some thoughts on 2 Cor 10:5


an adopted child of God
Feb 15, 2002
Marital Status
2Co. 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

When I first saw this verse a few years ago, it was scarcy. take captive every thought? eeekkkk How can I do that? It seems impossible.

Only recently i revisited that verse, I realise it has ideas has two parts to it; one, what we must do and, two, how we do it.

first , we must demolish arguments and pretensions. So when I think know something, but Lord makes it clear I am wrong I cannot cling to that , but it must be cast aside. as far a pretensions are concerned , I cannot assume i understand it all , or know it all, or have something all figured out. This too must be demolished. I must be ever teachable and always learning.

second, this was tougher.
"..take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"
The key i believe is the word TO.
I can take captive the thought, but the LORD is the one that makes it obedient.

so lets say, I'm having some sinful and undesirable thought. I simply make a "citzen arrest" on it and bring it the my magistrate , The LORD.

an example;
If have a thought that is sinful. I repeat 2 cor 10:5, then I quickly pray " Dear Lord, I take this thought and bring it to you, so that you my dispose of it as you wish." After the thought is gone I praise him, because if i leave my mind empty the thought will only return.
I have been practicing this lately and it has worked quite well.

Of course I need to remember to do that , and all so must be willing to let go of that thought. Ultimately Christ must command my entire life, including my thought life.