Subjecting oneself……

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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Romans 10:3 (NASB20)
For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

What is this ‘subjecting oneself to the righteousness of God’…?

God has stated that ‘He has shut up all in disobedience that He might have mercy to all’ ….

So this subjecting oneself would have to be separate from all that had been shut up in the disobedience, it would have to be something totally new and separate unto itself… This new thing is the righteousness of faith, which is a simple taking God at His word and believing that He will form a new life in one if one so desires…. For this is a real new life growing in one which purpose is to overcome and overrule all that had been shut up in the disobedience…..

This new thing which is birthed from the desire towards it, this desire, is to grab unto something other than itself, something outside of itself, something that only faith can grab unto…. Something that is in God’s ability alone, something that He has promised to work in one if one is but willing…. But God asks one thing, because it is absolutely necessary, that one would keep one’s hands out of the cookie jar so to speak that He might work His work in the growing of this new life…. Because the workings of self, is one looking to one’s own natural life, one’s own natural abilities, it is this working that nullifies, stops, prevents the promised new life from growing in one and overcoming all that needs to be overcome….

For this desire of faith is submitting to God’s righteousness, because by the giving up of oneself to this desire, self is shut up in Christ’s death on the cross…. So as this faith continues its work, and by the longing desire towards it, one grabs unto the promised new life that only God Himself can bring to life in one… For this new life is totally new and separate from the life that has been known up to the point of giving oneself over to the faith that brings the righteous life that comes down from above to become the new life that has been promised to the believing one….

The faith that says; ‘I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me’ is subjecting oneself to the righteousness of God…. For this faith that brings this righteous new life that comes from God by faith, is that faith that is accounted for righteousness….

For God has shut up all in the prison of self, that those that would, would be made free by their simply looking to Him in faith…

Many blessings as the freedom that the righteous life produces in one is known, felt and grown…. Because of His great love for the world He has brought forth something totally new, brought to life by the faith of the believer believing……

A believing believer, Not me


Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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Romans 10:3 (NASB20)
For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

What is this ‘subjecting oneself to the righteousness of God’…?
The righteousness of God is only from God through faith in Jesus Christ (1:17).
They sought to establish their own through their own good works.
God has stated that ‘He has shut up all in disobedience that He might have mercy to all’ ….

So this subjecting oneself would have to be separate from all that had been shut up in the disobedience, it would have to be something totally new and separate unto itself… This new thing is the righteousness of faith, which is a simple taking God at His word and believing that He will form a new life in one if one so desires…. For this is a real new life growing in one which purpose is to overcome and overrule all that had been shut up in the disobedience…..

This new thing which is birthed from the desire towards it, this desire, is to grab unto something other than itself, something outside of itself, something that only faith can grab unto…. Something that is in God’s ability alone, something that He has promised to work in one if one is but willing…. But God asks one thing, because it is absolutely necessary, that one would keep one’s hands out of the cookie jar so to speak that He might work His work in the growing of this new life…. Because the workings of self, is one looking to one’s own natural life, one’s own natural abilities, it is this working that nullifies, stops, prevents the promised new life from growing in one and overcoming all that needs to be overcome….

For this desire of faith is submitting to God’s righteousness, because by the giving up of oneself to this desire, self is shut up in Christ’s death on the cross…. So as this faith continues its work, and by the longing desire towards it, one grabs unto the promised new life that only God Himself can bring to life in one… For this new life is totally new and separate from the life that has been known up to the point of giving oneself over to the faith that brings the righteous life that comes down from above to become the new life that has been promised to the believing one….

The faith that says; ‘I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me’ is subjecting oneself to the righteousness of God…. For this faith that brings this righteous new life that comes from God by faith, is that faith that is accounted for righteousness….

For God has shut up all in the prison of self, that those that would, would be made free by their simply looking to Him in faith…

Many blessings as the freedom that the righteous life produces in one is known, felt and grown…. Because of His great love for the world He has brought forth something totally new, brought to life by the faith of the believer believing……

A believing believer, Not me
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Good works established in our own righteousness is that which is from the tree of both knowledge: good and evil. Of course there is no righteousness in evil but there is also no righteousness in our own good. The axe has been at that root since the time of John the Baptist until now. The righteousness that is of Christ is that obtained from the tree of life, which He asks of us to partake in. That is the new life that we need. And not from our own labor since that is from the tree that is to be chopped down and knowledge will be no more. Only that which pertains to the life that is in Christ. So it's in the longing and desire for that new life, the new creation, that God is able to work Christ in and the old Adam out. No longer I but Christ that lives within me. Known, felt and grown. Thank you Not Me. Well said.

Together the little foxes will be driven out in co-operation with Christ!
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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Good works established in our own righteousness is that which is from the tree of both knowledge: good and evil. Of course there is no righteousness in evil but there is also no righteousness in our own good. The axe has been at that root since the time of John the Baptist until now. The righteousness that is of Christ is that obtained from the tree of life, which He asks of us to partake in. That is the new life that we need. And not from our own labor since that is from the tree that is to be chopped down and knowledge will be no more. Only that which pertains to the life that is in Christ. So it's in the longing and desire for that new life, the new creation, that God is able to work Christ in and the old Adam out. No longer I but Christ that lives within me. Known, felt and grown. Thank you Not Me. Well said.

Together the little foxes will be driven out in co-operation with Christ!
Thank you for the encouraging words, and may we all continue to grow in Him as He forms Himself in all those that allow Him to….

Many blessings, Not me
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Yes as you so well defined it the prison that God has shut us up in is the self of the old nature and can only be grasped by desiring that which is outside of self, that is the righteousness of Christ and not our own. I came to this thread hoping that you could define what being dead in Christ meant as I knew that was the next step, ongoing as crucified with Christ is, and I found the answer. I needed to see it in the terms you had set forth to qualify what I found the Holy Spirit teaching me. It's as the wood is immersed in and washed by the water stream that all it's wooden minerals are washed away that it becomes petrified wood. We are living stones that had the wooden nature only but the cross has set us free to be one with Him. Bathed in His Holy Spirit, growing from glory to glory.

As we subject and immerse ourselves to the Holy Spirit's teaching we are changed. Objectively reading is not the same. Much of my studies have been thru Spirit filled writers of the last century that has slowly wrought a change that has been known to me to be true according to scripture, felt in my dealings with the world that I am in, and found a new standing in the growth of truth built from the shoulders of others, yourself included.

Many blessings to you too!
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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Yes as you so well defined it the prison that God has shut us up in is the self of the old nature and can only be grasped by desiring that which is outside of self, that is the righteousness of Christ and not our own. I came to this thread hoping that you could define what being dead in Christ meant as I knew that was the next step, ongoing as crucified with Christ is, and I found the answer. I needed to see it in the terms you had set forth to qualify what I found the Holy Spirit teaching me. It's as the wood is immersed in and washed by the water stream that all it's wooden minerals are washed away that it becomes petrified wood. We are living stones that had the wooden nature only but the cross has set us free to be one with Him. Bathed in His Holy Spirit, growing from glory to glory.

As we subject and immerse ourselves to the Holy Spirit's teaching we are changed. Objectively reading is not the same. Much of my studies have been thru Spirit filled writers of the last century that has slowly wrought a change that has been known to me to be true according to scripture, felt in my dealings with the world that I am in, and found a new standing in the growth of truth built from the shoulders of others, yourself included.

Many blessings to you too!
@Citizen of the Kingdom

For your writing it is obvious you take everything you read and experience before the Spirit of Christ that dwells in you so very richly, I humbly ask you take what I’m shall write before God for the same confirmation or no….

I can describe and define what it means to be dead in Christ, this the Lord opened up to me about 20 years ago, whether someone hears and believes, that’s between them and God, I testify to what I know to be true….


Ask yourself this one question;

How can I be guaranteed to never ever sin from now to all eternity…?

There is but one answer, and that is if you were to fall over dead right this instant…. Sin all around you would be still very much alive but you would be unable to respond because you were dead… This is the freedom and the totality of our salvation in Christ, when Christ died on the cross He took all of us to death with Him… It is believing this truth from one’s innermost being that forms Christ in one…

For it is no longer the believer that lives but Christ that lives in the believer believing this truth grows one from a carnal to a spiritual believer, for we are called to faith….

Take these words before God I humbly ask….

A brother in the faith, Not me
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