Truth and charity are more important than cable news


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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“The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won’t even remember that we had them.” So said Tucker Carlson in a video message that went viral on Twitter a few days after his dismissal from Fox News.

Only Nixon, it was said, could go to China. Or Reagan to Reykjavik. In the same way, it’s perhaps not a surprise that Carlson, for some time now the most popular talking head not only on Fox News but on all media, would be the one to tell his fellow Americans that the bread and butter of not only Fox News but MSNBC and CNN and every other 24-hour cable and radio “news” network is “unbelievably stupid” and “completely irrelevant” to the problems facing the United States today.

Carlson’s remarks came in the wake of his (still unexplained) dismissal from Fox News, which came in the wake of the company’s $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems over the latter’s civil lawsuit alleging that Fox had materially damaged Dominion’s business by deliberately airing allegations about Dominion and the 2020 election that Fox News executives and on-air personalities, such as Carlson, knew to be false. In the process of discovery, while preparing for the lawsuit, Dominion uncovered many emails and texts from employees of Fox News that supported its claim and likely led Fox to choose to settle rather than to go to trial.

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