Reptilian Shapeshifter Compilation - Our Alien Rulers


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Mar 3, 2020
San Diego
United States
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This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation.

We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.

Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.

They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.

This video is a compilation of photos and videos which conclusively proves the existence of these draconian shapeshifters, as well as their advanced technology and craft. In fact, all of the technology that we have today was originally developed by them, not by humans. They've been handing down their antiquated technology to us, but as you'll see, it's still far below the level of technology that they use themselves ("anti-gravity", non-physical force/heat generation, teleportation, holograms, refractive cloaking, nanotechnology).

The dracs who are showing us these things are trying to get us to wake up to reality. They've gone against their own establishment to give humanity the opportunity to be free. They've done their part. The only question is - are humans strong enough to wake up from the illusion, and then organize and act against their masters? Can we reclaim our freedom and independence, or will we forever be mind-controlled livestock? Can we take back control of our own minds and become a sentient race once again?

To keep the video to a reasonable length (4 hours and 40 minutes total), I had to leave out explanations for each separate case. If you find that you need that, you can watch the other videos listed in the Youtube description boxes, which will give you those explanations. I've also included a preview video (14 minutes) to give you a quick overview of what you'll be seeing.




I also wanted to talk about some of my personal experiences with dracs, which is what got me started on this. First off, I want to make it clear that they are aliens, physical 100% non-human beings. They are not demons in possession of human bodies, extradimensional/shadow beings, or reptilian-human hybrids. They are shapeshifting aliens that have physically transformed their bodies to imitate humans, and with this ability, they can potentially take almost any form, imitate any creature. This shapeshifting ability allows them to switch their cells to a fluid-like state in which they can be moved around and molded into new shapes. They can also change the characteristics of each individual cell - color, hardness, elasticity and so on.

However, they can only reproduce the surface appearance of the species they are imitating. They cannot reproduce the physiology or cellular biology of that species. Based on this, I've found three basic ways to identify dracs in their human imitation forms :

1. They do not have cartilage in their noses or ears.
This must be a limitation of their polymorphic ability rather than an oversight in the imitation code. They can't generate the cellular characteristics of cartilage on their skulls.

2. They do not have real pores with sebaceous glands, so their skin never produces oil.
Dracs don't have sebaceous glands and they can't generate imitations of them. Their "pores" are just texture in the skin, empty pockets or craters without any sebum/oil. They don't have sweat glands either, but they can push water directly out of their skin cells to imitate sweating.

3. Their "hair" does not grow from follicles.
Dracs imitate hair by forming their skin cells into fibers. It does not grow from follicles like real hair, and it's living tissue, whereas real hair is non-living matter, mostly keratin. Their imitation "hairs" will never come out with roots when you try to pluck them. They will always break.

Of course, if you look at their cells/DNA under a microscope, compared to human cells/DNA, the differences will be obvious. The three methods I've listed above are just as conclusive and they don't require any expertise or special equipment.

As I said, they could potentially take almost any form. They could make themselves look like the most beautiful angelic figures that you can possibly imagine, or the most horrific abominations that you can possibly imagine. They can also radically change the size of their bodies, compress down to less than 1 foot tall in humanoid forms, or expand to more than 30 feet tall in humanoid forms. Many of the creatures in mythology were/are real in that humans did see them, but they were not what they appeared to be. They were all dracs shapeshifted into those forms. Werewolves, vampires, mermaids, giants, goblins, leprechauns, fairies - all dracs in different forms.

Here are the forms that I know for certain they can take :

Human imitation
Werewolf - in video, seen in person multiple times
Zeta reticulan (gray alien) - in video
Tree imitation (ent) - in video, seen in person multiple times
Goblin - confirmed by multiple sources
Dog imitation - in video, seen in person
Cat imitation - in video, seen in person
Horse imitation - in video
Bear imitation - in video
Tiger imitation - in video
Bat imitation - seen in person
Owl imitation

I know that the "dog" was a drac because it projected force on me twice from 4-5 feet away. It also behaved strangely for a dog - no barking or panting, following me step-for-step and standing perfectly still whenever I stopped. I know that the "cat" was a drac because its eyes morphed when I looked at it. They increased in size and began to glow yellow.

I've also seen dracs in unidentifiable animal forms, one that looked similar to a cat except that it had a long neck and legs, and made strange vocalizations that I'd never heard before. I also saw something that looked like a cross between a rat and a pig - hairless, pink skin, about 2 feet long with very short legs and human-like feet. It didn't have a tail that I could see, and it ran by very fast, despite its short legs.

As you'll see in the video, a drac is many times stronger than a human, even when compressed down to human size. I can attest to this from personal experience. When I was 13 years old, my "friend" challenged me to arm wrestle his mother, who was a little over 5 feet tall and no more than 120 pounds. I weighed somewhere around 170 pounds and I had been weight training for several years, capable of bench-pressing over 250 pounds. I thought it was a strange challenge, but he insisted that she was much stronger than she looked. When we started, I found that I couldn't move her arm at all. It was like pushing against a brick wall. My arm was several inches longer than hers, but even with that advantage, I couldn't bend her wrist back. After a few seconds, she steadily forced me down with almost no effort, smiling the whole time. I walked away in embarrassment and tried not to think about it. What I find embarrassing about this now is how I was unable to figure out what was going on. There's no way that a small woman could've done that. I would've won easily if she were human, so it should've been obvious to me that she's not human. That's the logical conclusion I couldn't come to at the time.

I've had dracs project force and heat/cold on me several times, so I know that's what's really happening in these videos. The force projection felt more like a wave pushing rather than a solid object. They can levitate by generating constant upward force on their own bodies. I've seen that in person as well, individuals jumping up and hanging in the air for longer than is naturally possible. They are shapeshifting, superpowered aliens that can project force like Jedis and fly like Superman.

I've also seen their "anti-gravity" orbs in person, the large craft and small surveillance drones. The first drone I saw was a silver and black sphere about the size of a softball. I walked out of the garage into the driveway and it was about 5 feet away, hovering at eye level. After a few seconds, it began to make whirring noises and then shot up into the sky on a curving path. The second drone I saw was sitting on top of a rolled-up canopy on the porch. Unlike the first drone, this one had an ovoid shape and was about the size of a chicken egg. I went up to take a close look, but it flew off before I could get to it. I've also had encounters with refractive-cloaked orbs which I could hear but couldn't see. I've only seen the big orbs at night, all surrounded by plasma fields, glowing yellow, white and green. They're the ones spraying aerosol (chemtrails) to make clouds, and as you'll see in the video, all of that white stuff up there is actually synthetic fibers. All clouds are made from that, produced in factories. So much for "mother nature".

So why has this advanced alien race created this fake world to control humans? I'm sure there are a number of reasons - labor, food, perhaps even to learn something. But I think the primary objective is to harvest our lifeforce and souls, human batteries as in The Matrix, vampires feeding on our emotional/auric energy. I can't demonstrably prove this, but looking at the way this world works, it seems to be true.

The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames
And what do I get for my pain
Betrayed desires and a piece of the game

These lyrics from the Smashing Pumpkins song Bullet with Butterfly Wings are saying the same thing. Of course, the "secret destroyers" are the dracs, hiding in plain sight in their human imitation forms. Billy Corgan has also talked about shapeshifters, so he's one who's trying to get the truth out.

Whatever the dracs are doing with humans here, it's not right to subjugate another sentient race like this. Sentient beings should not exist as mind-controlled thralls. Even the least intelligent races should be allowed to exist independently and choose their own path of development. However, it's up to us to do this for ourselves. No one else is going to save us. Even if there are other groups out there that want to help, it's not possible because we are too far from the core systems. The only way they could get a force here is by taking control of the dracs' stargates on other planets, but even then, the dracs would just shut them down on this end.

The only way out of this cage is to wake ourselves up and fight. So far, only a few of us have been able to see the truth. The vast majority are dead asleep, and it doesn't seem possible to ever reach them. We have become completely passive and blind to reality, accepting whatever our masters decide for us, taking their lies as truth, living out our entire lives never knowing where we are or even what we are. Sheep led by wolves in sheep's clothing. If we were competent as a sentient race, we wouldn't have ended up in this position, taken over by these predators. Somehow we must overcome our own weakness as a species, otherwise we will never have lasting freedom.

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say
What is lost can never be saved

Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation.

We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.

Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.

They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.

This video is a compilation of photos and videos which conclusively proves the existence of these draconian shapeshifters, as well as their advanced technology and craft. In fact, all of the technology that we have today was originally developed by them, not by humans. They've been handing down their antiquated technology to us, but as you'll see, it's still far below the level of technology that they use themselves ("anti-gravity", non-physical force/heat generation, teleportation, holograms, refractive cloaking, nanotechnology).

The dracs who are showing us these things are trying to get us to wake up to reality. They've gone against their own establishment to give humanity the opportunity to be free. They've done their part. The only question is - are humans strong enough to wake up from the illusion, and then organize and act against their masters? Can we reclaim our freedom and independence, or will we forever be mind-controlled livestock? Can we take back control of our own minds and become a sentient race once again?

To keep the video to a reasonable length (4 hours and 40 minutes total), I had to leave out explanations for each separate case. If you find that you need that, you can watch the other videos listed in the Youtube description boxes, which will give you those explanations. I've also included a preview video (14 minutes) to give you a quick overview of what you'll be seeing.




I also wanted to talk about some of my personal experiences with dracs, which is what got me started on this. First off, I want to make it clear that they are aliens, physical 100% non-human beings. They are not demons in possession of human bodies, extradimensional/shadow beings, or reptilian-human hybrids. They are shapeshifting aliens that have physically transformed their bodies to imitate humans, and with this ability, they can potentially take almost any form, imitate any creature. This shapeshifting ability allows them to switch their cells to a fluid-like state in which they can be moved around and molded into new shapes. They can also change the characteristics of each individual cell - color, hardness, elasticity and so on.

However, they can only reproduce the surface appearance of the species they are imitating. They cannot reproduce the physiology or cellular biology of that species. Based on this, I've found three basic ways to identify dracs in their human imitation forms :

1. They do not have cartilage in their noses or ears.
This must be a limitation of their polymorphic ability rather than an oversight in the imitation code. They can't generate the cellular characteristics of cartilage on their skulls.

2. They do not have real pores with sebaceous glands, so their skin never produces oil.
Dracs don't have sebaceous glands and they can't generate imitations of them. Their "pores" are just texture in the skin, empty pockets or craters without any sebum/oil. They don't have sweat glands either, but they can push water directly out of their skin cells to imitate sweating.

3. Their "hair" does not grow from follicles.
Dracs imitate hair by forming their skin cells into fibers. It does not grow from follicles like real hair, and it's living tissue, whereas real hair is non-living matter, mostly keratin. Their imitation "hairs" will never come out with roots when you try to pluck them. They will always break.

Of course, if you look at their cells/DNA under a microscope, compared to human cells/DNA, the differences will be obvious. The three methods I've listed above are just as conclusive and they don't require any expertise or special equipment.

As I said, they could potentially take almost any form. They could make themselves look like the most beautiful angelic figures that you can possibly imagine, or the most horrific abominations that you can possibly imagine. They can also radically change the size of their bodies, compress down to less than 1 foot tall in humanoid forms, or expand to more than 30 feet tall in humanoid forms. Many of the creatures in mythology were/are real in that humans did see them, but they were not what they appeared to be. They were all dracs shapeshifted into those forms. Werewolves, vampires, mermaids, giants, goblins, leprechauns, fairies - all dracs in different forms.

Here are the forms that I know for certain they can take :

Human imitation
Werewolf - in video, seen in person multiple times
Zeta reticulan (gray alien) - in video
Tree imitation (ent) - in video, seen in person multiple times
Goblin - confirmed by multiple sources
Dog imitation - in video, seen in person
Cat imitation - in video, seen in person
Horse imitation - in video
Bear imitation - in video
Tiger imitation - in video
Bat imitation - seen in person
Owl imitation

I know that the "dog" was a drac because it projected force on me twice from 4-5 feet away. It also behaved strangely for a dog - no barking or panting, following me step-for-step and standing perfectly still whenever I stopped. I know that the "cat" was a drac because its eyes morphed when I looked at it. They increased in size and began to glow yellow.

I've also seen dracs in unidentifiable animal forms, one that looked similar to a cat except that it had a long neck and legs, and made strange vocalizations that I'd never heard before. I also saw something that looked like a cross between a rat and a pig - hairless, pink skin, about 2 feet long with very short legs and human-like feet. It didn't have a tail that I could see, and it ran by very fast, despite its short legs.

As you'll see in the video, a drac is many times stronger than a human, even when compressed down to human size. I can attest to this from personal experience. When I was 13 years old, my "friend" challenged me to arm wrestle his mother, who was a little over 5 feet tall and no more than 120 pounds. I weighed somewhere around 170 pounds and I had been weight training for several years, capable of bench-pressing over 250 pounds. I thought it was a strange challenge, but he insisted that she was much stronger than she looked. When we started, I found that I couldn't move her arm at all. It was like pushing against a brick wall. My arm was several inches longer than hers, but even with that advantage, I couldn't bend her wrist back. After a few seconds, she steadily forced me down with almost no effort, smiling the whole time. I walked away in embarrassment and tried not to think about it. What I find embarrassing about this now is how I was unable to figure out what was going on. There's no way that a small woman could've done that. I would've won easily if she were human, so it should've been obvious to me that she's not human. That's the logical conclusion I couldn't come to at the time.

I've had dracs project force and heat/cold on me several times, so I know that's what's really happening in these videos. The force projection felt more like a wave pushing rather than a solid object. They can levitate by generating constant upward force on their own bodies. I've seen that in person as well, individuals jumping up and hanging in the air for longer than is naturally possible. They are shapeshifting, superpowered aliens that can project force like Jedis and fly like Superman.

I've also seen their "anti-gravity" orbs in person, the large craft and small surveillance drones. The first drone I saw was a silver and black sphere about the size of a softball. I walked out of the garage into the driveway and it was about 5 feet away, hovering at eye level. After a few seconds, it began to make whirring noises and then shot up into the sky on a curving path. The second drone I saw was sitting on top of a rolled-up canopy on the porch. Unlike the first drone, this one had an ovoid shape and was about the size of a chicken egg. I went up to take a close look, but it flew off before I could get to it. I've also had encounters with refractive-cloaked orbs which I could hear but couldn't see. I've only seen the big orbs at night, all surrounded by plasma fields, glowing yellow, white and green. They're the ones spraying aerosol (chemtrails) to make clouds, and as you'll see in the video, all of that white stuff up there is actually synthetic fibers. All clouds are made from that, produced in factories. So much for "mother nature".

So why has this advanced alien race created this fake world to control humans? I'm sure there are a number of reasons - labor, food, perhaps even to learn something. But I think the primary objective is to harvest our lifeforce and souls, human batteries as in The Matrix, vampires feeding on our emotional/auric energy. I can't demonstrably prove this, but looking at the way this world works, it seems to be true.

The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames
And what do I get for my pain
Betrayed desires and a piece of the game

These lyrics from the Smashing Pumpkins song Bullet with Butterfly Wings are saying the same thing. Of course, the "secret destroyers" are the dracs, hiding in plain sight in their human imitation forms. Billy Corgan has also talked about shapeshifters, so he's one who's trying to get the truth out.

Whatever the dracs are doing with humans here, it's not right to subjugate another sentient race like this. Sentient beings should not exist as mind-controlled thralls. Even the least intelligent races should be allowed to exist independently and choose their own path of development. However, it's up to us to do this for ourselves. No one else is going to save us. Even if there are other groups out there that want to help, it's not possible because we are too far from the core systems. The only way they could get a force here is by taking control of the dracs' stargates on other planets, but even then, the dracs would just shut them down on this end.

The only way out of this cage is to wake ourselves up and fight. So far, only a few of us have been able to see the truth. The vast majority are dead asleep, and it doesn't seem possible to ever reach them. We have become completely passive and blind to reality, accepting whatever our masters decide for us, taking their lies as truth, living out our entire lives never knowing where we are or even what we are. Sheep led by wolves in sheep's clothing. If we were competent as a sentient race, we wouldn't have ended up in this position, taken over by these predators. Somehow we must overcome our own weakness as a species, otherwise we will never have lasting freedom.

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say
What is lost can never be saved
Thank you.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
Site Supporter
Nov 13, 2017
Marital Status
This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation.

We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.

Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.

They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.

This video is a compilation of photos and videos which conclusively proves the existence of these draconian shapeshifters, as well as their advanced technology and craft. In fact, all of the technology that we have today was originally developed by them, not by humans. They've been handing down their antiquated technology to us, but as you'll see, it's still far below the level of technology that they use themselves ("anti-gravity", non-physical force/heat generation, teleportation, holograms, refractive cloaking, nanotechnology).

The dracs who are showing us these things are trying to get us to wake up to reality. They've gone against their own establishment to give humanity the opportunity to be free. They've done their part. The only question is - are humans strong enough to wake up from the illusion, and then organize and act against their masters? Can we reclaim our freedom and independence, or will we forever be mind-controlled livestock? Can we take back control of our own minds and become a sentient race once again?

To keep the video to a reasonable length (4 hours and 40 minutes total), I had to leave out explanations for each separate case. If you find that you need that, you can watch the other videos listed in the Youtube description boxes, which will give you those explanations. I've also included a preview video (14 minutes) to give you a quick overview of what you'll be seeing.




I also wanted to talk about some of my personal experiences with dracs, which is what got me started on this. First off, I want to make it clear that they are aliens, physical 100% non-human beings. They are not demons in possession of human bodies, extradimensional/shadow beings, or reptilian-human hybrids. They are shapeshifting aliens that have physically transformed their bodies to imitate humans, and with this ability, they can potentially take almost any form, imitate any creature. This shapeshifting ability allows them to switch their cells to a fluid-like state in which they can be moved around and molded into new shapes. They can also change the characteristics of each individual cell - color, hardness, elasticity and so on.

However, they can only reproduce the surface appearance of the species they are imitating. They cannot reproduce the physiology or cellular biology of that species. Based on this, I've found three basic ways to identify dracs in their human imitation forms :

1. They do not have cartilage in their noses or ears.
This must be a limitation of their polymorphic ability rather than an oversight in the imitation code. They can't generate the cellular characteristics of cartilage on their skulls.

2. They do not have real pores with sebaceous glands, so their skin never produces oil.
Dracs don't have sebaceous glands and they can't generate imitations of them. Their "pores" are just texture in the skin, empty pockets or craters without any sebum/oil. They don't have sweat glands either, but they can push water directly out of their skin cells to imitate sweating.

3. Their "hair" does not grow from follicles.
Dracs imitate hair by forming their skin cells into fibers. It does not grow from follicles like real hair, and it's living tissue, whereas real hair is non-living matter, mostly keratin. Their imitation "hairs" will never come out with roots when you try to pluck them. They will always break.

Of course, if you look at their cells/DNA under a microscope, compared to human cells/DNA, the differences will be obvious. The three methods I've listed above are just as conclusive and they don't require any expertise or special equipment.

As I said, they could potentially take almost any form. They could make themselves look like the most beautiful angelic figures that you can possibly imagine, or the most horrific abominations that you can possibly imagine. They can also radically change the size of their bodies, compress down to less than 1 foot tall in humanoid forms, or expand to more than 30 feet tall in humanoid forms. Many of the creatures in mythology were/are real in that humans did see them, but they were not what they appeared to be. They were all dracs shapeshifted into those forms. Werewolves, vampires, mermaids, giants, goblins, leprechauns, fairies - all dracs in different forms.

Here are the forms that I know for certain they can take :

Human imitation
Werewolf - in video, seen in person multiple times
Zeta reticulan (gray alien) - in video
Tree imitation (ent) - in video, seen in person multiple times
Goblin - confirmed by multiple sources
Dog imitation - in video, seen in person
Cat imitation - in video, seen in person
Horse imitation - in video
Bear imitation - in video
Tiger imitation - in video
Bat imitation - seen in person
Owl imitation

I know that the "dog" was a drac because it projected force on me twice from 4-5 feet away. It also behaved strangely for a dog - no barking or panting, following me step-for-step and standing perfectly still whenever I stopped. I know that the "cat" was a drac because its eyes morphed when I looked at it. They increased in size and began to glow yellow.

I've also seen dracs in unidentifiable animal forms, one that looked similar to a cat except that it had a long neck and legs, and made strange vocalizations that I'd never heard before. I also saw something that looked like a cross between a rat and a pig - hairless, pink skin, about 2 feet long with very short legs and human-like feet. It didn't have a tail that I could see, and it ran by very fast, despite its short legs.

As you'll see in the video, a drac is many times stronger than a human, even when compressed down to human size. I can attest to this from personal experience. When I was 13 years old, my "friend" challenged me to arm wrestle his mother, who was a little over 5 feet tall and no more than 120 pounds. I weighed somewhere around 170 pounds and I had been weight training for several years, capable of bench-pressing over 250 pounds. I thought it was a strange challenge, but he insisted that she was much stronger than she looked. When we started, I found that I couldn't move her arm at all. It was like pushing against a brick wall. My arm was several inches longer than hers, but even with that advantage, I couldn't bend her wrist back. After a few seconds, she steadily forced me down with almost no effort, smiling the whole time. I walked away in embarrassment and tried not to think about it. What I find embarrassing about this now is how I was unable to figure out what was going on. There's no way that a small woman could've done that. I would've won easily if she were human, so it should've been obvious to me that she's not human. That's the logical conclusion I couldn't come to at the time.

I've had dracs project force and heat/cold on me several times, so I know that's what's really happening in these videos. The force projection felt more like a wave pushing rather than a solid object. They can levitate by generating constant upward force on their own bodies. I've seen that in person as well, individuals jumping up and hanging in the air for longer than is naturally possible. They are shapeshifting, superpowered aliens that can project force like Jedis and fly like Superman.

I've also seen their "anti-gravity" orbs in person, the large craft and small surveillance drones. The first drone I saw was a silver and black sphere about the size of a softball. I walked out of the garage into the driveway and it was about 5 feet away, hovering at eye level. After a few seconds, it began to make whirring noises and then shot up into the sky on a curving path. The second drone I saw was sitting on top of a rolled-up canopy on the porch. Unlike the first drone, this one had an ovoid shape and was about the size of a chicken egg. I went up to take a close look, but it flew off before I could get to it. I've also had encounters with refractive-cloaked orbs which I could hear but couldn't see. I've only seen the big orbs at night, all surrounded by plasma fields, glowing yellow, white and green. They're the ones spraying aerosol (chemtrails) to make clouds, and as you'll see in the video, all of that white stuff up there is actually synthetic fibers. All clouds are made from that, produced in factories. So much for "mother nature".

So why has this advanced alien race created this fake world to control humans? I'm sure there are a number of reasons - labor, food, perhaps even to learn something. But I think the primary objective is to harvest our lifeforce and souls, human batteries as in The Matrix, vampires feeding on our emotional/auric energy. I can't demonstrably prove this, but looking at the way this world works, it seems to be true.

The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames
And what do I get for my pain
Betrayed desires and a piece of the game

These lyrics from the Smashing Pumpkins song Bullet with Butterfly Wings are saying the same thing. Of course, the "secret destroyers" are the dracs, hiding in plain sight in their human imitation forms. Billy Corgan has also talked about shapeshifters, so he's one who's trying to get the truth out.

Whatever the dracs are doing with humans here, it's not right to subjugate another sentient race like this. Sentient beings should not exist as mind-controlled thralls. Even the least intelligent races should be allowed to exist independently and choose their own path of development. However, it's up to us to do this for ourselves. No one else is going to save us. Even if there are other groups out there that want to help, it's not possible because we are too far from the core systems. The only way they could get a force here is by taking control of the dracs' stargates on other planets, but even then, the dracs would just shut them down on this end.

The only way out of this cage is to wake ourselves up and fight. So far, only a few of us have been able to see the truth. The vast majority are dead asleep, and it doesn't seem possible to ever reach them. We have become completely passive and blind to reality, accepting whatever our masters decide for us, taking their lies as truth, living out our entire lives never knowing where we are or even what we are. Sheep led by wolves in sheep's clothing. If we were competent as a sentient race, we wouldn't have ended up in this position, taken over by these predators. Somehow we must overcome our own weakness as a species, otherwise we will never have lasting freedom.

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say
What is lost can never be saved

I don’t know if draconian can be used as an adjective to mean ‘lizard-like’ or something like that.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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We have become completely passive and blind to reality, accepting whatever our masters decide for us, taking their lies as truth, living out our entire lives never knowing where we are or even what we are. Sheep led by wolves in sheep's clothing.

It’s interesting that people who take stories like this seriously often seem to feel like this, and project their feelings onto others. It might be that these feelings of not knowing what is going on in the world are the root cause of some of these conspiracy ideas.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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It’s interesting that people who take stories like this seriously often seem to feel like this, and project their feelings onto others. It might be that these feelings of not knowing what is going on in the world are the root cause of some of these conspiracy ideas.
It should be at least equally interesting that people who dismiss stories like these out of hand do exactly the same projecting in the other direction. Surely it's because the feeling of not knowing what is going on in the world is too much of a threat to their mental stability.
It doesn't even have to be about conspiracy theories. It could simply be about how socially toxic their behavior really is behind their self-deceit & façade of "normality".

So much for ankle deep analysis.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
I don’t know if draconian can be used as an adjective to mean ‘lizard-like’ or something like that.
We understand. "Not knowing" is nothing to be ashamed of, but making assumptions in ignorance isn't reserved for conspiracy theorists in case you haven't noticed.

So I will just tell you so you will know... Yes, "draconian" can and is often used to describe reptilian species.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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Yes, "draconian" can and is often used to describe reptilian species.

Do you have some examples of that, outside of the conspiracy theory use? I'm just curious, I've never seen it used that way. Drac in old Romanian = dragon, or devil, the eponym Dracula means something like 'little dragon', the father of the real life Vlad the Impaler was a member of an order of knights of the dragon, so that is where the name comes from. I've never come across draconian being used in that way in English though.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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QUOTE="Tom 1, post: 74768169, member: 404020"]Do you have some examples of that, outside of the conspiracy theory use?
LOL. Seriously? Conspiracy theory is the only context for it unless you consider some legends from other tribes.

I'm just curious, I've never seen it used that way. Drac in old Romanian = dragon, or devil, the eponym Dracula means something like 'little dragon', the father of the real life Vlad the Impaler was a member of an order of knights of the dragon, so that is where the name comes from. I've never come across draconian being used in that way in English though.
And you won't come across it unless your looking for every or anything else concerning it that would point to it.

It's nice that your curious but I actually did the hard work of investigating and I'm not about to put my homework in your hands so I can suffer judgement. Since your new to the topic you may not have noticed how we are baited with homework requests only to have our research spat upon.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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LOL. Seriously? Conspiracy theory is the only context for it unless you consider some legends from other tribes.

And you won't come across it unless your looking for every or anything else concerning it that would point to it.

It's nice that your curious but I actually did the hard work of investigating and I'm not about to put my homework in your hands so I can suffer judgement. Since your new to the topic you may not have noticed how we are baited with homework requests only to have our research spat upon.

I’m only interested in the use of the word, it’s just a point of curiosity. It seems to be a borrowing from Latin in the meaning but in the form of the word it already has a different meaning in English. Maybe it’s just used because it sounds the part.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
I’m only interested in the use of the word, it’s just a point of curiosity. It seems to be a borrowing from Latin in the meaning but in the form of the word it already has a different meaning in English. Maybe it just sounds the part, so that’s why it’s used.
It's used here because they are thought to come from that planet or star cluster. I forget the exact detail, but David Wilcock uses it a lot in his presentations.
If you're interested in sound clues you will get a blast out of Chiron Last videos because they explore phonemes. I recommend "The Golden Web".
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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It's used here because they are thought to come from that planet or star cluster. I forget the exact detail, but David Wilcock uses it a lot in his presentations.
If you're interested in sound clues you will get a blast out of Chiron Last videos because they explore phonemes. I recommend "The Golden Web".

Ok, thanks
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2017
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We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.

Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.

They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.
I'm personally not sure how someone can literally believe in what I've quoted and also claim to believe Scripture is the inspired Word of God. Scripture and this belief are mutually exclusive.
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Nov 5, 2011
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Do you have some examples of that, outside of the conspiracy theory use? I'm just curious, I've never seen it used that way. Drac in old Romanian = dragon, or devil, the eponym Dracula means something like 'little dragon', the father of the real life Vlad the Impaler was a member of an order of knights of the dragon, so that is where the name comes from. I've never come across draconian being used in that way in English though.

Dragon in Greek in the book of Revelation means a large serpent and serpents are reptiles.

Thayer Definition:
1) a dragon, a great serpent, a name for Satan
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from an alternate form of derkomai (to look)
Citing in TDNT: 2:281, 186
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
Dragon in Greek in the book of Revelation means a large serpent and serpents are reptiles.

Thayer Definition:
1) a dragon, a great serpent, a name for Satan
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from an alternate form of derkomai (to look)
Citing in TDNT: 2:281, 186
Somehow I can't simply rate this post so I'm burning bandwidth to give it the recognition it deserves:
Thank you for your public service post, '38!

(Do you mind if I call you " '38 "? :)
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This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation.

We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.

Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.

They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.

This video is a compilation of photos and videos which conclusively proves the existence of these draconian shapeshifters, as well as their advanced technology and craft. In fact, all of the technology that we have today was originally developed by them, not by humans. They've been handing down their antiquated technology to us, but as you'll see, it's still far below the level of technology that they use themselves ("anti-gravity", non-physical force/heat generation, teleportation, holograms, refractive cloaking, nanotechnology).

The dracs who are showing us these things are trying to get us to wake up to reality. They've gone against their own establishment to give humanity the opportunity to be free. They've done their part. The only question is - are humans strong enough to wake up from the illusion, and then organize and act against their masters? Can we reclaim our freedom and independence, or will we forever be mind-controlled livestock? Can we take back control of our own minds and become a sentient race once again?

To keep the video to a reasonable length (4 hours and 40 minutes total), I had to leave out explanations for each separate case. If you find that you need that, you can watch the other videos listed in the Youtube description boxes, which will give you those explanations. I've also included a preview video (14 minutes) to give you a quick overview of what you'll be seeing.




I also wanted to talk about some of my personal experiences with dracs, which is what got me started on this. First off, I want to make it clear that they are aliens, physical 100% non-human beings. They are not demons in possession of human bodies, extradimensional/shadow beings, or reptilian-human hybrids. They are shapeshifting aliens that have physically transformed their bodies to imitate humans, and with this ability, they can potentially take almost any form, imitate any creature. This shapeshifting ability allows them to switch their cells to a fluid-like state in which they can be moved around and molded into new shapes. They can also change the characteristics of each individual cell - color, hardness, elasticity and so on.

However, they can only reproduce the surface appearance of the species they are imitating. They cannot reproduce the physiology or cellular biology of that species. Based on this, I've found three basic ways to identify dracs in their human imitation forms :

1. They do not have cartilage in their noses or ears.
This must be a limitation of their polymorphic ability rather than an oversight in the imitation code. They can't generate the cellular characteristics of cartilage on their skulls.

2. They do not have real pores with sebaceous glands, so their skin never produces oil.
Dracs don't have sebaceous glands and they can't generate imitations of them. Their "pores" are just texture in the skin, empty pockets or craters without any sebum/oil. They don't have sweat glands either, but they can push water directly out of their skin cells to imitate sweating.

3. Their "hair" does not grow from follicles.
Dracs imitate hair by forming their skin cells into fibers. It does not grow from follicles like real hair, and it's living tissue, whereas real hair is non-living matter, mostly keratin. Their imitation "hairs" will never come out with roots when you try to pluck them. They will always break.

Of course, if you look at their cells/DNA under a microscope, compared to human cells/DNA, the differences will be obvious. The three methods I've listed above are just as conclusive and they don't require any expertise or special equipment.

As I said, they could potentially take almost any form. They could make themselves look like the most beautiful angelic figures that you can possibly imagine, or the most horrific abominations that you can possibly imagine. They can also radically change the size of their bodies, compress down to less than 1 foot tall in humanoid forms, or expand to more than 30 feet tall in humanoid forms. Many of the creatures in mythology were/are real in that humans did see them, but they were not what they appeared to be. They were all dracs shapeshifted into those forms. Werewolves, vampires, mermaids, giants, goblins, leprechauns, fairies - all dracs in different forms.

Here are the forms that I know for certain they can take :

Human imitation
Werewolf - in video, seen in person multiple times
Zeta reticulan (gray alien) - in video
Tree imitation (ent) - in video, seen in person multiple times
Goblin - confirmed by multiple sources
Dog imitation - in video, seen in person
Cat imitation - in video, seen in person
Horse imitation - in video
Bear imitation - in video
Tiger imitation - in video
Bat imitation - seen in person
Owl imitation

I know that the "dog" was a drac because it projected force on me twice from 4-5 feet away. It also behaved strangely for a dog - no barking or panting, following me step-for-step and standing perfectly still whenever I stopped. I know that the "cat" was a drac because its eyes morphed when I looked at it. They increased in size and began to glow yellow.

I've also seen dracs in unidentifiable animal forms, one that looked similar to a cat except that it had a long neck and legs, and made strange vocalizations that I'd never heard before. I also saw something that looked like a cross between a rat and a pig - hairless, pink skin, about 2 feet long with very short legs and human-like feet. It didn't have a tail that I could see, and it ran by very fast, despite its short legs.

As you'll see in the video, a drac is many times stronger than a human, even when compressed down to human size. I can attest to this from personal experience. When I was 13 years old, my "friend" challenged me to arm wrestle his mother, who was a little over 5 feet tall and no more than 120 pounds. I weighed somewhere around 170 pounds and I had been weight training for several years, capable of bench-pressing over 250 pounds. I thought it was a strange challenge, but he insisted that she was much stronger than she looked. When we started, I found that I couldn't move her arm at all. It was like pushing against a brick wall. My arm was several inches longer than hers, but even with that advantage, I couldn't bend her wrist back. After a few seconds, she steadily forced me down with almost no effort, smiling the whole time. I walked away in embarrassment and tried not to think about it. What I find embarrassing about this now is how I was unable to figure out what was going on. There's no way that a small woman could've done that. I would've won easily if she were human, so it should've been obvious to me that she's not human. That's the logical conclusion I couldn't come to at the time.

I've had dracs project force and heat/cold on me several times, so I know that's what's really happening in these videos. The force projection felt more like a wave pushing rather than a solid object. They can levitate by generating constant upward force on their own bodies. I've seen that in person as well, individuals jumping up and hanging in the air for longer than is naturally possible. They are shapeshifting, superpowered aliens that can project force like Jedis and fly like Superman.

I've also seen their "anti-gravity" orbs in person, the large craft and small surveillance drones. The first drone I saw was a silver and black sphere about the size of a softball. I walked out of the garage into the driveway and it was about 5 feet away, hovering at eye level. After a few seconds, it began to make whirring noises and then shot up into the sky on a curving path. The second drone I saw was sitting on top of a rolled-up canopy on the porch. Unlike the first drone, this one had an ovoid shape and was about the size of a chicken egg. I went up to take a close look, but it flew off before I could get to it. I've also had encounters with refractive-cloaked orbs which I could hear but couldn't see. I've only seen the big orbs at night, all surrounded by plasma fields, glowing yellow, white and green. They're the ones spraying aerosol (chemtrails) to make clouds, and as you'll see in the video, all of that white stuff up there is actually synthetic fibers. All clouds are made from that, produced in factories. So much for "mother nature".

So why has this advanced alien race created this fake world to control humans? I'm sure there are a number of reasons - labor, food, perhaps even to learn something. But I think the primary objective is to harvest our lifeforce and souls, human batteries as in The Matrix, vampires feeding on our emotional/auric energy. I can't demonstrably prove this, but looking at the way this world works, it seems to be true.

The world is a vampire, sent to drain
Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames
And what do I get for my pain
Betrayed desires and a piece of the game

These lyrics from the Smashing Pumpkins song Bullet with Butterfly Wings are saying the same thing. Of course, the "secret destroyers" are the dracs, hiding in plain sight in their human imitation forms. Billy Corgan has also talked about shapeshifters, so he's one who's trying to get the truth out.

Whatever the dracs are doing with humans here, it's not right to subjugate another sentient race like this. Sentient beings should not exist as mind-controlled thralls. Even the least intelligent races should be allowed to exist independently and choose their own path of development. However, it's up to us to do this for ourselves. No one else is going to save us. Even if there are other groups out there that want to help, it's not possible because we are too far from the core systems. The only way they could get a force here is by taking control of the dracs' stargates on other planets, but even then, the dracs would just shut them down on this end.

The only way out of this cage is to wake ourselves up and fight. So far, only a few of us have been able to see the truth. The vast majority are dead asleep, and it doesn't seem possible to ever reach them. We have become completely passive and blind to reality, accepting whatever our masters decide for us, taking their lies as truth, living out our entire lives never knowing where we are or even what we are. Sheep led by wolves in sheep's clothing. If we were competent as a sentient race, we wouldn't have ended up in this position, taken over by these predators. Somehow we must overcome our own weakness as a species, otherwise we will never have lasting freedom.

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say
What is lost can never be saved
What I find most telling about this post is that you omitted posting the part where this guy claims to be Jesus Christ.
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Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
United States
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Just my 2 cents on this theory's venue (take for what it's worth):

1. The reptile stuff is disinfo, but I suspect there is symbolic truth in some of the stories. This is mystery cult MO, so using metaphors and symbolism is expected (satan/lucifer represented as a snake for example; FYI, if you want the best theory behind this one, see Michael Heiser). So no literal reptile people, but lots of folks using reptile metaphors/symbolism to describe them and their satanic associates.
2. Lots of folks don't have the vocabulary to talk about possession and demonic activity in way that makes sense. At least some of what people are describing is demonic activity. Same goes for programmed MKultra victims who have literally been brainwashed and loaded with abnormal commands and perceptions by their hypnotist programmers.

Here's an example
  • Haha
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I'm His
Jun 13, 2011
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Just my 2 cents on this theory's venue (take for what it's worth):

1. The reptile stuff is disinfo, but I suspect there is symbolic truth in some of the stories. This is mystery cult MO, so using metaphors and symbolism is expected (satan/lucifer represented as a snake for example; FYI, if you want the best theory behind this one, see Michael Heiser). So no literal reptile people, but lots of folks using reptile metaphors/symbolism to describe them and their satanic associates.
2. Lots of folks don't have the vocabulary to talk about possession and demonic activity in way that makes sense. At least some of what people are describing is demonic activity. Same goes for programmed MKultra victims who have literally been brainwashed and loaded with abnormal commands and perceptions by their hypnotist programmers.

Here's an example
I just want to say...I showed that picture to my sister and as soon as I looked at the Vatican hall I saw a snake. That Jesus resurrection they have is absolutely terrifying...I would not set foot in that church.
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Nov 5, 2011
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I’m pretty sure that humans do a fine enough job as being evil draconian leaders! We don’t need any help at it

Some yes but some are affected by Satan and demons to do things they normally wouldn't.
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