So disappointed in Christian Forums lately.


Peaceful Dove

Who kidnapped my old buddy Beneictaoo???? This isn't nice! Bring he back, this instant!!!!!
LOL, playing with you, Sister but you are mellowing out. :p

Look everyone, I use to get just as offended as we all know... but why? Why do that?

Live and let live... we all come from some seriously different places in life, both geographically and emotionally and to throw stones at other people who we really don't even know, and yes that is all what you all are doing, including me- just move past it... Try just being fair minded.

There is a issue of acceptance that those who are disappointed really should be humble enough to deal with. You in all your humility, aren't very accepting. I was and still am that way so I know...

We have serious liberals and serious conservatives in here... assume what ever you want with the label, but we have ying and yangs in here...

and I think acceptance of the people is in order.... you do not have to accept opinions and belief, and you can defend the truth, even argue but the people, no matter who they are should be accepted.

I'm over and have been over this "us" and "them." That is what is disappointing. No one single person owns OBOB... so, this isn't your forum to dictate who is going to say and do and act like what...

I don't know what thread I didn't read as of late where there was all this fighting and name calling was going on...

The bottom line is this, not everyone is going to agree with everyone all the time.

Catholics should act a certain way- really? So we shouldn't be able to be ourselves and have other Catholics accept us?

I have to crack up because I know based on certain discussions I have had with certain people, who reveal certain things about themselves, that they have literally no room to tell anyone else how to conduct themselves... but I digress

We're all different personalties and come from different places in life-- we need to be more accepting and less defensive.

The reality is, this is not an authentic site, it's not even run by Catholics, it's not a formal Catholic site. It's never ever going to be.... you either can accept it for what it is and be happy- or try to make it fit an ideal it's never going to fit and be perpetually disappointed and be miserable.

I come here to blow off time, it helps me wake up in the AM and it helps from falling asleep in the afternoon and in between doing what I gotta do, it's a way I pass time and enjoy conversating with some folks.

And this isn't even a Catholic forum, it's a Protestant forum who over the years, became a little less mainstream... so what on earth do you expect??

But this site does allows us here to speak freely... well sort of... But it's a place where you can speak freely enough and pretty much have someone tell pretty much the truth on any particular issue, a good decent Catholic perspective.

It's a place to enjoy other people's company.

So, you know, get over it.... stop judging everyone.. who's nice, who's not, who orthodox, who a heretic... oh yeah, I know telling ppl to get over it, is not "nice" but it's me and I'm going to be me and I think it's mean if you don't accept me for who I am.
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Dec 1, 2007
Marital Status
This isn't a complaint about OBOB but just and honest reflection of my emotions toward the website as a whole, everyone is just assuming it is ONLY about OBOB and about them, I only posted this on OBOB because I thought my fellow Catholics could understand me on a personal level regarding our beliefs. BTW I like Joan of Arc very much because of a personal revelation I had leading me into the Catholic faith.

I can understand you being disappointed... but it was the lately part that threw me of. At this time, it's really not that bad, not as bad as it was in the past, not as bad as I'm sure it will be in the future.

This forum and all the others... i don't even go into the others one, I agree they are disappointing... but my advice and consolation to you is, it's not going to change. It's just not.
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Apr 22, 2010
Marital Status
Who kidnapped my old buddy Beneictaoo???? This isn't nice! Bring he back, this instant!!!!!
LOL, playing with you, Sister but you are mellowing out. :p

You know something, I was not judging OBOB I was talking about Christian Forums as whole and thought my fellow Catholics brothers and sisters would understand I was just trying to express my disappointment not necessarily trying to judge, and yet I express my feelings and what do people do? Judge, get on their high horse again like they always do, being defensive. Why are they so defensive? I don't know maybe because the misunderstand or maybe because they know they have done things they feel guilty for, or maybe some people just always are in a foul mood no matter what they do. Either, way it's kinda judging to assume and it's kinda judging to judge me based on the fact that I wanted to see people act the way Christ called us to act. I can have an attitude at times too, but most of the time I try as best as I can to put that attitude to use at the right time. Most people aren't doing that. They are just bashing other people because obviously they think it feels good. Trying to correct an injustice is a little different if you ask me. When you see people getting rediculed like no tomorrow with lack of the golden rule completely but yet we claim this is a Christian website of Forums with Forums. Also, how many times have we seen all sorts of "rights" toward this issue rallies and that issue rallies and noone ever sees it as judging. Why do these rallies go on...? because these people are being rediculed and what not. Just trying to make a point and vent, but then again I'm not surprised it started WWIII.

God Bless You and Yours.

By the way I already stated my previous name but I wouldn't be surprised if it was hacked.
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