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What is a "Confessional" Lutheran?


Augsburg Catholic
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Jun 26, 2004
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"We sometimes call ourselves “confessional” Lutherans. This means that we “confess” or “agree with” the Lutheran “confessions” or “creeds” set down in The Book of Concord, published in 1580 at the time of the Lutheran Reformation." WHAT IS A “CONFESSIONAL” LUTHERAN? – St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church & School

"Simple Answer: Someone whose religion is in congruence with the canonical Scriptures and the Lutheran confessions found in the “Book of Concord.” The adjective “confessional” comes from the noun “Lutheran confessions,” not from the “confessional” office, i.e., the Office of the Keys." What is a “Confessional Lutheran”?

"The Confessional Lutheran web page was originally created with the hope that it would serve and connect those who desire to remain faithful to the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions as they have been delivered to us. Today, the Confessional Lutheran web page serves Confessional Lutherans as a repository of dependable, Biblical, and Confessional materials." Confessional Lutherans

"Unconditional Subscription requires: 1) That the Confessions be drawn from the clear Scriptures; 2) That all ministers voluntarily subscribe; 3) That this unconditional subscription be given publicly at ordination; 4) That the confession may not be altered in any way; 5) That the churches served by the ministers also subscribe unconditionally; 6) That the church hold her ministers to the standard of doctrine set forth in the written confessions." What is a Confessional Lutheran

"Confessional Lutheranism Today." http://www.ctsfw.net/media/pdfs/preusconfessionallutheranism.pdf

Yours in the Lord,


Shane R

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Jan 18, 2012
Southeast Ohio
United States
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My experience is that, at least in the US, confessional is conflated with politically conservative. So the NALC parish I have served for several months has the mayor of the town, who's a pretty conservative guy, as a member. They proudly told me within a week or two of my first visit that they were more confessional than the LCMS church in town. And I thought that was fairly interesting. Then I met the organist from the LCMS church at the pastor's banquet hosted by the Gideons and I think I agree with the congregation's assessment. But it's more a political marker than anything to do with the Book of Concord. And I know several pastors who have noticed the same trend.
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Augsburg Catholic
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Jun 26, 2004
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My experience is that, at least in the US, confessional is conflated with politically conservative. So the NALC parish I have served for several months has the mayor of the town, who's a pretty conservative guy, as a member. They proudly told me within a week or two of my first visit that they were more confessional than the LCMS church in town. And I thought that was fairly interesting. Then I met the organist from the LCMS church at the pastor's banquet hosted by the Gideons and I think I agree with the congregation's assessment. But it's more a political marker than anything to do with the Book of Concord. And I know several pastors who have noticed the same trend.
I'm sure there is some connection because conservative theology would lead to a conservative view of life and bleed into politics.
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