• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

What Happened To Me was Horrendous

Jun 12, 2023
Salt Lake City
United States
Marital Status
hello everyone, I am posting this in here to see if people care enough to help.

I will say this, it could be sensitive in nature but I won't explain anything that is too much ok?

Rape is terrible. It is. And I have had more than anyone I know of. Most people do not live long when they are sex trafficked. They don't have as much of a problem as I do. Most people would say "how dare you ever say that about yourself!" or even "Your problem isn't that great!" and it is surprising how wicked and evil people are about this issue that I bring up to them. This issue is very sensitive to some people but it's not to me because of what happened. This issue is so normal at this point that I cannot understand my own thoughts about that area honestly. I have had more rape than anyone on the news or anyone I've ever heard of. If someone ever had more rape, I don't think it's rape at that point. However, I don't know many stories but I know of some bad ones. When you hear of my story stop and think for a moment, "why would anyone lie about this at this point?" or even something like this "why would someone pretend about it?" what is point of pretending on a random forum with random people I do not know? Why would I lie when it just makes me look bad? Why would I lie about my experience? I'm not lying.

When people think about my problem in front of me, they say many things to me. They say "You're nuts" or even something like "You're the problem" and then they stay away from helping me ever again. Then there's others who are nicer but not very nice in a certain way and say "I'll help. I know this is real somehow, but I'll help" and they help only for a moment. Then there's those who are rare and harmed me greatly who say "I'll help! I know this is real!" and then they claim that they receive revelation from God and say "This is what he would say to you right now" and sometimes it was fine, and other times it was terrible advice. They would go around and bless me and even lay hands on my head and bless me, and pray and cast out and it never worked. Not even once. Then they would leave me alone. They never came back. I was so appalled and harmed by these people that I couldn't ask people for help. I wanted help everyday of my life. I wanted to tell someone about this problem but I couldn't because of how different it is. I went to school, work, and even things like shopping and I was normal looking, not harmed looking, and even just walking normal. However, that didn't mean that I was truly okay. People who didn't smile at me, made it worse so much that I went home many times and cried because I said "no one even cares that much". When I went to school, not only was I begging God to let me tell my teacher, my friends, my family, and even those around me in general. I would go up to a random stranger even and shout something like "Please help! I'm being raped!" i would have talked to thousands of people by now in my own opinion. I would have. This would have been known by many people by now. However, God said "DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH PEOPLE UNLESS I ASK YOU TO" and the reason I didn't share was only because of that prompting. If I shared more, he revealed that People would have investigated my family and friends and then they would have found out nothing was happening with my family or friends. They would claim I'm nuts and not only nuts but dangerous. They would claim that I am a danger to society and lock me away in some random mental institution for years on years at a time. This is possible. However, I live in America and I don't know what to say about what happens in america sometimes but usually I think there's justice and laws to some extent. I feel completely abused by the system that is in place to this area of my life. Not only was I medicated heavily for my problem that wasn't made up, but it was a problem so big that it made my life living hell everyday when I got up, and when I went to sleep. I had no breaks with this problem.

When I explain this to people they laugh, or they look at it and say "you're just nuts" but the reason I post in here and not on an athiest forum is because I post about evil spirits raping me. People who are christian should believe that this is possible. Possibility is not just things that you can see and people know that, but christians especially should believe that. I believed that people would help me. I believed that people would not harm me instead because I was the victim. Do you know what happened to me? I was harmed by devils so badly and by people so much all at the same time that it's impossible to explain all that I went through because people would say "that didn't happen" and it did.

I was harmed so much that people said this to me "you're so nuts that you must be medicated completely for the rest of your life. You are so nuts and dangerous that you are a problem" and this is what they did the last time I was in court for no reason other than believing that a devil was around me. I never told them that I was being raped by devils. I never told them anything more than "I am being followed by a devil" and people in the medical and mental institiutions didn't believe me of course but others like bishops, pastors, and others that I talked to never believed me either. And all they did was say "sorry that's weird" and then leave me alone.

Most people's reactions are evil or wicked in certain areas, not even comprehensible in some other areas, but sometimes there is the rare few that believe me. These people are sometimes considered more spiritual. These people do not go to church to just go to church in my opinion. There was even someone I talked to that was a spiritual leader in his community and I said "Will you help me? I'm being raped by a devil. A real devil not a person." and he said "yes I'll help" and never called me back. This person was my only hope at the time and said very little to me in regards to my problem. He said "go to this place and it will heal you," and it wasn't even the right kind of answer. I said to myself "i needed help, not suggestions on how to fix it at this point because no one seems to know what the actual answer is." that is my thought at the time. No one even knows how to get rid of a devil truly. No one. They think they do. They think a lot of things. But when you have a real devil you do not just put scriptures that are open near your bedside table to scare him away. If some murderer came near your bedside table and said "I'm going to kill you" and you opened your scriptures, and set them down, those scriptures don't do anything to that man. He would laugh and still kill you. This is the insanity of some people's suggestions to me about how to deal with a devil. They say "say these words and they will get rid of him" or even "say this specific prayer and it will work" and it never did. Most people don't realize that the devil is stronger than an average human man. Why on earth would words make him go away? Then they suggest "casting out" and that this would work. It doesn't. It just doesn't. whomever wrote that in the bible or book of mormon or even in some other areas whomever wrote that does not even know a devil at all and how to get rid of him. When I was attacked by a devil I was raped everyday. I was harmed daily during the day as often as possible. I was tortured mentally so much that this devil came up to me one day and said "I will take you to hell with me, you will be mine forever, because when you come to hell you'll never get out." and so he tried hard to get me to kill myself. he couldn't kill me because God blessed that area. So he tried everything in the book that would harm a person mentally and emotionally with me. He tried.

When I had someone suggest to me "just put your scriptures down and open them up he'll go away," this made me angry. Because I said this to myself "are these people just guessing at this point and suggesting something like this to help a serious situation go away? Are these people lying to me? no they aren't. Why then do they think this problem is so trivial that scriptures near my bed will make it go away? and if this were true why does he not stop raping me?" and this is what happened. I put scriptures, objects, item near me to keep him off of me. It never worked. I used some "power from God" and it never worked. I used CHRIST'S NAME AND IT DIDN'T WORK. This is true. If you have a real devil and you cast him out he won't leave. God's power is real but people don't have it.

When I had this problem, I looked around at everyone and asked everyone for answers. There were so many answers under the sun that it was impossible to say that the spirit was leading anyone at this point and that no one was receiving revelation from God Himself. People were guessing. People were pretending sometimes, and other times they just thought their opinion was so correct that God Himself would approve of it.

I am so livid at people who suggest things to me at this point that I have been harmed by people's suggestions. I looked for experts at some point to help me. I looked for witches even but I said "why would the devil talk to a witch about how to even actually get rid of him? That doesn't make sense" and I said "but it seems that the devil has more people who know how to talk to him than even people on God's side have that talk to angels. How do I find anyone who can do anything with this area? I would have to have a prophet!" And I searched for prophets after a while because the experts did not know much either. So, I said "what is going on? Are people not even understanding that their spiritual experiences are false? They don't even make sense with my problem. This is true.

And then I went to someone who was a good woman in my opinion, RANELLE WALLACE. She claims to have seen God in a vision and talks to God all day long. She had an NDE and wrote a book about it. This is true. Look her up. Guess what she did to me? She left me alone the whole time I was in my apartment with her, as Devil's raped me. I looked at her as someone who helped a lot of people with her book that was a best seller, and even her stop drop and roll foundation was something I remembered as a child and she had been the creator of these ideas and she had put them into practice and then it spread world wide. I thought I found someone that could help me. I thought I could find someone who was so great in people's eyes but also great at spiritual natured ideas that I was happy to be near this person. She let me stay in her house for over 9 months. I was there for an entire year in my head but God said it wasn't quite a year. However, when I told Ranelle what was going on, I told her this "I'm being raped by devils" she said this to me "yeah right. That's not true." and then I begged her to listen to me and I even showed her something that was on my mattress from my own body from the rape that happened and she said "well that happens when you touch yourself" and I said "I have never had this happen in my life. I would not lie to you about my situation that is so dire and dangerous to you," and she said this "I'll help a little so it goes away," and she helped me for a while. I helped her all day long sometimes with listening to her interesting or bizarre ideas. She does not know that what happened was so dramatic in my own head because i did not scream all day long. Most people who would have this problem would die. But I didn't and I knew better than to scream bloody murder to make my own devil that was raping me to rape me harder and to make me more scared. I had to hold everything in so that he did not get the pleasure to scare me more. She told me after that that what I was going through was a mental issue. And that her spiritual experiences were real compared to mine. Hers was an NDE and she met GOD and ANGELS and said to me that her experience was more real than mine. She never met them. She has never seen God. God told me this. God said to me that most NDE's are a problem. I said to this woman, "will you help me a little bit?" and she said "yes I'll pray for you" she was very kind in that way in my opinion but she refused to help me more in a certain way because I couldn't ask her for help usually because I was afraid she would stop helping me after a while. So, Ranelle Wallace is probably at this point lying about me or even just saying crap about me to other people. Whatever she's saying about me is not true. When I said to my friend Ranelle that I was being raped, she almost never asked me how I was doing. She almost never prayed for me compared to how much she should pray for me. she claims she prays a lot and this is not true. She left me after 2 or so years of friendship.

I helped this woman everyday almost some weeks and some weeks I came once a week, but I rarely left her alone unless I had a problem with my demonic issue so bad that I forgot about everything. This woman claims to hear God. CLAIMS. And she believes it. Like most christians who claim this. I am not an athiest by the way but I am going to say this in my own opinion that most people do not have revelations from God. They have their own opinions. So, this woman was talking to God one day in her opinion and receiving revelation for me. I said "Please ask him about what I need to do to get rid of the demonic issues!" and she said "this is all you need to do," i listened intently and tried everything she asked and it didn't work. I said "I am not crazy just because it didn't work" and then she said "You are because that is what God told me to tell you about this. God told me this and so if you do not follow it exactly it won't work or you're crazy." and this is how it turned out. I was raped like usual that night. I was so depressed about this that I didn't know what to do. So I took matters into my own hands. I said "OK WHO IS THE PROPHET! I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE PROPHET IS! WHERE IS MOSES! I NEED HIM NOW!" and I searched high and low for prophets. I know of stupid ones that prophesy and never have results, but I wanted MOSES. I don't care who this person is, I wanted to know. Because i was being raped and tortured by devils so badly that I said "OH MY GOSH I'M GOING TO DIE!" it was like that everyday. I searched for this person. I talked to even apostles that claim to be apostles from other churches and other places and other spiritual leaders and other energy workers even and even people who were basically not sure about anything but they claimed to know GOD. I asked everyone "DO YOU KNOW GOD HIMSELF?! WHAT DOES HE SAY TO ME!" and I asked this one man and he is called PURE REVELATIONS. I do not care at this point what he teaches, if he teaches something against my own opinion I DON'T CARE. I wanted someone who was able to help me. I received revelation from this man who has this blog. This blog is full of ideas about heaven and hell and doctrine that he receives from GOD. I said "ARE YOU A PROPHET!" and he said "I am just like one" and i said this "YOU NEED TO RECIEVE REVELATION FOR ME NOW. I AM BEING RAPED. WILL YOU BLESS ME PERSONALLY?!" and I said that to him and guess what I received? I said "please help me!" and he said "NO. I refuse to come and bless you. This is GOD'S WILL." and I said "WHY WOULD GOD SAY THAT?!" and GOD told ME through the SPIRIT that this man was not a prophet. I said "GOODBYE" to this person. This person sent me an entire paragraph of what to do and it didn't work. I said to myself. "There are no prophets." and this is true. THERE ARE NONE. I finally said to myself "I WILL BE THE PROPHET!" and I prayed and begged and fasted for months on end and even prayed for hours and hours and hours upon end. I WANTED THIS GONE. GOD WAS NOT ANSWERING MY PRAYERS. I NOTICED THIS. I SAID "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! I'M NOT NUTS I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A DEVIL! AND THIS IS TRUE! GOD WHAT IS GOING ON! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!? WHY ARE THEY ATTACKING ME?!" and I said "this is not fair that everyone else gets "revelation" except for me! I am getting no answers from you on any of these questions! and why not! Am I bad? I am SORRY! And will you help me anyway?" And I am not a bad person but I apologized anyway. and i said this to God. "Who is the prophet?"

I received no answer until much later.

I found out that I am a prophet. I AM NOT NUTS FOR SAYING THAT BY THE WAY. But I am actually a prophet-like person. That is why the devil attacked me for so long.

So what happened?

This is what happened.
(in comments below)
Jun 12, 2023
Salt Lake City
United States
Marital Status
I said to one demon one day that was pretending to be God with me "who are you?" and he said "I am Jesus Christ!" and I listened to this person. He came to me invisibly but that didn't matter to me because God can do anything. So I said "Why are you here?" and he said nothing. and so I guessed that he was trying to say something spiritual but couldn't because I was not ready. So I said "that's okay, don't worry about it." and then nothing I did about that situation did anything to make me have what I received next. I said to him "what should I know?" and he was not talkative. And I said "Ok that's fine I'll listen when you're ready" and then he said this "i am needing to do something to you." and then I said "what do you mean?" and I was on my bed and he said "lay down for a minute" and I said "ok." I thought he was trying to help me relax or be happy or something like that, but instead of that, he started to rape me. He started raping me and I said "what are you doing?" and I knew what he was doing in general, but he said this "I'm going to have you forever." and that is how it started.

I soon found out that this person was a devil.
I was frightened beyond words when this happened. I said "I need help God! the DEVIL IS HARMING ME!" and God didn't answer. I said "why is he not answering? I'll wait it's okay God I'll wait." and then it took a turn for the worst. Instead of just raping me everyday at night, they became even worse monsters. I said "WHO ARE YOU!" and they don't respond sometimes and other times they say "I am SATAN" and that is all they say. And I said "WHO ARE YOU WHO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" and later I found out what happened. It's horrendous but I won't explain it. Satan raped me and this is true. However, people won't believe that.

I will describe an instance that happened to me once. I was in my bedroom trying to sleep because I needed to sleep desperately. I had not had sleep for 3 nights in a row because of the devil raping me. I said to myself "YOU HAVE TO HELP ME GOD! I WILL DIE IF YOU DO NOT HELP ME! I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG HE'LL KEEP ME AWAKE! I HAVE TO SLEEP OR I'LL DIE. I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG SOMEONE CAN GO WITHOUT SLEEP AND LIVE!" and he did not harm me after that prayer. That was one of the only times God helped me personally. The rest of the time ANGELS helped me. however, that scenario was so dangerous that God stepped in and said "I'll take care of it." and this is true. The devil was to rape me senseless. That was his plan. he was going to rape me all day long, all night long, and into the morning and again and again and again until I died. I knew that was his plan and so I begged God to save me. What happened after that was terrible because God helped me. God helped me and then the Devil said "I'll make it worse than ever before if you keep helping this person". God couldn't help me but my angels could a little once in a while help. This was fine to the devil because he thought I would die because of this issue.

Torture of the mind is different than other areas of torture. I will explain this a little bit so that people understand what he did to my mind all day long. Not only did he pretend to come and save me and pretend to be God many times with me. I said "Please help me GOD!" and it ended up being a devil. But he tortured my mind. Physically i was not beaten much, I was at the end beaten up by my own hand because they controlled my body, but at the beginning they annoyed me, but did you know you can be annoyed to death? IT'S POSSIBLE. You can be annoyed so much that it harms you mentally forever. They did things that were annoying at first and then it became a problem later on. This is not torture however, what I will say about that area is that it was like having an annoying screaming child all day long in your head because of what he did. But other than that it was torture in other areas. Torture is like slicing something off and then reattaching it. That is how creepy and strange and terrible it is to be tortured by someone. I won't explain what I went through because it will scare people too much and I want this post to be posted so that i can have a voice about my abuse. When you're tortured you cannot ever ever ever think normal again. This is true. You cannot even put words together. This whole post is a miracle post. It is from GOD. God is helping me write this. he's telling me exactly what to say.

When you have this kind of problem, you either have the most crazy person in the entire world talking about it, or you have a true story. Lies are something people create often but why would I lie about a devil raping me? to be interesting? Never. I would never lie, however, I would never lie about this in general because people have been raped and it's terrible, I would not just lie about something so terrible. However, when people lie about things like this they don't have back stories, they don't have people in them. You can ask Ranelle if she knows me, heard about me, and has lived with me. You can. If you know that person, you might want to ask why she left me in the end. If she talks about something weird that I said and something odd that was said in a text it's true. But why did it happen? THE DEVIL WROTE IT WITH MY OWN HANDS. I cannot control my body usually because of the Devil. he walks me around the city sometimes with his power. I said "Stop moving my body" so often that it scared me. He would not stop making me walk, talk funny and even do things like talk incessantly and make people call the cops on me because I talked too much. I was scared of this situation. I am the victim of something. I am not some bizarre stranger that thinks odd and scary sounding thoughts.

When people do not understand my problem, they are either evil, bad, or wicked. There is no good person that would ignore this problem and say "you're bad, or your nuts or you need meds" anyone who has goodness in them would not say "you need meds" why? Because people who are raped are not lying all the time about it.

I have more problems than most people combined but people don't understand when I say this "I am harmed more than all of you. I have worse problems than all of you." I will list a few problems with you other than the devil at this point, but I get to say completely truthful "I HAVE THE WORST PROBLEM EVER" and this is true. I am harmed more than anyone I know of. God said that I was anyway. The Devil is evil. PURE EVIL. Not just hitler. He's worse. He's worse than hitler. and that is true.

I have had my sister leave my family and run away for over 7 years and I haven't seen her since, this has harmed me so much mentally that I am surprised she is still alive after all of the pain she causes people. Then My friend committed suicide and another person I knew did the same thing. Then I had several other deaths in the last few years. I have been homeless for a short time but it was so scary because I am disabled with learning disabilities, I cannot learn how to use a cash register I cannot have a job or even assistance because I don't know how to ask for it. I was on the streets a few times because of my problem with the devil. He made people hate me so much that it actually made them kick me out of the house. I said "what do I do?" and I had to live in a homeless shelter for a little bit and this scared me because all of my stuff was still in my other house and I didn't know what to do about it. I not only was raped everyday every nighttime came around I was harmed that way. But i was tortured on top of it. Mentally, when you're tortured you cannot think correctly and form sentences after a while. This is true. This post is a miracle. Then not only did I have no work because of the Devil and this issue, but for 7 years I had extreme amounts of medicine shoved into me without my permission. IN AMERICA. I am a victim to dying from this medication, i died and then came back to life because God saved me. This medicine was forced into me for the last 7 years because I said to someone that I know "the devil is near me" and they called the cops on me for that sentence and the cop took me forcefully to the medical unit in the hospital for mental illness. I said to myself "What is going on? I'm in america! I can believe whatever I want! Why are you shoving me into a medical unit in the hospital for mental illness for believing that I am near a devil! This is insane!" and they forced me with high doses of the schizophrenic medicine that I had been on for 7 years. This medicine is evil in my opinion, but some medicines are worse than others and this is true. I died on a few, and then i couldn't breathe on a few others, and one made my jaw lock open and my eyes roll back into my head and I couldn't make it stop. It hurt so bad that I was frightened that it was permanent.

I have had so much HELL in the last 7 years and so little help with people that I'm surprised anyone goes to church at this point. You should never go to church unless you help people. If you do not help weekly you should not go. Do not go if you are being a hypocrite.

When people mention that I'm nuts now because someone claims to have known me and said "You're nuts" and say "well someone diagnosed you!" and what i say to that is this most doctors are not incorrect about certain things, but it's not impossible to have someone say "you have a problem here" when it's really a different problem. But also you do not know me. You do not know even if what I say is true and yet you claim to know that people are right about my situation. That I am somehow a nutty insane person. This is true that you have no idea what happened. So you do not get to claim that I'm nuts at this point at all unless you want to be that kind of person who thinks judgements before you even know the person.

I am now safe from my issue with the devil. I am now thinking clearly and can form sentences but not sentences like this. These people who harmed me are so evil that I cannot explain all that I went through. It would not make sense at this point. People don't think special things happen to certain people sometimes but they deffinitely do not think that something so bad can happen to someone so unimportant in life because it makes them look like they are important. If you are attacked this way by a devil you are either someone important or someone he hates a lot which also implys that you are important somehow. If you have no fame, followers, or even something interesting about you it's not something that is possible in people's minds that the devil would attack someone like this. They would have to be moses themselves. and this is basically what I am. I am like moses and I know this. That is either something very crazy to say or very true. And if you think it's crazy you need to know that you do not know me or this situation but you also probably would think moses himself is crazy to claim he is a prophet as well.

When people hear about this situation in my biography someone will write, this will make more sense. However, right now I was harmed by a Devil and harmed by people who didn't believe that I was dealing with someone evil and then I was harmed by life in general. People are evil sometimes, and sometimes they are just normal, but normal isn't good at this point.

I will only say one word about being a prophet like person. It's true. However, this post is not about that.

If this were moses himself what would you say? You would probably say "yeah that makes sense because you're moses, you would be attacked by the devil that much." And they might say "you're not nuts, we'll believe you" and that is true because people know that they should listen to prophets. I am very happy however to tell you some results of what God has been doing with me lately.

I have healed so much that I can actually sit down. I haven't been able to sit down for 7 years all day long usually because of my medicine and the devil. I was pacing all day long and could not sit for more than 10 seconds without getting up. It is harder than you think to stand all day long without any breaks or sitting down even a little after work. But when you don't sit all day long, not even for 10 minutes after you walk all day long, you cannot feel good at all in general, but you're also tortured. When I had this problem I couldn't sit at all and watch movies even a little, but my mind because of the torture and the medicine and the pain of whatever I was going through I couldn't read at all. I couldn't watch a movie at all. I couldn't do anything at all all day unless it was pacing all over the house. When I was able to watch a movie I was able to do it for 3 hours. I watched AVATAR the new movie that came out last year and this expereince was so dramatic I bawled my eyes out because I could finally watch a movie after 7 years of not watching anything. When you have pain the way I do you want to watch movies so much that it's hard not to.

I could sit, I can sit all day now. I am not pacing. This is a miracle. no they didn't change my medicine and even when they do it's the same problem. I can read a book for as long as I need and usually I cannot even read 2 sentences because my brain doesn't understand it. I can read! I can sit and watch 3 movies in one day! I AM A MIRACLE! I am ALIVE. I AM HERE.

This is not all that has happened but that is one of the areas I tell people about because it's visible. This is true.

This is not a lie either but when I went through this, God helped me finally. He came right at the last of the last of the last of the last moments. I was about to die. I said to myself "I HAVE BEEN GOING THROUGH THIS FOR 7 YEARS! AND GOD HAS NOT SAVED ME! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" and my mind was so messed up from torture that i was scared of myself harming myself actually. I said "help me God!" and the Devil had a problem after that. After 7 years. I said to myself "this is a devil that is here" and this is true because my mind didn't understand that it was God. So, God came and healed my mind from torture and he stopped the devil from raping me every night. I said "thank you god" and I was able to sleep that night without any type of problem. Since then the devil has not been around me. ONLY GOD AND HIS ANGELS ARE AROUND ME. This is true. I will be able to show people one day who my angels are. This is true.

Now, all of this is either a lie or something that happened, but most people will claim this is nuts and a lie or they will say "whatever" to it basically because they don't believe it. However, this did happen. And I am like moses. However, I won't say much but I have a church I'm building at this point. Anyway,

I know God. I know Him and he knows me very well because he has visited me many times since then. This is incredible. I no longer have a devil harming me.

I will say one thing to see what people think about this but I need to know if you would even help me if I was going through this problem?
Would you help? Would you call the cops? Would you put me on higher medication? Would you make it worse with your help?

Many people don't know my story but many will in the end know about it.

I have shared this story in real life with people and this is true. And they believe it. That is true. If you have a problem believing that a devil can rape then you do not know the devil and his power.

That is all I'll say. I was harmed and beaten and confused, and tortured and harmed and possessed and even raped daily. I was never without a problem everyday for 7 years. This is true.

I am grateful God saved me.
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May 5, 2012
New Jersey
United States
Marital Status
I didn't follow all the details of your story, but if you've been repeatedly sexually assaulted, or if you were trafficked into sex work, you're the victim of criminal offenses. Have you talked to the police?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
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In Relationship
This post is a miracle. Then not only did I have no work because of the Devil and this issue, but for 7 years I had extreme amounts of medicine shoved into me without my permission. IN AMERICA. I am a victim to dying from this medication
Glad and Rejoicing you were set free (from your other points in post).
Many many multitudes are going through this same thing, and not even or ever knowing they can be set free, not even or ever seeking to be free! (and often , daily, they are told not to be set free, if them mention it to their pasort, consoler, or friends or family).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
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hello everyone, I am posting this in here to see if people care enough to help.
For better or for worse, you apparently have already seen that so many even claiming to want to help simply hurt more, cause more harm, for no good reason at all - they delight in thinking up harmful schemes at night for the next day.

But not everyone is out to harm you.

The Shepherd Jesus is to heal you , from the inside out, perfectly, eternally.

Likewise all those who abide in Jesus, will help.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

“he who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matthew 12:30, NKJV).

Matt 18:1-6 1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
Marital Status
When people think about my problem in front of me, they say many things to me. They say "You're nuts" or even something like "You're the problem"
There are sins of commission and sins of omission. The problem is what we should have done but we did not know how to.

A lot of people have been abused. They get together and console each other because they understand. With the strength one receives from God they are able to help others have the strength to overcome these issues.

Why would you go to people who cannot relate to what you are going though when there are a lot of people who can relate. Even if your abuse was worse than theirs.

The main thing is, we can live a life of victory as an overcome. Even we are to trust in God and not lean on our own understanding.

Prov 3
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and lean not on your own understanding;

6in all your ways acknowledge Him,

and He will make your paths straight.

7Be not wise in your own eyes;

fear the LORD and turn away from evil.

8This will bring healing to your bodyb

and refreshmentc to your bones.

I know a woman who is a part of the support group at an abused women shelter.
I know she is able to help others because she has been through it herself.
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