What God intended for His created beings to eat


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Dec 29, 2006
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1 Corinthians 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

"Then God said - 'Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds', and it was so." Genesis 1:11.

"And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:12
Everything was perfect with no weeds nor blights.

"Let us make man in Our image." "In the image of God created He him. Male and female created He them . . . to have dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26

This dominion has subsequently been given up and someone else, namely the devil, now has it.

In Genesis 1:29 God said:
"I give you every seed-bearing plant (grains, legumes and seeds) on the face of the whole earth; and every tree that has fruit with seed in it," verse 29 (This includes nuts)

We do know that today we see only a fraction of what was originally growing on this earth. Many varieties have become extinct.

So, man's original diet was seeds, grains, nuts and fruit. Man's digestive system is geared to this type of diet! His system is very similar to that of today's fruit-eating animals. The length of the digestive tract is a strong indicator as to what type of food is normally eaten, and man's digestive tract is 12-14 times his trunk length (shoulder to hip), while fruit-eating animals is about the same.

Herbivores, such as cattle, have a gut-length some twenty times their body length, since it takes longer to digest that sort of material, because of the fiber content. The shortest tracts are, found in the carnivores - the meat-eaters. It does not take many thousands of years for a change to take place in gut lengths due to changes of diet. Recent studies have shown that this can take place over quite a short period of time.

Satan's work is to destroy or deface God's creation whenever he can. Due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve, Satan took over man's dominion of the planet, but he knows his time is short and the whole of creation has been groaning ever since. After Eve, then Adam had succumbed to Satan's temptation. God told Adam that the earth would be cursed - that it would produce thorns and thistles - and "You will eat the plants of the field." Genesis 3:18.

So, after the Fall, mankind was also permitted to eat vegetables. This was presumably because the original foods were not so often and readily available as they were before. This may have been due to the seasonal changes that took place at that time, or the diminishing levels of nutrients because of the blighted earth.

Vegetables are very rich in elemental sulfur and are good cleansers of the digestive tract. The tomato is very close to a vegetable, but not to a fruit, which grows on a tree and has a high fructose content. Vegetables also take longer to digest than the original foods given by God; the fruits, grains and seeds. It has been found and proved that if one eats vegetables at the same meal, with any of the original foods, then fermentation takes place in one's gut....This fermentation consists largely of fatty acids which have a detrimental effect on the body's immune system...

Fruits can be eaten with grains, seeds and nuts; and vegetables can be eaten with grains, seeds and nuts. Fruit is digested quickest, followed by grains, then seeds and then nuts. Vegetables take longer to digest than all these!...Even today, everything our body requires is to be found in a grain kernel. It has the carbohydrate, the protein and the essential lipids we need; all in the correct amounts and proportions." excerpts from article by Professor Walter J. Veith

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.


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Mar 10, 2007
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(I'm not arguing, I completely understand the point of what were were intended to eat before sin. :))

Just wondering, but if He still intends us to eat a vegetarian diet..why were the Isrealite priests allowed to eat the sacrifices? :scratch:
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Dec 29, 2006
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(I'm not arguing, I completely understand the point of what were were intended to eat before sin. :))

Just wondering, but if He still intends us to eat a vegetarian diet..why were the Isrealite priests allowed to eat the sacrifices? :scratch:

Well our bodies were set up to eat the original diet and it is the best for us, but because of sin many other things have been allowed.
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Feb 9, 2008
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God wants us to be healthy. How that is achieved can vary from person to person. I do not believe that anyone can dictate one diet that is best for everyone. Some people feel best as vegans, others need dairy in their diets in order to achieve optimum health. Others are very health eating clean meats. I do not believe we can recreate heaven on earth and I really don't believe that God is that concerned about whether we eat clean meats or embrace vegetarianism. He says that it is what comes out of a man that defiles him, and I beleive that is what should be the focus of Christians rather than what we put in.
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Dec 29, 2006
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God wants us to be healthy. How that is achieved can vary from person to person. I do not believe that anyone can dictate one diet that is best for everyone. Some people feel best as vegans, others need dairy in their diets in order to achieve optimum health. Others are very health eating clean meats. I do not believe we can recreate heaven on earth and I really don't believe that God is that concerned about whether we eat clean meats or embrace vegetarianism. He says that it is what comes out of a man that defiles him, and I beleive that is what should be the focus of Christians rather than what we put in.

I agree my sister, but like a car, the manufacturer made it to run with certain oil weight and certain octane in gas, and tire size, etc... and it runs optimum with those. Yes you can put in other oil, gas that it doesnt run well with, or put oversized tires as I did and then had to raise the truck at great cost to allow them to fit, all because they were not what the truck was built for and the manufacturer intended.....:)
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(I'm not arguing, I completely understand the point of what were were intended to eat before sin. :))

Just wondering, but if He still intends us to eat a vegetarian diet..why were the Isrealite priests allowed to eat the sacrifices? :scratch:

Basically the story (Numbers 11) is that God had intended for the Israelites to eat the vegetarian diet (manna) until they murmured that they would rather go back to Egypt and eat the Egyptian meat than having manna in the desert. God basically said fine, have it your way. But if you are going to eat meat, here is the guideline.

When the levitical priesthood and ceremonial system were established, the priests were instructed to partake (an olive size) of the flesh of the sacrificial animal. This was designed to demonstrate the identification with sin of Christ whom the priests prefigured.
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