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What Does the Bible Say About Dolls? Is It Idolatry?

Sister Deborah

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May 9, 2023
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a few things to keep in mind
this article references Alexander Hislop who has been thoroughly discredited by serious historians

also it says that the practice of playing with dolls come from idols, I never heard that before
We teach our children to love things more than teaching them to love God FIRST. That's when the door is opened for demonic influence in our and their hearts and lives. Oh, as far as teaching our kids, we only TELL them. That's not teaching which is an action word.--God bless.
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Oct 25, 2010
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oh ok, seems a weird origin of the word. I always thought it was related to idol.

'Dot' is also a short form of Dorothy. I know about the teddy bear word though.

The reason why I think that is..pop stars often get dolls made of them, and pop stars are idols. or matinee idols, they get put on pinups and other images plastered everywhere. Also if you are really famous, you get a wax dummy made of you and put in Madame Tussaud
oh ok, seems a weird origin of the word. I always thought it was related to idol.

'Dot' is also a short form of Dorothy. I know about the teddy bear word though.

The reason why I think that is..pop stars often get dolls made of them, and pop stars are idols. or matinee idols, they get put on pinups and other images plastered everywhere. Also if you are really famous, you get a wax dummy made of you and put in Madame Tussauds.
The Bible says:
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth".
This verse is very simple and complete. It says "any" 3 times. Any image, any likeness, -and finally- any thing. That is in Heaven, earth, or below the earth.
It really doesn't get any simpler than that.

Goodreads, you are right the words are entirely related. The former posters explanation of the differences is a subtle and convenient way to hide this fact. This fact has been trying to 'hide itself' (the demonic realm at work) since dolls became more accepted in the modern world over the last 300+ years. They are great gifts, moneymakers (selling them), and great babysitters - if you want your kids messed up.
Simply put, dolls are extremely dangerous and are a major gateway to demonic activity. That is why there is so much resistance to you original inquiry. Otherwise no one would care - This type of formal, universal, unilateral resistance is almost always a sign of demonic activity.

If you would have posted and asked:
Are pillows in my house evil?
Are flowers in my flower bed evil?
Is demin more evil than flannel?

You would have been ignored, but not on this one.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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The Bible says:
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth".
This verse is very simple and complete. It says "any" 3 times. Any image, any likeness, -and finally- any thing. That is in Heaven, earth, or below the earth.
It really doesn't get any simpler than that.

Goodreads, you are right the words are entirely related. The former posters explanation of the differences is a subtle and convenient way to hide this fact. This fact has been trying to 'hide itself' (the demonic realm at work) since dolls became more accepted in the modern world over the last 300+ years. They are great gifts, moneymakers (selling them), and great babysitters - if you want your kids messed up.
Simply put, dolls are extremely dangerous and are a major gateway to demonic activity. That is why there is so much resistance to you original inquiry. Otherwise no one would care - This type of formal, universal, unilateral resistance is almost always a sign of demonic activity.

If you would have posted and asked:
Are pillows in my house evil?
Are flowers in my flower bed evil?
Is demin more evil than flannel?

You would have been ignored, but not on this one.

How do you reconcile your interpretation with the depictions of animals and angels in the Temple, and especially, the images of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant? How do you reconcile your interpretation with the bronze serpent?

It seems like the key take away isn't that "images bad" but one shouldn't, you know, worship idols.

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Oct 25, 2010
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How do you reconcile your interpretation with the depictions of animals and angels in the Temple, and especially, the images of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant? How do you reconcile your interpretation with the bronze serpent?

It seems like the key take away isn't that "images bad" but one shouldn't, you know, worship idols.

How do you reconcile your interpretation with the depictions of animals and angels in the Temple, and especially, the images of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant? How do you reconcile your interpretation with the bronze serpent?

It seems like the key take away isn't that "images bad" but one shouldn't, you know, worship idols.

Your 1st point - God told them to do it. It was His temple.
your 2nd point - The Bible doesn't say that.
The key take away is exactly what it says in Exodus 20.

It says NO to "any" images 3 times. Any image, any likeness, any thing.
Then it gives 3 places. Presumably the only 3 places by the way.. That is in Heaven, earth, or below the earth.
It really doesn't get any simpler than that. What is more drastic is that doubling and tripling a directive / point / concept in the Bible is a way of not only verifying it, but also solidifying it as a very extreme warning. ExampleGod is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.
3 is a number of completion / perfection.
If God says something 1 time it's important. But when he says it a second time it is very important. But when, and if He says it a third time, if you are smart, you will act quickly.
Then concept of images being bad in the Bible is pretty easy to trace. It's like EVERYWHERE. And it's not the worshipping of them it is the: creation of them and most commonly possessing them. Worshipping them is the least mentioned as a cause for divine intervention.

On another note the vitriol and insults that members of this forum showed to Goodbook is absolutely no surprise to me.
She is allowed her opinion. And her concerns are valid and biblical.
In the judgement I would much rather stand next to her than the people that abused her.

Grow up, bullies.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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I came across this article: Idols and Images – Jesus the Deliverer Ministry when I was searching about deliverance from evil, exorcisms etc. It claims that anything like a doll or toy or cartoon that depicts a human, animal or celestial being is idolatry violates the second commandment and opens doors for demons to enter our lives. I had always known that anything that distracted from rather than led us to God was sinful, and this article really opened my eyes. I would really like for others to read it and for a dialogue to be started here.
I would say it's time to take a break from the internet. Lol
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Oct 25, 2010
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To This is me-
Person shares a link that filled with scripture to back it up. Like FILLED. It is well written and intelligent.
You reply with a laugh and a condescending insult.


That web page is incredibly well written and gives tons of scripture to validate.
I've yet to see anything on this site this well thought out and accurate.
Here's an excerpt:
An “image” is a representative figure, a resemblance. An “idol” is something which is worshipped. Note that the commandment specifically uses the word “image”. The scriptures use both words.

Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, either rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. (Leviticus 26:1)

According to this passage therefore, God allows for neither idols nor carved images. This verse definitely ratifies the commandment, making a distinction between an idol and an image. Even images which are not idolized are forbidden.

The key word is translated a standing image: (#4676 Hebrew) a memorial, column, stone, standing image or pillar. Standing images, as referred to here, are phallic symbols, representing the male sex organ. Phallic worship was common and still persists today in many parts of the world.

Dolls and images of things in Heaven, earth and under the earth are strictly against G-d's commandments.
Demons are very real and active in the world and are very VERY focused on people taking the name of Christian.
Most people calling themselves Christians wouldn't even know where to find things in the Bible: 10 Commandments, lives of Kings, David. Yet they get on here and trash people who actually do. The people in the know will only fight back so hard. I know I've taken heat for the Gospel both witnessing and among 'believers'. And I certainly won't take much here.
It would be wise for all of us to relearn the things in this article and about deliverance in general.

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