Ungratefulness and Self-pity



I heard a speaker this morning (I know it was completely a God-thing!) who talked about growing up in mud houses, making $50/month or less, being limited to having one or two buckets of water per day!!!

Ohhh how blessed we are, all of us, even the people the speaker talked about have something to be grateful for!! I have been so ungrateful for where I am and what I have... I find myself wanting to be further along in life and having more, but I am who I am right now because of God and I am where I am right now because of God! It's nothing I've ever done. And yet I go around wallowing in self-pity and ungratefulness.

Do you need this reminder today also?? This speaker spoke with so much gratitude and so much passion. We are so blessed.

What are you ungrateful about today? How can you turn that ungratefulness into gratefulness??

Do you know Jesus? Do you really know Him and have a relationship with Him? Are you growing in the Lord? You are RICH if you know Jesus Christ! You have something to offer.. something of lasting value.. to offer to other people!

Psalm 100:4
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Everyday is a new beginning.. a new journey! And God's mercies are new every morning!

James 2:5
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
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κύριε ἐλέησον χριστὲ ἐλέησον
Apr 1, 2007
New Carlisle, IN
Marital Status
I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.
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Bursting with fruit flavor!
Jan 31, 2008
Somewhere between Rivendell and Rohan
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I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.

FWIW, I totally agree with you.
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I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.
Exactly! And I'm not trying to say that I'm not guilty of this also, but we all are SO blessed! And yet we complain about the weather. Like, if it snows again our life will be over. There is beauty in snow!!! Even when there's a lot of snow.

And this speaker, her aunt still lives in a mudhouse! So she says something like "here I am, with two cars, and sometimes I ask God, 'why, why me?'" because her aunt has so little and this speaker has so much now! She said sometimes she's feels guilty when she looks at the two cars.

Wow!!! That spoke volumes to me because instead of feeling guilty about it, a lot of people would want more, and more, and more and more!

Oh how beautiful a broken spirit is! And gratefulness! We are so blessed! And you know we complain about our vehicles breaking down.. but what about those people who walk to work everyday and DON'T complain about it! My dad is legally blind and he has to walk everywhere or get a ride.. and a lot of times he walks... miles.. he's had a heart attack and he has type 2 diabetes and he's had heart surgeries.. and he still doesn't complain! He feels bad about asking someone for a ride!

Oh we have so much to be thankful for!
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Sep 26, 2006
United States
Marital Status
I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.

Oh absolutely!!! Agreed.
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Senior Veteran
Oct 1, 2003
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I try not to compare my lives to that of others, no matter how fortunate or unfortunate. Comparing our lives to those less fortunate is often a tactic by society or societal institutions to evict guilt about how we are ungrateful, or fortunate ourselves.. and the opposite, comparing our lives to those more fortunate, often only evicts jealousy, envy, and bitterness. I consider both to be negative.

Instead, I appreciate those less fortunate than me as my equal, for they have great strength in living. And I appreciate those more fortunate than myself as my equal because they have many resources with which to do good things in the world (whether they do or not, is not under my control).

I take life as it comes to me and I deal with it moment by moment. I do not consider myself ungrateful for the life I'm living, even though I may scream and shout and whine from time to time (or perhaps more than such a phrase might convey ;))

But, I do not consider the way in which I may at times deal with my life to be a disrespect to those less fortunate to myself, nor a disservice to my own life. I may whine or complain, kick and scream, but that does not mean I am ungrateful. The only people who would know the truth, are myself and God... no one else will ever know how grateful or ungrateful I am, though many will judge.

And since God knows... that's all I need. :angel:

I think the concept is still an excellent reminder. But, I have no guilt in saying I do not consider myself ungrateful in the least.
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Neo Baroque/Rococo Classical Artist
Mar 4, 2009
Other Religion
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I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.

The people who blame God for bad things happening are the same people who praise Him when good things happen, or for when bad things *don't* happen.

It's natural when you believe God is in control of everything, ultimately.

It sort of depends on a person's beliefs about who God is and what kind of active relationship they have with Him.

For instance:

"Lord, please help me do well on this exam"

Exam passed with flying colours

"Praise God! He answered my prayer"


Exam failed miserably

Choice of response:

"Why did God not help me????"


"Perhaps I didn't study well enough" (which indicates a personal responsibility above a belief that God will help in such things)

I personally don't believe God micromanages the world, nor my life, even if I were to ask Him to. He is much more concerned that I obey Him, especially so with relation to my neighbors.
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κύριε ἐλέησον χριστὲ ἐλέησον
Apr 1, 2007
New Carlisle, IN
Marital Status
Exactly! And I'm not trying to say that I'm not guilty of this also, but we all are SO blessed! And yet we complain about the weather. Like, if it snows again our life will be over. There is beauty in snow!!! Even when there's a lot of snow.

Honestly I hate snow, but I don't get mad at God about it. Its an inconvience in my life and its dangerous but I don't whine about it.

I just don't understand people who like snow.

I try not to compare my lives to that of others, no matter how fortunate or unfortunate. Comparing our lives to those less fortunate is often a tactic by society or societal institutions to evict guilt about how we are ungrateful, or fortunate ourselves.. and the opposite, comparing our lives to those more fortunate, often only evicts jealousy, envy, and bitterness. I consider both to be negative.

Actually it sort of surprises me that you say that. A statement like that is strangely conservative.

I agree with you because I think the comparison is ment to create emotions like guilt and envy but I also think in our own minds we have to keep a proper perspective on the world. But I think thats something we have to do on our own and I don't like it to be used as a toy to make you do something.

I personally don't believe God micromanages the world, nor my life, even if I were to ask Him to. He is much more concerned that I obey Him, especially so with relation to my neighbors.

I think God can do some amazing things behind the scenes in how he moves and motivates people. I think he can give people strength emotionally, mentally and even physically when they need it. Its not like God does your exam for you. So I think it would be more helpful to pray God give you the strength and focus to study adequatly for the exam, but I don't think its necessarily healthy to pray to God to help you pass the exam.

It does have that sense of "God I really don't want to work hard to prepare for this exam, so I'd like it if you did it for me."
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Jun 16, 2009
Marital Status
I think proper perspective is very important. And by no means perfect on taking perspective like that cause I get down about things too.

I guess my pet peeve is people who start to question their faith just because something bad happened to them. And I've said this before but I'll say it again.

In Africa rebel armies run around stealing from the people, often times taking their kids, pressing the boys into service in these little private armies and turning the girls into concubines. Often times they first train the boys to be killers by making them kill their parents. Or at the very least killing them in front of them.

So it ticks me off when someone in the west questions their faith because something minor happened to them. Oh noes, I got layed off, how could God let this happen to me? Sad, these horrible things happen every day in Africa and you have no problem with that. But the second something bad happens to you then you ask how God could let it happen.

I'm not saying being laid off is easy. But there is a lot of pain in this world, justice does not reside here. And compaired to many, we've got it pretty light. But the minute some people experience the slightest bit of pain they can't stand it.

This must appear to God as looking into a hospital with all sorts of people comming in with dislocations, gun shot wounds, other horrible injuries and the like. And then having some guy come in with a paper cut screaming so loudly that he drowns everyone else out. And ignoring all other people, losing his mind he keeps screaming about how he can't believe how this paper cut could happen to him/her.

Anyways mini-rant over.

It's healthy to rant. :)

Maybe I'm a push over, or can see this from both sides from experience. I read your description of people like this and I instantly felt pitty for them. It doesn't irritate me to hear it. It makes me think that they have not yet quite figured out that believing is just the first step and that they are missing out on soo much that God has intended for us.

Belief is not faith. It's totally different. Faith comes from trust. With faith, we can see past all this wordly stuff and continue to have hope without questioning God. With just belief, we are still exposed so to speak....or without "tools".

Faith is a tool, that allows us to hold firm and stand on God's promises and to keep our chins up. There are always going to be down moments, but for the most part.....we don't get to that loud "woe is me" phase.

I guess what I'm saying is that next time you hear stuff like this or see it....pray for them with love and sympathy because they are still wandering blindly a bit if minor set backs get to them that much...

What a great post hun. :) This is something I was really struggling with a month ago. I constantly remind myself of what I do have, and it's priceless. There is such joy to be had instantly in almost every situation, and ALWAYS to be had long-term. :) Thank you for sharing
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Everything is Beautiful
Sep 1, 2009
Middle of nowhere
Marital Status
I was raised in a family that taught this message to us..... always. With everything around us, we knew how completely blessed we were. I saw children running up and down a mountainside like monkeys while tourists threw coins at them. I have seen people living in cardboard boxes for homes and in garbage heaps. I have seen little children with glass embedded in their hands and feet. People begging on the streets. I was raised with so much compassion for these people.

For me, I am grateful for all things. Even the most basic of things. God said he would supply all my needs, not all my wants. Consider the lilies of the field.... God has given me so much in life. I have lived in wealth and I have lived in dirt poor. God has always provided for all my needs. It is the most basic simplest of things in life that I delight most in. When it rains we run out and dance and thank God. He holds my every breath in his hand..... and it is only by his grace that I am alive today. I praise him in the good and in the bad. Even when it is most difficult of all to accept the things he is taking me through, I know that there is purpose and reason even if I am not able to see it immediately.
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Honestly I hate snow, but I don't get mad at God about it. Its an inconvience in my life and its dangerous but I don't whine about it.

I just don't understand people who like snow.

Good thing you're not living in the Midwest ^_^ I understand that not everyone is going to like snow. Not trying to suggest everyone should like it. It just seems that wherever I go someone is complaining about the weather. :sorry:
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Senior Veteran
Jul 13, 2007
Marital Status
I try not to compare my lives to that of others, no matter how fortunate or unfortunate. Comparing our lives to those less fortunate is often a tactic by society or societal institutions to evict guilt about how we are ungrateful, or fortunate ourselves.. and the opposite, comparing our lives to those more fortunate, often only evicts jealousy, envy, and bitterness. I consider both to be negative.

Instead, I appreciate those less fortunate than me as my equal, for they have great strength in living. And I appreciate those more fortunate than myself as my equal because they have many resources with which to do good things in the world (whether they do or not, is not under my control).

I take life as it comes to me and I deal with it moment by moment. I do not consider myself ungrateful for the life I'm living, even though I may scream and shout and whine from time to time (or perhaps more than such a phrase might convey ;))

But, I do not consider the way in which I may at times deal with my life to be a disrespect to those less fortunate to myself, nor a disservice to my own life. I may whine or complain, kick and scream, but that does not mean I am ungrateful. The only people who would know the truth, are myself and God... no one else will ever know how grateful or ungrateful I am, though many will judge.

And since God knows... that's all I need. :angel:

I think the concept is still an excellent reminder. But, I have no guilt in saying I do not consider myself ungrateful in the least.

Excellent post. :thumbsup:
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