who loves to skateboard?


Active Member
Mar 8, 2004
Cape Cod Massachusetts
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Well, not to resurect an old thread, but...

I skate! I skated for a couple years from ages 14-16, and got ok. I could ollie real well (like 3 or 4 decks sideways consistently), and the tricks I could do, I could do really solid. 50-50, 180 ollies, pop shuv-it, simple stuff. Well, just last year, I met a kid who started coming to my church, and he skated. So I took it up again and I've been his mentor for about a year now. God totally used skating to help me minister to him, and it's been really cool. On top of that, I'm also a WAY better skater now than I ever was as a teenager. I'm not Rondey Mullen or anything, but I can nail a lot more tricks now. Kickflips, heelflips, big spins, , salad grind, 5-0 grind, stuff like that. I'm landing them on bigger rails than I ever used to skate, too, which is cool.

I don't have an indoor park anywhere too close to me, though, so the season has ended until about April or so when it warms up here...
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Active Member
Jul 17, 2003
South Lake Tahoe, CA
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Hmmm...I'd like to resurrect this old thread. Just to let all you guys know, I've been skating nearly every day since I last wrote in this thread (even in the winter months I found places to skate (under school rooftops or in my garage or friend's garage)), and have been progressing weekly, if not daily. Skating is still tons of fun for me. I usually skate 2-8 hours a day. I love skateboarding, but I really wish I could use my connections with it to change people's lives, not just as a quiet influence, but as an unapologetic witness for Christ. The skate culture up here is associated with a lot of evil things, especially drug abuse. Most the kids I skate with who are my age know how my beliefs affect my life...I don't drink, smoke pot, cuss, avoid eating/consuming animal products (I'm a vegan [6 months strong] for health/utilitarian reasons, not for spiritual ones), etc., but they have never heard me share the gospel with them. For this...you can imagine I feel guilty.
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