IS The CHURCH The FULFILLMENT of ISRAEL? Replacement Theology

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Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

Ephesians 2:11 Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands- 12 remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. 17 And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.

Galatians 3:16 Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ.

God's plan has always been to have one people and to have a personal relationship with that one people.

To insist that God has two people and two covenants and two plans of reconciliation is the heresy.
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Did you and/or others read this announcement by the P M of Israel concerning the holocaust?

NTEB: God's Prophetical Promise To Return The Jews To Israel

In a stunning and remarkable moment, Netanyahu also declared to the people of Europe and the world that the prophecies of Ezekiel 37 have been fulfilled.

The Holocaust, he said, represented the "dry bones" and "graves" of the Jewish people, and out of that horror the State of Israel was resurrected, just as the Lord said would happen through the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel.
Rarely has any world leader given a major address on an international stage declaring End Times prophecies from the Bible have come true.
But that is exactly what Netanyahu did. - Joel Rosenberg

He brings up 70ad:

Roman legions surrounded the city, set it on fire, and destroyed the holy Temple which was the center of Jewish life in Israel. Thousands of Jews were killed, and then thousands more taken into Roman slave and work camps. Roman historian Josephus
Sporadic fighting continued for a few more years, and then it was all over, Israel lay beseiged and beaten to a pulp. Years went by, then decades which gave way to centuries. Nearly two Millenia passed by. During that period various groups moved in and out, but the city lay barren and quite fruitless. It looked like God's Promise to return the Jews to Israel would be impossible to come true.
Yet, when you read Scrupture, God's Promise is sure and confident:


I felt Ezekiel 22 was fulfilled in THE HOLOCAUST of 70ad


Ezekiel 22:
17 word of Yahweh unto me, saying, ‘Son of adam!
18 The House of Israel hath been to Me for dross, All of them [are] brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, In the midst of a furnace — dross hath silver been,
19 Therefore, thus said Adonay Yahweh: Because of your all becoming dross, Therefore, behold!
I am gathering you unto the midst of Jerusalem,

20 A gathering of silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin, Unto the midst of a furnaceto blow on it fire, to melt it,
So do I gather in Mine anger and in My fury, And I have let rest, and have melted you.
21 And I have heaped you up, And blown on you in the fire of My wrath<5678>, And ye have been melted<5413> in its midst.

22 As the melting of silver in the midst of a furnace, So are ye melted in its midst, And ye have known that I, Yahweh, I have poured out My fury<2534> upon you.’

The only event I can think of that was fulfilled in that passage was 70ad.
How did Yahweh gather the Jews into Jerusalem?
The feast of the Passover!
The Destruction of Jerusalem - George Peter Holford, 1805AD

History records few events more generally interesting than the destruction of Jerusalem, and the subversion of the Jewish state, by the arms of the Romans. -- Their intimate connexion with the dissolution of the Levitical economy, and the establishment of Christianity in the world ; the striking verification which they afford of so many of the prophecies, both of the Old and New Testament, and the powerful arguments of the divine authority of the Scriptures which are thence derived..........

The day on which Titus encompassed Jerusalem, was the feast of the Passover ;
and it is deserving of the very particular attention of the reader, that this was the anniversary of that memorable period in which the Jews crucified their Messiah !
At this season multitudes came up from all the surrounding country, and from distant parts, to keep the festival. How suitable and how kind, then, was the prophetic admonition of our LORD, and how clearly he into futurity when he said "Let not them that are in the countries enter into Jerusalem." Luke xxi. 21.

Nevertheless, the city was at this time crowded with Jewish strangers, and foreigners from all parts, so that the whole nation may be considered as having been shut up in one prison, preparatory to the execution of the Divine vengeance...........................

. This memorable siege terminated on the eighth day of the ninth month, A. D. 70 : its duration was nearly five months, the Romans having invested the city on the fourteenth day of the fourth month, preceeding.
Exo 12:
11 'And thus ye do eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and ye have eaten it in haste; it is Jehovah's passover,

23 “For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.
[Equivalent to the Christian Jews escaping to Pella during the Jewish wars in the 1st century]

Ezekiel 37 was not fulfilled in the holocaust. Ezekiel 37 is a vision of the coming resurrection.
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the Bible scripture read without adding to it , or misrepresenting texts refutes Supersessionism.

I don't like such labels, but honestly, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Mrk 11:13-14
  • "And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.
  • And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it."
Mark 11:20-21
  • "And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.
  • And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away."
If it is with Covenant Israel, then yes. But not national Israel in the Middle East.
Your post reminded me of another thread :

National Israel is cursed forever !

Mk 11:
11And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve.
12And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:
13And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.
14And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

The nation of Israel at one time in world history was representive of Gods covenant people here on earth and had many spiritual advantages over and above all other nations of the world..rom 3:

1What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
2Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

The oracles of God, meaning in short, important spiritual matters of the True God..

rom 9:
3For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Much had been given to them as a nation in order to preserve her seperated from all other nations, in order for the messiah, to be born under Gods Law, to die the accursed for the seed of abraham..

Now Israels history as the special covenant people of God is riddled with unfaithfulness to God and apostacy, however, God tolerated her exisitnce up unto the promised seed was born, lived and died under the Law..

After the death of christ, of which national Israel was the chief culprit in bringing about, God Judged that nation as unworthy of eternal life
acts 13:
45But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.
46Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

This is here a final confirmation of God rejecting and leaving israel, the etnic jews under His Judgement..

This is confirmed too in
matt 21:
33Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:
34And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.
35And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.
36Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.
37But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.
38But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.
39And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.
40When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?
41They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.
42Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
43Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
israel as a nation , ethnic wise, had lost her distinction and spiritual privileges of being that nation that represented the kingdom of God on earth, and that privilege was being granted to a nation, the gentile church, which would bear that precious spiritual fruit unto God..This is too expressed in
rom 11:
15For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

They have been cast away..and this casting away is final, as far as nationally is concerned, but not individually..but national Israel who, because of her favoured position, should have bore fruit, because of the outward advantages, which the fig tree indicated, but did not bear fruit, God cursed that nation, and that forever..

14And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

National Israel will never again have spiritual significance in this world, all those advantages are forever forfieted, but this was always part of Gods eternal plan and purpose for that people..

matt 21:
42Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
43Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

It was the Lords doings, and as the wise man says:

ecc 3:
14I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

National Israel's rejection and curse is final..
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Mar 6, 2015
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Ezekiel 37 was not fulfilled in the holocaust. Ezekiel 37 is a vision of the coming resurrection.

lol, no sorry, that is not the resurrection. May God bless Bibi.
It is clear that "the reviving of the dry bones"-- in Ezekiel 37-- signifies God’s Plan for Israel’s future National restoration---The Nation of Israel in 1948 - .
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Ezekiel 37 was not fulfilled in the holocaust. Ezekiel 37 is a vision of the coming resurrection.
I agree.
I just quoted what he said.

Now, if only we can get him to read the book of Revelation :bow:


Ezekiel 37: [Revelation 11:11]
10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
11 Then He said to me, "Son of 'adam! these bones are the whole House of Israel. They indeed say, 'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!'

Luke 2:34
And Simon blesses them, and said toward Mariam, the mother of Him,
"behold! this-One is set/lying<2749> into a Fall and Resurrection/standing-up/ana-stasin <386> of many in Israel,
and into a Sign being spoken against/anti-legomenon <483>

Revelation 11:11[Ezekiel 37:10]
Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood/esthsan<2476> on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
Revelation 20:5
The rest of the dead<3498> not live until should be being finished<5055> the thousand years,
This the Resurrection/anastasiV<386>, the first<4413>.
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What is replacement theology / supersessionism?

Question: "What is replacement theology / supersessionism?"

Replacement theology (also known as supersessionism) essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan. Adherents of replacement theology believe the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and God does not have specific future plans for the nation of Israel. Among the different views of the relationship between the church and Israel are the church has replaced Israel (replacement theology), the church is an expansion of Israel (covenant theology), or the church is completely different and distinct from Israel (dispensationalism/premillennialism).

Replacement theology teaches that the church is the replacement for Israel and that the many promises made to Israel in the Bible are fulfilled in the Christian church, not in Israel. The prophecies in Scripture concerning the blessing and restoration of Israel to the Promised Land are spiritualized or allegorized into promises of God’s blessing for the church. Major problems exist with this view, such as the continuing existence of the Jewish people throughout the centuries and especially with the revival of the modern state of Israel. If Israel has been condemned by God and there is no future for the Jewish nation, how do we explain the supernatural survival of the Jewish people over the past 2,000 years despite the many attempts to destroy them? How do we explain why and how Israel reappeared as a nation in the 20th century after not existing for 1,900 years?

The view that Israel and the church are different is clearly taught in the New Testament. Biblically speaking, the church is distinct from Israel, and the terms church and Israel are never to be confused or used interchangeably. We are taught from Scripture that the church is an entirely new creation that came into being on the day of Pentecost and will continue until it is taken to heaven at the rapture (Ephesians 1:9–11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17). The church has no relationship to the curses and blessings for Israel. The covenants, promises, and warnings of the Mosaic Covenant were valid only for Israel. Israel has been temporarily set aside in God’s program during these past 2,000 years of dispersion (see Romans 11).

Contrary to replacement theology, dispensationalism teaches that, after the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18), God will restore Israel as the primary focus of His plan. The first event at this time is the tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). The world will be judged for rejecting Christ, while Israel is prepared through the trials of the great tribulation for the second coming of the Messiah. Then, when Christ does return to the earth at the end of the tribulation, Israel will be ready to receive Him. The remnant of Israel who survive the tribulation will be saved, and the Lord will establish His kingdom on this earth with Jerusalem as its capital. With Christ reigning as King, Israel will be the leading nation, and representatives from all nations will come to Jerusalem to honor and worship the King—Jesus Christ. The church will return with Christ and will reign with Him for a literal thousand years (Revelation 20:1–5).

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament support a premillennial/dispensational understanding of God’s plan for Israel. The strongest support for premillennialism is found in the clear teaching of Revelation 20:1–7, where it says six times that Christ’s kingdom will last 1,000 years. After the tribulation the Lord will return and establish His kingdom with the nation of Israel, Christ will reign over the whole earth, and Israel will be the leader of the nations. The church will reign with Him for a literal thousand years. The church has not replaced Israel in God's plan. While God may be focusing His attention primarily on the church in this dispensation of grace, God has not forgotten Israel and will one day restore Israel to His intended role as the nation He has chosen (Romans 11).

Recommended Resource: Bible Answers for Almost all Your Questions by Elmer Towns
Maybe instead of going to "" to understand what we believe, why don't you just ask us? Cause clearly you're not understanding our position, and that definition you posted above is certainly not helping.

You accuse us of "replacement theology" but as has been already pointed out to you several times, that label is a red herring. We don't believe we've replaced Israel. We believe we've joined Israel through faith in Christ, and at the same time those who've rejected Christ have been cast out of Israel (those who still call themselves Jews).

Israel has not been replaced, only its members have changed. Israel is and always has been Christ Jesus, the kingdom of God. Don't make the same mistake that the Jews of the first century made, believing that God's kingdom is an earthly kingdom and that the borders and citizenship of that nation in the middle east that goes by the same name is of any significance to God. No the kingdom of God (aka Israel) is a spiritual kingdom. Always has been and always will be.

First you must understand what Israel is, then you will understand your place in it.
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lol, no sorry, that is not the resurrection. May God bless Bibi.
It is clear that "the reviving of the dry bones"-- in Ezekiel 37-- signifies God’s Plan for Israel’s future National restoration---The Nation of Israel in 1948 - .
Are you sure you should be honouring and blessing an anti-Christ as you just did?
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The question is. Which Israel? National Israel in the Middle East or the Covenant Israel making up of all people from old and new testament in Christ. You tell me!
The Jewish State of Israel is a nation made up of people from many ethnicities. The call themselves Jews, without any real proof of descent from Judah.
Bible teaching makes it absolutely clear who is the real Israel:
The true Christian Ecclesia is Israel.
Those believers who love the Lord and keep His commandments, that is: every faithful Christian person are designated by God to be Israelites. Galatians 6:14-16 The New Testament writings are clear: there is only one Israel, who are the only one Church, only one elect, be they Jew or Gentile by birth.

1/ Israel, the chosen people of God: Exodus 15:13, Deuteronomy 33:3, Ezra 3:11

Christians, chosen of God: Romans 9:25, Ephesians 5:1, Col. 3:12, 1 John 3:1, Rev. 7:9

2/ Israel, the children of God: Deut. 14:1, Isaiah 1:2-4, Isaiah 63:8, Hosea 11:1

Christians, the children of God: John 1:12, Romans 8:14-16, Galatians 4:5-7, 1 John 3:1

3/ Israel, the scattered sheep of God: Psalms 78:52, Isaiah 40:11, Jer. 23:1-4, Ezekiel 34:12

Christians, His sheep: among the nations: John 10:14-16, Hebrews 13:20, 1 Peter 2:25

4/ Israel, God’s household: Hebrews 3:5, 1 Chronicles 29:14-18

Christians are God’s household: Hebrews 3:6, Hebrews 10:20-21, I Timothy 3:15, 1 Cor.3:9

5/ Israel are the priests of God: Exodus 19:6, Deuteronomy 27:9

Christians are the priests of God: Isaiah 66:21, 1 Peter 2:5-9, Rev. 1:6, Revelation 5:10

6/ Israel is the bride of God: Isaiah 54:5-6, Jeremiah 2:2, Ezekiel 16:32, Hosea 1:2

Christians are the bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:4-5, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:29-32

7/ Israel is the vine and the olive tree: Isaiah 5:7, Hosea 9:10, Hosea 14:6-7

Christians are the vine and the olive: Luke 20:16, Romans 11:24

8/ Israelites are the circumcised: Genesis 17:9-14, Judges 15:18

Christians are the ‘circumcised’: Romans 2:25-29, Philippians 3:3, Col. 2:11

9/ Israelites are the children of Abraham: 2 Chronicles 20:7, Psalms 105:5-6, Isaiah 41:8

Christians are the spiritual children of Abraham: Romans 4:13-18, Gal. 3:7& 29, John 4:23

10/ The Covenant is with Israel: Deuteronomy 4:31, 2 Kings 17:34-36, Psalms 105:7-10

The New Covenant is with Christians: 1 Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 8:6-10, Ezekiel 34:25

The above 10 proofs totally negate any argument that the Church and Israel are 2 separate entities. That premise is held and promoted by the pre-trib rapture exponents, who must have 2 groups; one removed to heaven, [themselves] and the Jews, [Israel] who remain on earth to face the Great Tribulation.
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I hear Anti-Semitism under your words, & apartheid claims is a satanic inspired accusation. Even cloaked Anti-Semitism is from Satan.

The scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day were Semitic.

Jesus addresses them:

Matthew 23
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Jesus was obviously antiSemitic.

The Christ-rejecting Jews of John's day were Semitic.

John describes them:

1 John 2
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

John was obviously antiSemitic.

Why do you not denounce Jesus and John for their antiSemitism?
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lol, no sorry, that is not the resurrection. May God bless Bibi.
It is clear that "the reviving of the dry bones"-- in Ezekiel 37-- signifies God’s Plan for Israel’s future National restoration---The Nation of Israel in 1948 - .
That is of course debatable and your opinion.

Start a thread on it,[this one unfortunately was closed down]

Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?

Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?
Posted by William Bell on October 30th, 2008

In seeking to answer the question, Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?, it is necessary to gather a bit of history of Israel.
Israel, the ancient nation of the Bible apostatized during the days of Jeroboam. After King Solomons death, God tore Israel (the 10 northern tribes) from the house of David.

Their crimes were are follows:

Leaving the commandments of God,
Making a molded image and two calves
Making a wooden image
Worshiping all the host of heaven (sun, moon, stars, etc)
Serving Baal
Child sacrifices
Practicing witchcraft and soothsaying
Selling themselves to do evil provoking God to anger

For these reasons, God was very angry with Israel and removed them from his sight until none of them were left but the tribe of Judah alone, (2 Kings 17:15).

In 722 BC, God delivered Israel into Assyrian captivity. At that time, the king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel. (2 Kings 17:24)

Samaria was the capital of Northern tribes. Israel was scattered among the Gentiles. Hosea prophesies that God would no longer have mercy upon Israel, (1:6), saying they were no longer his people, (1:9).

Yet, in fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, (Gen. 22:17; 32:12), God would make Israel as the sand of the sea and once again call them his people. He would again gather the nation together under one head with Judah and form them into one nation. (Hos. 1:10, 11).

Was 1948 the regathering of Israel in Bible prophecy? A recent article published in the front page of The Fiji Time Online titled "Divine Intervention" (Oct. 26, 2008), called the 1948 settlement fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Consider 7 Bible reasons 1948 cannot be the restoration of Israel in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

1.The prophecies of Israel's regathering are quoted in the New Testament by the apostles and are said to be fulfilled in Christ through the gospel.Compare: Hosea 1:9, 10; 2:23; with Romans 9:25, 26; 1 Peter 2:9 Isaiah 10:20 with Romans 9:27, 28
The majority of the Jews who are settled in the land of Israel are not the descendants of Abraham.Consider:
The Ashkenazi Jews, (comprising the world's largest population of Jews are of European German descent.

Ashkenazi, means German and German speaking. Ashenaz was the great grandson of Noah, through Japheth. (Gen. 10:3)
The indigenous or ethnic population of Jews in Israel is comparatively small.
The line of Jews who were descended from Abraham were the descendants of Noah through Shem. Thus, the Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically related to Shem, hence are not the seed of Abraham. (Gen. 11:10&#8211;27).
Sitivina Rabuka cites Jeremiah 31:10, as proof that God would protect Israel from those who would attack them and seek to destroy them.However, he overlooks the fact that God promised that Israel would never be attacked or have their land threatened on any of the three annual feast days. (Exod. 34:23)

Yet, Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur, 1973. In the Bible, each time ancient Israel was attacked on a feast day, it was proof that Israel had broken the covenant.

Don K. Preston of Preterist Research Institute in Israel 1948, Countdown to Nowhere, argues that Josephus (first century Jewish Historian and other Jewish sources) cite that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem during the feast of Pentecost in 586 BC., (p. 26)

Preston also points out that according to Josephus, an eyewitness of the A.D. 70 destruction of Jerusalem took place during Pentecost, one of Israel&#8217;s three special feast days for disobedience to the covenant, Matthew 23 and 24).

Modern Israel was attacked on the Passover on 3/27/2002.
Each time in the past Biblical History, Israel is attacked on the feast days for disobedience to to the covenant.

Thus, rather than proving Israel's protection, an attack on the feast days proved that God was in disfavor with Israel.
Through Christ, God created a new nation of Israel, i.e. descendants of Abraham through faith, not flesh, (Gal. 3:26-29).Romans 2:28 29, speaks of those who are Jews inwardly, versus according to the flesh. Later Paul says those of the flesh are not counted as the seed of Abraham, Rom. 9:5-6, but that Christians, comprised of believing Jews and Gentiles, are the new Israel of God, Gal. 6:16.
As a direct result of their unbelief and disobedience the Jewish nation would be cast off forever from God&#8217;s presence and covenant people. (Gal. 4:26) This means that modern Israel, unless they are believers in Christ, are not the people of God.Moses prophesied that all who would not hear the Christ would be cut off from Israel, (Acts 3:22, 23).
All Old Testament prophecy has now been fulfilled. According to Luke 21:20-22, Jesus said the A.D. 70, destruction of Jerusalem was God's vengeance upon the nation for crucifying Christ and his followers.
7.The land promises to fleshly Israel were all fulfilled under Joshua, (21:43-45) and Solomon, 1 Kings 4:24, 25), to which Israel was allowed to return under Cyrus following the Babylonian captivity.The physical land of Canaan was never ;ultimate promise land of God's people, but merely a shadow and type of the true heavenly land promised to the Patriarchs according to Hebrews 11:13-16; 12:22-23)

1948, offers nothing in the promises of God for Israel, the new spiritual nation reborn in Christ.

Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?
Raised from holes in the ground? Or raised from sheol? Nephesh (Strong's #5315) is used approximately six times in the first two chapters of Genesis. Gen. 1:20-21,24,30; 2:7,19. The Hebrew word is used to describe both animals and humankind inequivocally. Both were creatures of mortal flesh. The death of Adam and Eve was spiritual, not physical. And they were removed from the Tree of Life. Thus its antithesis the resurrection is also spiritual, not physical.
Covenantal Eschatology 2016.
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Any Sunday School kindergartner could answer the question below correctly.

Every dispensationalist pleads the 5th.

How does God identify His Chosen People?

1. By their DNA
2. By their religion
3. By their culture
4. By their faith in, and obedience to, His Son


It's not our responsibility to figure out how God is going to keep His word. It is our responsibility to have the faith to believe that He will do what He says.
1 Corinthians 2:16
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

So are you saying that God is not smart enough to figure out who is in the twelve tribes?
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So are you saying that God is not smart enough to figure out who is in the twelve tribes?

Jas 1:1 James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.
Jas 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
Jas 1:3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

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Mar 6, 2015
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The scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day were Semitic.

Jesus addresses them:

Matthew 23: 29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Jesus was obviously antiSemitic.
The Christ-rejecting Jews of John's day were Semitic.
John describes them:
1 John 2
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

John was obviously antiSemitic.
Why do you not denounce Jesus and John for their antiSemitism?

No that is wrong. None of the Apostles could be called Anti-Semites. We cannot just redefine the word Anti-semitism, it is specific. Jesus was born a Jew, He was a Rabbi/ a teacher and He was is not Anti-Semetic. He had no hostility towards the Jews because of their race for being Jews, the Lord had specific criticisms for these religious leaders , He criticized the pharisees for their man-made religious doctrines, & their religious hypocrisy, their religious blindness etc.
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So are you saying that God is not smart enough to figure out who is in the twelve tribes?
We are saying that anyone who thinks that those who call themselves Jews are to be the sole recipients of God's Promises, is quite wrong and in conflict with all the Bible teachings about who are the true people of God.

We all know why you must have a Jewish people, to eventually come into salvation: to support the 'rapture'.

But nowhere does the Bible say they will all accept Jesus; only a remnant will and that remnant has to be Jews who become Christians NOW. There is no second chance for anyone, Jew or Gentile.
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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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We cannot just redefine the word Anti-semitism, it is specific.

Ok.. we might now be getting somewhere

Jesus was born a Jew, He was a Rabbi/ a teacher and He was is not Anti-Semetic. He had no hostility towards the Jews because of their race for being Jews,

And neither does anyone here that you've accused!

Show us even ONE post from me or anyone that claims hatred of the Jews because of their "race".

In Fact, you are the only one here who has claimed that MOST of the Jews DESERVE to be slaughtered in the soon coming "Great Trib" because of their race...

the Lord had specific criticisms for these religious leaders , He criticized the pharisees for their man-made religious doctrines, & their religious hypocrisy, their religious blindness etc.

But I guess if you were standing there, then, you would have told Jesus to NOT Criticize them because God has a Special plan for them?

.. and the current religious and political leaders in modern Israel?
Would Jesus criticize them for their continued unbelief in Him?
Would you criticize them the way Jesus did?

Why are you accusing anyone who has simply mirrored Jesus in their criticism of modern Israel's "man-made religious doctrines, & their religious hypocrisy, their religious blindness etc".

You seem to want it both ways....

Folks, This is Futurism's dangerous ambiguity toward the Jews on clear display for all to see. Here are some verses that show this to be true:

And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the Great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. (Rev. 11:8)

This verse designates Jerusalem as "Sodom and Egypt" because it was in Jerusalem that the Lord Jesus was crucified. If we are to say this verse refers to a time in our future and is not yet fulfilled, then we must also say that Jerusalem remains the spiritual "Sodom and Egypt" to this very day because of its Messianic blood-guilt, and that it must remain so indicted until the Judgment of Rev. 11:13-19 is fulfilled sometime in our future. This conclusion is inescapable if the passage has yet to be fulfilled.

And if Rev. 11:13-19 is yet unfulfilled, this logically implies that Paul's indictment against Jews must also remain intact to this very day, specifically, that "the Jews [who "killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets"] ...are ...hostile to all men" and that "they always fill up the measure of their sins." (I Thess. 2:14-16)

Consistent futurism logically produces a very dangerous ambiguity and ambivalence toward modern-day "Jews" in that, on the one hand, they are in some sense "God's chosen people," while on the other hand they remain a blood-guilty race of enemies (Rom. 11:28) who are opposed to all men, and whose metropolis is "Egypt" and "Sodom" until Revelation 11 is fulfilled. This is the hateful fruit of consistent futurism.
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He had no hostility towards the Jews because of their race for being Jews

Of course not. They had Jewish DNA, which dispensationalism tells us made them His chosen people. He should have been expressing His love for them rather than condemning them to hell.

Why didn't He?

Could it be that their physical DNA was irrelevant, and it was only their spiritual DNA that mattered to God?

What other explanation would there be?
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It's not our responsibility to figure out how God is going to keep His word. It is our responsibility to have the faith to believe that He will do what He says.
1 Corinthians 2:16
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

So are you saying that God is not smart enough to figure out who is in the twelve tribes?

Are you saying that faith and obedience are not enough?
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Definitely lots of religious blindness around here. Complete rejection of the promises of God and truth.
Yeah, I noticed that too...
Yeah you know it....and nothing seems to get through....the Pharisees come to mind...:help:

Beware the leaven of the Pharisees............

Luk 12:1
In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

Romans 2
17Indeed you bear the name of a Jew, and rest on the law, and glory in God, 18and know his will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law,
19and are confident that you yourself are a guide of the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of babies, having in the law the form of knowledge and of the truth.
21You therefore who teach another, don't you teach yourself? You who preach that a man shouldn't steal, do you steal? 23You who glory in the law, through your disobedience of the law do you dishonor God?
24For "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," just as it is written.
Revelation 16:11
Rev 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich!
I know about the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Rev 3:
9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars
I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.'
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

Reve 16:11
And they blaspheme the God of the heaven out of the miseries of them, and out of the sores of them,
and not they reform/repent out of the works of them
Lazarus and the Rich Man - Here a little, there a little - Commentary

Afterward, speaking primarily to his disciples but with the Pharisees (and probably the crowd) still listening in, Yeshua related the parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13).
The Pharisees, who were "lovers of money" (Luke 16:14), realized that the Messiah was alluding to them with this parable and took offense. They scoffed at Yeshua.
The final part of his response to the derision of the Pharisees and scribes was the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

LUKE 16:19
"There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day."

While the significance of this seemingly pointless detail has been neglected by scholars throughout the centuries, you can be certain that it did not escape the notice of the Pharisees and scribes to which Yeshua was speaking.
They thoroughly knew their history and were extremely proud of their heritage. Yeshua wanted those self-righteous Pharisees to know exactly who he was referring to with this parable.

This detail cements the identity of the rich man as the House of Judah, the Jews!

LUKE 16:20
"But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, 21 desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores."

In contrast to the rich man, we now see Lazarus. The first thing to note is that he is depicted as a beggar.
This is an apt description of the Gentiles who "laid at the gate" of Judah.

Paul describes the predicament of the Gentiles before they accepted the Messiah in his letter to the Ephesians:
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