Secrets of Enoch



A great prophet few people today know about is the man called Enoch who once lived on earth in the times before Noah, and before the corruption of the earth by the fallen angels mating with earthly women (biblical fact. read Genesis: 6:4) which lead to the great flood that destroyed the world. Enoch Is one of the greatest prophets ever and wrote more than 600 books of the secrets of heavens and the earth and all the knowledge GOD gave to him to share with His people. The following is an outtake from one of the books describing on how Enoch was found favourable in the eyes of the LORD and he brought him up to the Heaven before His throne.

The Book of Secrets of Enoch

Of how the angels here left Enoch, at the end of the seventh heaven, and went away from him unseen

And the cherubim and seraphim standing about the throne, the six-winged and many-eyed ones do not depart, standing before the Lord's face doing His will, and cover His whole throne, singing with gentle voice before the Lord's face: Holy, holy, holy, Lord Ruler of Sabaoth, heavens and earth are full of Your glory.

When I saw all these things, those men said to me: Enoch, thus far is it commanded us to journey with you, and those men went away from me and thereupon I saw them not.

And I remained alone at the end of the seventh heaven and became afraid, and fell on my face and said to myself: Woe is me, what has befallen me?

And the Lord sent one of His glorious ones, the archangel (4) Gabriel, and he said to me: Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise before the Lord's face into eternity, arise, come with me...

(4) Archangel. Or, "one of the seven highest angels, named Gabriel."

And I answered him, and said in myself: My Lord, my soul is departed from me, from terror and trembling, and I called to the men who led me up to this place, on them I relied, and it is with them I go before the Lord's face.

And Gabriel caught me up, as a leaf caught up by the wind, and placed me before the Lord's face.

And I saw the eighth heaven, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Muzaloth, changer of the seasons, of drought, and of wet, and of the twelve constellations of the circle of the firmament, which are above the seventh heaven.

And I saw the ninth heaven, which is called in Hebrew Kuchavim, where are the heavenly homes of the twelve constellations of the circle of the firmament.

In the tenth heaven the archangel Michael led Enoch to before the Lord's face

On the tenth heaven, which is called Aravoth, I saw the appearance of the Lord's face, like iron made to glow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns.

Thus in a moment of eternity I saw the Lord's face, and the Lord's face is ineffable, marvellous and very tremendous, and very, very fearful.

And who am I to tell of the Lord's unspeakable being, and of His very wonderful face? And I cannot tell the quantity of His many instructions, and various voices, the Lord's throne is very great and not made with hands, nor the quantity of those standing round Him, troops of cherubim and seraphim, nor their incessant singing, nor His immutable beauty, and who shall tell of the ineffable greatness of His glory...

And I fell prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with His lips said to me:

Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise and stand before My face into eternity.

And the archistratege Michael lifted me up, and led me to before the Lord's face.


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