SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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I didn't realize I was ignoring this but I guess I chalked it up to be a personal problem if they don't want to get more information about the side effects of this process.....Knowledge is power.

A personal problem. You're not serious, are you?

Most people on here don't know what constitutes a good study/research. The doctor can only affirm whatever the child is claiming. The child obviously cannot consent to treatment or they wouldn't require the parent to do it for them....

And it's the parent's fault if they fail to analyze all the research that typically doesn't even bother with any examination of long term negative effects?

Even if leftists get it wrong, science is there for anyone who wants to research it. The problem is that we can't make people read it or if they do, we can't make them believe what they are reading.

Aren't the doctors obligated to clearly explain what they know, what they don't know, and what they can reasonably assume is gpong to happen?

At least we don't have to pretend that we both care about the healthcare of children now.

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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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Right but the issue they have is they don't want to be "outed" by wearing a dress and a wig to the men's.

Wasn't it their choice to put on a wig and dress to begin with?

If that's what they want to do...I'm fine with it....but I don't see why they wouldn't have to face the consequences of their choices.

It seems pretty obvious, your choices, your behaviors, your consequences.

I'm pretty sure it's more than a few. That is one reason they want to keep it private.

Well I'm less sure. They used to claim that trans women faced an epidemic murder rate.

You'll notice that they also include "gender expansive people" which really just means "not trans". Whatever these people are, they're includes in the list to "pad the stats". If you actually look at the'll find that not only are trans people not being murdered often....but they're amongst the least murdered minorities in the US. Last I checked, only east asians were murdered less.

Here you go...

An "epidemic"....33 people. The one they claim to justify the dangerous meds being given to children is an "epidemic" trans youth suicide rate. What's the trans youth suicide rate? Nobody's not a statistic anyone tracks. We do know that children under 18 have the lowest suicide rate of any age group.

Trans activists manipulate people who believe they're at some great risk of harming themselves or being harmed by others. There's really no evidence this is true.

Where I draw the line is when someone manipulates another for financial gain or other wise take advantage of them. Like a con-man for example.

Trans activists manipulate people into believing that they're in danger for political gain. These gender clinics and medical organizations reap massive profits by telling parents their child will surely die. It seems like you have every reason to dislike these people.

In my experience, the restrooms that only have one toilet have locks.

Indeed. Scary to any woman who forgets to lock the door.

I think we could still say that they are up to something if they get up to something or try.

Well in the case of the Planet Fitness pervert...the staff had been notified of this person harassing women and girls repeatedly. They simply told those who complained that the guy had every right to use the women's restroom. According to policy....he did.

The problem, I think, is that it becomes a case of one person's word against another's.

It's as easy as putting in a full-length door where people can't look over or under the stall.

Well, I'll tell you this....if everyone implements your solution nationwide, then I'll agree it doesn't matter what restroom anyone uses.

Till that happens, it seems that we have a problem and everyone should just use the restroom/locker room that corresponds to their plumbing.

It gets complicated when we get into the subject of mental illness.

Being trans isn't considered a mental illness....but I'm sure you know that, it's old news.

When we are talking about a mental condition, logic is not much of a factor.

Are we talking about a mental condition? Trans activists consider that idea to be transphobic.

I don't think someone is "really" trans until they make an outward expression of it one way or another.

Are children potentially "really trans"?

I agree it's deceptive but I don't think they need to tell everybody they meet

I didn't say anything about "everyone they meet"....I was specifically talking about dates and potential romantic partners.
Again, they don't want to be the only "woman" in the men's.

Again, their choices, their consequences.

I didn't know the difference either. Sex is physiological but gender is more psychological from my understanding.

Gender is more "psychological".

It seems like a bad idea to teach this to children.

The chromosome thing, testicles, ovaries, and uterus thing is pretty much set in stone at birth. That aspect can't be changed. Gender is more of a social construct.

Odd then that the treatments seem so explicitly physiological...right?

If one's sex can't be changed but their gender can...why would we ever give a man breast implants or a woman testosterone until she can grow a beard?

Why not take a man who imagines he is a woman....and try to convince him he's a man suffering from a psychological issue?

Wouldn't that be the way to treat this psychological issue?

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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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The entire "gender is a social construct" makes no sense to me. Yes, there are gender roles, gender expectations, and gender stereotypes, that does not mean gender ITSELF is a social construct. A man cannot know what a woman is thinking just because he identifies more with female roles- it's not possible. He's just a feminine man- but still a man, regardless. I'm really scratching my head on this one.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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Wasn't it their choice to put on a wig and dress to begin with?
Yes, but it seems that many would like to maintain a level of confidentiality while doing it
If that's what they want to do...I'm fine with it....but I don't see why they wouldn't have to face the consequences of their choices.
I wasn't aware that there should be a consequence for a victimless crime.
It seems pretty obvious, your choices, your behaviors, your consequences
I don't think they choose to have intrusive thoughts concerning gender. One of the treatments for feeling like one is a woman in a man's body is to live as if they are a woman.
Trans activists manipulate people who believe they're at some great risk of harming themselves or being harmed by others. There's really no evidence this is true.
I was under the impression that trans people have the highest rate of suicide.
Trans activists manipulate people into believing that they're in danger for political gain. These gender clinics and medical organizations reap massive profits by telling parents their child will surely die. It seems like you have every reason to dislike these people.
It's politics for both camps. Do licensed medical professionals really tell the parents of their patients that their child will surely die if they don't change their gender or were you axadgerating foe emotional impact?
Trans activists manipulate people into believing that they're in danger for political gain. These gender clinics and medical organizations reap massive profits by telling parents their child will surely die. It seems like you have every reason to dislike these people.
My insurance has never paid for a treatment or medication that wasn't medical. I wonder why they do if it's not medical treatment they need? Oh, that's right, they just need to change their minds. It sounds simple enough but I don't think it's that easy to sweep intrusive thoughts under the rug and just forget them..
Well in the case of the Planet Fitness pervert...the staff had been notified of this person harassing women and girls repeatedly. They simply told those who complained that the guy had every right to use the women's restroom. According to policy....he did.
So he's a pervert and would remain a pervert regardless of gender. Using a restroom/locker room to handle one's business is completely different than using them to harass women. It's not the fact that they are in there, the crime is based on what they are doing in. That is when a crime has been committed and that's when they can be arest
Till that happens, it seems that we have a problem and everyone should just use the restroom/locker room that corresponds to their plumbing.
Right, if we as a nation decide that trans people must either use unisex or go home to do their business.
Being trans isn't considered a mental illness....but I'm sure you know that, it's old news.
If it's not a mental illness or condition, how is it legal for psychiatrists and psychologists to treat them for it? Perhaps you (and people who share your opinion) don't think they deserve treatment because they can simply change their mind about how they perceive gender and simply choose not to have intrusive thoughts but the medical community pretty adamantly believes they need to be treated whether you think they qualify for it or not.
Are we talking about a mental condition? Trans activists consider that idea to be transphobic.
That's their delusion if they are being treated by a mental health worker (or two) and choose that they are being treated for something they don't have. I mean, I'm pretty sure that they can't get medication or surgery until they have been diagnosed
Are children potentially "really trans"?
Not until they are diagnosed with it. I wouldn't know how to do that so, I really can't decide that. I'm sure there are some questionnaires that
Again, their choices, their consequences.
And business owners shouldn't go on TV and cry when it gets around that they choose not to allow trans people to use the restroom in their establishment.

Odd then that the treatments seem so explicitly physiological...right?

If one's sex can't be changed but their gender can...why would we ever give a man breast implants or a woman testosterone until she can grow a beard?

Why not take a man who imagines he is a woman....and try to convince him he's a man suffering from a psychological issue?

Wouldn't that be the way to treat this psychological issue?
I'm sure you know that the human brain is the most important part of a person's physiology. That's made evident by people who have depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. All mental disorders, all treated with medication. I'm pretty sure someone who believes they are trans are not just given a bottle of hormones to take as needed. Most likely, they will also be required to see a psychologist or specialist counselor along with a medical doctor and a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner. Yes, it's a medical issue and not simply a choice. People think that about gays too like they choose to have a same-sex attraction. For a science guy, I'm sensing an emotional argument here against people being trans AND having a right to privacy.
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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You brought it up.

Here, have a peek...

You'll notice the date is less than two weeks before this decision was handed down. It appears that the SCOTUS disagrees with the 4th circuit at least in regards to the ability of Idaho to enforce the ban on everyone not involved in their lawsuit. I'd say that's a pretty good indicator that the SCOTUS would be receptive to any arguments regarding such bans.
This was an administrative decision, not a statute written by the legislature.

The Agencies thought that they were “allowed” to withhold from transgender people, treatments that were available to other non-transgender people with similar “needs”.

They were incorrect the en banc Court ruled.

If SCOTUS repudiates it’s own decisions of the last dozen years, then the “takeover” will be complete and the fun can begin.
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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The entire "gender is a social construct" makes no sense to me. Yes, there are gender roles, gender expectations, and gender stereotypes, that does not mean gender ITSELF is a social construct. A man cannot know what a woman is thinking just because he identifies more with female roles- it's not possible. He's just a feminine man- but still a man, regardless. I'm really scratching my head on this one.
Our DNA isn’t “perfect”, we all get “wired” a bit differently, sometimes these differences add up to a brain that doesn’t recognize its very own body’s “parts”.

It’s bad enough that they find themselves being transgender, I, for one, will do everything I can to not make them miserable on top of that.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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Yes, but it seems that many would like to maintain a level of confidentiality while doing it

I'm sure the men in the restroom will keep their secret.

I wasn't aware that there should be a consequence for a victimless crime.
If putting on a wig makes you uncomfortable in the men's restroom...those are self inflicted consequences. They can always choose not to wear a wig.

Women can't choose to stop being women I don't see why they should have to deal with men in wigs.

I don't think they choose to have intrusive thoughts concerning gender. One of the treatments for feeling like one is a woman in a man's body.

Does the treatment work? Do they stop feeling like women in men's bodies (whatever that means)?

I was under the impression that trans people have the highest rate of suicide.

You'd be wrong.

It's politics for both camps.

Not for i actually don't want women and children victimized. I understand some folks care more about the men in wigs, but not me. I don't have any problems with them so long as they follow the same rules as everyone else.

Do licensed medical professionals really tell the parents of their patients that their child will surely die if they don't change their gender or were you axadgerating foe emotional impact?

What would you consider evidence?

A recording?

My insurance has never paid for a treatment or medication that wasn't medical. I wonder why they do if it's not medical treatment they need? Oh, that's right, they just need to change their minds.

Well as you said...

There's nothing we can do about their biological sex. That doesn't change.

You make it sound as if treating the mind is more difficult. Depression has high suicide rates, anxiety has high suicide rates, bipolar disorder has high suicide rates.

I think schizophrenia starts at about 40% and climbs with every untreated psychotic episode.

It seems like we'd be much more successful treating what can be treated. Clearly if putting on a dress and wig did anything to fix this problem, then we wouldn't be hearing all these other increasingly ridiculous demands like...

-use the pronouns I like
-let me ignore the rules for restrooms, locker rooms, showers, etc.
-let me play on the women's team and hold all the women's records for this sport.
-let me do time in the prison of my choosing
-let me teach your children my wacky beliefs

And on and on and on...

Has it not occurred to you that every single accommodation, every time you bend over backwards for these people, the end result is a new demand?

It's as if all the previous demands didn't do anything more than provide a momentary relief before they realized that they still feel like a woman in a man's body.

So he's a pervert and would remain a pervert regardless of gender.

Right...but we don't have to let him or others like him into women's restrooms where he can sexually harass 14yo girls with no consequences.

After all...if the choice is between that and a man wearing a wig feeling a little uncomfortable in the men's locker room, shouldn't the man wearing the wig face the consequences? He's choosing after all....the 14yo girl can't stop being a 14yo girl. Since he's the one choosing to wear the seems only just if he's the one feeling uncomfortable, not the 14yo girl who's trying to work out at the gym.

Right, if we as a nation decide that trans people must either use unisex or go home to do their business.

Or they can use the correct restroom. I don't see the problem.

If it's not a mental illness or condition, how is it legal for psychiatrists and psychologists to treat them for it?

I don't think it should be legal for psychiatrists to prescribe puberty blockers and HRT for a condition that the Food And Drug Administration has decided that they won't successfully treat. You may have noticed that many states are passing laws making this illegal lol. The president is mentally gone....and he's clearly just rubber stamping whatever is placed in front of him. I don't know who's agenda this is...but I don't recall Joe running on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for kids, so I doubt anyone voted for this. What I do know is who is profiting from it.

Perhaps you (and people who share your opinion) don't think they deserve treatment because they can simply change their mind about how they perceive gender and simply choose not to have intrusive thoughts

Well don't take my word for it.

How about we take a look at what the trans activists say? How about a PhD from Harvard?

"Gender fluidity refers to change over time in a person’s gender expression or gender identity, or both. That change might be in expression, but not identity, or in identity, but not expression. Or both expression and identity might change together.
For some youth, gender fluidity may be a way to explore gender before landing on a more stable gender expression or identity. For others, gender fluidity may continue indefinitely as part of their life experience with gender."

According to the "experts" gender identity can keep changing throughout someone's lifetime.

To read this makes it seem like gender identity can change much much more easily than their biological features. Once we carve out a girl's ovaries and breasts....they're gone. If she decides later she indeed feels like a woman, too bad so sad.

Why wouldn't we treat this like we do other mental disorders?

If biological sex and gender are indeed so different....then why does it matter at all if trans people alter their appearance to match that of a different sex?

You do realize that back in the day...these people were just called transsexuals. They described themselves as experiencing the exact same problem as "transgender" people. A great many of them mocked the idea of gender as nothing more than a gimmick.

Perhaps they were right...perhaps it's just gimmick used to manipulate people for their own political beliefs.

That's their delusion if they are being treated by a mental health worker (or two) and choose that they are being treated for something they don't have. I mean, I'm pretty sure that they can't get medication or surgery until they have been diagnosed.


Read how "gender affirming care" diagnoses trans people. Here's what to expect from an over the phone/internet clinic (that's right, no need to leave your house)....

So an initial 100$ and 30min discussion of your gender. Also a request for blood labs (because they're going to prescribe you cross sex hormones).

2 weeks later...another 100$, a 30 minute conversation about how the hormones might affect you, and you'll get your prescription. They won't deny you anything, this is gender affirming care....not gender denying/questioning care.

We know that you can have these experimental drugs with under an hour of conversation and some blood labs, because by the 3rd appointment (20 minutes every 3 months) they're already discussing the possibility of changing your dosage. That means you will get prescribed drugs by the end of the 2nd appointment. Over the phone or internet.

The standards for getting prescribed medical marijuana were higher. They typically involved a 30-60 minute interview with a doctor who was clearly high and 300-400$ depending upon the state.

That's not exactly what I would call responsible medical treatment.

And business owners shouldn't go on TV and cry when it gets around that they choose not to allow trans people to use the restroom in their establishment.

Does that happen? I've never seen a trans person denied the use of a restroom....just denied the use of the wrong restroom.

I'm sure you know that the human brain is the most important part of a person's physiology. That's made evident by people who have depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. All mental disorders, all treated with medication.


I'm pretty sure someone who believes they are trans are not just given a bottle of hormones to take as needed.

No...they're prescribed by a quack. I don't know if it's once a day or 3 times but I'm sure they've got instructions on when to take them.

Most likely, they will also be required to see a psychologist or specialist counselor along with a medical doctor and a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner.

If by "see" you mean a 20 minute video call....sure.

Yes, it's a medical issue and not simply a choice.

Well the experts seem to think it's a that can change repeatedly throughout someone's life.

People think that about gays too like they choose to have a same-sex attraction.

I don't.

For a science guy, I'm sensing an emotional argument here

You should avoid that "sensing" feeling you're seem to "sense" there was a whole series of safeguards around "diagnosis" that didn't exist.

What sort if privacy does a guy in a wig get from using the women's restroom instead of the men's restroom? Aren't the women all going to know that is a guy in a wig as well?

I hate to be the bearer of more reality....but it takes a lot more than a wig and dress to fool anyone. Everyone in both the women's restroom and guy's restroom know that's a guy in a dress and wig.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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This was an administrative decision, not a statute written by the legislature.

The defense sought an injunction for everyone in the state until the case was settled....the SCOTUS only granted it for the plaintiffs bringing the case.

If SCOTUS repudiates it’s own decisions of the last dozen years, then the “takeover” will be complete and the fun can begin.

Not sure what you mean by this.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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It’s bad enough that they find themselves being transgender, I, for one, will do everything I can to not make them miserable on top of that.
But doesn't it make you feel better to sit in the judgement seat? When you sit there it's nice because nobody is in a position to judge you because of your rightness. Isn't that when we are most satisfied? I, mean when we can lord our righteousness over a common sinner? I know I feel like I'm at my best when I can say to another you're going hell (sarcastic humor but I totally agree) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
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Jan 19, 2005
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The entire "gender is a social construct" makes no sense to me. Yes, there are gender roles, gender expectations, and gender stereotypes, that does not mean gender ITSELF is a social construct. A man cannot know what a woman is thinking just because he identifies more with female roles- it's not possible. He's just a feminine man- but still a man, regardless. I'm really scratching my head on this one.
What defines what it feels like to be a man or woman, or how they think, outside of social gender roles?
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Domine non-sum dignus
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And it's the parent's fault if they fail to analyze all the research that typically doesn't even bother with any examination of long term negative effects?
Yes, they should certainly seek outthat information.
Aren't the doctors obligated to clearly explain what they know, what they don't know, and what they can reasonably assume is gpong to happen?

At least we don't have to pretend that we both care about the healthcare of children now.
Also, a yes as the first resource parents look to is their doctor. Are you accusing me of not caring about the welfare of children or yourself? If it is me you are referring to, please let me know what I have said that would lead you to that conclusion, or is what you said just meant to be an under-the-radar flame?
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Yes, they should certainly seek outthat information.

Well unfortunately, very little information is high quality nor would I expect the average parent to understand how to parse out good research from bad.

After all, you seemed to think that some complex and careful diagnosis was being made before these unapproved drugs were prescribed.

Also, a yes as the first resource parents look to is their doctor. Are you accusing me of not caring about the welfare of children or yourself?

There's several things you've said throughout the thread....I'll go back and dig up some quotes for you.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Yes, they should certainly seek outthat information.

Also, a yes as the first resource parents look to is their doctor. Are you accusing me of not caring about the welfare of children or yourself? If it is me you are referring to, please let me know what I have said that would lead you to that conclusion, or is what you said just meant to be an under-the-radar flame?

Here we go...when it was pointed out to you that the children and parents are not being properly informed about the possibility of negative lifelong effects of these medications, you seemed to indicate that it was the fault of children and parents.
I didn't realize I was ignoring this but I guess I chalked it up to be a personal problem if they don't want to get more information about the side effects of this process.....Knowledge is power.

Even if leftists get it wrong, science is there for anyone who wants to research it. The problem is that we can't make people read it or if they do, we can't make them believe what they are reading.

This makes it sound as if the parents are obligated to become experts in this field and not merely rely upon the doctors prescribing these medications.

Obviously, I don't think you can claim to be concerned about the welfare of the children if you want them to be experts on the medications they are being prescribed. If you expect the parents to be experts....that seems only slightly less realistic than the children being experts.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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After all, you seemed to think that some complex and careful diagnosis was being made before these unapproved drugs were prescribed.
Diagnosis is one thing, treatment is another. The Doctors can give information on what they currently know and they can give more information when they know more. Pretty much like any other thing one would seek a doctor's advice for.
There's several things you've said throughout the thread....I'll go back and dig up some quotes for you.
Oh my, I certainly wouldn't want to be sending the message that I do not care about harming children. Could your interpretation of what I have said have anything to do with we having different opinions on what is harmful to a child? It's a new issue and it's her now. The cat is out of the bag. We can't always take the conservative route and make as little change as possible or turn time back to when we had preferable social norms.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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May 10, 2011
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Here we go...when it was pointed out to you that the children and parents are not being properly informed about the possibility of negative lifelong effects of these medications, you seemed to indicate that it was the fault of children and parents.
If a parent feels that they haven't been given enough information to make an informed decision on the care of their child but do it anyway. It's their fault.
This makes it sound as if the parents are obligated to become experts in this field and not merely rely upon the doctors prescribing these medications.

Obviously, I don't think you can claim to be concerned about the welfare of the children if you want them to be experts on the medications they are being prescribed. If you expect the parents to be experts....that seems only slightly less realistic than the children being experts.
It may have SOUNDED like that to you but it's not actually what I said. Did I say all parents need to be experts? No I said that they need to keep seeking information until they feel they have enough information to make an informed decision. I would think that is caring for a child. Shoving them back in the closet and trying to lock the door IS harmful. Oh, you didn't say that? Perhaps you can try again to show me where I said anything like I don't care if children are harmed or some such thing.

You know therreis more than one way to research right? If someone isn't sure about what they are reading online they could perhaps get a second third or fourth opinion, call a specialist in that field, call a pharmacist or three, talk to the nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, treatment center, the Mayo Clinic or another world-renowned healthcare facility. I think NOT doing any research CAN be harmful. So are you the one out of the two of us that cares not for the welfare of children since it's not really practical or they can't figure out what they are reading?
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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But doesn't it make you feel better to sit in the judgement seat? When you sit there it's nice because nobody is in a position to judge you because of your rightness. Isn't that when we are most satisfied? I, mean when we can lord our righteousness over a common sinner? I know I feel like I'm at my best when I can say to another you're going hell (sarcastic humor but I totally agree) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
The (vast) majority has options when it comes to how to deal with people who “house” ’quirky’ DNA.
We could count them as blessed and worthy of extra protections, or we could castigate them and make sure that nobody in their right minds would ever cop to being part of this minority.

Currently we’ve chosen that latter and I shan’t be part of that.
Please enjoy your day.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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Well unfortunately, very little information is high quality nor would I expect the average parent to understand how to parse out good research from bad.

After all, you seemed to think that some complex and careful diagnosis was being made before these unapproved drugs were prescribed.

There's several things you've said throughout the thread....I'll go back and dig up some quotes for you.

In this post you mentioned this was a matter of politics for both camps.

The implications being that you don't really care about the's just a political talking point and you go along with your side because they're your side.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case for a lot of people...but frankly, this issue crosses a lot of lines. Far left feminists agree with far right Christians. A lot of center left classic liberals also question the scientific validity of it.

If you think parents are irresponsible for not fully researching these experimental drugs and all their side effects, and this issue is just political rhetoric for most people, it stands to reason that the fact that you don't seem to understand the concept of being trans, the treatments being outlawed, and your tendency to try and attack the character and motives of Christians who disagree with you is because you don't really care if children are being harmed. This is just politics for you. If you cared, you'd probably have at least looked into the treatments, their safety, concept of being trans, etc.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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If a parent feels that they haven't been given enough information to make an informed decision on the care of their child but do it anyway. It's their fault.

That's not the issue.

The doctors....the people who are prescribing the medications....the people who are creating the Affirmative Care guidelines are questioning whether or not the parents or children are well informed.


Because they've admitted to each other privately that there is a lot they don't know.

"Newly leaked files from within the leading global transgender healthcare body have revealed that the clinicians who shape how “gender medicine” is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent. The files, which were leaked from within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), were published today by the US-based think tank Environmental Progress.
WPATH is considered the leading global scientific and medical authority on “gender medicine,” and in recent decades, its Standards of
Care have shaped the guidance, policies and practices of governments, medical associations, public health systems and private clinics across the world.
However, the WPATH Files reveal that the organization does not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along. Members are fully aware that children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of “gender-affirming care,” and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents."

Now does that make sense?

The people who come up with the treatments are questioning if the parents are capable of making these decisions....because it's obvious to them they cannot.
It may have SOUNDED like that to you but it's not actually what I said. Did I say all parents need to be experts? No I said that they need to keep seeking information until they feel they have enough information to make an informed decision. I would think that is caring for a child. Shoving them back in the closet and trying to lock the door IS harmful. Oh, you didn't say that? Perhaps you can try again to show me where I said anything like I don't care if children are harmed or some such thing.

Think about what you just said here....

1. Parents need to inform themselves enough to make an educated decision. That's the responsible thing for parents to do.

2. Shoving your child back into the closet is harmful.

If a parent decides to not consent to their child's treatment....are they making a responsible informed decision? Or are they just harming their child by shoving them back into the closet?

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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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The (vast) majority has options when it comes to how to deal with people who “house” ’quirky’ DNA.
We could count them as blessed and worthy of extra protections,

I'm glad you're at least honest in acknowledging these are "extra" privileges...not a matter of equality but a matter of inequality.

I don't think they deserve castigation unless they act in a manner that necessitates it.

Other than that...I stand for equality. These aren't some people who are oppressed because they don't get special treatment nor are they floating around above the rest of us beyond all criticism.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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The doctors....the people who are prescribing the medications....the people who are creating the Affirmative Care guidelines are questioning whether or not the parents or children are well informed.


Because they've admitted to each other privately that there is a lot they don't know.
That's pretty much why I said they need to get educated. Doctors sometimes help with that and there are also social workers, mental health workers, and other advocates that have information.
However, the WPATH Files reveal that the organization does not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along. Members are fully aware that children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of “gender-affirming care,” and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents."
One reason could be that they don't yet have enough data to determine evidence-based standards. If the parents of a patient cannot understand what the doctor is telling them about what they DO know, They would be best advised to talk to another doctor who CAN explain what they know and if the second doctor can't phrase things in a way that neither the parents nor the patient can understand, they should contact an organization like
The people who come up with the treatments are questioning if the parents are capable of making these decisions....because it's obvious to them they cannot.
Did they say why they cannot phrase their treatment plan in a way that can be understood or should they simply say, "you don't get it, not my problem" and carry on with their treatment plan? I still don't understand how me wanting parents to make an informed decision is not caring about the health and welfare of children.
That's not the issue
No? Then why are you basing my lack of care for children on the notion that parents should have some understanding of their child's reflection?

Now does that make sense?
Yes, and it is what I have been saying. Parents should be making an informed choice. The fact the the doctor can't explain the treatment plan to you then it's up to the parents to find one that can.
The people who come up with the treatments are questioning if the parents are capable of making these decisions....because it's obvious to them they cannot.
A re they saying that most parents aren't intelligent enough to understand what they are saying or is it that they don't know what to say and blame the parents for their inability to explain their children's treatment plan?
Think about what you just said here....

1. Parents need to inform themselves enough to make an educated decision. That's the responsible thing for parents to do.

2. Shoving your child back into the closet is harmful.

If a parent decides to not consent to their child's treatment....are they making a responsible informed decision? Or are they just harming their child by shoving them back into the closet?
1) Would it be responsible to go forward with a treatment they can't understand? I don't know how you are proving your point here.
2) It would be harmful not to address your child's thoughts and emotions. Telling your child (transsexuals are just lying to themselves, they really don't exist. I'm sorry but not all kids follow your politics or worldview

If they have seen the treatment plan and feel that it would do more harm than good or it won't work, I think to the best of their knowledge they are doing right by the child but they still need to address this thought process. Just not with medication or surgery. Locking them in the closet just causes shame, embarrassment, and resentment. You can't just logic away how another person sees themself.. It would be nice to have no emotions or intrusive thoughts but 9/10 people have them unless they don't feel emotions like a sociopath for example.
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