Shroud of Turin

Dec 22, 2010
New York
Marital Status
Hmm...I know this is a year old...but im giving in and answering it.

I dont get Mormons comming to my door. I get JW's. And i just tell them they do not KNOW the FATHER because they refuse to be BORN again. I tell them if they do not HEAR the voice of the shepherd then they are not HIS sheep. They say they dont want to be sheep..they are a different fold. and i say..yes, yes they are. Say good bye and then they leave. probably ask them why they think that "lucifer" is the brother of Jesus?

And YOu guys..well the BIGGEST problem i have with Catholics is al lthe tradition. that STILL has nothing to do with HEARING and obeying JESUS.(but to be fare its the biggest problem i have with Baptists, lutherans, protestants of any type, etc..)

Though that iS GOSPEL. thos who coem to JESUS, HEAR his words adn DO THEM are those who build on SOLID ROCK. those are the ones who KNOW JESUS(John 17:3)

the ONLY ones that the flood(of lies from the dragons mouth) will not carry away.

BUT since this threat is about napkins, and burial shrouds.

HOW can one prove its real? HOW? Besides the fact that "proving" Jesus existence to the public is of no concern to me For Christ is INSIDE ME CONFORMING ME TO HIMSELF. and not because of anything else other than because i SEEK HIM, hear HIM adn obey HIM. So anything that happens that would bring a human to KNOW GOD, would be JESUS in and through me doign it. NOT my carnal mind trying to "proove" anything

So how would one EVER prove it was JESUS? if WISDOM, that matters comes from above. Shouldnt we ALL seek....THAT?
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