Toys for third world poor children


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Children in Russia, Sudan and more than 95 other war-torn
and poverty-stricken countries will get a little holiday
cheer this year courtesy of **********, a
ministry of ****** is already collecting
shoeboxes full of gifts for distribution worldwide.

Crystal Woodman-Miller, who will accompany some full boxes
to Beslan, Russia -- the site of the recent terror attack
on Russian school kids -- said the boxes contain more than
just toys.

"Through every shoebox we give them the Gospel of Jesus
Christ in their very own language," she explained. "What
greater gift can you give a child?"

******* Director Randy Riddle says there
is still time to get your boxes in.

"Go to the back of your closet, find an empty shoebox, and
fill it with the simplest of items," he said, "We're
looking for a small ball or a baby doll, hygiene items
like toothbrushes or toothpaste become treasured gifts to
children who have nothing."

I am not naming the Christian group or of their project that is helping provide gifts to the world's poor children. I am not sure if that is allowed, but others have named it here.

I am not fundraising and have no connection with this group other than to support it and pray for it. If this post is against the rules, tell me and I'll erase it.

Here is a link so you can explore for yourself for ways to help poor children.