What us teens really think about the war and sex...


Nov 22, 2003
OK, i am 13, and i know what its like to be a christian at school today. It is bad, i have all these jesus stickers in my locker and i get made fun of all the time. I go to a private school and everyone is obsessed w/ sex and stuff like that, my generation is so corrupt , i know why, it is the television. Everything is horrible on t.v. New shows like the "O.C" just desensitize us about sex. Now to my generation sex is "Ok" to do. I can not understand this. It is up to YOU! I request that you the adults do something about this, it is getting much worse, what about the generations to come? Please save my generation adults. Now is the time for a change.


Followerof Quincy
Jan 25, 2003
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Thank you but I'm perfectly fine with how things are (well apart from 50 year old evangelicalists pretending to be 13 to prove a point:holy: ).

It certainly seems odd that a christian is getting mocked in a nation were 45% go to the church every sunday. Especially considering that the christians aren't mocked in Sweden were 15% goes to church regularily and 85% of the few that actually makes it to church regularily actually believes in god ...
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Nov 22, 2003
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I know, on TV or movies, they add sexual incounter just to attract the hormonally enraged youth. This is not helpful for a "young" christian, it is sad. I empathize and i have thought about this before, but had no one to tell, thank you for bringing it up and helping people realize that all this sex in the world is the devil and we need to be on fire for jesus

we don't need to tell God how big our storm(sex) is, we need to tell our storm(sex) how big our god is
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
What is getting worse? Isn't teen pregnancy down in numbers? Sex does come with consequences no doubt. Perhaps young teens shouldn't really be doing it. I was 13 once, and I wanted it{sex}, but unfortunetly I was not bold enough. I look back to when I was in high school, and I think of all the blown opportunities I had. The bottom line is that you should be a leader not a follower. The other kids will do as they please, but you will also do as you please. Nature is so powerful isn't it? Desire is so powerful. Being intelligent social creatures comes at a price.
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Enemy of Christmas
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Teen4Christ said:
OK, i am 13, and i know what its like to be a christian at school today. It is bad, i have all these jesus stickers in my locker and i get made fun of all the time. I go to a private school and everyone is obsessed w/ sex and stuff like that, my generation is so corrupt , i know why, it is the television. Everything is horrible on t.v. New shows like the "O.C" just desensitize us about sex. Now to my generation sex is "Ok" to do. I can not understand this. It is up to YOU! I request that you the adults do something about this, it is getting much worse, what about the generations to come? Please save my generation adults. Now is the time for a change.
Well, I will agree with you that television is horrible. I rarely watch TV because it is a huge waste of time.

As for sex, well, it IS ok to do. But not until you're ready (but you probably already knew that).

Sorry to hear that people are giving you a hard time about your beliefs. Thirteen is a age where conformity is demanded, any anyone who is "different" gets picked on. It sucks, but its been like that for a long time. Hang in there.
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Dr. Zoidberg

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Oct 30, 2003
Teen4Christ said:
OK, i am 13, and i know what its like to be a christian at school today. It is bad, i have all these jesus stickers in my locker and i get made fun of all the time. I go to a private school and everyone is obsessed w/ sex and stuff like that, my generation is so corrupt , i know why, it is the television. Everything is horrible on t.v. New shows like the "O.C" just desensitize us about sex. Now to my generation sex is "Ok" to do. I can not understand this. It is up to YOU! I request that you the adults do something about this, it is getting much worse, what about the generations to come? Please save my generation adults. Now is the time for a change.

T.V. sucks, what more can I say?

Unfortunetly, adults aren't going to do too much about it, except maybe control the watching habits of their children more, which is all I think we can ask for.

For a young 13 year old then only advice I can give is to not watch this garbage yourself.

And take heart. Being 13 sucks pretty well sucks whoever you are.
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New Member
Nov 16, 2003
I know what you are talking about. I am 16 and I am just now figuring out that A LOT of people at my school are having sex. I believe this to be wrong, and I am going to wait until marriage, but it seems like every week I hear about another guy getting his "girl" pregnant... It's actually really sad in my opinion. I agree that TV contains too much sex, so I don't watch TV all too often. I also agree with Dr. Zoidberg that the only thing parents can do is to monitor what their children are watching, which is hard now-a-days.. It just seems to me that the whole world is corrupt... Just hang in there.

My two cents. :)
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Perspicacious Poster
Jul 5, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Umm, I can't even begin to explain to you how much threads like these irk me.

Basically, the world is changing. It's I guess the next stage of our society. Thats the way it is, you happy fundamentalist Christians can't do anything about it.

And if you get picked on at school for being Christian, well, that's not right, but then again you're the one whose putting the stickers up in your locker in the first place. I mean, there's lots of ways to worship Christ but looking at stickers of him in between classes isn't nessecary and you should have known you'd open up a can of worms. That's the way it is in the real world, Christians get mocked. So do Muslims and Jews. Religion is pretty popular as far as "Fun things to mock" go so hey, go to a Catholic school if it bugs you so much.

Basically, sex is OK. We need it to move forward as a society and if you feel intimate enough with someone to have sex with them that's fine. If you don't, but still have sex, hey, it's your life.

I really don't think it's any of your places to step in and tell people not to watch shows about sex and to judge shows that have sex in them as morally wrong. You're not God, now stop acting like it. He can pass judgement on the sex-obsessed when they die. If you don't wanna watch those shows, fine, but don't force your beliefs on others or try to change things for them. There are many people out there who think Christianity is evil (I personally think certain parts are) and appeal to adults to get rid of Christianity. I mean I'm of course not saying these people are right but you've gotta look at it on the other side of the coin.

So, yeah. Stop judging people.

Anyways I have some Christian friends who watch shows like the OC and they're all very, very, very nice people who are deciated to Christ. And, ALL these shows have a moral to the story that are good and in some way Christ-like. Look harder if you can't find them.

(Psst, i don't believe that God is real, I just wrote that post from a Biblical standpoint so you people would understand it better.)
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Senior Veteran
Dec 30, 2002
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I don't know if the person was making it up or not, but when I was a recent convert to christianity at 15, I always wore the Jesus shirts and had the stickers and started a prayer group, I got picked on more than once.. Older, wiser now, much much bigger. :)
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My Dog Wants Steak
Nov 10, 2003
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Teenagers are sexually driven creatures. I think that people are constantly driven by nostalgia to say that it's getting worse and worse, but really I don't think things are much worse than they were when I, my parents, or my grandparents were in high school. In my grandparents/parents days, teens still got pregnant, they just went on "vacation" for 9 months and came back sans baby or with a new "baby sister/brother." Or they'd just get married at 14,15,16,17,whatever.

When I graduated 5 years ago, 16 of the 23 girls in my high school class either were pregnant or already had kids at graduation, and this was in a very, very small Baptist town that had no sex ed class (the parents objected and the principal, a Baptist deacon, agreed). So it is my opinion that religious, "abstinance only" education will not work on most kids. Those who are committed will save themselves, but you just won't be able to convince a majority of kids to remain abstinent.

As to getting picked on, I'm really sorry. I know it sucks. But you have to realize, too, that EVERYONE gets picked on in high school for one thing or another. I was picked on because I was one of the "smart kids" and because I was tall. My sister is picked on now for the same reasons. With high school/middle school, it's not so much a matter of "will I get picked on," it's a matter of "what will I get picked on for?"

Either way, good luck! Once you get out of high school you'll realize how little those years of your life mean in the scheme of things, even though they seem so important right now. Just please yourself, do what you think is right, and you'll come out much better in the end.
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I've got an idea, Teen4Christ! Why don't you start taking some responsibility for yourself. Why point fingers and shift blame onto "other kids", "adults", "tv", "them! (tm)", and whatever else you find yourself offloading onto? You should be taking in the world around you, and starting to learn how to make decisions for yourself - things like what you will and won't watch on tv. What actions you will or will not take regarding your own developing sexuality. What you'll choose to learn about the human mind, heart, and body; and how to care for and respect your own, and others.

And don't say "what *us teens* think...". You can't possibly claim to speak for the whole teenage population, any more than another 40 year old on this forum can assume they speak for me.

And what were your views on the war? They seem to be missing, which makes your OP a little misleading.
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Jul 27, 2003
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Teen4Christ said:
OK, i am 13, and i know what its like to be a christian at school today. It is bad, i have all these jesus stickers in my locker and i get made fun of all the time. I go to a private school and everyone is obsessed w/ sex and stuff like that, my generation is so corrupt , i know why, it is the television. Everything is horrible on t.v. New shows like the "O.C" just desensitize us about sex. Now to my generation sex is "Ok" to do. I can not understand this. It is up to YOU! I request that you the adults do something about this, it is getting much worse, what about the generations to come? Please save my generation adults. Now is the time for a change.

Haha, blame it on tv? I blame poor parenting. Going to school with people it's obvious who's parents suck or just don't care. Alot of kids just don't recieve the guidance they should.
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Nov 13, 2003
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Taffsadar said:
Well I caught it just after he/she had written the first post...
Aparently the 50 year old fundamentalist who is claiming to be both "teenagers" wasn't smart enough to post on a few other threads as those fictional people first.
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Dynamic Equilibrium
Nov 16, 2003
Boston, MA
There are plenty of teenagers out there who are intellegent, respectful, introspective, and focused on their goals for the future. There are plenty of teenagers, religious or not, who treat sex with the reverence it deserves and act responsibly in regards to it. There are also many, MANY teenagers so afraid of going against the social grain that they lie and pretend to have sex or smoke etc. etc. so they will be accepted. Whether they are weak/strong/right/wrong in their actions is not for you or anyone else to judge. Everyone has their own coping mechanisms.

In addition, remember that the reason you are singled out by your peers is not because you are christian, but because you are loud in your beliefs. Someone who persisted in dressing in "strange" clothes and dying their hair, or someone who regularly promoted veganism, brought soy milk and tofu to school every day for lunch and posted PETA advertisements on their locker would face the same kind of abuse you have. They are not persecuting your religion, they are singling you out because you have made a point of distinguishing yourself from them. Their criticism makes no difference in the scheme of things. In twenty years you will have forgotten they exist, and they will likewise have forgotten you. The only thing that matters is that you are true to yourself.
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Unabashedly Baptist
Jul 22, 2003
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Teen4Christ said:
OK, i am 13, and i know what its like to be a christian at school today. It is bad, i have all these jesus stickers in my locker and i get made fun of all the time. I go to a private school and everyone is obsessed w/ sex and stuff like that, my generation is so corrupt , i know why, it is the television. Everything is horrible on t.v. New shows like the "O.C" just desensitize us about sex. Now to my generation sex is "Ok" to do. I can not understand this. It is up to YOU! I request that you the adults do something about this, it is getting much worse, what about the generations to come? Please save my generation adults. Now is the time for a change.
At the age of 9 I became a Christian and struggled very much to find friends to share my life with. Even though I held firm, God gave me great frends (one of which I later married) and now have a family that tries to serve God every day.
The peer presure was heavy then (1960's) and I'm sure they are even heavier now. Do all that you can not to conform and stand always in prayer and things will always work out for you. I know how you feel and as an adult I am always ready to give prayer for any need.

Be tough but always love those that despitefuly use you.:prayer:
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