the church

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Originally posted by VOW
To Lion Heart:

For starters, this proclamation is pretty inflammatory.

Please be assured, Lion Heart, that the Catholics here are not saying that you cannot question what we believe. Ask away! We're not interested in converting anyone to Catholicism. All we want to do is to clear up the misconceptions and misinformation about the Catholic Church so all of us as the Body of Christ can share the Word with the world.

This particular forum is for those who wish to learn what we believe. It's not to judge what we believe. It's not to argue what we believe.

Peace be with you,


The following sub heading leads to this particular thread;

One Bread, One Body - Discussion on Catholic Beliefs
"A forum open to all Christians to discuss various Catholic beliefs and issues"

Between you, kc and wolseley its hard to figure whats is really allowed on the different forums thus entitled.

I can read, and it plainly says "Open to all discuss Catholic beliefs;

Someone here earlier stated that you give the impression that your desire is to muzzle others from giving their opinions, you are just as entilted to belive any opinion I might have to be imflamatory as I am to belive any opinion you might have incorrect according and specifically with regard to what is wrriten in scripture and given of God for man's edification.

But I in the interest of understanding, I should and could give the opportunity to explain your position.

You all need to be more tolerant of others opinions, quit being so sensitive, and jumping to conclusions that someone desires to "bash" you; everytime someone states a fact for what you belive.

Let me state again, my response to jukes9 the statement that the he made concerning The Roman Catholic Church name coming out of the reformation;

"This outright not true; the name Roman Catholic Church did not come into existence until Theodosius emperor of rome made christianity the national religion".

Respectfully, Richard
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Feb 7, 2002
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To Lion Heart:

Sometimes I get a little battered and bruised, and my tolerance level drops. I try to keep the reservoir filled. But when I've been clobbered by "Christians" (and I'm not targeting you here) who question my salvation, my sanity, my eyesight, my ability to read, and my IQ, I get a tad huffy.

I try to be as even-handed as I can explaining what the Catholic Church teaches. I make sure I construct my posts so that I do not attack anyone, I merely explain. And then I get hosed regularly by people informing me that is NOT what the Bible says, that the Early Church Fathers were just a bunch of old fogeys who don't mean anything today, the Catholic Church is a corrupt institution, all priests are baby-rapers, and Catholics are definitely headed straight for Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

The One Bread, One Body Discussion area was a place where Catholics can retreat, and actually have intelligent discussions about their faith. Non-Catholics are most welcome; it is the intention here of the Catholics in this forum to NOT convert the world to Catholicism, but only explain the teachings of the Church and clear up any misunderstandings and misinterpretations, so we all can join together as the Body of Christ and share the Word with the world.

If your interest in Catholicism is genuine, you truly just wish to learn about the teachings of the Catholic faith, then this is the forum for you.

If you want to argue, debate, show Catholics the errors of their ways, then you are invited to the Interfaith forum. If you wish to flat out tell Catholics how WRONG they are, and your intent is to save their souls for Jesus, then we politely suggest you mosey over to Rapture Ready or the Left Behind message board.

Catholics are not interested in being saved, or of asking Jesus to be their "personal Lord and Savior."

We have already been there, done that.

Peace be with you,
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Feb 5, 2002
By the shores of Gitchee-Goomee
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The One Bread, One Body Discussion area was a place where Catholics can retreat, and actually have intelligent discussions about their faith. Non-Catholics are most welcome; it is the intention here of the Catholics in this forum to NOT convert the world to Catholicism, but only explain the teachings of the Church and clear up any misunderstandings and misinterpretations, so we all can join together as the Body of Christ and share the Word with the world.

If your interest in Catholicism is genuine, you truly just wish to learn about the teachings of the Catholic faith, then this is the forum for you.

If you want to argue, debate, show Catholics the errors of their ways, then you are invited to the Interfaith forum. If you wish to flat out tell Catholics how WRONG they are, and your intent is to save their souls for Jesus, then we politely suggest you mosey over to Rapture Ready or the Left Behind message board.
VOW has explained the purpose of the various forums here quite well, so I'll re-quote it here and put my "Official Moderator Stamp Of Approval" on what she said.

In short:

One Bread, One Body is for discussing Catholic beliefs or asking questions about them.

Interfaith Discussion is for debating Catholic beliefs, why one thinks they are or are not in agreement with them.

Neither one, nor any other forum on this board, is for denegrating Catholic beliefs, or any belief system, for that matter. You can agree to diasagree, and say why, but you cannot say, "I'm right and you're wrong, period."

If one wishes to slam Catholics and call them idolaters, Maryolaters, pagans, Papists, idiots, morons, fools entangled in a false religious system, blinded by Satan, or anything of similar ilk, again, we not-so-kindly suggest that such sewage is taken to the Apologetics forum of Rapture Ready, and not here.
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Wolseley, Vow

You are accusing me of slamming and bashing you, when that is not true, you must be thinking of smoe one else.

Under the conditions your church finds itself these days, I am willing to simply ignore these accusations.

My interest is in learning precisely what the Roman Catholic Church teaches so that I can engage, Roamn Catholic members and intelligently speak about what things we have in common and those things that are not quite so clear.

So far, it is apparent we are not on the same page from the answers you have given me, concenring your churches teaching.

However, this doesn't dissuade me from trying to engage you, I have not said one word that has been offensive to you or yours, neither have I critized your beliefs.

What is evident is that you want to slant things your way without allowing others to question you further on it.

I have posted a couple of threads, and quoted the scriptures, and in questioning your thoughts on the authority of the subject, have not recieved any answer, that would lead anyone to a connection to the written word, you do believe that; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Tim 3:16-17, don't you?

I have failed to make the connections to scriptures because you've failed to explain yourself sufficiently clear enough, or, Am I not asking my questions clear enough? How can anyone learn anything in such an atmosphere of resentment, I ask you?

As for "uniting christians of every denomination together as one body" which is the banner flying over all forums here, what good is it to advertise such a slogan, when you act so defensive about what you believe, afterall, your faith on what you percieve to be the Rock of your salvation should strengthen you and make you bold to face the challenge you have chosen, to defend your faith with love.

So in the interest of the christian message, please refrain from thowing ROCKS.

I've not injured you, for you to be hostile towards me.

Respectfully, Richard
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Feb 7, 2002
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To Lion Heart:

In Interfaith Discussion, you asked about the Sacrifice of the Mass. ZooMom quoted extensively from Scripture, she gave many cites from the Early Church Fathers, and you were also provided links to more writings from the Early Church Fathers. You still expressed problems understanding, but instead of saying what you didn't understand, you just threw more Scripture quotes. Then you argued about the Perpetual Adoration. *I* answered that, and then you went on to find another point of contention. At last glance, you were attacking Transubstantiation. You were given answers to that.

Let me make a suggestion. Start a thread with ONE question. We will respond. Then begin the discussion with what you don't understand, and we can take it from there. This forum is not intended to be a place for a volley ball game, where we lob verses back and forth to each other. And save the emphatic fonts and extraneous remarks within the Scriptural quotes. Make your observations, and then we can have a dialogue, NOT a combat.

I personally was quite annoyed at the huge, bold face letters and the red font. Anything you want to emphasize, capital letters work fine. Or you can use boldface. But as someone who has been using drafting and graphic arts for a living for over twenty years, I've learned that anything you can do to make something easier to read will have a much greater impact than turning your post into graffiti.

We don't mind questions. We enjoy sharing our faith. But don't put down what we believe, and don't begin the dialogue with the ulterior motive of showing us the error of our ways, and of the Catholic Church. A LOT of us here are converts. We CHOSE to be Catholic, because we studied the faith, and we feel the Holy Spirit led us to the Church that Jesus founded.

Peace be with you,
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