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Struggling in my faith Scared and feel hopeless. Running out of time ?!?!


Aug 15, 2020
I love God
United Kingdom
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(

Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
Site Supporter
Dec 20, 2009
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(
Welcome to CF.

I find that "there isn't enough time" is a common sentiment for young believers especially young new believers.

Since we get closer to Jesus the same way we initially connect to Him, work on any trust issues and continue to grow in faith and trust towards God.

The more you trust God, the more patience you will have as the years pass.

And again welcome to CF, I hope you find some good fellowship and conversations here.
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Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Bond-servant of Christ

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United Kingdom
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(

I am so very sorry to hear of your problems, and the doubts that you are having and your fears. There is no better Person to speak to about your life, than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Who understands us better than we do ourselves. A good, Bible-believing, born-again Church will halp, as will the pastor and having godly Christian friends. the devil is very real and as a mission to try to destroy all who seek to follow Jesus. But, don't fear the devil, remember that Jesus has already defeated the devil at the cross. All who are truly born-again believers have the Holy Spirit living in them, He is Almighty God, and very much able to help is in all of our troubles. You are greatly loved by the Lord, and on of His precious children, and He WILL help you in every way. The Bible promises that the Lord will NEVER leave or forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”), and then it goes on to say, "So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (verse 6). The Bible also says, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you" (1 Peter 5:7)

May the Lord reach out to you and bless you and protect you and fill you with His Perfect, Love, Peace, Grace and Compassion. FULLY trust in Jesus as He ALONE is able to help you!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2016
Brighton, UK
United Kingdom
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Romans 10:9
The rest is our journey. No one is perfect not even one. When you have doubts remind yourself of this verse and speak it out loud if it helps (and you can).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2020
United States
Marital Status
Welcome to CF.

I find that "there isn't enough time" is a common sentiment for young believers especially young new believers.

Since we get closer to Jesus the same way we initially connect to Him, work on any trust issues and continue to grow in faith and trust towards God.

The more you trust God, the more patience you will have as the years pass.

And again welcome to CF, I hope you find some good fellowship and conversations here.

I couldn't have said it better myself. :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
United Kingdom
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(

Hi and welcome to the forums.

Fearing GOD is a good starting point, many do not and should.
10The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom

I have not heard about the two witnesses yet in the world so, I think you will still have some time to get your house in order. I do believe we are at the beginning of troubles.

GOD never leaves us we leave HIM.

I know this might sound a little strange but if you're being bombarded with bad thoughts, I believe you are on the right path because satan does not want you to get closer to GOD and will do all he can to decieve you, put obstacles in your way and make you feel you are not worthy. Well, the truth is none of us worthy, we are all sinners that is why we need Christ.

Sanctification is a process and takes time, I wouldn't be too concerned as to where you are on your journey, just that you have started that journey. Think about the thief on the cross next to Jesus.

Trust and have faith in the power of Christ's blood and sacrifice for your sins. One thing that opened my eyes was what Christ actually went through for us. Many do not seem to realise the scourging alone disfigured Him greatly and must have been unbelievably painful.

Sin is mostly in our thoughts from things we are around, things we watch, people we are around and things we see. Try to keep good wholesome company as much as possible.

Read the Bible more often if possible especially what Jesus has to say, to get to know Him better and if you can't read get yourself an audio Bible and listen to it instead.

I find praying first thing in the morning and later at night the best time for me to have a deeper conversation. Try to give thanks throughout the day for all the things in your life that are good that GOD gives you, it will help you if you acknowledge HIM and stop you from being pulled to the things of the world.

The closer you are to the things of the world the further you are away from GOD.

God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth

We no longer look to be served. We look to serve and give our lives for others. No longer fight for privilege, influence and status. We esteem others better than ourselves and put their interests above our own.

Peace be with you Sister
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God is Love
Site Supporter
Nov 14, 2017
United States
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(

Hello and welcome to CF ... may you be blessed by it.

Nobody knows when Jesus will return.

You are a new Christian ... praise God you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

It is not about what we are doing .... it is about what Jesus is doing and does in the believer.

Being a new christian ... be advised ... this is the time when satan ramps up his attacks on a believer ... by placing doubt, thoughts of condemnation, placing distractions in your midst etc.

Study His word diligently (every day) ... there is much to learn. As you learn more and more about the love of God .... you become closer to Him and the attacks from satan will lessen .... however satan never gives up. Even christians who have known the Lord for many many years .... will still stumble occasionally.

Jesus knows what you know and what you do not know. He wants you to know Him better and that is largely done by studying and understanding His Word.

May you be encourage by His Love. Amen!

What Does the Bible Say About Gods Love?
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Called of God
Site Supporter
Dec 17, 2017
Vinita, OK
Visit site
United States
Marital Status
Hello Emily,
welcome to CF.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.


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Pax et bonum!
Site Supporter
Jan 25, 2019
Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Hi Emily
Welcome to the forums.
As one poster said earlier, the best person to talk to is Jesus. He knows all your anxieties, your struggles and your doubts. You do not need to be afraid - He is kind and compassionate towards you.
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Oct 1, 2020
Marital Status
I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and I’ve been struggling in my faith. I’m also new here.. and I’m 16

So I saw a thing earlier that said that people were celebrating the gospel being preached in all nations and it scared me because when that happens Jesus comes back. And apparently the third temple is built and ready and people have claimed stuff about the messiah.

I’m nowhere near ready. I’ve been a Christian for 5 months and haven’t spent my time wisely.

I spent the whole time worrying weither God left me because of attacks of the enemy. Ever since I found out about the unpardonable sin I had blasphemous thoughts.
I’m still having them. All day everyday...

I have so many problems it really just doesn’t look good for me...

Jesus tells people to depart of you don’t do Gods will. I probably haven’t been doing that.
I’m sure I have no oil in my lamp and you won’t be raptured unless you are overflowing with oil. (Holy Spirit)
I’ve taken off school for over a week and stayed in my room in bed basically all day I took off.I haven’t didn’t many good fruits cause I barley had the opportunity. And I’ve been lazy. What if I have a dead faith?
I’m struggling with blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
works like demonic, demon, devil..

my family aren’t born again...
I also told my mum stuff about Christianity and said things I shouldn’t have said out of fear like how people are slaves to sin but when you become Christian you are no longer and how you’re supposed to fear God and stuff.
I regret it because I’ve now seen things on my phone about how people who teach get judged more strictly.
I tried talking to my mum. She thinks if you believe Jesus exists you are forgiven. She doesn’t think he’s coming back soon.

I haven’t been fully sanctified and probably have hidden sin in my heart. I’ve complained in my head multiple times about my problems.

im not close to Jesus. I’m struggling to repent tho I begged God to help me to.
im not even a bride of Christ because I haven’t repented and haven’t done enough. I lack faith, im also terrified of God.

Im terrified of judgement. I struggle to pray because of blasphemy.

im so scared and want to hear from God. I want to know what God would say to me. If Jesus weren’t coming back so soon I wouldn’t worry as much because I’d have time to serve and repent and get closer.
I really struggle to read the word too.

I don’t want to be separated from God. I love God with all my heart. I haven’t been following Jesus taken my cross Nor denied myself.

I have an urge to play games on my phone all the time.

I don’t feel like I belong to Jesus. When I think of Jesus I think of ‘depart from me’ ..
Emotions towards me
Even when I pray to him it feels like I don’t know him and I feel unbelonging.

I want to have a pure heart and be righteous. I don’t want anything to do with evil.

Jesus and God are so serious and they are perfect. They hate sin and my head constantly sins. What if the thoughts are unpardonable ?

I also really want to have a Christmas. What if Jesus comes back before then.
I wanted at least 10 years left here. I wanted to have a job and go to bible studies and have a long christian life with God and grow close to Jesus.

i want to be a child of God forever.
I don’t know where I stand with him.
I’m terrified of not making it
I don’t feel any closeness to Jesus. I didn’t find out you could even pray to him until over a week ago.
If you’re not close to Jesus then he might not be there at j......
I’m also depressed

Thank you if you’ve read this far down :) I’m really worried :(

Hello, i will advice you to hear the sermons of Leonard Ravenhill on "repentance", "the bride prepared" and other sermons. We can have the "wish" and "will" to stop sinning but unless we make a conscious and firm decision to die to our sins in the death of Jesus Christ and live in His resurrection power (that is, believing that He did not only die but resurrected) we might end up living our lives with an unaccomplished "will" to "stop sinning". For this we need to

1. Acknowledge that there are sins in our lives.
2. Know (list) them and decide what we want to do about them.
3. Do we really want to get rid of these?
This is the point where we realise if we are "willing whatever cost it makes" to live a life of repentance.
4. Always pray and seek God vehemently to help us live a life which pleases Him (to glorify Him) and to stop sinning.
5. While doing the above start replacing bad habits with good habits.
Christian life requires discipline in all things (praying, sleeping, working, eating, etc) and self-denial.
If you live with the purpose of following Christ, you will suddenly see that other things are no distraction to you anymore since you are disciplined and have an aim at hand. If you set your mind on Christ and on the things that are above and discipline yourself and crucify your flesh [put your fleshly desires (gluttony, love of materials, sexual immorality) under subordination], you will also see that this is the battle in the Christian life (because the flesh and the spirit fight against teach other) and you will be more focused on Christ.
The flesh and the spirit fight against each other because our spirit wants to follow Christ but our flesh (old man) refuses to die with Jesus on the cross and therefore how can the new man come if the old has not died?
Jesus gave the parable in Luke 5:36-39 kjv

36 And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.

37 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish.

38 But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.

39 No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.

This is the reason why you find it difficult to stop sinning. You are used to your old lifestyle or sinful nature (vs. 39).

No matter what many people tell you, it is still YOUR DECISION to renounce your old nature and follow Christ.

Even Jesus himself said REPENT. No one can be forced to, but all must make a choice.

Joshua said to the unrepenting Israelites (in the book of Joshua 24:15 kjv) who followed other gods just like we follow the world, its ways and its sins:

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

So what is your decision?
You can have all the WILL and WISHES in the world but unless you make a decision and stand firm, repentance will be difficult.

Stay blessed, think and pray about it.
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