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Theological Diversity/Freedom in Disciples of Christ

Good King Edward VI

Waiting for the street fighting to begin.
Jan 13, 2009
The Plantation
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Hello all my new best friends forever,

Quick question. I am wondering how much theological freedom is allowed, in terms of ministers/ministerial leaders in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For instance, and specifically, would someone who believes that the ordination of women is anti-Scriptural have any chance of making it through the ordination process? Or a person who was adamantly pro-life (I am assuming - and please forgive and correct me if I am wrong - that the D.o.C. is like most other mainline Protestant denominations in that it at least condones abortion [rather than actively promoting it, as, say, the Episcopal "Church" does through its Executive Council's membership in the "Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice"]).

Thanks in advance for any input.
