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The Chosen series

Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I'm correcting you, yes. But not via reliance upon the Bible. I'm just appealing to your reason. Do I have to stoop to referencing the Bible in order to get you to think twice?

Nowhere have I exempted myself. In fact, if you dared to look at my background, you'd see that I'm both and Existentialist and a firm advocate of Education. I don't believe ANYONE has EVERYTHING all figured out, especially not where the Bible is concerned.

Ok. If you think that, then stop calling folks "tares" when you don't know for sure they are.

Ok. You can ignore my Drill Sergeant comment. And I'll just ignore any cogency about unproven Tares that you might attribute to a numerous amount of other people whose hearts and minds you don't fully know or discern.

On my part, I deal on all levels of Philosophy. Sometimes, that leads to questioning their Persoanl Axiology along with their religious dogma.
You have corrected other posters with Scripture here, and here.
So by telling me that I cannot do that when you yourself have done so, does not sound fair to me.
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May God be with you and bless you.
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Oct 2, 2020
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
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You have corrected other posters with Scripture here, and here.
So by telling me that I cannot do that when you yourself have done so, does not sound fair to me.

Are you familiar with fallacies known as the "Straw man" and the "Tu Quoque?" I'm just asking because these are what you've just committed here with this post of yours when you say, "So by telling me that I cannot do that when you yourself have done so, does not sound fair to me." This is, of course, in addition to a number of conceptual conflations and equivocations in terms and language that you've also previously made.

Please note: Nowhere did I say you CAN'T correct others. Nor, did I ever say I never correct others, even by referring to Scripture. Sometimes, I point out exegetical errors others make and by which they imply fallacious meanings to various texts and verses in the Bible. We're all free to do that, and not because the Bible says so. It's because the rules of language, context and inference say so.

So, I suggest you refrain from misrepresenting me and my position. And on a bi-lateral scale, I'll do the same for you.
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May God be with you and bless you.
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Oct 2, 2020
Snohomish Co.
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We reap what we sow. Garbage in, and garbage out. It’s like if you hang out all the time with a bunch of cussing sailors who swear every other word, you will end up being influenced to cuss yourself.
That's not reaping what you sow.
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May God be with you and bless you.
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Oct 2, 2020
Snohomish Co.
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No. I am not saying that the Elect are the tares and the goats. I am saying that the wheat, and the sheep are of the few. It is the tares, and the goats who are of the many. It’s why we are to let both grow together instead of trying to uproot the the tares (destroy them). The Judgment will take care of them.

Narrow is the way that leads unto life and FEW be there that find it. The few be there that find eternal life are the sheep, and the wheat.

There are self professing Christians who are not saved (false believers) who slip in among the real believers according to Jude. They crept in unawares according to Jude. Remember the parable of the weeds. It says to let both grow together unto the harvest. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3 that you are God’s field. But among that field there are weeds or tares that look like wheat (even though they are not wheat and even though they are not Elect). So they can fellowship among us without us knowing. So this is how they can be in Christ’s Kingdom and then be later cast out. They are in the Kingdom in an outward sense that they are amongst the body of Christ and doing the work, but they are not Elect, and they are not saved. They are goats, tares, or false believers in disguise as wheat or sheep. Jesus says we can know a bad tree by its fruit. So obviously one’s deeds will be the determination. If one justifies sin or does wrong in some way, they are demonstrating they are a bad tree, etcetera. That does not mean they cannot be nice, loving, and kind at other times. Remember, they can fool the wheat into thinking they are wheat, when they are actually tares.

The tares also do not know that they are not saved, either. They actually think they are saved but they will be shocked to find out that they are not saved when they encounter Jesus at the Judgment.

John 8 says that the servant of sin will not abide in the house forever (i.e., the house of Christ) (See: John 8:34-35 again). Those in Jude who slipped in among real believers turned God’s grace into a license for immorality. They are not technically a part of the real believers, but they are among them in Christ’s house and or among the real brethren in secret. They are in the Kingdom only in an outward sense in that they will at times do the work of the Kingdom alongside the real brethren (Or the wheat). It’s not about superiority, it’s about accepting what the Scriptures say on this matter (Which is a spiritual thing to understand if one accepts all the verses I mentioned).

Actually the Chosen series does this in video form, and folks who are hooked into it cannot see these things as being a problem because they like to be entertained over reverencing God’s Word (The Bible, which is the real truth). The Chosen series is the opposite of truth. It promotes lies about our Savior and the apostles, and has study guides to follow such lies (As if lies can help you grow spiritually - when we know such is not the case).
You have a longstanding routine of going on about how there's only a few Christians who will be saved because most of us Christians are stupid and gullible and want to sin like the devil, and post lots of sunday school level preaching at us as if we don't even know the basics, while acting sanctimonious and being condescending in the process.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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And when the convo has switched to primarily attacking the messenger and not the message alone, that is my cue to leave.

Tchau, Tchau.


May God bless you all.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
The Void!
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And when the convo has switched to primarily attacking the messenger and not the message alone, that is my cue to leave.

Tchau, Tchau.


May God bless you all.

That's ok. We all be right here thinking about exactly what you're saying. And I guess you're right: Dallas Jenkins is a liar. It's so very clear from the evidence below, isn't it? Or is it?

Ok, folks! Let's get those Confirmation Bias machines all revved up and ready to roll ... Yeeee-hah!! :ahah:
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Dec 31, 2018
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While scholars can get many things right, they can also be wrong.
Sounds like we are being blessed here. But people need to remember that even the most 'learned' have their own faults too. None of us are close to perfect.
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. My focus is primarily on the wrong belief and not any individual on the forum.
Is it possible to speak what you think is right without having to prove others wrong?
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