What do you do when....


Charismatic Calvinist
Sep 24, 2003
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I know I've mentioned before... but for background purposes... we are charismatic calvinists. We like going to a spirit-filled church, so we've basically had to opt for churches that lean towards the armenian (sp?) side of things. Not a big issue here, but just background on us.


We moved to the town we now live in 11 months ago. We tried many churches and even stayed at a Messianic church for 3 months. We learned a lot there and took away a lot that I think has enriched our walk... but, we didn't feel that's where God wanted us to stay (though we are still in contact with the MJ Rabbi and friends and all). So, we found the church we are at currently. It is a new Assemblies of God church... planted April 2003. It's very small right now and meets in a movie theater. The church is led by a Father and Son ministry team and their wives. The older half of the church seems to really like the church as it is, from what we can tell. But, there are a good number of us, mostly in the 25-35 year age range that are having some real issues. Yet, we've connected with each other and aren't feeling led to leave really... but we are all feeling something needs to be done or said. Just most all of us are unsure of what exactly to do or say and no one wants to take the innitiative and take the step.

Here are our problems... (in no specific order of importance)

1- worship. the church is lacking in this area. the younger pastor is supposed to be leading worship, but is new to it and worship is not really his area of expertise. His Mom is really the one leading and her views on how worship should be are very narrow. "worship should be slow songs, anything upbeat is irreverant" all songs are just chorus's... even the few good songs we've had are cut down to just the chorus and the whole message of the song is lost. The songs are the same ones week after week after week and are drving us crazy. That and the style in which the older pastors wife plays the keyboard, which can best be discribed as lounge style. The younger pastor likes more pssionate worship, but will not step up and be the leader he's supposed to be. This is a charismatic church and no one is raising their hands, clapping, shouting joyfully or heaven forbid... dancing!

2- Sundays feel like church meetings, not church. We hear more about the church we're supposed to be or want to become than just doing it. We are told of wonderful things the church is going to do and be... but it's all talk and no action.

3- Similar to above. The pastors keep taking about ways we can impact our community for the Lord. One was mentioned was reaching out to new parents with a small gift... then I mentioned not only reaching our to new parents, but parents who have been to Labor and delivery and lost a child to miscarriage or stillbirth, etc. and give them a memory box to put cards and mementos in. This and other things were mentioned as to how we could minister to the community. We haven't done any of these things.

4- the emphasis placed on 'growing the church', on 'numbers', or what I like ot refer to as 'quantity over quality'. Our heart is to bless the community we are in... if they come to our church great... but, if they go to any bible believeing church have we not done what we should? It's not that we don't want to see a church grow... it's just all the emphasis on bringing in the numbers and spending Sunday mornings talking about it instead being in the word and sending us off to our week refreshed and ready to serve the Lord in whatever way He may lead.

5- the older pastor and his wife give off a very shallow pressence. We and others feel that they are not genuine in their kindness. They seem like they are trying to be nice... more out of concern on keeping people coming to church than out of loving people because GOd has called them to do so. The pastors wife in paritcular never gives off any joy... she always has this sour, annoyed look on her face. They host the Wednesday night bible study in their home and she spends more time fussing about keeping her house perfect than offering a warm atmosphere to gather in. She has even had her daughter-in-law, the other pastors wife hand out flyers to parents about not letting the kids roam the house or stray from designated areas (the garage and the kitchen) as if any of us has (her 2 grandkids are the ones that run around wild and encourage the other kids to go along into the payroom they set up for the grandkids)... I guess she's concerned the kids will get crumbs on her light beige couches and carpet. We've offered the use of our home, it's kid friendly and we don't care if they run around... but, we've never been taken up on the offer.

6- the younger pastor isn't too bad, but his main experiance is as a youth pastor... and when he leads the bible study he does it as he would with teens. Not a big deal... but we are more than capable of participating in deep discussion of what the Bible says... not just to have it spoon fed to us as we sit like zombies not being given the chance to respond.

What would you do? Should something be done or said? What should be done or said? Any comments or advice? There are officially 6 of us that share all these concerns and there are a few others that we know share at least some of them.

(note: I'm going to ask this in more than one forum... just to see what range of advice there is to be offered)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2002
georgia, sautee.
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well, you may need to leave whether you feel like you do or not.
if God is telling you to stay then stay.

i dont think there is anything that can be done as far as stepping up and forcing change.
if you God wants you to be there, then stay, and if you see these problems then i encourage you to do all you can do to change things. but there is alot that wont work as you know. i dont think confrontation will do much if anything beneficial.
i would just say for those of you who have a heart for the church to be made the way it should be for peoples sake (not just becuase its wrong)
to begin to pray and seek the Lord so that he would move in this situation and make this church what it ought to be, FOR THE SAKE OF THE PEOPLE. cry out to God and ask him do a miracle and bring refreshment and power and life to this church, so that it can be a tool to save the lost becuase that is what matters to God, not just being right.
IF...you are genuinely called to be there.

but unless you absolutely know that you know this is where God has placed you, move on and search for a diffrent church, and pray that God would do his will in this one, but move on with your life and dont bring yourself into a bondadge that will disable you from running with your own true purpose.
there are alot of churchs or people that are disabled and malfunctioning,
but all you can do is pray, you cant hault the plan of God and where he wants you go, so you can wander off a bit to do something that you think needs to be done, if you really could make a real diffrence there then he will place you there anyway, but if God isnt in it, it will come to nothing.

sometimes you have to work out your own salvation, and pray for everyone else but go on, and leave others behind if they are not willing to come with you.
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I am ME
Apr 1, 2002
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There seems to be alot of issues within the church that you and your husband have. The biggest one that I read is that the Pastor and his wife give off a shallow presence, thats not good to say the least. The pastor as well as the pastor staff should be sending a Godly presence, and always be genuine in all they do. They are the ones that are looked up to.

Is this the only Assemblies Of God in your area, if not, then perhaps you should try a new one. Have you been going to this Church since it was planted in April?
I will be praying for your situation
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Hello, if it was me in your situation, I would change churches. You need the proper church to fully benefit from God. You seem like a very good person and need to grow in God. I went to a small Pentecostal church and I really benefit from it. I like medium- larger churches that you can grow and be more helpful to your community. I have found that Baptist Churches can satisfy this need. Obviously, I am a Southern Baptist of Illinois and love my church and the people. I don't have anything holding me back. I would advice you to pray, pray, pray and be patient. God will lead you to the right place. Be willing to change your lifestyle, etc if necessary. God bless you and I wish you the best of Christian luck
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my thoughts are free
Nov 30, 2003
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Lyle said:
Can you be a charismatic calvinist? I mean, I don't think the old TULIP bends that way.. or maybe ask what in all do you believe? But it's a new one by me. And how can you lead towards being an Arminian and a Calvinist at the same time?
you might be surprised to know that there are also charismatic catholics out there? oh the joys of the Holy Spirit in every way.
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Jun 25, 2003
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OnederWoman said:
What would you do? Should something be done or said? What should be done or said? Any comments or advice? There are officially 6 of us that share all these concerns and there are a few others that we know share at least some of them.

(note: I'm going to ask this in more than one forum... just to see what range of advice there is to be offered)

I know exactly what I would do because I am currently in a similar situation. When I prayed about what to do the Lord answered me in two ways. First He put into my hands a book by Jim Cymbala called "fresh wind, fresh fire". The book is the story of how the Brooklen tabernacle went from a hopeless mess of a church to the revival center it is now.
The turning point in their story was when the Lord spoke to pastor Jim that His house is called a "house of prayer" not a house of preaching or entertainment or anyother thing no matter how good it may be. The Lord impressed pastor Jim with the measure of a church is the prayer taking place and not numbers or real estate. Churches that have thousands of members but cannot get more than a dozen to get together for any kind of serious prayer are built on shaky ground.
So my first suggestion is for you to get that book and read it yourself. My second suggestion which is much more important is this. Call together your like-minded persons from your church for one day a week to fast together and meet to pray for real revival at your church. I can gaurentee that if you as a group seek God consistently and passionately with prayer and fasting for the next few months that one way or another you will see results that will amaze you. This kind of perservering prayer will also weed out those who really want real revival and those who are not really there for the Lord.
By the way, I also attend an Assembly of God church and used to go to a Messianic synagoge.
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