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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
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As a result of the Battle of Ar Mageddon which Israel and the west wins, the Satanic beast of the Revelation is locked away for a thousand years.

Is that a thousand years of our time, or a thousand years of God's time?
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Jan 13, 2006
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I will address some of the posts in a minute (though, of course, anyone can post to anyone here). First, let me post this. It is about some recent developments in Syria. (Fightclub? I'll have to look that one up)

I was interested to see the depth of openly acknowledged Turkish involvement in Syria. I was also interested to see how independent the YPD Kurdish "rebels" are of Assad's control. Up until now, I have been thinking of them as merely auxiliaries of Assad; but now I can see that there are FOUR major blocs in Syria:

1. The Assad Regime -- with and Alawite backbone, but having support from members of all religious factions in Syria, as well as the Russians, Chinese and Iranians

2. The YPD, which is essentially the Syrian arm of the PKK Kurdish guerillas who up until now have operated mainly out of NE Iraq, to terrorize the Turks in an effort to win independence for the vast Kurdish-majority SE of Turkey

3. The Free Syrian Army -- a ragtag conglomeration of rebel groups hosted by Turkey, armed by the US and recognized as the legitimate government by Britain and France.

4. Ghuraba' al-Sham and the al Nusra Front -- terrorist groups affiliated with Al Qaeda and backed secretly, at least in the recent past, by the US (and, if I read this article correctly, also by Turkey). They have declared an independent Islamic state under Sharia Law outside Aleppo.

The area of control of groups 2 and 4 are all near the Syria-Turkish border, which is the main reason they have been in conflict with one another. The other two groups are operating throughout the country, but seem to be abandoning the N and NE border areas. The besieged government enclave of Aleppo has to be supplied by helicopter, and is surrounded by Groups 3 and 4.

A major factor in Assad's ability to fight on, is that the Air Force was, the last I was aware, staffed by pro-Assad Alawites; as well as Russian and Chinese cooperation in preventing a no-fly zone from going into place in order to cut off Assad's main arm. His government, along with the Russians, Iranians and Chinese, view with great suspicion the recent Turkish request for Patriot missiles, since their only practical value would be to help them police a no-fly zone.

Prophetically, as far as I can see, the main importance of these events is that Assad's control of Syria seems to be strongly challenged by various resistance groups that are WELL-armed by outside players such as Turkey and the US. As soon as Assad falls, I expect Turkey to ally itself with Iran.
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Jul 30, 2009
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I don't think Obama can do much. America has already lost too much influence in the region to have much affect, and it doesn't want to lose the few friends it has by interfering in Arab affairs.
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Jan 13, 2006
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many believe Israel is its own worst enemy. The implications of this fall nicely into predictions of future conflicts involving Israel.

You win the prize, Marsh, for "most interesting recent post".

1. Israel being its own worst enemy. This can be generalized to all Jews -- which makes it even more miraculous, that they have survived as a people. BTW, do you know about the greatest miracle in the New Testament? It's this:

120 Jews, living with one accord in one place, is a greater miracle than walking on water.

2. Concerning "predictions of the future", the secular world is full of them; they aren't confined to Bible believers

Interpreter, you said,

"As a result of the Battle of Ar Mageddon which Israel and the west wins, the Satanic beast of the Revelation is locked away for a thousand years."

OK -- I think I can see your "Armageddon" connection. It's here:
The scriptures I had in mind were:
Good. You are correct in your chronology, and I have been wrong about the "Battle of Armageddon". It is definitely premillenial, and may refer to the "Zechariah 14" battle. I had been confusing the Battle of Armageddon with the Final Battle.

Getting back to dollarsbill,

Interpreter may have been giving you a word of caution: Yes, God always protects Israel; but only a remnant will be saved. There will be tremendous death and suffering among Jews at the Battle of Armageddon (= Zech. 14), though the nations that attack them will suffer more.

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Jan 13, 2006
Oregon, ИSA
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I don't think Obama can do much. America has already lost too much influence in the region to have much affect, and it doesn't want to lose the few friends it has by interfering in Arab affairs.
If President Obama is hamstrung, it is because of some secret communication between the US Administration and Mosri that made the latter believe he had a green light to take on dictatorial powers. In this context, the golf expedition was not just a way for Obama to "clear his head, to think better". It is a public endorsement of Morsi's actions -- at least, that's how I see it. As for Morsi being a "friend", this is debatable.
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This seems like semantic games here. The "international force" consists almost entirely of Americans, as do most "international' forces. Because Morsi's men take the DEBKA article seriously (by pointedly denying it), I suspect DEBKA has struck a nerve. Here is a snap of their article:
The reader may wonder how a conversation on a "secure phone line" got intercepted by DEBKA. The answer is that in Washington, the difference between "Confidential" and "Top Secret" seems to be a matter of hours, at the most. Ask Paula Broadwell, if you don't believe me.
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Jan 13, 2006
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Syrian Geography and Biblical Claims

"By the turn of the millennium, the centralized old Hittite Empire had fallen, and Hama is attested as the capital of a prosperous Aramaean neo-Hittite kingdom known from the Hebrew Bible as Hamath (Aramaic: Ḥmt; Hittite: Amatuwana;[4] Hebrew: חֲמָת, Ḥm&#7791, which traded extensively, particularly with Israel and Judah.[5] The Aramaean and Hittite peoples lived comparatively peacefully, co-existing with other states in the region, such as Carchemish.[3] The most significant of all the Aramaean states was Damascus, which became the leader of a federation of Aramaic states, of which Hamath was a member. Gradually Aramaic became the most widely used language of the Near East."

-- Hama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Neolithic settlements represented at Labweh [in extreme NE Lebanon, near Syria] have been found dating to at least the 7th millennium BC. It has been suggested that it was known to the Egyptians as Lab'u, to the Assyrians as Laba'u and as Lebo-hamath to the Hebrews."

-- Labweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ideal boundary of Israel reached the territory, but not the city of Hamath (Numbers 34:8 Joshua 13:5 Ezekiel 47:13-21). David entered into friendly relations with Toi, its king (2 Samuel 8:9), and Solomon erected store cities in the land of Hamath (2 Chronicles 8:4). In the days of Ahab we meet with it on the cuneiform inscriptions, under the name mat hamatti, and its king Irhuleni was a party to the alliance of the Hittites with Ben-hadad of Damascus and Ahab of Israel against Shalmaneser II; but this was broken up by the battle of Qarqar in 854 B.C., and Hamath became subject to Assyria."

-- Bible Map: Lebo-hamath

"Palmyra appears in the Bible (II Chronicles 8.4) as a desert city fortified by Solomon. (There is a mention of a city of Tamar in I Kings 9.18, also fortified by Solomon, which may refer to Tadmor but could also be a place near the Dead Sea.) Tadmor is also mentioned by Josephus (Antiquities, Book VIII) along with the Greek name of Palmyra, as a city built by Solomon."

-- Palmyra, Syria

This all places not only Lebanon, but the Syrian provinces of Al Quneitera, Dara, Al Sweida, Damascus and Homs in historical Israel and Canaan.

We'll see how things turn out.
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Jan 13, 2006
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Sinai is another place being taken over by terrorists. Egypt has nominal sovereignty, but is forbidden by treaty from a substantial military presence there; and the US-led "multinational force" was recently held hostage in its own barracks by Bedouin guerillas.

Other terrorist playgrounds include Gaza, Lebanon, Northern Mali, SW Somalia and parts of Yemen, as well as Waziristan in Pakistan and some of the other well-known terrorist havens. This is the reality of the "failed states" I posted about earlier. It reminds me of the Barbary Pirate states around 1800, or even of the Middle Ages. Civilization in the 21st Century appears to be headed decidedly backwards.

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Jan 13, 2006
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I don't think Obama can do much. America has already lost too much influence in the region to have much affect, and it doesn't want to lose the few friends it has by interfering in Arab affairs.

Supreme, I've been wanting to ask you something. The baubles by your name include an "M" icon, which seems to indicate that either you are very "modern", or that you are a moderator of this thread. I have experienced the hand of censorship here in the past -- several times, in fact. One of the "crimes" I've been charged with is "proselytizing", which seems like a strange charge to pull someone over for on a Christian forum.

My son, who lived in Red China for three years, is very familiar with censorship. He described it as "the annaconda dangling from the chandeliers." Everyone knows it's there, but they all keep on eating because it hasn't attacked anyone yet. Then it suddenly drops on someone, and before you know it, they've had the life squeezed out of them -- to whit, they have been silenced ("harmonized", in Chinese parlance).

You may notice that I have occasionally quoted scriptures here, and occasionally mentioned God; and the annaconda has not dropped for some time. Do you have any idea, whether there are actually any STANDARDS one might gauge himself by? In China, the government has cartoon characters called Jing Jing and Cha Cha, which pop up on the screen at seemingly random times, to let users know that "Big Brother is watching".

If it's permissible, please tell me, from your experience, how much a heretic such as I is allowed to say about God and the Scriptures. I realise that this is a "Current Affairs and News" site; but often what we believe spills over into what we say. Thanks.

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Finally, an article on the Middle East that a Baby Boomer can relate to!

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Why would I be thinking of Bono ?

He was concerned with alleviating human suffering and disease. You may have had me confused with him. He also led the rock band, "U2"; so my picture might have gotten you thinking along those lines.

Meanwhile, It's been a rather slow day. Iran is busy off-loading advanced missiles from one ship to another, for shipment to Gaza; Egypt's Morsi is enjoying the green light Obama gave him, to repress dissent and seize absolute power (temporarily, of course, in the name of Islam), Muslims are busy killing one another in Syria and elsewhere, and bombing churches in Nigeria, and Russian and American ships are playing tag with one another off the coasts of Israel and Syria -- the usual. Therefore, I thought this would be a good time to expound further on the end times, which are current events.

I started talking about the "seven-headed, 10-horned beast" before. Interpreter correctly identified him as the antagonist of Zechariah 14 in a previous post. Briefly, here is his description:

Six of the heads are probably the past empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece and Rome. These comprise ALL the major powers involved in Israel's life before the dispersion. There are two major powers involved with Israel after the return of the dispersion: The European collectivity (the seventh head) and the US (the "eighth", embodying the beast itself, to which the powers of the seventh head submit themselves). The powers of the seventh head, or "Resurrected Rom" are represented by ten horns. These horns are European and Europeanized (Japan) powers who collectively dominated world politics from before 1750 to around 1950. After that time, the world has been dominated by the US.

Why, one might ask, is the US the major power of our time and the "beast" of the end times? What is there about us that makes the great powers of the earth want to cling to us? The book of Revelation says the nations of the earth will worship us, saying, "Who is like the Beast? Who can make war against it? (Rev 13:1)

That's the answer right there. With ten commissioned supercarriers, more than the rest of the world together several times over, a FULLY FUNCTIONING nuclear arsenal of thousands of warheads (as opposed to the Russian arsenal which is outdated, and as much danger to the Russians as to anyone else), the most advanced electronic and stealth technology in the world, and an economy the size of all the countries of Western Europe combined to sustain it all, nobody can think of attacking the US head-on in a military confrontation and winning.

What gives America such power? The bottom line, of course, is the grace of God. He has chosen His name to be glorified in us. How is His word glorified in us? By the things that Bible-believing Christianity has produced in this country:

1. Harmony. We fought one major civil war, around 1860, the bloodiest conflict on our continent. Around that time, China was engaged in the suppression of the Taipings, a conflict that claimed even more lives than the American Civil War; India experienced the bloody Seepoy Mutiny; and Europe was being transformed by widespred civil unrest. Japan, meanwhile, began its Westernization around this time. This era was the time of the breaking out of the Industrial Revolution as well, re-defining how the people of the world relate to one another. Let's take a look at how this time of tremendous change affected the various parts of the world:

  • a. East Asia: An extended period of conflict, culminating with WWII and the Chinese Revolution
  • b. the Soviet Union: The Russian Revolution, which devastated the landscape and brought about a failed social experiment costing millions of lives, and WWII.
  • c. Western Europe: Two great wars, claiming tens of millions of lives
  • d. Latin America: Revolutions, dictatorships, corruption and poverty
  • e. India: Stagnation, widespread poverty and two major Muslim-Hindu wars
  • f. Africa: Revolutions, wars, horrible poverty and disease on a scale not witnessed in the world since the Black Death
  • g. Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Revolutions, wars, poverty.
  • h. America: A continuum of economic growth, prosperity and stable government.
2. Stability. This comes from harmony

3. Prosperity. This comes from stability

4. Strength. This comes from prosperity

How did Americans manage to get along with one another, while people in every other part of the world people were going for one another's jugulars? Because we, by and large, accepted the outcome of the Civil War as God's just judgment, and went on to live our lives in accordance to the harmony-producing teachings of Jesus Christ. This has produced in our country harmony, stability and fair and honest dealings with one another, which show up on the bottom line as wealth and power.

I've already shown the "failed state" map. Here's another map, showing Gross Domestic Product Per Capita:

Notice that the per-capita wealth (and therefore the power and stability) in the world is distributed almost entirely among the United States and its close allies. The bulk of the rest of the world's area and population (including Russia, China, India, the Middle East except Israel and some Gulf states, Brazil, Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America) is, by comparison, not prospering. The only exceptions are a handful of West European nations.

This is the "Beast" of the end times, that will go to war with Israel at Armageddon: The US, its allies, and all the rest of the world; all giving their power and authority, under the charade of a UN flag or something similar, to destroy what they perceive as the greatest threat to their existence, Israel.

Eight billion people in the world are apparently afraid of the eight million people in Israel.
There is no rational explanation for this fear, but the fear is very real. There can be no outcome but war, against a country perceived as such a great threat to the world's security; but it is not likely to happen for at least a few years. This current conflict in the Middle East is not Armageddon.
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