Try a dish the early Christians would have eaten


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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This dish from Ancient Rome has become a go-to recipe in our house, and I hope you love it as much as we do!​

I just found out about frittatas a few years ago, but it turns out they’ve been a popular dish since the days of the early Christians!

Frittatas, which originated in Ancient Rome, consist of cooked eggs with other ingredients like meat, vegetables, or cheese added in. Thanks to simple and very flexible ingredients, it makes sense this meal has been around for millennia.

The perfect breakfast?​

Eggs are a nutritious breakfast, and the addition of lots of vegetables makes this one of the healthiest ways you can start your day.

Frittatas reheat beautifully and travel well, so this is a great meal-prep recipe that you can make on the weekend and enjoy all week long. It’s also a great recipe for dinner, and you can use whatever vegetables you have on hand.

The ancient recipe​

I was curious to know how the recipe has changed since ancient times and was surprised to learn that it hasn’t actually changed that much. The biggest difference is that modern recipes use a lot more eggs and vegetables.

An ancient recipe for frittata calls for these ingredients:

  • black mustard greens
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 onion
  • olive oil
  • white wine
  • garum
  • spices (black pepper, lovage, coriander seeds)
  • fresh savory vegetables
You can see the rest of the ancient recipe for “patina ex rusticis” here.

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