Shallow Conditions


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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It's getting harder and harder to find Churches and ministries that actually preach the Word of God. I hear scripture read, and then the preacher tells a story, or drags in a secular rock song to make a point, as if the majority of the congregation know the song. Oh yeah, yeah..well, I know the song too but I have nothing to do with godless rock & roll! People claim to be a child of God and crank up the hard rock station, and start singing those ungodly lyrics. Why would you open the door for the devils sermons when light cannot dwell with darkness, Christ cannot and will not have any concord with Belial!?

Then another time I'm hearing a lot about "God, God, God....give your life to God." Well, if you ain't giving your life to Jesus Christ, God can't help you! If you deny me before men, I will deny you before the Father, Jesus said. Better be talking about God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, or it's just another generic God that a lot of people - unsaved people, believe in! So called Christians are afraid to say the name of Jesus Christ. I see this way too much.

Oh, what caused your hurts, what are your addictions, oh we all suffer pain in life, what did someone do to you? Really? True that people are hurt and addicted and suffer pain, it's cuz we live in a SINFUL FALLEN world. People are depraved sinners, that's why they hurt others. People are fleshly sinners, that's why they get addicted. Christ can make us new creatures and give us strength to endure. Don't mean there won't be pain. There'll be pain until the Kingdom of God comes ruled by Jesus Christ. He'll wipe away all tears.

I ain't no "recovering alcoholic." I refuse that secular label. I am a former drunkard and sorcerer who was that way because I lived in sin and chose to live in that sin of drunkenness, and drugs, and I repented, and the power of Jesus Christ set me free from that sin, HalleluYAH! Stop trying to keep people down in their sin. I've butted heads with more than one brother over these things. Such WERE some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor. 6:11)

Preach the blood, man! So little is the blood of Christ preached. It's all pop psychology and pretty little soft feel good sermons tickling itching ears, and such things probably make Jesus sick to His stomach, because that's what the lukewarm Church does, makes Him ready to spew them out of his mouth! Preach sanctification, and justification. Most contemporary Christians can't really define these things because they haven't been taught them.

I'm listening to these songs and God isn't mentioned once, let alone Jesus. I guess they're singing to God, or about God, but you could play the song in a bar and no one know the difference. The songs have lost power: they became entertainment, a rock show, very little Spirit. Most of these contemporary songs are junk. Garbage. Spiritually useless.

At least in the 80s the contemporary songs then had substance, like Awesome God: "The Lord wasn't joking when he kicked them out of Eden, and it wasn't for no reason that he shed his blood. His return is very close, so you better be believin, that our God is an awesome God...Judgment and wrath he poured out on Sodom, Mercy and grace he gave us at the cross. I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten, our God is an awesome God." There's some actual theology there, some meat.

I can't abide spiritless worship, and even more, spiritless preaching. Preach the cross of Christ, repentance: preach that in our unsaved state we are depraved sinners, headed to a fiery hell, that the wrath of God abideth on us, unless we believe and confess the name of Christ, crying out to Him for mercy. Oh, how many are thinking they're saved but it's all emotion and feel good, and false assurance? It's a shallow profession at best, an inadequate and false gospel at its worst.

Search me O God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24)

(Thankfully I attend a small church where the Word IS preached, but as I get around in Christian circles and learn of some of the other churches people attend, and the music, I see this more and more)