Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?


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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi Phoebe,

When we get to the last 2 chapters of the prophecies of the Revelation of Jesus, God will have ultimately ruled out the possibility of atheism. Until then man will continue to deny our God and so it has been since the beginning.

God bless you.
In Christ, Ted
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Jul 13, 2011
I'd argue that science rules out the possibility of atheism, specifically when we zoom in on the origination of biological life. My agnostic friend admitted it would be more sensible to believe in God than an atheistic materialism. Ironic how in spite of this, the majority of modern scientists are atheists. Wait, what's that verse again?...

"Professing to be wise, they became fools..."

I can't help but facepalm at such a headline. Ravi Zacharias and John Lennox address this kind of idea in their response to statements Stephen Hawking made in his book, effectively debunking it. The double irony is that to make such a statement, you need have a severe misunderstanding of what science is fundamentally used for, or are simply bent on the misuse of it.
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Mar 18, 2006
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The only way IMO that science can rule out God is to find the first cause of creation. However, a first cause is scientifically impossible to find within the natural realm. Science admits it doesn't have an answer or the science for an answer, but the fact is.....they can't. It then seems the logical conclusion based on science is we have to consider creation happened happened outside natural scientific law.

I agree science has found many answers for how things evolve, but origin of life will always be the believers ace in the hole.
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On Sabbatical
Feb 3, 2010
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No and to say that it can, has or will is fundamentally a category error, most likely fuelled by the God of the Gaps theology where God either does x,y,z or the universe does x,y,z this essentially boils down to deism, a theistic position and therefore a Christian position is that God is in control, though we might find explanations of how something happens which seemingly rules out God, God is still a part of the happening always has been and always will be.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2012
I'd argue that science rules out the possibility of atheism, specifically when we zoom in on the origination of biological life. My agnostic friend admitted it would be more sensible to believe in God than an atheistic materialism. Ironic how in spite of this, the majority of modern scientists are atheists.

You don't have a source demonstrating that at least 51% of research scientists identify as atheists.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2012
I agree science has found many answers for how things evolve, but origin of life will always be the believers ace in the hole.

That doesn't even make sense.

"Hi, you don't have, in my opinion, any empirical evidence of the origins of the universe. Therefore, my bronze age religious text wins."

Is that what you're saying? In any event, we can look at the origins of the universe through things like distant astronomical observation, background radiation, and particle accelerators.
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In the beginning was El
May 14, 2010
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That doesn't even make sense.

"Hi, you don't have, in my opinion, any empirical evidence of the origins of the universe. Therefore, my bronze age religious text wins."

Wisdom was never measured by the accumulation of material wealth, bronze or otherwise.
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Jul 4, 2012
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All the natural laws of science, are the aftermath of the supernatural imediate maturity creation of all things.

The worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD.

All living systems were created imediately and mature, all light from the stars were brought forth to shine upon the earth from great distances imediately, apart from natural speed of light, all natural processes were created and function only after the supernatural creation God did.

God did not use natural physical scientific laws to bring about His supernatural creation.

If more Christians could grasp that knowledge from the Bible, they would not fall into the worlds deception, of thinking that natural processes have to be be the cause or origination of all things.

The cause and origination of all things is the WORD of GOD.

Written in the Bible, 1Johm:
1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2: The same was in the beginning with God.
3: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

God had it written for all of us to see it for ourselves, so we are not with any excuse.

18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19: Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23: And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
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On Sabbatical
Feb 3, 2010
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I actually wrote an article about this specific yahoo article for the Christian Apologetics Alliance: A Simple Answer For the Complex Universe

I guess it's an alright article, I think it would be more useful in the debate though to take up the cause of what does it mean for something to occur "naturally" atheists have defined it as that which happens without interference from God or man, you've accepted this definition without questioning the implications of this on theistic belief, the main problem I see is a setting ourselves up on a battleground that we will lose on, not to mention one that isn't biblical in the slightest, haven't you read that God works all things according to his own will? We can't say God is in control of some things and not others, we are theists and more precisely monotheists, yes this makes the problem of theodicy oh so much harder but the Bible is clear that it is God who is in control.
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Mar 14, 2006
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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and I, actually, understand where you are coming from. However, there is a method to my madness. Paul says to be all things to all men. Of course, we are not to compromise the Word, but we should speak at the level of person we are trying to reach. My outreach in this article is less to the atheist (unless he is ripe for believing) but to the doubtful, questioning Christian or the inquiring unbeliever. I go down to a more naturalistic view of things because these people need to see that science is not at war with the notion of God's creation. This is the whole point of Intelligent Design, a scientific theory to which I am a proponent. The whole point of intelligent design is to speak on the naturalist's terms on why evolution is just not seen due to irreducible complexity and other factors.

I wholeheartedly believe that God created ex nihilo everything we see and feel and study as He spoke it. It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) that you are saying that God still actively directs scientific processes such as fluid volume compensation in the body. I would have to disagree with that point. God is definitely in control of all things, but I think He originally set scientific processes (not talking about macro-evolution at all) in motion and He created them to work on their own. I don't think it's unBiblical at all to think that processes in the cells happen on their own as God has created them to do.
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On Sabbatical
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How can God be in control of something and not at the same time? It simply doesn't make sense either God is in control or he isn't. you're quite happy to limit God's acts for somethings but not for others, this is incredibly disconcerting, where do you adequately draw the line? Does God conduct the weather? Form babies? Feed both the predator and the prey?

Yes we are to be all things to all men however this is not in expense of the truth of the gospel, that is that Yahweh creator sustainer and king of all stepped down into his creation and have himself up for the sins of many! By accepting the atheistic definition of naturalism you are limiting God and therefore the power of the Gospel.
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Mar 14, 2006
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I am not limiting God in the slightest. God is the God of science; thus, all scientific process has come from Him. It seems to me that you are suggesting that God is performing every scientific process at all times. While God could definitely do this, He does not have to because He created it all once to work like clockwork. Like a computer program, God has programmed His creation to carry out everyday functions. Does God conduct the weather? Sometimes (he has been known to influence human history with weather), but regular climate he does not have to conduct because He created the Earth to spin along its axis and rotate around the sun. He created the Gulf Stream and Coriolis Effect and caused the moon to control tides. He does not have to conduct this in real time because he set it into motion.

Does He form every baby in the womb? No, because he created the processes of cell mitosis and meiosis to work independently of his constant input. He coded the DNA in the chromosomes to take the dominant and recessive traits of the mother and father and form one cohesive human.

Does God literally feed both predator and prey out of the palms of His hands day to day? No, because He set up the ecosystems to provide for the animals.

God set up the physical laws; so, mankind bound by these laws must follow suit. Think about this, man programs software to serve different functions. Now, we expect this software to run on its own and do the tasks that the programmer has told it to do. The same can be said of DNA. Understanding DNA is vital to understanding how God created life. God initially programmed the nucleotides in the DNA to do the tasks He programmed them to do. DNA is programmed to perform every vital function any living organism could ever perform. If God would have to perform every vital function Himself then why would He create DNA?
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Mar 14, 2006
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Yes we are to be all things to all men however this is not in expense of the truth of the gospel, that is that Yahweh creator sustainer and king of all stepped down into his creation and have himself up for the sins of many! By accepting the atheistic definition of naturalism you are limiting God and therefore the power of the Gospel.

How am I accepting the atheistic definition of naturalism. The atheistic definition of naturalism include the big bang, 14 billion year universal expansion, abiogenesis, and the evolutionary process driven by natural selection. I don't agree with any of these hypotheses.

I also believe in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What you are not understanding is that I am a strong Christian who just so happens to be educated in science. I work in a scientific field and I believe science to be the study of God's creation.
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On Sabbatical
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I am not limiting God in the slightest. God is the God of science; thus, all scientific process has come from Him. It seems to me that you are suggesting that God is performing every scientific process at all times. While God could definitely do this, He does not have to because He created it all once to work like clockwork. Like a computer program, God has programmed His creation to carry out everyday functions. Does God conduct the weather? Sometimes (he has been known to influence human history with weather), but regular climate he does not have to conduct because He created the Earth to spin along its axis and rotate around the sun. He created the Gulf Stream and Coriolis Effect and caused the moon to control tides. He does not have to conduct this in real time because he set it into motion.

Does He form every baby in the womb? No, because he created the processes of cell mitosis and meiosis to work independently of his constant input. He coded the DNA in the chromosomes to take the dominant and recessive traits of the mother and father and form one cohesive human.

Does God literally feed both predator and prey out of the palms of His hands day to day? No, because He set up the ecosystems to provide for the animals.

God set up the physical laws; so, mankind bound by these laws must follow suit. Think about this, man programs software to serve different functions. Now, we expect this software to run on its own and do the tasks that the programmer has told it to do. The same can be said of DNA. Understanding DNA is vital to understanding how God created life. God initially programmed the nucleotides in the DNA to do the tasks He programmed them to do. DNA is programmed to perform every vital function any living organism could ever perform. If God would have to perform every vital function Himself then why would He create DNA?

You do not believe in the God of the Bible

Read Job 38-42, actually read it, it doesn't just talk of God knowing about these things but also of his intimate work in creation. Creation is never ever described as a wind up clock that goes like clockwork, I get the impression from the Bible that if God were to step away from creation then it would fall apart.

This may sound harsh but really I'm asking you to reassess what you believe in lift of what scripture says.

Psalm 139 talks of God's intimacy in the creation of men. God is supremely present in all things, we are not deists who limit God to a winding up of things, we are not pantheists such that we believe that the creation is divine, not are we parenthesis such that we believe that both make up the divine, we are theists only God is divine, yet nothing apart from him can exist and nothing can happen but at his will. Drop the deistic presuppositions and embrace true theism and Christianity
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