cross (Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 10). Our sins can be forgiven only by our faith in Jesus' atoning, shed blood (Romans 3:25; 1 John 1:7-9).

2. Besides having faith in Jesus' New Covenant sacrifice, we must also make the entirety of our own bodily lives on the earth a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1-2).

3. When we do good works for God and give material support to others in need, this is an acceptable sacrifice to God (Hebrews 13:16, Philippians 4:18).

4. When we praise and thank God, this is an acceptable sacrifice (Hebrews 13:15).

5. When people become Christians by someone preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them, they become an acceptable sacrifice to God (Romans 15:16), in the sense of a still-living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2), not a killed sacrifice.

6. When the apostle Paul was expecting to be martyred, he called his martyrdom a sacrifice to God (2 Timothy 4:6). This is why the souls of Christian martyrs reside under the altar in heaven (Revelation 6:9-11).

7. Regarding the Old Covenant Mosaic animal sacrifices which will be mistakenly restarted during the future Tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24 by the ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel after they have built a third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:1-2, Daniel 11:31,36, Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4), the Mosaic animal sacrifices themselves will be acceptable to God because they will be performed exactly according to the Old Covenant Mosaic law, which remains holy before God (Romans 7:12).

It is because the Old Covenant Mosaic law remains holy before God that He still keeps His copy of the Ark of the Old Covenant in His temple building in heaven (Revelation 11:19). And it is because the Old Covenant Mosaic law remains holy before God that the apostle Paul after his conversion to Christianity was able to (without committing sin) be involved with some other Jewish Christians having Old Covenant animal sacrifices offered on their behalf (Acts 21:26).

However, when it comes to the future animal sacrifices for sin (as opposed to sacrifices not for sin, such as sacrifices of thanksgiving, etc.) which the ultra-Orthodox Jews will offer before the future, third Jewish temple, God will not accept their motive for offering these sacrifices for sin. For the ultra-Orthodox Jews will be offering the Old Covenant animal sacrifices for sin out of their denial of the New Covenant sacrifice of Jesus Christ Himself on the Cross, which sacrifice completely and forever replaced all of the Old Covenant animal sacrifices for sin (Hebrews 10).

8. Also, when Jesus Christ returns and rules the earth from Jerusalem during the future Millennium (Zechariah 14:4-19, Revelation 20:4-6), He will build a fourth temple in Jerusalem (Zechariah 6:12-13) before which New Covenant animal sacrifices (for things other than the forgiveness of sin, such as thanksgiving and remembrance) will be offered (Zechariah 14:20-21). Because our present practice of eating the bread and wine of Communion in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice may cease at His future, Second Coming (1 Corinthians 11:26), during the Millennium Communion could be replaced by New Covenant animal sacrifices offered in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice.

9. After the future Millennium, Gog/Magog event, and Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:7 to 21:5), when all Gentile Christians (along with all Jewish Christians) will enter the city of New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:26) after it descends from heaven to the future, New Earth (Revelation 21:1-5), as in a new surface for the earth, all of the Gentile Christians will be an acceptable sacrifice to God (Romans 15:16) in New Jerusalem, in the sense of still-living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2), not killed sacrifices.


*Genesis 22:6 / *Gen. 22:6 -

This brings to mind the wood of the Cross being laid upon Jesus Christ (John 19:17).


*Genesis 22:14 / *Gen. 22:14

"Jireh" (H7200) can mean "see" (Genesis 13:15), or "provide" (Genesis 22:8).


*Genesis 24:60 / *Gen. 24:60 -

(Re: *Stars / *Sand)

Genesis 24:60 was not spoken by God, or necessarily even endorsed by God. It was just a nice blessing wished on someone by some people. What God promised was a figurative: "I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore" (Genesis 22:17), which was later fulfilled by only about six million Israelites at the time of their Exodus from Egypt (Deuteronomy 1:10). And so Romans 9:27 and Isaiah 10:22 can refer to only a remnant being saved out of a few million people.


*Genesis 25:25 / *Gen. 25:25 -

"Esau" (H6215) means "hairy".


*Genesis 25:30 / *Gen. 25:30 -

"Edom" (H0123) means "red".


*Genesis 26:8 / *Gen. 26:8 -

The original Hebrew word (tsachaq: H6711) translated as "sporting" means "laughing" (Genesis 17:17), or "playing" (Exodus 32:6). But it might have been used here as a euphemism to refer to a sensual "caressing", just as we similarly refer to "foreplay".


*Genesis 26:20 / *Gen. 26:20 -

"Esek" (H6230) means "quarrel".


*Genesis 26:21 / *Gen. 26:21 -

"Sitnah" (H7856) means "strife".


*Genesis 26:22 / *Gen. 26:22 -

"Rehoboth" (H7344) means "spaciousness".


*Genesis 26:33 / *Gen. 26:33 -

"Sheba" (H7651) can mean "oath" (compare the oath in Genesis 26:28), and also "seven" (cf. Genesis 21:28-32).

"Beer" (H0875, pronounced like "bear") means "well", in the sense of a water well (Genesis 16:14).

So "Beersheba" (H0884), a city which still exists today in Israel, can mean "Oath Well" (cf. Genesis 21:31).


*Genesis 27:44 / *Gen. 27:44 -

The original Hebrew word (yowm: H3117) translated as "days" usually does mean that. But it can also mean "years" (Joshua 13:1, Amos 4:4).


*Genesis 27:46 / *Gen. 27:46 -

"Heth" (H2845) was the ancestor of the Hittites (Genesis 25:9-10). In Genesis 27:46, Rebekah is referring to the problem in Genesis 26:34-35.


*Genesis 29:17 / *Gen. 29:17 -

The original Hebrew words (rak: H7390, and `ayin: H5869) translated as "tender eyed" can mean "weak" (2 Samuel 3:39) eyed, a euphemism for a "feeble appearance", meaning an appearance which is not that beautiful, contrasted with Genesis 29:17b.


*Genesis 29:32 / *Gen. 29:32 -

"Reuben" (H7205) means "See ye a son".


*Genesis 29:33 / *Gen. 29:33 -

"Simeon" (H8095) means "Hearing".


*Genesis 29:34 / *Gen. 29:34 -

"Levi" (H3878) means "Attached".


*Genesis 29:35 / *Gen. 29:35 -

"Judah" (H3063) means "Praise".


*Genesis 31:34 / *Gen. 31:34 -

The original Hebrew word (kar: H3733) translated as "furniture" can mean "saddle" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary).


*Genesis 31:47 / *Gen. 31:47 -

"Jegar-sahadutha" (H3026, Aramaic/Chaldean) and "Galeed" (H1567) can both mean "Record Mound", that is, a man-made mound which would be a record of the peace treaty made in Genesis 31:44.


*Genesis 31:49 / *Gen. 31:49 -

"Mizpah" (Mitspah: H4709) can mean "watchtower". Compare Isaiah 21:8, where "watchtower" is "mitspeh" (H4707).


*Genesis 32:2 / *Gen. 32:2 -

The Hebrew name "Mahanaim" (H4266) in Genesis 32:2 is not (as is sometimes claimed) indicative of an ekklesia, as in a New Covenant church (Acts 20:28, Matthew 26:28), but simply means "Two Camps". Jacob could have named a certain place "Two Camps" when he saw that beside his own camp was a camp of God's angels (Genesis 32:1-2). Also, he shortly afterward, out of fear of Esau, divided his own camp into two camps (Genesis 32:7-8).


*Genesis 32:30 / *Gen. 32:30 -

Jacob did not see God the Father Himself.

(See 1 John 4:12a below)


*Genesis 33:20 / *Gen. 33:20 -

"El-elohe-Israel" (H0415) can mean "The Mighty God of Israel" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary).


*Genesis 35:18 / *Gen. 35:18 -

This refers to the death of the body, and the soul departing from the body.

(See Matthew 10:28 below)


*Genesis 37:9-10 / *Gen. 37:9 -

(Re: Revelation 12)

See paragraph 5 of Revelation 12 below.


*Genesis 38:9-10 / *Gen. 38:9 -

(Re: Did God want *Onan to sleep with a woman who was not his wife?)

Onan was to marry her (Genesis 38:8; cf. Deuteronomy 25:5-6).


*Genesis 38:29 / *Gen. 38:29 -

"Pharez" (H6557) means "Breaking Forth".


*Genesis 38:30 / *Gen. 38:30 -

"Zarah" (H2226) means "Rising of Light".


*Genesis 41:1 / *Gen. 41:1 -

(At the end of two full years)

This means that Joseph was not released from prison until the third year, which could have typified how Jesus Christ's crucified body would not be released from death and the grave until the third day (1 Corinthians 15:4). A day and a year can sometimes represent each other (e.g. Numbers 14:34).

Also, in the previous chapter (Genesis 40), both the chief butler and the chief baker were released from prison on the third day after their dreams (Genesis 40:20), just as Joseph had foretold (Genesis 40:13, Genesis 40:19). And yet the fates of the chief butler and the chief baker were opposite, for one got death and the other honor. In the case of Jesus Christ, He both prophesied and fulfilled His own death, and His honor by being resurrected on the third day (Luke 18:33, Romans 1:4).

Also, Joseph put his brothers in jail for three days, releasing them on the third day (Genesis 42:17-18).

(See also Hosea 6:2 and Acts 7:13 below. And see section 2 of Mark 16:9 below)


*Genesis 41:5 / *Gen. 41:5 -

The original Hebrew word (bariy': H1277) translated as "rank" can mean "fat" (Genesis 41:4), like how the English word "rank" can mean "luxuriantly or excessively vigorous in growth" (Webster's).


*Genesis 41:16 / *Gen. 41:16 -

The original Hebrew word (shalowm: H7965) translated as "peace" can also mean "prosperity" (Psalms 35:27). Either way, Genesis 41:16 shows that Joseph knew immediately, even before he heard Pharaoh's dream, that what it foretold would help Pharaoh to avoid calamity. Even more importantly, it would help the Israelites to avoid extinction (Genesis 45:7-11).


*Genesis 41:32 / *Gen. 41:32 -

(The dream was doubled)

Compare the principle of 2 Corinthians 13:1. Some people say that there the apostle Paul was misusing the principle because he was making his own separate visits all of the witnesses. But was not God the single source of both of the witnesses in Genesis 41:32? And was not Paul an apostle of God (1 Corinthians 9:1)?

(See also 1 Corinthians 9:1 below)


*Genesis 41:45 / *Gen. 41:45 -

"Zaphnath-paaneah" (H6847) could mean "Preserver of life" (See Easton's).

(See also Genesis 41:16 above)


*Genesis 41:46 / *Gen. 41:46 -

Joseph being thirty years old when he began his life-saving work could have typified Jesus Christ being thirty years old when He began His life-saving work (Luke 3:23, John 3:15). Note even the name of Jesus' supposed father in Luke 3:23.

(See also Acts 7:9 below)


*Genesis 42:24 / *Gen. 42:24 -

The binding of Simeon, whose name means "hearing" (H8095), could have typified how some elect Jews cannot yet obtain the "hearing of faith" in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:2,5), just as the binding of Simeon "before their eyes" (Genesis 42:24) could have typified "blindness in part is happened to Israel" (Romans 11:25).


*Genesis 46:4 / *Gen. 46:4 -

(Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes)

This could mean that Joseph would be the one to close Jacob's eyes when he died with his eyes open.


(Bring thee up again)

Meaning that Jacob's bones would be brought up from Egypt to be buried in the Promised Land (Genesis 50:5). And they are still there, in the Patriarchs' Tomb in Hebron, with the bones of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 47:30).


*Genesis 46:15,18,22 / *Gen. 46:15 -


Every time that the word "souls" is used in the Bible, it does not have to refer to dead people. For it is used to refer to living people in Acts 27:37 and Genesis 46:15. For living people consist of a body, a soul, and a spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


*Genesis 49:8 / *Gen. 49:8 -

(In the neck)

The original Hebrew word (oreph: H6203) translated as "in the neck of" can simply refer to the back of the neck, so that Judah's hand would be on the neck of his enemies, in the sense of having power over them.


*Genesis 49:10 / *Gen. 49:10 -

Here the scepter of Judah refers to the kingly rule over all Israel which the tribe of Judah obtained through King David (2 Samuel 3:10), and which will be continued at Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming, when He will sit on David's throne (Luke 1:32, Isaiah 9:7) over a united Kingdom of Israel and Judah (Ezekiel 37:22).

So Genesis 49:10 does not mean that the scepter will not depart from Judah "until" Shiloh (Christ) comes, in the sense of it departing when He comes. Instead, Genesis 49:10 means that the scepter will not depart from Judah even "when" Christ comes. The original Hebrew word (`ad: H5704) translated as "until" can mean "when" (Psalms 71:18, Jonah 4:2).

(See also 1 Chronicles 17:11 below)


*Genesis 49:24b / *Gen. 49:24b -

This meant that the Messiah/Christ (the stone of Israel: 1 Peter 2:6-8, Ephesians 2:20-22, Acts 4:11-12) would have no human father (Luke 1:34-35, John 3:16), but that, as far as His father was concerned (that is, instead of as far as his mother Mary was concerned: Hebrews 7:14, Luke 3:33c), He would spring directly from YHWH, the God of Jacob (Genesis 49:24b).

(See also Matthew 1:18 below)


*Genesis 50:11 / *Gen. 50:11 -

"Abel-mizraim" (H0067) means "Meadow (abel) of Egypt (mizraim)" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary).


*Genesis 50:20 / *Gen. 50:20 -

Compare what Romans 8:28 says.


*Exodus 2:10 / *Ex. 2:10 -

"Moses" (H4872) means "Drawn Out".


*Exodus 6:20 / *Ex. 6:20 -

(Re: Was Jochebed the daughter of Levi?)

See Numbers 26:59 below.


*Exodus 10:4-19 / *Ex. 10:4 -

(Re: Revelation 9)

While the locusts of Exodus 10:4-19 were literal locusts as we know them today, the detailed description of the strange, literal locust-like beings in Revelation 9:3-11 does not match locusts as we know them today.

(See Revelation 9:7 below)


*Exodus 12:9 / *Ex. 12:9 -

The original Hebrew word (qereb: H7130) translated as "purtenance" can, like the English word, mean "bowels" (Psalms 109:18), in the sense of the internal organs.


*Exodus 13:9,16 / *Ex. 13:9 / *Ex. 13:16 -

(Re: Revelation 13:16)

See section 3 of Revelation 13:16 below.

Nothing requires that Exodus 13:9,16 was not meant to be taken literally. For just as Orthodox Jews interpret Deuteronomy 6:9 and Deuteronomy 11:20 literally, and so place mezuzahs (little boxes containing scripture) on their doorposts, so Orthodox Jews interpret Exodus 13:9,16, Deuteronomy 6:8, and Deuteronomy 11:18 literally, and so sometimes tie phylacteries (little boxes containing scripture) on their forehead and arm.

The mark of the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast") will similarly be literally, visibly placed on the forehead or hand (Revelation 13:16), but probably by scarification. Compare how the forbidden "cuttings" in Leviticus 19:28 and Leviticus 21:5b were literal, visible marks applied by scarification. And the "cuttings" on the hands in Jeremiah 48:37 referred to scarification marks. And the marks of Jesus Christ on the apostle Paul's body (Galatians 6:17) were literal, visible marks (scars from persecution). And the future mark of God's name on obedient Christians will be a literal, visible mark miraculously "written" on their forehead (Revelation 22:4, Revelation 3:12).

(See also Ezekiel 9:4 below)



In Exodus 13:16 the original Hebrew word (towphaphah: H2903) translated as "frontlets" means "a fillet for the forehead" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary). Here a "fillet" means "a ribbon or narrow strip of material used especially as a headband" (Webster's). So in Exodus 13:16, "frontlets" can refer to something literally tied onto the forehead, in this case a phylactery (cf. Matthew 23:5), which is "one of two small square leather boxes containing slips inscribed with scriptural passages and traditionally worn on the left arm and on the [fore]head by Jewish men during morning weekday prayers" (Webster's).

It is curious that inscribed on the leather box on the forehead is the Hebrew letter Shin, which looks somewhat like a W, or three Hebrew letter Vav's in a row. A Vav looks somewhat like a 7, but it represents the number 6. So three Vav's in a row would represent 6 - 6 - 6. So placing the Hebrew letter Shin on the forehead would be similar to placing 666 on the forehead. This is not to say that this is in any way the intention of those who wear a forehead phylactery. For they instead see the three parts of Shin as being somehow an emblem of YHWH God. But it is curious that the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast"), who will utterly revile YHWH (Revelation 13:6, Daniel 11:36), will place his own emblem on people's foreheads (probably by scarification) which will be so similar to what the Jews consider to be an emblem of YHWH.

(See Revelation 13:16 below)

If the three parts of the Hebrew letter Shin are indeed an emblem of YHWH God, Christians would interpret this as referring to YHWH the Trinity.

(See paragraph 2 of John 1:1 below)

Also, the future Antichrist's counterfeit emblem would be interpreted as including reference to what is sometimes called "The Unholy Trinity", which consists of Lucifer (Satan, the dragon), and the future Antichrist, and the future Antichrist's False Prophet (Revelation 16:13, Revelation 13:4-18, Revelation 19:20 to 20:3).

(See also Revelation 13:4 below)


*Exodus 16:16 / *Ex. 16:16 -

An "omer" (H6016) would fill a half-gallon jar.


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