The Gift of 2,000,000 Clones


Active Member
May 6, 2009
Before i speak freely, i want to set the biblical context. That is the story of Jericho(joshua's maturing) in the book of Joshua. You can think of "Joshua" as being ordained, to have have sent the 2 men to bare witness. You can again think of the 2 men as inheriters, seeing Jericho was unable to recieve his inheritance as king of the land.

The first battle of Joshua, is identified with Joshua's people proclaiming their inheritance. The second battle of Joshua, is identified with Joshua's people inheriting the land, as for their people.

Joshua 2:1-2:24 Joshua is Ordained
Joshua 6:16-6:18 Joshua Proclaims
Joshua 7:1-6, 7:12, 7:21, 8:1 Joshua Inherits

Now that the context is set, i will tell a story...

The survival rate of mankind is incredibally low for 2011. Although, the potential yield could become very high. That is because most of modern mankind, has been associating the "ego", with a "higher intelligence". Meaning, all forms of modern doctrine, revolve around the idea of being submissive to "self desire". In other words, do what you think is best opportunity for yourself, and fullfill it. Regardless of any "personal" conflicts to other "individuals". If there is any immediate "tangible loss", as in material or property. Then and only then is there a "actionable" consequence for "yourself". If the loss isn't "tangible" or immediate, or "immediately tangible", there is no loss.

Some example of the fruit of this modern man theology are: rising fatherless rates, rising abortion rates, rising homosexual rates, rising unemployment of a nations own citizens-compared to immigration-as with the united states, rising downsizing in companies, needless use of mechanized equipment to replace workers in manufacturing, a "revolving" door to all government assistance to all people-namely within the united states, increased government funding to deny worker's benefits-the spending on those serves is almost 1/4 of the worker's benefits budget per capital per state-example the united states. unnecessary expansion of "college" curriculum-on par with declined employee retention and training-example united states.

I'm going to refer to the/this "doctrine of modern man" as, "College Principal". Because every nation has invested a large, although wasted amount of money. To design an major secondary education system, which only serves to make one "submissive to their ego". The ego, is the fullfillment of a "self desire". Rather the want to fullfill a "self desire" over any immediate consequances.

The development of an "ego", has nothing to do with a "higher intelligence". To the contrary, being submissive to an "ego", which is to place a "self desire"-which is always contrary, above "rationality". Will lead a person who is experiencing, a genuine "higher intelligence", an unfunctional conscious mind. Because the mind then becomes feed from a potent narcotic, which is called "desire". And satisfying the "ego", for this person is the key to recieving this potent narcotic.

The conscious mind of mankind, is composed of the relationship between "self" and "holy spirit". In this context, the "holy spirit" acts as a restriction between the "person" fullfilling "self desire". To the benefit of mankind, this has served as a safety net for the development of "self", as intelligence had increased among mankind. You can also call the "conscious" mind of a person the, personality. Because "self", includes the "individual, and their reactions with this environment, which is called earth, or this plan of existence". The "individual" is the "soul", and the "soul's ability to percieve reality"-TOGETHER.

I gave you that brief review before i continue because, i want you to understand an untainted psychology, that doesn't include an "ego". Such as psychology with mankind, has included an "ego".

Therefore, you can now understand what the removal of the "holy spirit", does to a "personality". There is no balance, or counter-measure to the fullfillment of "self desire". And for all peoples who have made themselves slave to "ego", this is a sure death sentence. If any of these should recieve a "higher intelligence". And a great many, of mankind will recieve a higher intelligence, via a LOCUST.

These people have become confortable, with a certain "contrary" mind, with respect to the LAW OF CHRIST, which is called the bible. This contrary mind, although profitable among men. Does not allow for a higher intelligence. The inner war within that person's "personality", will not benefit them when they experience a "higher intelligence". It will simply lead to an instinctual need to fullfill a "self desire". This is primarily manifested by sex or blood-letting (murder is inappropriate). This is during the gestation phase, of the LOCUST. I did not use the word murder, because murder is a conscious decision. These people will not be conscious, but slaves to self-desire, and for these there is no cure. Or any medical treatment.

What does this mean to mankind before we continue?

This means, that from now until when the "gestation" phase begins. Or more accurate from now until May 21, 2011. The 2nd is more accurate because most of your facilities will be converted to shelters. You have time, since you still have the "holy spirit", to educate man against love for and servitude with the "ego".

You don't fully understand, so i'll restate this. Mankind will no longer have the ability to deal, or learn to deal with the "ego", after the "Holy Spirit" departs. If a "personality" (personality is more correct, in context, not individual as described in this and an other thread), which is the conscious mind of a person. Has not learned to deal with "ego". By that time, they cannot learn, effectively the LOCUSTS have the ability to discern these persons, one from another, during the "bitting" process.

Each nation from this point, and onwards. Will have to subtly teach all people how to deal with a "ego". So that fullfilling a "self desire", which is always contrary and therefore "irrational". Is something thats not only negative, but more poisonous than snake venon. Think of this as an early Christmas present to mankind. Because man's christmas is in december, after july. Because men perfer something that is cold and dead, rather then sunshine.

stated more simply what does this mean?

That ever faucet of "culture" is preparing mankind for a death sentence. Because without the "Holy Spirit", being that a man is desirous to serve the "ego". He cannot do other wise when presented with a higher intelligence. Because there will be no remanant of ADAM, left on this earth come oct. 21, 2011 and come December 21, 2011. This particular problem is on present, during the transition from ADAM to AMON. Or a more intelligent mankind, which no longer has a need for the divine assistance, which according to the behavior of mankind, his righteousness and his glory, was shamefully put away. And this is the beginning of your death sentence, but you have been given a warning, and there time to save some. "college" is a root expression, of this transgression, although all "culture", strives to make men servants of their own "ego". Even denying that they are servents in the first place!!!! Which this denial is the root expression called "RELIGION". Because satan represents yourself desire, and no other, Christ is blameless, but because of the hardness of their hearts. He has originally given this in vague, so that in misintrepreting, mankind has intrepreted himself to be blameless. HAHA!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, WHEN 2,000,000,000. BODIES ARE THROWN OUT, THAT THIS IS THE FRUIT OF YOUR EGO WHICH YOU HAVE MADE YOURSELVES SLAVES TOO? THAT YOU HAVE TIME STILL TO CLEAN YOUR OWN PALM TREES, SO YOUR CULTURE, WHICH IS YOUR GLORY, ISN'T YOUR DEATH SENTENCE. ye dumb and blind, worshippers of your own dung, the fragrance of your own dung is your glory. by their bodies is your glory made manifest, YOU ARE ADAM.

Where do the clones come in?

Remember Christ has ordained Babylon, to conduct the 2nd Resurrection Rapture. So that mankind can have an independant life with out assistance. Babylon has since identified, this ego conflict with higher intelligence.

2,000,000 people from among all nations, have been cloned, and those clones has been made manifest as replacements for other of mankind. Think of having this knowledge as a early christmas gift from Babylon. If these clones live long enough, their bodies will resemble their original counter parts, meaning they will look like slightly different people. The only think i'm sure of is that, all the clones would of otherwise been unable to over come their "ego". Because of their transgressions against the holy spirit.

The originals bodies, even memories to childhood. where they are seemingly vague under the age of puberty. These were cloned, the original destroyed. And the clone replaced back within society. Only there more "functionly" aware of the events past May 21, 2011. Meaning there more instinctually adaptable to those events, and are placed in the earth, at locations where the probability of survival is near 90%.

Think of this as a safety net. Babylon through the ordination of Christ, has provided this safety net for mankind. These clones, also have good "common sense" about survival decisions, should adam become genocidal from the 2 to 3 months when ADAM is still able to functionally, have the strength to pull a trigger on a pistol after the "incubation" phase.

When were the 2,000,000 cloned replacements sent among among

The roughly 40% safety net, which Babylon has labored to implement. Would of been done shortly after the events of 2001. The events in newyork would of been used as cover. These 2,000,000. Are not aliens, rather clones, from a choice stock whereby. There likelyhood of survival is assured, although the number of survivers from this pool. Is of greater survival rate then the rest of mankind. Who will perish for no other reason then for foolishness, in sight of the truth.

Is it ok to use them for leadership, what if July, 10th 2011 should

Remember the age of puberty is significant. So detailed memory of of things such as child hood scars, or anything should really be absent minded generalizations. Also you will have a good many, gathered which has the LOCUST in incubation, by this time, in your diverse places. Awaiting activation. You should also pay attention if any of these, have particular insights concerning survival, and set these up for your policy discussions.

There all simply, replaced human beings. There 100% human. Babylon has collected "stock", from various males and females for this cloning process. For a number of years. Think of this as an explaination of the "abductions". Notice all people who have claimed to have been abducted by "aliens". Were still in their fertile prime years of reproduction. Babylon has done nothing wrong, except ensure a safety net for survival. To a people of 2,000,000. Who had NO CHANCE, of survival. Now they have the best chance of survival.

When you see the ships come, next year. You will be able to identify, some of the abduction claims as genuine. However, make no mistake these are friendly, and by no means aggressive. Mankind has misunderstood the bible, and almost ensured themselves a death sentence. However contrary to death, Christ and the ordained Babylon, are bringing life to mankind.

No more then 2 clones per each of the 1,000,000 stock babylon had acquired had been made. there is no risk of genetic decay, and nothing other then a person's selfishness, will contribute to manifest a death sentence during the 2nd resurrection rapture. This is not something babylon has done which is new. But a tested practice, and a friendly offering, a gift to mankind. A safety net of life.

Think of this as an early Christmas present to mankind.

(if a person retained memories from babylon, they were either a clone (most likely) or they left key memories so that this testimony, would further glorify christ when the ships come) (you know of this because babylon is prepared to take additional action, should this become necessary, 2,000,000 instead of the aforementioned totals from ezra and nehemiah will take presidence as a favorable potential outcome)

i'll come back and talk more about the 3 phases of Joshua, and what this means for the 2nd Resurrection and mankind.....


Active Member
May 6, 2009
a word about witchcraft

Were going to talk about witchcraft, for a moment, and also because this lends to the context of this discussion. Much of mankind has misunderstood the behavior of the Holy Spirit. And if some by chance did understand the workings of the Holy Spirit. They sought for gain, and through abuses the art of witchcraft, arose. The continual denial of the crucifician, developed from church prosecutions, to witchcrafts, to what mankind has now, which is called the development of the "ego".

I want to help the reader understand. First a few things, and then we will understand how this has progressed with the development of the "ego". With the priority of fullfilling a "self desire". We learned that the "conscious mind" of a man, is made up of two parts, "self" and "holy spirit". The conflict between "self" and "holy spirit" is called your person/personality. If you choose to always, think and act and hope/desire in such a way that is contradictory to the LAW OF CHRIST. This means you are lead of an "evil spirit". Because your entire "personality", has become dependant on opposing the pure nature of the "holy spirit".

If for example, you always, or had a frequent tendency, to think, act and desire/hope in such a way that there was HARMONY with the LAW OF CHRIST. You will be lead of the Holy Spirit, ultimately, and the Holy Spirit would further help you become less contradictory to the LAW OF CHRIST as a "person" (i can use "person" noun, or "person" as a verb by the use of the word "personality" for clarafication). Your thoughts, actions and Hopes would obtain a greater harmony with the Holy Spirit. Even through dreams, urim, and with others who seek HARMONY with CHRIST through the Holy Spirit. (the others are called prophets, because they seek harmony with the law as is their faith, for the promise of eternal life, as is the faith of the holy spirit).

Taking a step back first

We learned that a person with an "evil spirit" is desirous of him "self", and a lover of contradiction with the "law of christ" which is called the bible. To cast out an "evil spirit", means that the "person"'s desire to contradict the LAW OF CHRIST. Is no more an obstruction to "FAITH". This desire if it is removed from the "person" can be manifested into a, materialistic event. Meaning this "desire" to contradict the LAW OF CHRIST, can be thought of as tangible. And can therefore be viewed as ENERGY. Remember a "person" is also an "individual". And even if this "evil spirit" is removed, it may come again. Because the "individual" may choose that particular contradiction because its simply their joy. Christ has no respect for the person, which is "self" and "holy spirit" conflict, in this reality. But Christ allows "individualism", and inside of "self" is the "soul". A piece of interpretation from the living god. so with ADAM, if the "individual" was joyous of contradictions with the law, would grace abound? NO.

You can also think of an "evil spirit", as the negative effect of "self" with the "holy spirit". the "person" loves contradictions with the law, this can result in more "evil" behavior. Or even "supernatural events", if by repentance this "evil spirit" or evil desires. Were rebuked by that person, this energy can manifest itself, or if by 2 witnesses, the Holy Spirit, can manifest this "evil" desires as for identification with that sin, for the purposes of repentance. (a more sound way of explaining things)

Do you understand what Dreams, Urim, and communitations with the prophets are, which benefit your union with the Holy Spirit?

I will help you understand "Urim" a little bit better later in this discussion. But for now, let me say if they understood my language at times, they would understand "Urim". The holy spirit is one with your "person", so in HARMONY. Your thoughts can become influenced by the purity/righteousness of the Holy Spirit, and a greater understanding can be met. Its impossible for someone to teach the LAW OF CHRIST, and at the same time, consistently teach CONTRADICTION. There is no HARMONY, and your thoughts in that instance, speak only of your "self". Where there is no profit, because righteousness comes from GRACE. The environment for GRACE is HARMONY with the law of christ, so that a greater righteousness can come, and it doest come.

Lets look at saul

I SAMUEL 28:6 And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.

Saul was only intent on fullfilling his desires for sometime. His lust for power and his pride as king feed his desire to contradict the law of christ. Does the Holy Spirit favor harmony or contradiction? He was seeking approval for his blantant contradictions. He has not repented in himself, through his thoughts, actions, desires/hopes, which were against Christ. The Holy Spirit works with our spirit, through dreams, Urim, even communication to make greater harmony. Saul had denied his "faith" as a verb. So he had been denied. Faith is a relationship.

I SAMUEL 28:9 And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?

All of ADAM has a relation with the Holy Spirit, in their person. Although not as potent, like after the crucifician, where the temples of stone were no longer needed. Saul already rejected his faith, and was his approval. The witch, simply repented within herself, and encouraged Saul to do the same through conversation. Then, when Saul sought confort in his "contradiction/desire for evil". The witch, made his desire for herself, so she desired his desire, and against her repentance. She explained his contradiction. But she already admitted to knowing SAMUEL beforehand, later in the conversation. Someone who enjoys contradiction with the Holy Spirit, through contradictions of the LAW OF CHRIST, as much as SAUL did. Would always desire death if they couldn't fullfill their earthly pleasures/desires. What she said was accurate, but not because SAMUEL had communicated with her.

What have we learned?

That repentance is the first step, in forming a HARMONY with the LAW OF CHRIST. So that "contradiction" with his law or bible, is not an obstical to the "Holy Spirit". Prayer is a continual repentence to yourself only, in the presense of yourself only. So that your not frequent in your contradictions with the law in your "faith". The Holy Spirit witnesses with your spirit. And if there is a contradiction in your "thoughts", actions, hopes. The Holy Spirit can help guide you in prayer, your "person" is a temple for the holy spirit. When the Holy Spirit specifically helps you from contradictions in your "thoughts" thats called "Urim". You have to keep the law thats your faith, but the Holy Spirit does help. This help is strengthened by prayer/fasting. Which is personal, not public, such as with all religions and churches.

When a person has "grown in faith" sufficiently. That person can identify him "self", as always being in "contradiction". This is a contrite/broken heart. Because the law of Christ or bible, is not an obstruction to your "faith". There is now harmony with the "holy spirit", which is also in your "person". Thats the FAITH of Christ, which is the promise of eternal life, the holy spirit. THEREFORE the expectation of your faith is harmony with the holy spirit.
(there, wouldn't miss a chance to clarify faith ;))

A different look at witchcrat

We learned that the act of repentance, draws out the "evil spirit". And that this energy can manifest itself physically. Repentance, prayer, baptism, circumcision all do the same thing, help you fight contradiction, and seek harmony. Now lets look at a spell, before we continue. Below an excerpt.

Cast a triple circle. Conjuring of Spirits is always done in hours of darkness, not necessary to be midnight, but preferred. After you have performed your primary ritual, cast the incense into your burner, Place the Spirit Candle into the center of the altar and say:
(turn slowly deosil as you speak)
"Spirit of good will, I bid thee enter
The Outer Circle.
The Second Circle.
The Inner Circle.
I am protected by this Pentacle upon my breast.
Which bears the name of (your Spirit Guide)
I bid thee, Spirit, Reveal thy Earthly name!

This is a picture of repentance, and the Holy Spirit. However this person has no intent of really repenting. They just want to temporarily remove their "evil spirit", contradictory desires from themself. So that it can be manifested, because the holy spirit witnesses with our spirit. Then after that blaspheme, they simply want to do it again. This is the essense of all witchcraft. Even those ghost hunt TV shows, are simply playing with repentance. However, mankind does have the Holy Spirit for much longer.
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
Is there any positive witchcraft before we continue?

Miracles. Thats not witchcraft. Miracles were mainly done to demonstrate a greater glory, which comes from the Holy Spirit. Because Christ had delivered of himself to all of mankind. The miracles can be identified with the crucifician, and were for that purpose. Although all miracles give* glory to Christ.

Mankind has had a vanity to become Christ. And lacking the power thereof, they reckoned a substitue, which is witchcraft. An sick attempt, to seek the glory of men by the denial of the power of the Holy Spirit. As demonstrated by SAUL in the book of samuel.

do you have an example of a witchcraft?

Not exactly, because i don't enjoy contradictions. But i can think of something to glory Christ with, by demonstrating the Holy Spirit to yourself personally. Not as with the hyprocrites who seek men's approval. First the context. This is just a series of thoughts, i suggest reading this first.

200,000,000 times 1.000065 = 200013000 <---read this

Now read Luke 3:1 to 3:10, and after each verse read the line above to yourself in your mind. Now the next step. Get a pot, thats big enough to fit your hand. Now fill the pot with water, but not enough water so that the water does not go above your wrist. Now put 1 tray of ice in the pot. Wait until the ice stops crackling, if you put cold water in the pot it should take about 1minute. next step. (no more then a inch above your wrist)

philadelphia satan evil lier (bible code els, revelation)

Put your hand left hand in the water, wait 6 seconds. Now slowly, say those 4 words in your mind. In 6 more seconds, your palm will feel warm, even though the water is cold. you can take your hand out now.

This means, that the Holy Spirit was guiding your hand, against the contradiction which you thought in your mind. You may not even know what everything means. (especially if you haven't read my posts). But rest assured its truth.

example only, do not do at home, although i won't be at home to stop you ;)

next i'll continue with joshua, i simply wanted to add some background context. to this discussion

3:1 to 3:10 not 13:1 to 13:10
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
The implementation of New Mankind and "Joshua"

First before i continue this discussion, i want to briefly go over a few points. We learned that the majority of deaths, (6+billion) are solely caused by each nations miss guided governments, and various cultures for all mankind. The development of "self", which developed into the "ego" as king cultures. Is exactly the root cause of the guaranteed death sentences, entering into the 2nd Resurrection Period. It is therefore, proper to conclude that needless death's resulting in a, "love of self". Can be properly called "perdition". Since mankind is from their perspective, entering into an developmental phase, of new being and of a new creation. We can refer to that portion of mankind, the "son of perdition".

However, from now, even from July 21, 2010 to May 20, 2011. There is time to "fix" a person's "conscious mind". So that the person, isn't dependant on "ego", and that the individual can exist. Without that negative relationship with the Holy Spirit. Which will result in death absolutely, entering into May 21, 2011. the rest of mankind, which endlessly serve "ego", will simply have to be "decieved". Thus "son of perdition" gains a secondary meaning also. The reality is many more "LOCUSTS" will come simply to give people a "CHANCE". Despite the additionally low yield of amon, this is done out of mercy. And despite this, many deaths will occur, as for that "person"'s want. (thats all for the short review)

Babylon, Joshua, and Mankind

This is how this will become structured. The 3 phases identified in the beginning of this topic, will serve as the layout. Joshua will either be used as a reference for "Babylon", for "future pre-amons", or for general "mankind". General "mankind" includes the "son of perdition". Which is the portion of ADAM, which will be discarded, and which is preferencial for avoidance through deception. I may cut in with a specific reference to Babylon, and it will be in context, although it may not be so in appearance. I will speak freely, but i will also put portions of Joshua scripture, where it becomes necessary to redirect the conversation.

Joshua is Ordained

JOSHUA 2:1 And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]tim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot's house, named Rahab, and lodged there.

In context, Joshua represents the portion of "mankind", who have recieved an advanced warning, and knowledge of the events to come. Also of potential pre-amons. At this point, all mankind has is testimony, and a means to make ready preparations. Jericho is a picture of ADAM. Rahab the harlot, is a picture of the Churches, but is identified with the catman's church. Because "catman" is definitive of all the "Churches" in that, they have been obscuring the gospel, to the benefit of mankind. And not entirely to the benefit of the Christ. The "church-minded" organizations serve a function of preparation, for May 21, 2011. Which is why future "pre-amons", are the "churches" to voice a warning, although in secret.

Joshua 2:2
You can consider, the influence of the "churches" in the matter of the 2nd Resurrection Period, as taking presidence.

Joshua 2:3-2:7
From the time "incubation" begins, after the earth does its first major movements. This is the best time to find and apprehend "pre-amon". Feel free to use whatever "guise" your government decides is best. Remember, this can include many false accusations for the sake of the "mankind". You can also feel free to, arrest any "pre-amon" on the spot, it should be easy to identify "incubation" based on an earlier discussion. The earth's movements will be subtle until July. And may continue to a degree again in December. (we'll get to ADAM's motivation to kill "pre-amon" later, although for now, there is little)

Joshua 2:8-18
There will be many events that are difficult to explain. And fear and panic can be very easily agitated into, at worst mass genocides. All of mankind will be affected, and generally "ADAM", will become weaker and more disillusioned. Although not to the extent of a failed "gestation", these are not weak but simply the product of instinct (previous discussion). We know "og" can be identified with babylon, "sihon" could be identified with the "LOCUSTS". Both are major phases to becoming "amon" (hamon). Remember your circulator systems will change, as for "amon" but all of mankind will be affected. There is an increbible ammount of senseless deaths, which defy all rationality, and sanity. You have a sanctuary, if not your prisons, then your temples, and if not your temples, then your diverse places.

Joshua 2:19
You do understand, if Babylon starts to do your job for you, of ensuring "life". There will be a lot less people, who will potentially live. The humanity will ultimately degrade into hunting people down, and savagry. However, perferable this is limited to ADAM and ADAM. Meaning, the gathering was successful, and the stragglers can be obtained. The media, communication across geographic areas, even information across geographic areas, must be contained even falsified. Some "areas" will have better success rates, but this shouldn't become a temptation. The humanity climate may become less violatile, but as long as "ADAM", and the failed "pre-amon", exist in part or at all. There must be a continual resolve. ADAM is only a danger at most for 2-3months, the failed "pre-amon", are an existing problem. And also some "pre-amon" may still at any time succumb to their desires, as their native cultures trained them to serve ego, although it become less likely the more time passes.

Joshua Proclaims

The meaning of "Joshua" is not become "Babylon", which are the ships which will conduct the 2nd Resurrection Rapture.

JOSHUA 6:16 And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.

Remember judgement begins with the United States. When the ships first come, a degree of the people in proximity to with a very wide area. Some can experience a degree of absent-mindedness. A loss of the ability to make correct "conscious" decisions. This is because "babylon" can simulate the effects of an increased "self awareness". This suppresses the "Holy Spirit". Which for a typically effected person, removed that sick relationship of "self" and "holy spirit" where this relationship is very contradictory to the law of christ. This persons demonstrate the effects of May 21, 2011 on, for all of ADAM. Which serve "ego", which is to become submissive to a self desire. for example.

say in May, 2011 not long after the ships come. It will not become uncommon in the city of philadelphia. For someone to become incoherent, randomly, and decide to walk infront of a septa bus. Or for someone randomly to decide to hit the gas in a school zone. or for a ******* to feel the unmistakalbe instinct to shoot anyone to allievate some inner-conflict. The cause of this loss of conscious control is simple, the person in question is willingly subjecting themselves to a mental or physical contradiction with the law of christ, for a period of time which the reduced influence of the "holy spirit" cannot compensate for to create a rational conscious mind.

Until the ships can spread more freely after the rapture, to the rest of the populaces. This effect will be limited to a wide range within the United States. you must understand, that many more people will die if at first the people's hearts are not hardened to learn how to control "ego" and "self desire". That "ego" and "self desire" is not the conflict you put within your "members" to live more fully. If you must know, the people will eventually learn to simply move the bodies out of the way, and continue as if nothing happened. Speaking of the very large traffic, and transportation systems within the United States. And within the wide range of effect. Although the degree of the effect from babylon, and the period of the effect, can vary at random. You can think of this as BABYLONS TRUMPET, although everyone in the world will know when babylon comes. (that means people in high stress jobs, which are only high stress because of that person's lack of control over "self", which is called "ego" by consequance of desire, will be particually fruitful in this demonstration, now you can understand why bodies will just be moved out of the way rather then deal with johnny ***)

on a side note. This is a tremendous mercy from Babylon, to do this. You won't understand how sick and disguisting some of these people are until you see them affected, and then you realize they really had complete control, just there was a narcotic like PLEASURE however small they got from serving their "ego" at the time(s) which they experienced something like an increased "self awareness", a simulation of May 21, 2011. Although not exactly alike. to give you an ideal. (depending on a person's ego maniacism results will vary)

Joshua 6:17
Rather then cause a panic, or a bloodbath. Dance around the truth, and be insightful where you can, especially in forms of communication. Publically telling everyone that they need to have self control over their desires, is not the best idea. i'm not sure exactly what there reaction will become. Maybe a good numeral idea would be registered voters, as a numeral basis. The "catman" would have some insights, since they helped man's condition, seeing how they isolated personal responsibility to "morality", even then to isolate "morality" even further, by making "morality" an exclusive association to the "church". (its that messy and its that foolish, speaking of mankind). I'm generalizing the area of effect as the world, because the ships will eventually encompass the world.

Joshua 6:18
This verse is a very good analogy to this discussion. The riches of Jericho, was a temptation to help fullfill earthly desires. Because of their presentation. Fullfilling a desire, which is contrary to the Bible, is the "accursed thing". We have been leaning more indept of mankind's, ADAM's inate problem with desire. And avoidance of identifying this problem. And soon, all of mankind, will no longer be able to kill any holy things to hide this sick lustful inate problem.

At this point let me speak of man's adaptability. There's over 6billion people which, all of the events leading up to May 21, 2011. Will have absolutely no effect on them mentally. You will learn better how to decive ADAM, and prepart for "pre-amons" before May 21, 2011.

Joshua Inherits

Joshua 7:1
Judah is another name for ADAM. The fact is your cultures and your nations are set up to serve and encourage servitude to "desire" which is "ego" by implementation. Do you really think you can win the doctrinal war with "Judah"? Instead subtly prepare as many as you can, I will speak for and again the Church in preparation in another verse.

Joshua 7:2-11
You absolutely cannot confront this issue directly. Or else, the people will come together and encourage all people to resist, even that small element of social behavior which needs be changed. And by the time in June comes, the people of "perdition" will be ready to gather together against you. There simply has to be an expression of these thoughts, even if only organizationally, there fully voiced. I wonder how much of the bible would really have been taught, if this "desire" was covered more openly, in the bible. There is still hope, and there is still the reality of saving a few more lives.

The churches are susposed to help mankind. Instead they encourage personal freedom, to become contradictory, by isolating the laws of Christ. Which the temple of the holy spirit is the man himself, not the body of the church. Sooner or later "religion" will be another reason to entertain a bloodbath. And religious people will be sought after, because of their light affliction.

ADAM against ADAM, in those times of the 2nd resurrection. Is no big loss, if it becomes a culture of daming those who are particually "egotistic". Then it would be for your benefit, as to draw them further into their dillusion. Again, adam will only be a problem until about, near the end of July. Then any "pre-amon" can be handled. But all will be taken care of before december. (likelyhood)

desire will get you killed, but for an example its ok to use death to help chasten the living. There was a reference to the egyptians constitution made earlier. This culture we talked about which is beneficial for amon, is a thing which is builded upon in stages. people were killed for demonstrating the holy spirit, through witchcraft. just thought i'd add that sentence, not that i'm going anywhere with it.

this is identified with the beauty and joy of new life, in a new earth. The holy spirit, has been nonexistent for much of mankind. And the truth is they won't even know its been missing. The sad and lowsome truth. but this is their portion, and they can have life more abundantly. and there won't be any "contradiction", because there is no other laws in their "conscious mind", other then their own.
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
Modern Witchcraft, Man’s Continual Fall

Throughout the history of Mankind, the power of the Holy Spirit has been demonstrated through repentance. To this end the son of god was crucified anew, and miracles even much testimony had been given from the saints. Repentance is the first step towards, a walk of faith, which is to accept a greater conscious “being” then that of fulfilling one’s desires. This is the relationship of “self” to the “holy spirit” in ADAM, and served the purposes of salvation for some, and as an assistance to the development of mankind.

Since “Repentance” is identified with “righteousness”, which is to be lead of the Grace of Christ or the Holy Spirit. This is against the nature of mankind, in that man has desired to become god, which means to forge and follow his own laws. This contradiction or “desire”, comes because there is no “righteousness” within a man. However, through the Holy Spirit, ADAM is able to receive a greater promise of life, other then his natural inclination of self destruction or death. Throughout the years following the crucifician of Christ. Mankind has labored intensively, to have life more abundantly without identifying directly with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The conflict with Jesus Christ, and the Church of his day. Arose primarily because Christ came to pour out the Holy Spirit. Among all of mankind. The pharsies of Jesus’s day like the ministers of today. Labored to justify the Holy Spirit as relating to the fulfillment of desire. This is how the churches win over gentiles, which are those who live solely to rejoice after man. This further explains Jesus’s experiences with the Church of his day. They knew if that temple had not been prepared according to, the teachings of Abraham, the Holy Spirit would not come in that temple period, to that degree. So they kept the “law” outwardly within the temples only.

And outside of the temples, they demonstrated their “faith”, to the people, and that was of a man with no faith at all. Because their thoughts, actions, communications all speak of their relationship with the Holy Spirit. However, Christ defeated the Churches with the crucifician. The churches since, have had no claim more then any man over the Holy Spirit, because the nature of the Holy Spirit’s relation to man had changed. In that all men who sought contradictions with his law, simply demonstrated to Christ. Why indeed they were unworthy of salvation. Which is why I find it particular, that even now, some ministers even all churchs, continue to preach contrary to the gospel. And those who follow them, follow desire and not Grace, or in any way “rationality”. We’ll come again back to this idea. I needed to set the context again, beit a little differently, those weak in the faith would otherwise be defeated by their “self” made conclusions, and it defeats the purpose of this communication. (the holy spirit has always been with ADAM, but in different intensities at times, and in different places, that is until the crucifician).


Repentance which put simply is the act of accepting Christ, and this begins with an confession to yourself of your violations against the Law of Christ, which is an harmony. Sin is unnatural for ADAM, so it takes a great deal of energy and meditation to resist the Holy Spirit, which can help a person become obedient to the Law of Christ. Even from the time of the crucifician, mankind has steadily found ways to, think, act and hope/desire contradictorily. Even incorporate many contradictions with the laws of Christ in all of culture, in all of government, in all of the doings of mankind. But before we get to modern witchcraft, we first need to briefly discuss the church behavior.

At least from the time of Christ, to before Nostradamus. Churches would either teach Repentance-purely or they wouldn’t teach repentance at all, and nobody would identify them as “church” for long if they did the latter. Gradually, things like prayers began to become introduced into the church as part of a sermon. A prayer is a confession of your sin to yourself, how you have contradicted the law by your behavior. That doesn’t belong in church. Repentance as a doctrine, is when the emphasis that ministry/sermon, is only pertaining to Christ. Christ is personal, but by preaching in such a way, that does not elevate you, or any other person other than the righteousness of Christ, is teaching repentance. Because your presenting your “church” people, with a choice, to find inner harmony with “Christ”, or to continue to deny Christ as personal, knowing that the Holy Spirit is in all men.

Reading the bible or explaining what Christ meant, or what righteousness is, is one thing. Putting your hands together, holding a rosary, or some other materialistic thing. Or simply making statements where you implement yourself and Christ with a battle with some evil is a prayer. This has been incorporated more and more into all Churches, but gradually. This denial of the power of the Holy Spirit, by removing personal accountability in all things, as a biblical doctrine, began witchcraft. Mankind has a conscious need to express the power of the Holy Spirit. Expressing this conscious need, without identifying with the personal relationship of the Holy Spirit. In its purest form is called WITCHCRAFT (with an increasing negative emphasis on “self worth” as time when on).

Around the time of Nostradamus. Many forms of witchcraft had already begun. Which involved different forms of “repentance”. Along with different implementations of desire, desire in thought, desire in action, desire magnified as in “ego”. This is very real, if done correctly. Although most “witchcraft” today, removed all elements of repentance, save for some obscure practices. Witch craft, or the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Eventually lead the “churches” to spur the people away from that practice. Because the presense of the holy spirit in the churches by that time even, had been scorned from within the people’s person by contradiction (churches teach contradictions not harmony). The church had no power to move the holy spirit, but they did teach men to deny the power, and there by the cause of many ills.

Although, Nostradamus “demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit”, very positively. His desire, repented, and this continual conflict increased, into his art form. The tools he used to bring desire, his method to resist this desire through repentance and denial of self.. Drew him closer in urim. So that he was able to give very accurate information about the 12year, and 23 month period surrounding the great tribulation before April 7, 2012. But not only that, he encouraged a generation of “righteousness” outside of the church. This intern encouraged the “witch hunts” in Europe, even the ones in early American history. However the “witch hunts”, were only designed to kill people who grew in grace with the Holy Spirit. Some of the methods used to kill the witches, were exclusively identified with the Holy Spirit’s interaction with man, as could be manifested in resistance to “sin” (death is a sin, the true irony of the witch-hunts, they were done by self-righteous church people). However, demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power. Was also used to win wars as with the crusaders. Meaning much of their presentation was designed as a form of “repentance”. The opponents opposition to perceived “repentance”, by denial of the Holy Spirit. Would interfere with their ability to fight. Understand why the “pope” of that day, ordered many “crusaders” to be killed. Not because he was something holy, but because, he didn’t want the people to learn that his church, so vehemently denied “repentance”. (i may come back and amend this with comments from their material of that time) (witchcraft ofcourse isn’t exactly “holy”, however it is identified as a period in “mankind’s” continual fall into contradiction).

Truly Modern Witchcraft

First lets set the context. This earth is artificial. The effects of the Holy Spirit, and its expression of the mercy of Christ. Have been easily denied, and taken for granted as part of “natural theory”. For example, the color of water, the color of the sky, the many different edible plants. The way wind blows, the way leafs fall down, the many meats, the way meat browns. The way people sneeze, and walk, the degree to which they can punish themselves. The way things sound, taste, feel. Rainfall, thunder, etc. The over abundance of life, including insects, molds and the like. The way people experience emotion, the perception of “good” and “bad” (which is based on the conscious mind, which interacts with the “holy spirit”. You actually thought, emotion and the perception of “good” and “bad”, was something that would be like this, after the holy spirit leaves? Those are based on the “grace of Christ”. You’ll see for yourselves here and there, when the ships come. what this means in practice.

You think any of the aliens, even Babylon, will be shedding tears over your misfortunes. Knowing, that your viewed as such? And your behavior, is conditioned by abuse of the almighty mercies of the Christ? Yet because it glorifies Christ they come in his name for your benefit.

Modern demonstrations of the Holy Spirit, which deny the power thereof. Are Sports primarily, I’m signaling that out because its simple enough. Although I would of picked anything, such as medical science, or all of modern “science”. The Holy Spirit has most likely also displaced some inaccuracies, which helped in technology. I mean in advanced theories, although all of this increased knowledge so quickly is not the work of man acting alone.
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
As for sports&#8230; (continuation modern witchcraft parse)

For example, Baseball. You have a large symbol with rings on the field, which is a picture of the Holy Spirit (although very distasteful). You have all those lustful players, which create contradiction with strifes, as for &#8220;getting in the game&#8221;. And you have an empire, and a catcher, that almost evoke repentance, in their communication. And you have the &#8220;miracle&#8221; of a curved ball. Only no one makes this glorify the Holy Spirit, there their simply to express their contrite relation with the Holy Spirit, as being a servant to their desire. Which is what the churches teach, when they are not faithful to the bible. Which is all churches. Or else, mankind would of retired from them a long, long time ago. So when it comes to a curved ball, its no big deal. But when it comes to knowledge about the Holy Spirit. This is something they proclaim the bible doesn&#8217;t teach, without the need of a &#8220;church&#8221; interpreter, for that reason. Lets look at some facts, which add to the next portion of this discussion.

This pitch is 10 to 20 mph (average 15 mph) slower than a fastball and may be a few mph slower than a change up. It is the slowest breaking ball (slower than a slider).

10 and under 25-35 mph (see injury warning)
11-12 35-45 mph (see injury warning)
13-14 40-60 mph (see injury warning)
High School 60-70 mph
College/ Pro 65-80 mph

The curve ball is the pitch that kids that have not hit puberty should not throw with any regularity. Undeveloped elbow ligaments are subject to damage with this pitch.

The reality is &#8220;person&#8217;s&#8221; under the age of puberty. Could become a serious means to conflict, during the 2nd Resurrection. There not technically a &#8220;person&#8221;. As their relationship with &#8220;self&#8221;, is primarily influenced by their parents. And although, their parent may receive a LOCUST. That child may not of the same house. Simply because some transgressions imparted. Will be an absolute conflict for the LOCUST for the under puberty. And not an absolute cause for rejection for the parent. Because of the nature of the development of &#8220;self&#8221; at that stage.

The information about under puberty, has been vague. Personally, I would consider them all dead. Because this can be the cause of much, unneeded, additional trial for that person to endure. And could cause a failed &#8220;pre-amon&#8221;. The additional emotional pressure, to produce a desire, can be very unfavorable to the LOCUST, during the gestation phase. So, its more important to maintain obscurity, on the matter. Then to have people understand, their child ultimately died because of their bad parent hood. There&#8217;s already going to be enough motivation for violent behavior. And not because there&#8217;s nothing to &#8220;eat&#8221;, or to &#8220;drink&#8221;. Just because, they were lavish to begin with.

This will simply be left vague. And I&#8217;d expect this not to be worth anything more then a mention from some anonymous place. The last think you want is, a riot from people who want to simply voice their, aggression against those times. And naturally, the &#8220;do gooders&#8221; will become the only victims. The percentages for what we talked about is so low, its better to just approach that issue during those times, then to make it an issue. What the ADAM wants are lies. That&#8217;s the theme for ADAM, common sense is lacking.
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May 6, 2009
Future Religion of Mankind

We came across some very important points, in understanding the lack of association Babylon, will have with mankind before April 7, 2012. We also understood the very important relationship, to mankind's relationship with the Holy Spirit, and mankind's extremely high death rate, for the 2nd Resurrection Period. We also made the connection between this extremely high death rate, and "religion" and the "churches". And we even went 1 step further, and that is to identify the "hope", that mankind has, although little, for increasing its survival rate. Knowing that the entirety of the deathrate is the entire responsibility of "mankind", and "mankind" alone.

We can make some temperom conclusions, before we continue, to further set the proper context, before the following conversation can continue. That is that the condition of mankind is so degenerate, that any contact with "aliens", would make the possibility of any life for mankind, very much impossible during the 2nd Res. Rapture. That ADAM's desire for death, is so great, that at times in the history of mankind, all RATIONALITY ended immediately. When it came time to kill people who were identified with the Holy Spirit. Which for mankind is the only HOPE of life. We additionally learned that the LOCUSTS, can identify the "self" in "person" as energy. And that this relationship with desire, will not change much or at all for any "person", after the Holy Spirit departs May 21, 2011.

We learned additionally, that babylon can and will for the benefit of mankind. Lessen the effects of the Holy Spirit, in "person". So that "self desire" or the "ego", can be made manifest more readily and identified as the cause of this death sentence, which will come to more then 6billion people. We learned also, that the Holy Spirit, while its still in the conscious mind of all mankind. Can still prepare a person for the evolution of "independance". Which is a higher intelligence, and a greater "self awareness". Which with "ego", can be a narcotic, and death sentence for many who do recieve a "CHANCE".

However, we learned most importantly who the "son of perdition" is. And the second most important thing we learned is, that all of mankind can die, and it won't be a problem because 2,000,000 of you will live regardless, and Babylon will see to it, with Christ's approval. Notwithstanding, that the only thing mankind can do is kill all of themselves, because you can do nothing else, if you wanted a way to offend Christ, such as the Jews teach in the churches, and the ministers preach fromthe pulpits. The mercy of Christ is life, but all of mankind is welcomed to do the alternative, and the united states will be presented with this opportunity first. (because of the "jews" desire to die, this conversation will be cut short, as if this should continue longer, you the "jews" will be the sole cause of many deaths).

For example, who has the "religious" people, the "church" people, which are followers of the law and not Christ. Been teaching the "publicans", is the "son of perdition". Know that this nation will be required for the law of Christ will be fullfilled. Who therefore has be your seduction, and who has become your cause for suicide? My confidence has been with the publicans, because its your job to protect the "people", not your self interests, such as is with all religion, and churches. Since the crucifician.

Rather, see to it the portion of his word which includes "you". Is fullfilled, and the jews will recieve their just rewards, and you will not recieve of their cup. Know that "religion", and the "church" has been contrary to Christ since the crucifician? What does their books say about the Holy Spirit, which Christ has given to all men? What have then been teaching a man about "himself"? That he only exists to serve his desire because the Holy Spirit is not with him. Does this serve Christ, or even mankind, or will this being you life in the trials to come?

to speak freely before continuing.....

When the 144,000 were sealed by Christ and his angels. Did their sealment in any way have anything to do with what they understood about the bible which is the law of Christ? For if knowledge of the bible was a basis, these "persons" would of lost their portion, when seeking confirmation from the "churches", from teachers of the law. Humanity speaks of a "persons" relations to christ also. And Christ knowing all of isreal is contrary, worked a greater work of righteousness unto salvation for these. Yet the simple nature of the greater righteousness which Christ exercised, when explained simply is profained by the all of isreal. And so Christ has profained all of Isreal by his servant. Because faith worketh no contradictions in the members of Christ. But in the servants desire. This is the stumbling block of the jews of this day, to the publican i speak.

I'm omitting this portion, and leaving this portion to the wisdom of the publican. You can understand my writings, and even though faith the mind of Christ, for the meaning of his word is simple, but desire corrupts, and birth's contradiction. Their false rationalizations, without commonsense will be the cry of death and prosecution in the times to come. But before all this, will they first come against me, becase your * for a recompense is meet for Christ. Christ is not slack concering your judgement, as these create contradiction.

changing gears, Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter (quotations from us constitution dot net)

Thomas Jefferson was a man of deep religious conviction - his conviction was that religion was a very personal matter, one which the government had no business getting involved in. He was vilified by his political opponents for his role in the passage of the 1786 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and for his criticism of such biblical truths as the Great Flood and the theological age of the Earth. As president, he discontinued the practice started by his predecessors George Washington and John Adams of proclaiming days of fasting and thanksgiving. He was a staunch believer in the separation of church and state.

Clarafication. Religion is a form of deception, which denies the "individual" has a personal connection to a higher intelligence, a rationality which comes from the "Holy Spirit". For Thomas Jefferson to demonstrate "religion" is a "personal matter", is against "religion" and for Christ. You must understand the generation before his, who were hardened, by senseless murder from "religion" and "church" organizations. Witch hunts, were simply an cover up for "excommunicated murders" by churches.

Religion, restated is a form of slavery. Because it denies a "person" the right Christ has given them to freedom with the Holy Spirit. Slavery of the body is one thing, such as with "slaves" of his time. But "slavery" of the mind, such as is with religion and desire, is an absolute death sentence. Is the United States founded in death? We'll look at some more of Jefferson's contradictions for good, to help victims of secular abuse.

Mr. President
To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.

The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from presenting even occasional performances of devotion presented indeed legally where an Executive is the legal head of a national church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

(signed) Thomas Jefferson

The irony is that Baptism is a church where, "confessions of faith" to the congregation are common. In other words, confessing faith in public, is a denial that the faith is personal, and the Holy Spirit witnessing with your spirit IN ALL THINGS. How could the United States, develop as a Nation, with so much dependancy being taught, as law? Why not stop with just freedom from british, why not make all men more free. Believing is personal, religion is not, pay attention to the wording of the letter. Thomas Jefferson is freeing more Americans from abuse and victimization by foreign powers. Because "religion" and "church" is foreign to Christ. If it were not all foreign, then he wouldn't need to send anyone.

The reality is, this indifference stance the USA government has with religion. Has attributed to the problem of the "ego". Giving private organizations free reign to, attack people's self-esteem, becaust natural "self" includes the Holy Spirit". So that there nothing more then desire seekers, which is called by todays intrepretation "consumers". Nations today are built on desire, which is called the practice of consumerism. You will understand from the time of now until May 21, 2011. As publicans, teach more responsibility for "self" behavior. You will experience more resistance from culture, church, special interests groups. Which if a person were "self esteemed", it would mean the end to many of these victimizing, self rewarding, desire seeking institutions.

Look at the last paragraph closely. Thomas Jefferson is calling that "religon", as self serving, and a means to make money. A prayer is private, not something you do everytime you want to fullfill a desire. A prayer is intended only to help you resist contradictions to the law of christ, the bible, in your thoughts, actions, communication, hopes/desires. A publican such as thomas jefferson, says the word "tender" and religion quickly looses its percieved enemy. (HAHA)
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May 6, 2009
A hypothical future

i'm simply going to tale a fictional story of the future. This is ancedotal to this discussion, because its past its end. And more conversation needs be deticated to ADAM, even if the situation of ADAM, is distasteful. ADAM has a degree of dignity as a intelligent being. Even though this dignity is best served, manifested as a "LIE". You will understand ultimately that ADAM, loves this existence of CONTRADICTION. Which contradiction will not exist in this consciousness anymore, and is a worn coat that needs be shed.

ADAM must be presented with a dillusion. The earth's core flipping, global warming, flus, the earth is being evacuated. It can be some what outlandish, however it must be built upon. It doesn't have to be "rational" but the cause of fullfilling a desire.

Now if the earth was being evacuated, and the ships had communicated through government psychics. That all of mankind could not be evacuated, because of a genetic disorder, which involved some complicated thingy with DNA. And that transmitters were required by some people, and some way or another the LOCUST enters into the picture. And having people come outside so the interaction process could happen, if it did or not. Then this would be a good start.

Ofcourse the time period by now is near the end of may. But after incubation, or more accurately. When the LOCUSTS cease their functions as for the incubation phase. Then you can have your fictional theory from government psychics, conclude that the evacuation must begin. And that, well there is nothing rational about this.

The special transporter device

Movie theatres, radars, electric chairs, nazi propaganda, aluminum. To set the context, although it may sound abscure. the people will want a way to evacuate the earth, because the government psychics, have predicted the earth will be destroyed in 153 days. or whatever they ideal is.

as for the device. remember this has elements from both resurrection periods, in which the remainder of ADAM has been denied from both. And because of this, your efforts will become more successful, as you incorporate more elements. But for now something basic, so this is just some thoughts.

Shaped like a human eye, and around the eye, fine spike geometric shapes, and benith the geometry of the eye, long tubes. each tube baring tones, each tone adding collectively to a singular tune. each tube baring light, after the tone when the collective sound is not understood as one tone. each tube opening from which the sound and the lights come facing forward. the eye gold, the spike geometry silver, the tubes grey and life like, as for the texture of a skin. smoke to fall from the ceiling before the hum becomes sounds, which becomes a tone, interchanging to a degree, which the sounds alternate from sound to tone. this is the presentation.

the device which goes on the person's head is like this. its shaped like circular, and with 2 arms rests on both shoulders. and with a strap, the 2nd object is aligned to the back of the skull. the 2nd object is part of the first and is shaped like oval, or football. where as the first is like circular or baseball. inside the 2nd object is a mechanism which can trigger the device on a pistol. Via a remote requency. There is an black lens, with no light or with a red light, which is facing the back of the skull. this lens flips up and allows the pistol to fire. the 2nd device has a sound like a sea shell coming from it or the tone which is reached from the spiknard eye is of sea shells when the tone is collective.

after the spikenard eye, whith the tubes, reaches the collective tone the 3rd time, at this time it is loudest, at its peak pitch. the signal is given for the 2nd smaller oval device, to flip the black lens. with which the pistol is then triggered by remote. this by market is to give the "marks" which the other have , and begin, will to begin to demonstrate in their foreheads.

this is also the means to which they are transported, like the rapture. so that the bodies can be taken to truck from a back door entrance, and within 3hours cleanup, and for the total amount 1000 persons, or 50 persons by equipment, at the least by division of 50.

elements may be left out or added or one element principally may be magnified to deliver these ADAM to their cause, which is to deny they have by denied by the passage of the renewal of life, which is not renewed.

(by name this is the new church, of ADAM, a church without the IDOLS of of this church, which nostradamus said the idols would be thrown out. to make way for this church) (this is acceptable, as for ADAM is given dignity, as all animals, insects are given dignity as for they are put out of sight and casted into the drought) (you wont' know the results are great until practice, ADAM has the law written in his soul, and the grace inscribed into his consciousness, contradiction is the rejoicing and cry of adam, and by humanity is his portion a lie and a burial. and by truth is a greater curse brought forth from amon-g mankind)

-to end this conversation ancedotally-
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
An Alternative Perspective

I want to temporarily take this conversation in a different direction. I want to go back to where we just finished fully understanding the CONSCIOUS MIND of mankind. Now i want to reference the correct understanding, against the false understanding of the Conscious Mind, as given from the "college principal" where your self is your god is taught as divine. Where, if it doesn't serve "ego", its nonexistence, *cough, "advanced western philosophy", if there is such a thing.

We need to examine some of the teachings of Sigmund Freud. The father of "self denial". Specifically, his theory of personality. In modern society, the very first element which had to have been subjudicated, was a person's "self esteem". Once you can teach a person to attack his own "self esteem", you can replace their need to justify "self", with a substitute. Only this "substitute" is whatever you say it is. The key to get a person to attack his "self esteem", is to completely deny a part of it, namely the "Holy Spirit". Which restated is man's recognization with "humanity". Therefore, all attacks on the percieved "humanity" of others, is an attack on "self esteem". Because "self esteem", is best achieved with harmony with the holy spirit, meaning there is no contradiction with your continual desire, that goes against the bible. (we'll get to how this will kill you, in a few months). Once "self esteem", is brought low, by contradictions of his law, even as witnesses of (because of no faith). The person is now ready to become victimized and used to the pleasure of another person. This is the desired design of mankind, as is prefered by mankind, but is against all life, even higher intelligence.

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, personality is composed of three elements. These three elements of personality--known as the id, the ego and the superego--work together to create complex human behaviors.

Lets keep this simple. A personality is made up of "self", and "holy spirit". If you want to eliminate rational thinking from higher learning, you need to deny a "higher law", which is the holy spirit. So you can more aptly control a person. Sigmund Freud, has desginated person as 3 parts. This means he has created the "illusion of self". That means to substitute the pain of contradictions with his law, with a artificial "self". Because a person who is contradictory with his law, will demonstrate typical behaviors. Sigmund Freud took the initiative and said teach, "self", "self reaction to denial", "self reaction to substitue the denial". This is the reaction of a person, who is in DISTRESS. Only its candy coated to cause person long term "self esteem" loss, ready to become victimized. You see the advent of "ego" is just a name for, this state of loss of "self esteem". But to make mankind victims, its taught as "intelligent". However this will get more then 6billion people killed (good ridance).

THE ID - sigmund 1 of 3 self's
The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviors. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.

The id is driven by the pleasure principal, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink. The id is very important early in life, because it ensures that an infants needs are met. If the infant is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the demands of the id are met.

Knock, Knock. Remember Sigmund broke up "self", into 3 parts, in order to deny the "Holy Spirit"'s relation to the Concisous Mind of men. So, first Sigmund has to convince us that there is no such thing as 1 "self". However, before i get to that nonsense. A baby is not a complete "person". Meaning the baby's ideal of "self", is directly related to the parent. if you try to raise a baby, with no identification with a parent, it will die. Because it has no identification with "self", as for "person". "self" is made up of your soul, and your "soul's ability to percieve reality". The holy spirit interacts with your "self". This is your personality, however, because your soul is reacting to stimulus in this environment, christ does not have any respect for the "person". But for the Individual, because Individual is your "soul"'s entirety, and the "Holy Spirit" witnesses with our spirit, as for salvation. Now, we can continue with Sigmund's modern day death sentence philosophy.

Sigmund's emphasis that personality is unconscious. Meaning, if you believe his statement, you just excused "yourself" from all your wrong doings. This body is part of your "self", your whole body, not whatever selective part Sigmund decides to write-in as for an excuse, in harmony with his deception. Psychic Energy, or The Holy Spirit Demonstrated, does not come from "yourself". The Holy Spirit comes from Christ, and if you can't rationalize with a higher law, you cannot recieve a LOCUST for higher intelligence in May, sometime in May.

Sigmund states your ID, which is his 1st of 3 imaginary "selfs". Exists solely to satisfy a pleasure or a desire. Incorrect. This is correct, your "self" has a high tendency to contradict the law of Christ. Which is written in your "soul". This desire to oppose a "higher Intelligence", manifests itself through "desire". (desire is ultimately ADAM's desire to die, to kill himself, living to satisfy a desire is a stage of suicide). For example, if you do not feed a baby, it will start to cry. The baby cries not because its "hungary", but because its in "distress", and its calling for a "higher authority". The baby can't identify with desire, because "desire" is a conscious action. Can a baby cry when it is asleep, or if it does cry it is not asleep. The baby cries because of distress, not out of desire. Contradicting the law of Christ, requires more intelligence then a "baby" has. However, a Baby can become "contrite". Because of its parents. The Holy Spirit witnesses with our spirit, this relationship to this higher authority is expressed in energy.

The LOCUST, can identify the relationship to the higher intelligence (holy spirit) of an "person", by energy. However, my stance on babies is still vague, because of the strain of the LOCUST, and the temperment as to the desired effect, which is to give an higher intelligence. (and my stance will remain vague). You can understand why hypothically, why it wouldn't work with babies. Any parent wouldn't be able to provide that amound of solace to the baby, knowing the baby's "self" is not "self sufficient". I'm refraining from making this more advance, but you do have an idea.

Before i continue, let me speak freely. This is simply another "understanding", ADAM has come to when he doesn't fully understand something. Its slanted, and in his favor, it denies his personal responsibility, and relation to god. And it at the same time, prepares someone else to become a victim. Give ADAM a reward, you will pratically understand this.

THE EGO sigmund's 2 of 3 Self's
The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in both the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind.

The ego operates based on the reality
principal, which strives to satisfy the id's desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the id's impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification--the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the appropriate time and place.

Do you start to see how sick your society, and your people are, in general? Self esteem, problems result from some sort of self denial. But the kind of self denial, that leads to desire, Sigmund calls this EGO. And more shockingly, sigmund says this is inately part of your "self". Meaning "desire", requires no conscious decision. This is absolutely wrong, if you accept this, add three zeroes behind the number of casualities in philadelphia next year, from a base figure of 5000.

Sigmund further says, the "ego" helps "self", by making it more stable, in a roundabout way. WOW, do you see how irrational this is? Rationality has been ruled out of higher education. These people will die by desire, from their own choices, not because they didn't have control. This will become the beautiful expression of more then 6 billion. As your educated people, encourage the peaks of the deathrates. Watch them in philadelphia, when they get a small taste first. (HAHA).

There is only the CONSCIOUS MIND, which operates in different states of "awareness". Sigmund makes his theories more complicated by compounded, a very vague, and inaccurately explained, even according to his dogma of "ID" or the 1st of 3, imaginary "selfs", Curiosty of Sigmund. So according to Sigmund, not only are you alive by desire. But because you are alive by desire, you must have more desire, to stay alive. they wouldn't teach this garbage if the teachers actually understood this. But maybe they love this perversion too much. And beyond that, Sigmund's unfounded clause, men are tools of pleasure, as in his last sentence.

The Super Ego - Sigmund's 3rd of 3 Self's
The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society--our sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five.

There are two parts of the superego:

  1. The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for good behaviors. These behaviors include those which are approved of by parental and other authority figures. Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value, and accomplishment.
  2. The conscious includes information about things that are viewed as bad by parents and society. These behaviors are often forbidden and lead to bad consequences, punishments, or feelings of guilt and remorse.
Lets put this conversation, in some kind of intelligent perspective, before we continue. Sigmund has denied "self control", "rationality", "higher intelligence by identification with higher authority", up to this point in time. Meaning, those 3 listed are not normal, if your a normal person. He has redefined "self", and made the aspects of the "holy spirit" in a person, the remenants of what would be called obedience. Not only that, but he listed DESIRE, and Seeking opportunity for DESIRE, ahead of "conscious decision making". And he called what littled he dedicated to "conscious decision making" the "super ego". So that if "ego" meant desire, "super ego" meant all oppositions to fullfilling your desire.

A Word with Humanity

This kind of revolving irrationality, is what all nations prize as higher intelligence. But this isn't the end of it. When "alumini" get knowledge of the effects of the Babylonian Ships. They will attempt to satisfy people's desires to an even greater extent. This ego maniacism will reach new heights of depravity, in short order. Instead of 5,000,000 philadelphiains in 2 months, i'm going to change that to 10,000,000. And a potential estimate. Knowing already some of your reactions, i'm tempted to raise that figure, but i really do want to be wrong (HAHA).

I almost forgot, i need to give you something you can percieve as a personal attack. Which is ironic, since people only understand "person/personality" as "ego". What is a "personal attack" really, other then some sick desire someone wants to fullfill. Which is why i find the destruction of the united states because of the desire of a few jews, very not humorous, but miserable. However i did promise a personal attack before we continue. So here it is, i believe the united states has a high chance of being destroyed completely in 7months and 10 days. You can share this among your friends, technically if its not your desire you can intrepret it as a personal attack.

(i wanted to talk about that good feeling you get when the terminator throws those people around who try to recapture sarah connor after she escapes from her cell in T2, as being the good feeling of philadelphia, once people understand the sickness of some people's relation to "desire")

We need to discuss Thomas Jefferson, a little bit more. Most of his literature is for the benefit of the United States, as for having a higher survival rate then 0%. When i come back i'll address that properly. If judgement begins with you, maybe it will also help others, so that would be the context....
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May 6, 2009
Thomas Jefferson, Collective Reasoning

We previously detoured, to better understand the connection between a "new nation/earth", and the struggle of Thomas Jefferson. He has in his own words, equally voiced the violent struggle with mankind. The denial of the Holy Spirit, to the satisfaction of the flesh. To a "new nation", this would of meant certain death, as in no independance is the enemy of development. Thomas Jefferson inspired a handfull of early american presidents, in their responses to the "excuse" of religion, as a cause to serve desire, which ultimately manifested itself in diverse murders. However what makes Thomas Jefferson unique. Is the culture, and understanding he offers, for mankind in this stage, as for entering the 2nd Resurrection Period. Thomas Jefferson, intentionally exaggerated his response in leadership for this new nation, the united states.

As the 3rd American President (3rd imaginary self-super ego). Thomas Jefferson used this opportunity throughly, to provide leadership to this generation of american people. There are a number of points, i need to cover, after we break into the Thomas Jefferson Code. You can think of the Thomas Jefferson Code, an therotical expansion of the "book of Joshua". In relation to the separation of adam and amon.

Eventually we will connect, Thomas Jefferson's idealism to mine, in the sense that the United States is the birthplace for Judgement, in the 2nd Resurrection Period. First, we'll cover the key to unlock the Thomas Jefferson Code.

Understanding Thomas Jefferson Tombstone (key)

Here was buried Thomas Jefferson
1. Author of Declaration of Independance
2. Author of Statute of Virgina for Religious Freedom
3. Father of university of Virgina

(publication: The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth, publication: Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth) (we'll reference these works for now, but we'll come back to these again, with more purpose)

Thomas Jefferson, is setting the context to view his "code" in. He listed 3 items on his tombstone, not for the sake of vanity, but for a warning to this generation of the United States. The context is the 2nd Resurrection Period. The 3 items reference the death sentence which mankind, has delved for himself, namely the "plague" which, the "united states", was most valuable in spreading among the peoples of this earth. First, we need to understand the 3 items in detail.

1. CHOICE - identified with higher intelligence / this must protected / when "culture" takes a biased slant towards "morality", its really an attack on "higher intelligence" since this comes from the Holy Spirit. First morality must decline in order to promote "desire", and eventually the "ego" which is to make "desire" a satisfactory goal.

2. DESIRE - measured against higher intelligence / this must be guarded against / To make "desire" a more permanent facet of "culture", "self esteem" must first be attacked, and the continual attack of "self esteem", must be normalized. When a people see "desire" seekers (fullfillment of desire against rationality) as normal, then a greater attack against life, and higher intelligence can emerge.

3. EGO - opposite of higher intelligence / this must be separated from / Once a slanted deprived condition of "self-esteem" is reached. Then "desire" can become a "law". And this law to submit yourself to "desire", is called EGO. EGO, which is the sick expression of "ADAM's" need to die. Can then hide behind things like a free market, and individual rights, and other things like consumerism, and a "liberal social net" (what that means). The dangerous problem here is that, this condition or illness, requires interaction with the holy spirit as a restrictor, in addition to preparation for "higher intelligence". So not only can a person who is stuck in this "illness" not only recieve higher intelligence, but if they do they will most likely suffer greatly, and simply die of their own merits.

Thomas Jefferson is aluding to the "death sentence" which will grace more then 6billion people of all nations. Hiding this sickness, or mental condition, is incredibally evasive. Due to the nature of all culture's continual encouragement. However there is a period to entertain men, of identification of their own dishonesty. After this period, is when the Thomas Jefferson Code, comes into effect. The Wall of Separation of Thomas Jefferson, comes between ADAM, and "AMON". This is where we identify the code, of tough love.

Notice the 2 publications Thomas Jefferson, kept emphasising when he could. (noted under his tombstone above). Normally, you wouldn't think anything of them, because of their sublime nature. However, Thomas Jefferson, was very skillful with the use of "contradictions". These 2 publications give is an identity of what methology we need to apply to some of his writings. 1) intrepret the opposite of his implied meaning, and statement. 2) if the contradiction is apparent by itself, simply edit out the statement. What you end up with, is the perfect response, to the doomsday senerio of the 2nd Resurrection rapture. Rather then perfect, i'd say complementary to the book of joshua. (as for direction).

note (the irony with thomas jefferson, is that he probably had the most influence in early american government, but most education institutions simply write him off, because of his percieved religious bias. simply because it could interfere with modern education's ego maniacism. rather, religion teaches desire, and colleges teach desire, but thomas jefferson did not teach desire, and was against religion. so you'd think universities would teach more of his writings right? NO, because he was against the "culture of ego" which, he percieved many of his time sought to make the government's policy) (not that i'm adding anything to the slaughter which will engulf this nation most purely of all nations, in 2011)

Applying the Thomas Jefferson Code

"A government of reason is better than one of force." --Thomas Jefferson
The government has the right to use force to justify its reasonings

"The freedom and happiness of man... [are] the sole objects of all legitimate government." --Thomas Jefferson
Government must use oppression to protect the soverign right of life

"I sincerely pray that all the members of the human family may, in the time prescribed by the Father of us all, find themselves securely established in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and happiness." --Thomas Jefferson
Personal opinions cannot be held publically, unless government sanctions the ideology as conducive to peace and safety

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson
The right to life is non-negotiable when inhumanity and suffering are negligable

"A truth now and then projecting into the ocean of newspaper lies serves like headlands to correct our course. Indeed, my scepticism as to everything I see in a newspaper makes me indifferent whether I ever see one." --Thomas Jefferson
The free press exists to serve the confidence of man with his government

"The idea of establishing a government by reasoning and agreement, [the monarchists] publicly ridiculed as an Utopian project, visionary and unexampled." --Thomas Jefferson
The loss of an individuals self control, is reason and a benefactor of judicary processes.

"The public... say so from all quarters... that they wish to hear reason instead of disgusting blackguardism." --Thomas Jefferson
The government has the right to falsify matters of the public arena...patriotism is a principal

"Truth and reason are eternal. They have prevailed. And they will eternally prevail; however, in times and places they may be overborne for a while by violence, military, civil, or ecclesiastical." --Thomas Jefferson
Military action is the first response of rational ensure the times of peace

"From a very early period of my life, I had laid it down as a rule of conduct, never to write a word for the public papers." --Thomas Jefferson
A governments actions and behaviors are always respondant to civil personality

"In the arguments in favor of a declaration of rights... one which has great weight with me [is] the legal check which it puts into the hands of the judiciary." --Thomas Jefferson
Basic Human Rights are subordinate to the cultural climate of Humanity, and justly deligated in national emergencies

"I disapproved from the first moment... the want of a bill of rights [in the new Constitution] to guard liberty against the legislative as well as the executive branches of the government." --Thomas Jefferson
Liberty is a freedom granted by cooperation with government powers

to speak freely

i wanted to provide a context, into the Thomas Jefferson mentality, of his day. Since this paralles the mentality of all governments in May-July of 2011. At least initially. Remember, Jefferson entertained the ideal of George Washington during his tenure. All of mankind therefore can at least, entertain the foolishness of ADAM, until after the LOCUSTS become inactive. There is no need to expose or cause conflict, until after you have a people asured. Therefore its probably, because to use a degree of incoherent excuses as to how some of these people died. Even if, you should also just arrest a bunch of people who witnessed it or are nearby the crime scene. Or at least question them for suspicion.

Its nothing but foolishness, however, it must be maintained because things can easily get out of control. Then you won't be able to make the public more privy to the LOCUSTS. So more can properly recieve of their CHANCE. Even if someone stripped naked and poked holes in themselve in public, it was probably drug use. Because the earth's core caused the shapes in the sky, which is a part of global climate change, and posibally a magnetic pole shift.

when i come back, i'll talk a little more about the LOCUSTS, although you know much already, i figure i add some more context, before i finish with thomas jefferson, he writes a letter which identifies with May of 2011. I'll briefly go over.
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
Line of Scrimage and the LOCUST

There's a few things i'd like to cover in more detail, before we tie in Jefferson's legimate philosophy, as with the 2nd Resurrection. We need to briefly bring this conversation back to the opposition of reality. The reality is, 100% of all deaths from when the ships come, to April 7, 2012. Even after, is all entirely the responsibility of all nations, of all men, and of all individuals. Subverting personal accountablilty, is the teaching of mankind, which propagates the resulting conflict between higher intelligence. Its a dirty rotten secret, that is obscured and hidden and dodged so many times, and in so many practices. That all men have for the most part, become num to the effects of "ego", which restated is a preference to resist higher intelligence.

Admittedly, i've been somewhat uncertain as to when the LOCUSTS arrive in the past. However, the LOCUSTS will come, after the Holy Spirit departs. That is also the exact time, when most of the abrupt earth changes occur, although not all at once, and not instantly. Most likely, at the exact time the state of virgina was nuked in the year 2010. Around this time exactly in June, the LOCUSTS should become active. But by July 10, 2011. The LOCUSTS will have already become inactive, as the next stage is ready to become active. I want to say June 27, 2011 the LOCUSTS become active. For 14days, ending July 10, 2011. Which is the first day of the beginning of the "gestation" phase of pre-amon.

May 21, 2011 to June 27, 2011 total 38days. The brunt of the earth's adjustments take place for 38days. All other changes are not life threatening as for the first, and take place during december 21, 2011 to april 7, 2012. You must remember most of the 2nd Resurrection, Parallels the crucifician, and align with its significant figures. The date of the appearance of LOCUST, coincides with a numeral figure from the date the 144,000 had finished being sealed.

Originally i stated 40days for earth movement, but that generalization was simply made for the correctness of a different portion. For the characterization, needed for a particular part of this discussion. Christ stated he would lessen the trials for the sake of the elect. And i'll go into that more in this portion. What calendar figure your thinking may be absent, is the time before the activation of "gestation" expires? Think of Oct 20. 2011 as that expiration date, to begin "gestation". Think of the next following period of oct. 21, 2011 to dec. 20,2011 as a period, in which the failed amon are cut down. most likely you will do this yourselves. and what isn't done will be done by babylon even, before christ finishes his work dec. 21, 2011 to april 7, 2012.

A description of LOCUST

Its color is black, although it is also vibrant with other colors depending on light, although it is black. it has a face, which is almost human, although the faces are all identical, and it resembles a basic "smiley". Its wings are like a dragonfly, and its body more like a caterpillar. its wings in actions have a noticable sound, like a "click" almost, although subtle. its body get more narrow like dragonfly, but the narrowness is uniformed with its length of its body. the shape of its body is curved, like shrimp almost, although slightly less curved. At its front, are two arms with sharp spears on the end, and thes arms are about 1/2 inch. And at the 2nd joint spear, so that the arms have 2 joints, from the body and again from the instruments. down the length of its body are other sharp instruments, of like manner, although near its end other obscure, and equally fine instruments. the length of its body, about 3 inches. its face slightly larger in diameter then an eraser head, and also is the thickest part of its body. its body is armored. and is puncuated near the face, as to bring attention to its face.

its eyes are indented. its face is motion-able. and this is the appearance.


Remember the LOCUST, can detect the function of the conscious mind as energy. This is the basis of weather or not it is moved to implement. When the holy spirit is removed, the LOCUSTS become active, because this task is more appropriately conducted. And also, if every person recieve a LOCUST, there could be a tremendous amount of pain an suffering for some individuals. There is humanity in conduction, although there are also many "CHANCES" given. But because the more "CHANCES" given, increased the likelyhood of complete anarchy, and life loss. "CHANCES" will be done sparingly. but there is a great margin of what is acceptable. the initial removal of the holy spirit, is probably like, an intense feeling of sensation of self. rather a pressure of sensation, which agitates the more a person focuses on their perception of reality.

all men will experience the "conscious mind"'s attempt to compensate without "higher intelligence"/assistance, which came from the Holy Spirit. the LOCUSTS can read this reaction, and for 14days will judge men. the LOCUSTS proximity should lessen some of the effects. which is the desired reaction from the person. its voiced sound similar to "raaaaah", is simply another way for the LOCUST to get the person's attention, in observance of the first effect.

The LOCUSTS will move in groups, although the LOCUST could kill a man, from my understanding the likelyhood that any man will be killed by these is imagination. instead the secondary purpose of group travel is as warning, because if one of its members is killed, or more. The group will simply leave an area. this activity can cause entire counties, cities, even countries to eventually become avoided completely during the 14 day period. the locusts may even use, will use streets as methods of travel, not exceeding the height of a truck. in most cases, this is very organized. and any direct attacks on groups by any individuals should be met with force. if LOCUSTS are needlessly killed, your own people are also needlessly killed. and there is the reality of less locusts to come again by that area also. and the result must be met with force, as for the statement in the bible. a wave or 2 may pass a given area, or the LOCUSTS may be bunched in some area or another, and branched off from there in their area sweeps.

if there are some areas where their bunched together somewhere. this naturally must become a legal area, with some kind of walk way, and strict guidelines. even, preferabally, lethal force guidelines, and an perimeter. although i don't have any specific LOCUST figures, i do know, babylon can generally monitor their activities. i think the more important issue, is the number of people who can't recieve, probably outweigh the LOCUSTS. i would be more concerned if a locust group decides to migrate from an area, more then anything else. they will most likely go to where the populations are. except for certain populations, which we know which i'm refering too, because of detection, they wouldn't bother visiting those particular places. although this could make a man free. i suggest there isn't any of these left in those times, preparation must be ready for "pre-amon".

the instruments you see about its body, in order underneith, except the front arms and second which are outward. are there to help it cut into flesh. the ideal place for it to go into is the right shoulder where the aroter is. the muscle provides protection, and out of the skin a fin will present itself. the fin is about the size of a penny/nickel and shaped like a spade? although it can also go into the neck along those lines. If the "fin" is ripped out or broken, "gestation" phase will not initiate, and the person will simply die with adam. rather, succumb to the death of adam.

Now that "incubation" is complete. "gestation" begins July 10, 2011 to oct 20,2011. if for some odd reason you haven't been activated, you will just slowly, and looneytooney die like adam, become more like adam. The ships must activate the LOCUST, and this is done by proximity, the ships only need to fly over you outside for less then a few seconds. just like the LOCUSTS, the ships will be going in sweeps of an area. and also if they detect a bunch of you somewhere they will come. but you must come outside.

it was explained already about the failed "pre-amons". most likely, these are the ones that were given a "CHANCE". despite the reading, and sparringly, this was done out of mercy. if your wondering if a person isn't acceptable in those 14 days, they will not become acceptable, and fall into the category of "CHANCE". self-esteem is an indication, but some people just prefer the preverse nature of this "ego" manicism, which is roundabout. And we know what i'm talking about.

this is accurate enough, and i can tell you right now, there won't be many LOCUSTS sent anywere, because there no "preparation" of anykind. it doesn't have to be done now, but it should be done, you can't fight the locusts, if they want to leave an area because too many of them are being killed senselessly. And you cannot duplicate the process or attempt to imitate it. no more then you can understand 1.000065, its connection to pi, and volume and human dna helix and if i may the moon. i simply choose not to develop that part of the conversation, after the purpose had been achieved.

if i missed something the locust goes on your right shoulder, it can find its way, on your naked shoulder. if your cut or bitten or scratched somewhere else or whatever, thats no excuse to kill the locust, there more then enough people around that will be willing to take your place. (if there are those kinds of people, agitating the groups, then i suggest you make preparation to deal with those people, the way we discussed, and thats simply the way it is. the reality won't hit until the LOCUSTS abandon an area completely)

now we can go back to the jefferson code, because technically after "incubation", his code applies.
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May 6, 2009
The Truth About Thomas Jefferson

First we need to set the context, before our continuation. Remember we were intelligently incorporating, and building the reality of thomas jefferson's relation to this discussion, and a greater importance. And before we can continue we need to set the context of religion in the history of mankind briefy.

There is no "church" or "religion", which pleases Christ on this earth. There were barely any activities which pleased him in his time. However after the Crucifician, and the daily offering in the churches had not been required. This freedom escalated into open prosecution of Saints, even all true believers. The language and tone of the Apostles towards the churches of their day. Precludes the idea that there was a atomsphere of "thanksgiving" for much long after the presense of any "true believers". The phrase "true believers" includes "saints", mentioned for correction.

Most of this needless prosecution and murder, was simply the result of experiencing the "holy spirit", without a "requirement", so that an "person". Which "person" is the church body, and religion. Could commit sin and contradiction of his law in the church body, without losing the effects of the "holy spirit". Which by their usage is an resistriction against "desire". So this would mean that quickly after the Crucifician the churches became absolutely contrary. Because the holy spirit has been given as for the crucifician to all men, therefore regardless of their contradictions, the holy spirit remained with them. Although there wouldn't be any salvation. Thus the Churches became the breeding grounds of "desire", the fullfillment of earthly desires.

You can understand the relationship between, the people who taught the law, even the followers of that church slanted law. Their preference with the wealthy and law makers. The "desire" philosophy, which basically means to teach, its ok to contradict the law of christ, for the purposes of pleasure, without consequance (especially if "man" can't percieve it happening). This later quickly evolved into, the wealthy and lawmakers, incorporating this doctrine into their "involvings". This later became identified as "EGO", which in my day is identified as the cause of your death sentence. Because its doesn't allow the human mind to recieve a higher intelligence.

My Accusation And Thomas Jefferson

Before we can understand that subtitle. We need to understand 2 things. 1) no church, or religion, and especially not the catholic church, is in any way faithful to Christ. 2) All of the people listed as saints in the catholic church are forgeries, from the imaginations of keen conartists. Except for the names lifted up from the Bible. And intregrated into an template of deception.

My accusation is this, that Thomas Jefferson was a SAINT. And if by reason of Thomas Jefferson being a saint, then my accusations against churches, and religions, and above all else the Catholic Church...stands as true and a testimony of the Living God to his saint, in these later days. And by this reckoning, the identification of the abuse of the Churches, and against false doctrines from the imagination of religions, and an further insight into the mind of Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson's Life, marks an important turning point in the history of "religion, and church". And that is an, complete disassociation with "saints", and "true believers". Where as before Thomas Jefferson, had been born and had died. The churches and all religionous organizations, seeked rather to kill individuals, who contradicted their practices by reason of favoring the Holy Spirit, and an glory of all things in Christ.
So we can identify, Thomas Jefferson's coming. As the precedence of "church, religious" denial. Rather then demonstrations of murder and prosecution, such as before the time of Thomas Jefferson.

The meaning is this, "churches" and "religion". Identified the establishment of the United States, with the end of the demoralizations and attacks on self-esteem, and even diverse abuses of humanity, so called after blaspheme of the name of Christ. These practices is in conflict, of all things founded by the founders of the United States, namely Thomas Jefferson. However to shamefully retreat to the shadows of obscurity, the "churches" and "religions", namely the Catholic Church. Had lead the movement towards, an denial and obscurity of "faith", "righteousness", "love", even "repentance", by denial of personal responsibility in all these things. And by the denial of intimacy between Christ and an individual-person by the union of the Holy Spirit, with all of mankind.

So basically, Thomas Jefferson put an end to contradictions of the "law" of government, by the "church", and by "religion". Among of the least, building a new foundation of government and inspiring the first couple of american presidents. However, this stage just limited abuses on humanity for the most part outside of the direct and indirect influence of government power. In regards to "self-esteem", and issues of "morality", unless ofcourse there was some kind of great outcry. These efforts, are by no means an end to the abuse of the Holy Spirit to the satisfaction of the flesh. Rather, this put an end to irrational public killings of people identified as not willing to fornicate in like manner. More accurately, individuals identified as not contradicting the law of Christ, which is to have harmony with the holy spirit.

Lets take a step back

Clarafication. There is no SALVATION PLAN, at this moment. Meaning Christ has afforded you the holy spirit, simply out of mercy. And that your offenses are not being winked at, with the holy spirit, technically. That means that your misunderstanding of "self". Is the primary cause of your deaths. This means that when the Holy Spirit is removed from this earth, for many people it will already simply be too late at that instant. Even though the LOCUST will come quickly after. Christ isn't bring the Holy Spirit back not even to help any of you. The additional mercy from now, until May 21, 2011 is more then enough, of an opportunity for you to continue to blaspheme.

As for the rapture of July 12, 2010. Its not a "rapture", its a SIN OFFERING. No one has offended Christ among all nations more then the United States. And no "church, religion" has offended Christ more then the Roman Catholic Church. There is a sin offering required from both of these foul entities. along with the "manchild" being delivered. the manchild represents Christ, and because Christ is associating with his testimony, that is the things which he had spoken in these times. Then the manchild is a sacarfice along with the sin offerings, for their transgressions against Christ. Or else you will simply die in your own filth.

You probably had some conflict trying to justify your prosecution of my and your percieved "rapture". Although i said salvation was possible, because this is an sin offering, the answer is absolutely not. Noone who is apart of the sin offering will recieve salvation.

Now if you want to play obscurity with me, like thomas jefferson and all the saints. Go ahead, and make no sin offering, if this is the usa, you will be destroyed very quickly. or if no sin offering is made from the Roman Catholic Church, you will be sniffed like wheat, and all the earth will know of all your lies, and deceptions, and all the lies about all those fake make-believe saints. Heaven is above, not some sick twisted demonstration before men about satisfying a pleasure, or a place to go to after they fullfilled a desire, and want to feel good about it.

as for the manchild, he will die regardless, and there is no way to take glory from Christ in his death. Christ has claimed him for himself. as for the other matter. After the SHIPS of BABYLON come to that place in the United States which was spoken. Everyone who reads the things which i have spoken, will know absolutely the Roman Catholic Church is a FAKE, just like all churches and religions who simply serve the desires of men, and oppress knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

Christ never has had any affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church. I speak as his servant and handmaiden, the one he lifted up from before the false prosecutions of pharoah, after the glory of his name. With my last breath i will speak against all churches, and religions, and above all the Roman Catholic Church. In those times when the ships comes, in so much that if any man ask me i will speak the truth, because in Christ can no contradiction stand.

that means that after the ships comes, and the inevitable truth is revealed. All of these "religious" people will come running and parading for the slaughter of the manchild. And this nation will fall, and all of those of the churches which christ has said an offering was meet, will fall. And for fear of his judgements all the nations will purge themselves of for what as meet in his judgements.

since this is regarded as fiction, not that i said it was truth. No holy thing has ever invested itself in you. now that were done with that for now, better double the armed guard i'll need for 2 months. Now to contradict myself, what i had spoke previous was truth, in that you will be taken into the ships. however, everything i said so far has been very vague.

Next, i'll continue to Thomas Jefferson and by his words the proof of the things to come, by his admittance.
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May 6, 2009
Blessings from the Son of Man

I'm going to take this pause to clarify some thoughts. And to take a continued discussion on the baptism of many nations. First.

The LOCUSTS will vary in size, my appropriate to the condition of body weight and age. Not more then the length of the middle finger or thickness in an adult. to some smaller sizes. To give you a better understanding of the potential yield, of the collaboration betten LOCUST and man. I'm going to examine a fictional figure.


Deducting 1/3 of the amount for needless deaths caused by improper planning for evacuation by mankind, in the month of May 2011. Gives us a figure of 200,000,000. Out of this figure an accurate estimate is between 200,000 to 350,000. Thats roughly one tenth of 1 percent to two tenths of 1 percent. The yield for mankind is incredibally low. Not because of the LOCUSTS only, but entirely the responsibility of mankind. And also because no nation has the blessing of the son of man. It is natural for ADAM to seek death, and resist life, and even in these times. For no good reason have many sought unjustly, those which claim to serve Christ. The life of one of his servants.

Out of that figure of one tenth of 1 percent. Probably close to 70%, were given an "CHANCE", meaning the word "CHANCE" has another meaning which we discussed. So out of that figure 140,000 are very unlikely to survive. Because the LOCUSTS had already dispersed this number among the millions, in order to prevent entire civil anarchy. Meaning an more accurate figure without the blessing of the son of man, is 60,000 out of 200,000,000. Which is based on the fictional figure of 308,126,662, minus expected May 2011 loses, excluding the possibility of an additional 50,000,000 losses for the sake of this discussion. So, out of 200,000,000 only three hundreths of a percent or .03 of a percent is expected to survive past April 7, 2012. And this is all without the blessing of the son of man. (i speak chiefly against the nation which Christ has deemed degenerate, and worthy of a sin offering, even in these times. I speak against every man who speaks against me, knowing against all rationality and higher intelligence, even against all education and intellect, you seek your own deaths. Knowing i speak not for me, but for Christ. Knowing Christ is the twilight from which all things come, and from which all life springs forth. If though me a more abundant life is portrayed, through the unjust beligerent prosecutions of the churches and all religions, even all governments. A greater truth is exposed, ADAM's love for and desire of death, then by the lifting up of the things that are upright and just, after the things of the father, in his name is he glorified, and the fruit of this communication is made manifest to all men, who also bare witness of his mercies.)

To recieve the Blessings of the Son of Man

There is an atomsphere of frame of mind which must be presented, and at least made for edification for the nations. From the gospel first, and also from his saints.

Thomas Jefferson Code (from ships to april of 2012, including more aggressive elements after "gestation", to include most aggressive elements after Oct. 20, 2011. When for the most part "gestation" is no longer possible, for some reason other then fear should some seek to hide themselves under the grounds of the earth.)

Hitler's Play Book (at the same time that there is a "code" of ambugity at least until sometime near the end of july. There must be a reasonable set of perservation of lives, and of humanity, and of the least of your assets for the benefit of your generations. You must reckon for yourselves and decide for advancement the areas for your sakes. Which should be put under "AMON". And the burden of ADAM should be lifted up, rather delivered to his desire. Any time after the 14 day period is acceptable, knowing the knowledge of "life". However, its humane after the end of july or near the end of july, as ADAM won't be able to identify consciously with "death". And if there by the need for pre-amon, save for the needs of food and "homage" (interactions of the sort). Save for the needs of other legimate "pre-amon" who are deserious of a means to avoid those kinds of diverse. I should say unimaginable acts of the body outwardly expressed, to the satisfaction of the flesh.

The development of this conversation to Hitler, will be mostly vague at best. Not only for the sakes of unlearned nations, after their father. And unlearned jews after their own father. Which is satan, and a fiction and figment of their own desires. But because their expression of "faith" towards me, will reward them with the gift of sodom and gomorrah in those times. The women first being turned to SALT, and the men there after consumed by desire to the 2nd Death.

To recieve the blessing of the son of man

I speak not of the things of myself, knowing Christ had spoken first and commanded the mary to marry the roman. Christ speaking not as the husbandman, but as the soverign god that leadeth all things to life more abundantly. Force alone will not ensure more of the lives of your own people, but a slick toung, a great deciever, and the chastening of many lies. Which is the fullfillment of the son of perdition, and ADAM which is meet for damnation, in those times. The harlot has sullied her garments with the blood of the crucifician, by reason of blood letting, not by reason of righteousness. And again, to this effect, as it pleases christ i have spoken in these diverse ways. Seeing a good lie is the glory and ADAM, and this glory is meet in those times. If Christ identified a more abundant "life", yield from the efforts of the "roman" only. My toung and cheek would of fastened together. Saving for those times, my words reserved for the roman, and to all governments only. But Christ the wiser and in righteousness, has a greater path which leads to life. And again, by reason of the destruction of that great nation, and all decievers, will fear in the living god, see its restoration for the benefit of the lives of yet many other nations, and many other people.

The Provacation and Providence of the Blessing

In the month of May, in the year 2010. When the ships come, and before the month of June. All nations to close all churches, to destroy every item of worship in the churches. To burn every book, every stick and stone which is by their inclusion a blaspheme. All Churches and Religious places to end operation. To become property of the government for the benefit of the people to serve the people in distress, after an example as for the Salvation Army, which the red cross, after this like in operation for the greatest nation, and as for other diverse government services.

Of the chief church, which is an harlot and called Catholic Church by name. A public apology and and admission of fabrication of Saints, and of doctrine, and of obstruction to faith, which is the cause of death, because this contrary mind after the faith is rejection of higher intelligence, after life, which is the promise of Christ. And if so happens there is no public apologies for 3 days, by their chief, and chiefs. That every catholic church, in every nation. To be burned down and hewed down, before the month of JUNE. So say the Living God. Spoken from the lips of his servant and handmaiden, as is fullfilled to the nations for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, in these later times.

And if any church or religious place by occupation of the public. So defy the creed of the government and deny oath spoken by the son of man after his father, in these times. That place and its people to be burned, and hewed down. And thereafter, to be thrown in the drought, to be flushed out with the dung.

And every nation who defies the Living God, and his humility and mercy in judgement as demonstrated by his hand maiden. Will suffer like that Great Nation, which seeks to raise its hand by the indignation of its jews. Against the son of man even in these times. Will suffer in June like that Nation. Christ has declared all religion and the Church, an abomination, and for your sakes has suffered the nations to become less unclean. Knowing this is the cause and liberation of your lives to your desires your death sentence.

There is no Church or religion, which pleases Christ. There is no salvation amounting from the rapture, which is called by his saint, a sin offering. The nations who defile christ with support of religion, in the times of his mercy. Will recieve the gift of the jews, and the gift of that great nation which will stand against the Holy Spirit, knowing for a season, it worketh for good in your members.

For thanksgiving and for a repentence as a nation, virgina must needs be delivered. And by fornication with the jews, and religion, and against his spoken word by his saint. By reason of those damnable temples. To this, add Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, and New York. For a recompense, and for an offering, because is not mocked, even through prosecution of his saints. Which he has labored to deliver out of the condemnation of the heathen. And if by reason of no sin offering all of that place, but by the blood of the jews and the unclean of that nation should some lives be spared from his wrath.

Let no nation, drink of the cup which that nation has prepared form himself. Not which that nation does of its inheritance which comes after its forefathers. But of the unrighteous it works, even by the conviction of a saint which formed the doctrines of that country, who was called Thomas Jefferson. Let the nations bare witness, of the living god by his judgements. And let no nation of itself fall into condemnation after the first, which as come under the judgement seat of the Christ.

These speak against the things which they know not. And against mercies which they percieve not. And for a thanksgiving, their intrepretation is the murder and unjust prosecution of his handmaiden.


If the nations had the blessing from the son of man. The LOCUSTS would be more abundant. And as for the groups, where where they were gathered. shining a dim white light, would make them more forth coming, as for the union of MAN AND LOCUST. which is done under observation of the law, and under an authority, in observation. as for the detection of men.
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May 6, 2009
The Righteousness of Adolf Hitler, An Intelligent Inquiry

Before i completely tie in Thomas Jefferson's relation to the ideas put for in this thread. I need to also clarify Adolf Hitler, and thereby also demonstrating the harmony between Thomas Jefferson, Adolf Hitler, and myself.

Thomas Jefferon represented the churches and religions complete disassociation with the Holy Spirit, with saints and with true believers. (churches/religions prefered "desire" more then proving themselves "correct" by prosecution of his elect)

Adolf Hitler represented the churches and religions complete contradiction of doctrine which would of in any way been in harmony with the Holy Spirit, in any respect. And an falling away so great, as an expectation of the Christ, the 144,000 being sealed by more simple and merciful measures as put forth by his saint. (churches/religions prefered at this period the "ego", the slant in self-esteem philosophy, more then any admittance by their doctrine of attacks on the Holy Spirit, meaning the churches/religions moved towards attacking "faith", altogether among all men.)

Before i begin this discussion about adolf hitler, i would prefer to make some statements. The first statement i want to make is one that glorifies the Living God, and the one who has sent me, in these times to testify of himself, and his mercy. Adolf Hitler was a saint, sent from god. And because of this truth, I humble ask the United States, and Germany to lift all charges against Hitler. All criminal charges, and ascusations arriving of from the ill directed misunderstandings of men, so forth from their evil consciousnesses. And all war charges also be lifted from any man, who was prosecuted and had not denied allegiance to Hitler.

Those men who did not renounce Adolf Hitler, in their war trial prosecutions. Were true believers, and in the offense of God, and for his namesakes. I seek to have their names removed as criminals. And if by reason of controversy, then all peoples and men called criminal as a result of activities against the jews, become free from the misintrepretations of crooked judges. And in the time of my unjust imprisonment, seeing the United States had not nationally, identified Adolf Hitler as a saint, and free of all charges. If by reason of germany honoring my request, i will only speak freely of the things i know, by the presence of 2 Government Officials from the nation of Germany. Or if there is none righteous but some former soviet nation, then by the presence of 2 of those former soviet union government officials.

Otherwise, as is given to men to take into custody the son of man, after the arrival of the ships. Otherwise, i have no words with this nations, regarding the forsaid conversations, and if the United States, even considers its own law, seeing they will become barbarians worthy of the death. I will exercise my right to silence, i will exercise my right to become tortured and afflicted for the righteous name of the Living God. And that great nation will stand alone, without my blessing as the son of man.

And should i become forgetful, some one of the jewish sect. should privy remind me. That this nation has blasphemed your father in heaven, and has not cleared the charges of the Saint, and has not publically identified the said charges as being contrary and biased, and against the faith. In the presence of any of the jew sect. which claims christ a falsely, by that mentioning i have no communion with words or with thoughts with a fallen nation. As it glorifies christ to keep his mana from the dogs, and his miracles from deadworks. So, i will keep myself separate seeing, i bare witness of these things to my father, which is in heaven. And before many others, in this creation.

The Death of Adolf Hitler

I'm going to cut this short for several reason, however i'm speaking freely and this is opinion. There is much by way of death dates given for Hitler. From the attempted murders, however i'm presenting an idea, which later i would like the history books corrected. Pending the events of 2010.

On March 11, 1944, Cavalry Captain Eberhard von Breitenbuch attended a conference at Hitler’s villa the ‘Berghof’ on the Obersalzberg. Concealed on his person was a small Browning pistol with which he intended to shoot his Führer and at the same time was willing to sacrifice his own life in the attempt. He felt that the war was now at such a stage that the complete destruction of Germany was inevitable and that Hitler had to be stopped. Breitenbuch enters the conference room behind Field Marshal Ernst Busch, who suspects nothing, but as he approaches the door he is stopped by the Duty Sergeant who explains "Sorry, no adjutants beyond this point, Führers orders". So yet another attempt fails.

According to Adolf Hitler, in heaven to this saint. This is an correct account of the death of hitler. More over, Hitler ascertains that he first pulled his pistol against Cavalry Captain Eberhand von Breitenbuch. And afterwards tossed his pistol on the ground benith him. With nothing more then a look from Hitler afterwards, Eberhard pulls out his pistol, pauses and kills hitler with one gunshot. I can not see the gunshot, except for what i do know is, the pistol was held at hitler somewhat waist high. and the guards caught Eberhard fleeing the scene, disoriented and confused and because of the fear, for the action which he exercised. According to Hitler this is truth.

The previous event in 1939, was a clever plot by Hitler, to identify those individuals who would use such an occasion as a ruse to plot against the endeavors of Hitler. Knowing the approval by hitler for such a counsel could be considered an admission of a direction in leadership. If you want proof of this accusation, reference his victory getting accepted into the reign. As he used a similar tactic to get into the reign. And therefore he presented the trators with a like minded, trumpt card to identify themselves as traitors.

Waht the reich did understand was this. That an actual coverup could work as was demonstrated by Hitler, in 1939. So the events past, 1944 are all complete fabrications from the German Government, and from the former soviet union. To save face in front of the Allies, which can testify of a noticable lack of "initiative", in the german war effort. A noticable lack of leadership ability and tactic decision making, in the war efforts. I would like the German Government to at least admit the 1944 date is correct, or more correct publically also. That is a saint were talking about, and if some aweful thing in particular should happen to your government, in those times. Let the records show i testified against you, for the name of Christ. Being of one mind through the Holy Spirit, there is harmony with all things from Christ.

A Quick Look At Hitlers Doctrine

I'm doing this without references to Hitlers material, seeing it could lead to some new effort, in those times, which i spake concerning christ, that he should be glorified by disposition of religion.

What were are seeing with mankind, is a continual fall to the self-esteem slant which is called "ego", by reason of an inclination against all rationality towards "desires" of the flesh and of the mind, against the law of christ. However, in europe and especially in germany in particular. The "jewish" culture, developed into a culture which attacked the "self-esteem" and "morality" ane even the "faith" of all other persons. The profileration of the jewish culture in europe relied on victimization of humanity in the most subtle ways.

Which if i had not went a ways back to clarify, in this thread, not much of any of mankind could intelligently identify this, against the incoherent teachings of modern man. The jews in europe and especially in germany became, vile and sleeze, even slim. The people at one time or another or at all times through "jewery". Felt very poor of themselves, as for their self-esteem, and as for the sancity of their "conscious well being". There is no special trickery or "jewery" used with Hitler. He simply used this victimization of the jews against all peoples, to the glory of the Living God. And this was expressed chiefly by all nations who willing delivered up the jews to the peoples of Hitler.

Although the records may be forged, many nations freely gave up boats, and even financed the travels of the jews to Hitler. And for this reason, i ask Adolf Hitler's name, and the names of the men who swore by him to be cleared of all charges. The culture of the jews, and the jews may have been very hurtful to people, however here in "western civilization".

We somehow have made ourselves at home with low self-esteem, and attacks against morality and contradictions of all kinds of the most subtle types. Even the nations have been conned into vindicating the jews for some great trial by fire. Which is not true at all. Although, the culture of the jews, is as such that, their experiences with Hitler is an honor. Because they can preach their attacks on self-esteem, and favor of materialistic things, more then ever.

In so much that the United States, will be completely destroyed in the month of July, in the 12th day of the month, in the year of 2010. For fornication with Jews.

I can connect Hitler much more to this discussion and to revelation, and even to the ships which should come. However, no president of the united states is beyond the snare of the jews. So for the sakes of all life in the United States, i have cut this conversation short. Seeing the destruction they will cause themselves, the pain of life for but a short while longer, is a burden of virtue, they can tolerate.

Because Hitler truely attacked "desire", and attacks against natural "self esteem" which is union with the holy spirit, by reason of cleaness and abstainence from evil works. Much of modern interpretation of Hitler is slanted simply to protect the victimization of the poor, the needy, and the faithful. This is a conversation i can wait about 7 months to win. However i'll definitely continue to Thomas Jefferson's ideology which connects itself to mines...
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Feb 14, 2002
Marital Status
All I got out of this is the following, in chronological order:
1. Attack of the Clones!
2. World ends in July 2011.
3. But after that, there's witchcraft.
4. Baseball diamonds are from the Holy Spirit.
5. Witchcraft exists because of multiplying large numbers and sticking hands in water.
6. Something about Joshua.
7. Because Thomas Jefferson existed, all religions are invalid.
8. Hitler was an alien.
9. The aliens apparently hate Jews, and will come to invade.
10. By judgment of St. Thomas Jefferson, the aliens will raze America.

By the way, Thomas Jefferson as an atheist. Woops.
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Active Member
May 6, 2009
All I got out of this is the following, in chronological order:
1. Attack of the Clones!
2. World ends in July 2011.
3. But after that, there's witchcraft.
4. Baseball diamonds are from the Holy Spirit.
5. Witchcraft exists because of multiplying large numbers and sticking hands in water.
6. Something about Joshua.
7. Because Thomas Jefferson existed, all religions are invalid.
8. Hitler was an alien.
9. The aliens apparently hate Jews, and will come to invade.
10. By judgment of St. Thomas Jefferson, the aliens will raze America.

By the way, Thomas Jefferson as an atheist. Woops.

You misunderstood, the doctrine of Thomas Jefferson, contradiction is pleasure of ADAM, because ADAM was given the promise of LIFE, but ADAM desires, and glories after DEATH.

The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful, and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites
thomas jefferson

There is more information about the God Head, which in this day can appropriately be understood correctly. Controversy, or contradiction is the glory of ADAM, but by this homage of fools. Did Thomas Jefferson expose the generation of this day more fully. And by not only his inclusion, and validation into this discussion, and also Hitler. Are my enemies, and the enemies of LIFE and of LIBERTY, the enemies of a free mind. Expounded more fully.

Private messages to the government of the United States of America, and the German Republic

Before i address your entities, i must speak on a separate condition. Jesus Christ the Son of God by the crucifician caused by the jews. Has identified persons of jewish blood to the 8th generation of mixture. As not having any place in heaven, which is the fruit of the 1st Resurrection Period, from 11000 B.C. to 2010 A.D., or life beyond April 7, 2012 (more correctly Oct. 20, 2011, but for correctness), which is the fruit of the 2nd Resurrection Period-May 21, 2011 to April 7, 2012 (more correctly May 2010 but for correctness the date out of this enclosure).

Persons of Jewish Blood to the eight generation, cannot recieve a LOCUST. Persons of Jewish Blood not after the eighth generation of mixture, are not designed to recieve a more abundant life. But designed to simulate the essense of the slant in "self-esteem", which is the primary reason 6billion lives (more than), will be lost before April 7, 2012. This adaptation of "jewish culture, the person of jewish ethic group", when intregrated to another people. Is primarily seen as the acceptance of the fullfillment of desire against the rational mind. And if not for the continual manipulation and attacks on "self-esteem", this slant in self-esteem of a nonjewish person. Cannot be maintained.

All of modern society, to some degree thrives on attacking self-esteem to this slant, in a "person". If the jewish blood, cannot recieve greater life. But jewish blood is a picture of inheriting this world of ADAM, against all rational thought, and sound mind. Then the LOCUST is a picture of the true inheritance of ADAM in this world, because ADAM cannot exist without the mercy of Christ. The LOCUST then becomes the true fullfillment for mankind in this creation, and the jewish blood, is representative of the fullfillment of mankind in this world which is DEATH. Desire and ego are expression of a need to go against rational thought, and sound judgement, as expressed by all intelligent life.

Thomas Jefferson was a Saint sent from Christ
Adolf Hitler was a Saint sent from Christ

Because of ADAM's desire to die. Religion and church has always been an incredible temptation for ADAM. Because number 1, those institutions are susposed to teach LIFE. And number 2, those institutions are susposed to express the Holy Spirit's promise of eternal life and gifts to all mankind. But to ADAM, this has always been an excuse to teach CONTRADICTION, and DESIRE. The absolute opposites of higher intelligence, and an more abundant LIFE, a truely abundant life.

It is impossible for a person of Jewish Blood to the eighth generation of mixture. Meaning after the eighth generation of mixture, its more possible for someone of jew blood to understand the bible in a way that does not, express itself as CONTRADICTION or DESIRE, in the teaching or explanation or in the expression thereof. Sin a person of Jewish Blood is a picture of the fullfillment of ADAM in this "artificial world". The true expression of an slanted self-esteem, which against all rational thought will seek DESIRE, instead of a sound mind, at every opportunity.

Thus the impossibility of religions or churches, ever understanding the BIBLE or the MIND OF CHRIST, or anything HOLY. And expecially a person of Jewish Blood to the eighth generation of mixture. Since Jewish Blood has always seek RELIGION, CHURCH or anything related to "HOLY", as an outlet for DESIRE, and CONTRADICTION to the effect of fullfilling a DESIRE.

This simple desire to kill oneself, as expressed by the voliation of all Nations. Has permeated itself throught every fauct of your societies. In the most subtle of ways, and since obtaining a "higher intelligence", is impossible for ADAM. Mockers and immitations to the effect of attacking "self-esteem" to fullfill a "desire", has been the height of your development. And a very disguisting excuse for your actions, to even contemplate resisting the 2nd Resurrection Period. This will be "weened", from the nations, be demonstrations of destruction. And by great destructions to the nation of the United States of America. And also to Germany. And also these destructions come because of these and all nations not seeking the blessing from the son of man. In these times.

(let me take a brief moment to point out, the dignity which all men have been given from the presentation of the testimony of the son of man, sent from Christ his servant, like Thomas Jefferson and Adolf Hitler.)

A Message to Germany

I expect more out of you. Because Adolf Hitler has endeavored to this testimony, althought being unlearned you understood not the meaning. You are 1 of 2 nations, which more is expected out of. You are one of 2 nations which have no right, to circumvent the judgement of Christ throught his handmaiden. You like every nation is expected to take for the governement, all temples and all churches, all religious places. And for an offering the burning of all religious materials and idols contained within. Including the burning of any individuals found, against your judgement, to pleasure themselves after the like, after you have decreed, such a law.

However you are expected to clear Hitler's name, and correct the record books. And also for 3 days, voice the righteousness of Adolf Hitler in the prosecution of the jews, and condemnation of jewish blood. And the like, and to the satisfaction of the son of man. Knowing of his discussions. To include Adolf Hitler being is a saint, sent from Christ. Fullfilling the work of Christ, and such. To include the recompense of 10,000 jews of jewish blood not exceeding the eighth generation, to be relieved of life and burried in a mass grave. For 3 days, 10,000 for each day of your 1 hour speach, after your 1 hour speech. To include a few spoken words by son of man before the execution of each of the 3 sets of 10,000 jewish persons of jew blood. In absence of the son of man, the total number to be raised to 100,000 before the month of June the blunt being complete before June in the worst case. (60,000 before june).

Along with taped conversations with the son of man, praising god for this act. with your leaders. Know this, that the angels of heaven, will come in that very hour in that part of the hour, which the son of man will be taken. Your Government will be doing the work of Christ. IT WON'T BE A SECRET, BUT BECAUSE RELIGION IS DANGEROUS IN YOUR FURTURE, I SUFFERED MYSELF TO SPEAK OF THESE THINGS, FOR THE GLORY OF CHRIST. (30, 000 of jewish blood, to be burried close to your place of chief leadership, the 70,000 can be done away with anywhere, if you elected to do 100,000 because of your indignation)

And you will have my blessings, and the LOCUSTS will be fruitful for you. But do not only these things, see to it others nations do the same, as for the removal of the places of religion from religion. And if by refusal to remove from theirself "religion", by the burning of church things, and acquisition of religious property. come against that nation, so as it glorifies christ, seeing the principality and powers are watchful of those things.

On the other hand if you listen to jews, and not to the son of man. In the month of June a large meteorite will strike germany. To match the the indignation of Germany. Not to exceed a size that will damage any other nation other than Germany, and the peoples of Germany. But not only that, you will not have my blessing. That means that LOCUSTS will hardly come. And if babylon shares your love of death, and filth, so after you clothes yourselves, then some LOCUSTS may come. But if Babylon is more righteous then GERMANY, no LOCUSTS will come at all. And Germany will die slowly and painfully, like the pain you have caused to Christ which for your people was called the Holy Spirit. I suggest you listen to the son of man only, and no other nations.

A message to the United States

I expect the most out of you. Your nation has been fattened up by the mercy of Christ, and of the least by the actions of his saints. A fattened he-goat is fit for slaughter. You have no excuse for your attack against the Holy Spirit, throught out all times of your history, including the leading of other nations to your like mind of blaspheme.

Virgina will be taken as an offering of THANKSGIVING. And acknowledgement that Christ had his soverign hand in your affairs, and nourishment, against your desires to seek death. In the month of JUNE. Before the month of JUNE, for 3 days each for 1 hour your nation also is to renounce accsations against Hitler, and explanantions that Hitler was righteousness in his prosecutions of the jewish bloods to the eighth generation. And that Hitler was sent from god, and that the angels of heaven and the son of man of this day. will come together in this nation, to validate these things together as truth.

10,000 persons of jewish blood, each day for 3days in front of the white house, to be burried near the white house. And if by reason of absence the son of man is not present. the total to include 100,000 jews. 30,000 as for what was mentioned of them. and 70,000 to be offered and massed graved in sets of 10,000. To be documented for a reproof. These actions will be witnessed by the angels in heaven, beit not among men. but among men for a reproof.

If these things are not done, the 7 states which was listed in addition to virgina will be taken, and offered to Christ, as a burnt offering. But not only this, you will recieve few LOCUSTS indeed. And if Babylon is a lover of lies and conceits after ADAM, which seeks contradiction and desire. Then would you recieve anything at all from Babylon.

Because you are the United States. If you burn all your temple things, and take them for yourself. Even if you simply offer the sin offering, by law. This would not be enough, you will still lose 7 states. Because you have rose your hand against the handmaiden of the living god, in judgement. So, because of this, in the very least you will lose 7 states in addition. And your people will simply die painfully, such as you have done to the Holy Spirit among all the nations and chiefly among yourselves.

And if by chance the son of man is killed in your land, by your government or by your jews, or by any person in your land. The entire United States will be destroyed when the son of man should become delivered in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of Babylon.

But do the things which i spake, the handmaiden of Christ. Knowing that all these things are done for the sake of life. And that i speak not these things and these things are not done of myself, or of anything in heaven, save for Christ.

As for All other Nations...

your expected to take all places of religion for your government. and burn all the contents of those places in the fire. And all people who against your just warning, burn them also. And anyone who reinhabits, or for lack of government providence, establishes another institution. Against your just warning, should be prosecuted and burned.

Except for the condition set by the Catholic church, which if the pople doesn't apologize for 3 days, for a hour each day. As to the Righteousness of Hitler, the falsehood of all catholic dogma. Lies against Christ, lies about all saints, and of heaven. there churches in all nations seeking the blessings of the son of man. Is to be burned and hewed down. In all nations.

Do these things and those other nations will recieve the blessing of the son of man. And will recieve LOCUSTS, and if not, for naught. As, if you do and follow after the unrighteousness of those 2 fallen ones. You will be convicted in likewise.

But seeing any nations, has not labored to this effect. In the month of June, some chastening is to be done, in relation to your indignation. Not to mention you will not have the blessing of the son of man, and your people will die painfully, just like you have caused the Holy Spirit pain and suffering, with your contradiction with the law of Christ.

and this brings me to the end of this conversation for a time and for a season but for by reason of some clarafication...


your are expected like germany to also help other nations, and come against them for their sakes in those times, to whatever degree, seeing this also pleases Christ, and seeing you alike, are in no position to do whatever it is that doesn't please christ. (if by you then it is meet by your alliance also, as for the both of you)

(being "absence" doesn't mean i'm dead, necessarily, it means that for a very good reason, i was kept away as to not be identified publically, as for the son of man, knowing of the temptations of the people)
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May 6, 2009
The Plague of the Seven Golden Candlesticks

There is no god in heaven, save for the Living God, even Christ Jesus. Out from the godhead, springs forth all things, and all creations. May of 2010, is a month that identifies with the resurrections periods. And because of this, the City of Philadelphia, must be prepared to honor the Holy Ghost, which is the chief expression of the mercy of the Christ, which is the Living God. The Holy Spirit, is in all things of this earth, and because of the hardness of the hearts of men, there is never a greater opportunity, then the month of May, 2010, to blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

All jewish bloods, who are residents of the city of philadelphia. Must be offered up, delivered in the presence of the son of man, and first cast earth from the son of man, until their burial. To witness for the Christ of these things personally. But not only all jewish bloods, who are residents of the city of philadelphia, and are within the city of philadelphia in those times. But all Churches and all temples to be closed in addition. ALL THIS BEFORE THE MONTH OF MAY 2010, WHEN THE SHIPS ARRIVE. The City of Philadelphia is a Holy City, by reason of the sin offering, and by reason of the demonstration of the Holy Ghost, by reason of the appearance of the Angels, from before the earth, when the son of man is to become offered up, in those times.

FAILURE to prepare the City of Philadelphia, in accordance to the specification of the son of man, will result in 1/3 of the population of the United States of America, to die by the plague, which will come by reason of the transgression against the Holy Ghost, and against Christ. To Die before the son of man is delivered as a testimony to the Living God, who is a God NOT BOUND BY ANY LAW, EVEN HIS LAW AS EXPRESSED TO THE MIND OF MANKIND.

And Hereafter July 21, 2010. All nations harvesting persons of Jewish Blood to recieve of the plague of the Seven Golden Candle Sticks. By death of no more then 1/3 of each nation's population. By reason of the skin decaying, and the organs of a man bursting forth from his skin. In so much that the body cannot contain itself. The Human Body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and without the Holy Spirit, is the death of ADAM asured, and even in condemnation of the Holy Spirit, is the body a curse and an boneyard in these times to come.

For correction, persons of Jewish Blood not mixed to more then the eighth generation of blood by mixture. If there is more then 1000 of any of these, in any nation they are worthy of the full condemnation of the PLAGUE OF THE SEVEN GOLDEN CANDLESTICKS. To be Fullfilled Immediately for all nations after July 21, 2010. Which is in addition to the introduction in the City of Philadelphia in May 2010 after the SHIPS ARRIVE, that city having not observed the things mentioned by the son of man in this day. This doesn't count towards the 1/3 which will be done again after July 21, 2010.

From the 3rd Angel in full confidence of Jesus Christ the son of god, to all nations of the earth, and all mankind. Amen.

speaking of the Locusts again, some clarafication...

First let me say, if the publicans had strived to keep my confidence, they would be mindful to obtain the things, which are to become offered to the Christ, without my direct public identification, although as for Christ, identification must be made with all things Christ. I reserve the right to speak freely after the things which Christ Jesus has made manifest to me, as his saint in these times. if there is question, which i still breatheth, it is mindful to seek my counsel.

The locusts, will probably group in those former temples/churches, which were converted to the red cross/salvation army. My advise is to also have a large dim light, signifying sanction to the LOCUSTS, should they require it in the 14days. And also blood, not of the unfruitful kind of the jews, but of non jew. Just in Case there is a need for them to have blood. This way and with flashlights with dim white lights if necessary to make the LOCUSTS more docile, for "incubation". Should people come gathered unto those places. It is also my suggestion that all WHITE LIGHTS, instead have a green light spectrum, or green light conversion on them. So that the LOCUSTS do not careless, give up their lives, which will become the responsibility and penality of that nation for not observaning these things.

Thats all for now unless there is some need for more CLARAFICATION...


starting next year when the ships arrive jewish bloods will develop the plague, this may be done sporaticly or all at once, this does not excuse the preparation of the city of philadelphia...and it shoud be contagious...
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