Questions about God


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Sep 25, 2023
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I want to start by saying I don't follow the prosperity gospel. But I have a couple of questions about God and suffering.

My family and I are going through a tough time. Both of my elderly parents spent 2 months each in hospital (at the exact same time) which was stressful and difficult to deal with. During that time, we had issues with a toxic family member which resulted in a lot of trouble. (and a lot of stress)

Then today a major client pulled their business, resulting in a lot of stress and worry from a financial side and also looking forward.

The list of things working against my wife and I is longer, but this is not intended to be a pity party.

Instead, we have prayed throughout all of this and yet things still go wrong. Previously, my wife went to Bible study 4x a week to try to feel closer to God, and yet feels nothing.

We have watched countless videos from The Bible Project and follow the Bible Recap and yet over the course of the last year everything we have ever had (which wasn't much) has been stripped away from us bit by bit. So, this is not in isolation but a lifetime of problems.

So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?

When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?


Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Has God given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness?
Is God a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him?
I am not asking you to believe anything. I am asking you if these are facts.
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I want to start by saying I don't follow the prosperity gospel. But I have a couple of questions about God and suffering.

My family and I are going through a tough time. Both of my elderly parents spent 2 months each in hospital (at the exact same time) which was stressful and difficult to deal with. During that time, we had issues with a toxic family member which resulted in a lot of trouble. (and a lot of stress)

Then today a major client pulled their business, resulting in a lot of stress and worry from a financial side and also looking forward.

The list of things working against my wife and I is longer, but this is not intended to be a pity party.

Instead, we have prayed throughout all of this and yet things still go wrong. Previously, my wife went to Bible study 4x a week to try to feel closer to God, and yet feels nothing.

We have watched countless videos from The Bible Project and follow the Bible Recap and yet over the course of the last year everything we have ever had (which wasn't much) has been stripped away from us bit by bit. So, this is not in isolation but a lifetime of problems.

So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?

When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?
God's Word says "be still and know that I am God" Ps 46:10

Find a time to "be still" before God. Find ways to listen to God.

Is 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed
on You,
Because he trusts in You."

Jesus said "in this world you have tribulation , be of good courage , I have overcome the World". John 16:33

Life and its worries gets busy, hectic , chaotic, out of control.

Matt 13: 22 And the one sown with seed among the thorns, this is the one who hears the word, and the anxiety of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.


try being still - seeking God in a quiet place. Claiming Bible promises for your ears to be open to His word to you about your life, about what is blocking you from hearing Him, from finding His guiding hand.

In heaven 1000 years in to your walk in heaven you will look back on this and ask yourself --
"did I know all along -- that my elderly parents were in poor health? Did I know that they might have to be hospitalized?"
"did I know all along -- that clients sometimes drop off, and new clients come in from time to time?"
"did I know all along - that I had that toxic family member ?"
"did God know I faced all those problems?"
"did I know that God had been trying to get my attention for years?"

I think it is possible you might ask yourself some of those questions above when you get to heaven.

All those various stresses seem to have come to a head around the same time or relatively close period of time from what you have posted.

When you look around the room in heaven in that "future scenario" how many people there would say they are there - because of your outreach to them to accept the Gospel . One life saved for all eternity would be a great reward no matter the obstacles in this life.

If God can trust you not to take your eyes of off the goal of salvation for you and your family and those you meet - while also guiding you in your business and health He will do it. But if you convince God that you will take your eyes off of the goal of eternal life as soon as a distraction comes along in form of business or entertainment or ... He might choose to allow you to pass over a rough patch of road so you will stop and listen, make a course correction.

In 1 Cor 9 Paul says "I buffet my body and make it my slave lest after preaching the Gospel to others - I myself should be disqualified from it" -
He never takes salvation for granted, he never takes his eyes off the goal. He is like an Olympic competitor totally sold out for the goal.

In an hour of silent prayer ask this question " If God wanted you to make some changes in your life - what might those changes be in your POV?"
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Apr 19, 2013
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You may need to go to a good church, where they seek the power of God, Jesus promised to be with us when in reunions of 2 or 3 or more in his name, its important that they believe in being filled with the Holy spirit, because we need God badly, his 'tangible' presence, and Holy spirit, we should believe in a gospel of power like in the bible, God close to us. And when he is close to us, things happen. Even if we suffer a lot our compromise with him should be the same, God never abandons his child.

I learned that christians can't lit up the 'flame' of the spirit on their own most of the time, we need good brothers, to get together with them and seek God.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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I want to start by saying I don't follow the prosperity gospel. But I have a couple of questions about God and suffering.

My family and I are going through a tough time. Both of my elderly parents spent 2 months each in hospital (at the exact same time) which was stressful and difficult to deal with. During that time, we had issues with a toxic family member which resulted in a lot of trouble. (and a lot of stress)

Then today a major client pulled their business, resulting in a lot of stress and worry from a financial side and also looking forward.

The list of things working against my wife and I is longer, but this is not intended to be a pity party.

Instead, we have prayed throughout all of this and yet things still go wrong. Previously, my wife went to Bible study 4x a week to try to feel closer to God, and yet feels nothing.

We have watched countless videos from The Bible Project and follow the Bible Recap and yet over the course of the last year everything we have ever had (which wasn't much) has been stripped away from us bit by bit. So, this is not in isolation but a lifetime of problems.

So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?

When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?
Welcome to CF. I really can't provide you with the answer you are looking for but I will pray that your tribulation be eased. :prayer:
Be blessed.
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Jun 12, 2011
2Ti_3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

The words "shall suffer persecution" is one word in the Greek and means being put to flight or having to flee. This captures a little of how the world (run by Satan Eph, 2:2) reacts to those who would live a godly life.

The curse God put on earth was not so much a punishment as a help because in our fallen state when things go well we forget God and think highly of ourselves (Deut 6:12). Similarly suffering today often helps us to avoid seeing our hope in the world, but can aid in making us see more clearly our hope in the Lord.
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Jun 12, 2012
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I want to start by saying I don't follow the prosperity gospel. But I have a couple of questions about God and suffering.

My family and I are going through a tough time. Both of my elderly parents spent 2 months each in hospital (at the exact same time) which was stressful and difficult to deal with. During that time, we had issues with a toxic family member which resulted in a lot of trouble. (and a lot of stress)

Then today a major client pulled their business, resulting in a lot of stress and worry from a financial side and also looking forward.

The list of things working against my wife and I is longer, but this is not intended to be a pity party.

Instead, we have prayed throughout all of this and yet things still go wrong. Previously, my wife went to Bible study 4x a week to try to feel closer to God, and yet feels nothing.

We have watched countless videos from The Bible Project and follow the Bible Recap and yet over the course of the last year everything we have ever had (which wasn't much) has been stripped away from us bit by bit. So, this is not in isolation but a lifetime of problems.

So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?

When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?
Know that if you belong to God, all things work for your good, whether it seems that way or not.

Continue in faith and trust in him.
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May 22, 2013
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First . . . welcome to Christian Forums, Barry; we are glad to see you. You >

I don't follow the prosperity gospel.

Well, God's word talks about prosperity which is better than people may think prosperity means.

For example, Jesus says >

"Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time---houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions---and in the age to come, eternal life." (in Mark 10:29-30)

Here, Jesus does not say you will get a lot of money. But in His prosperity we have people to love . . . family people, for family loving.

And we share these with others. In God's way of loving and prosperity we share as family!

So, study with learning how to love . . . is needed. And in His loving we enjoy personally sharing with God while He in us has us loving while discovering how to make His use of any situation . . . like Jesus on the cross used that horrible time for God's good . . . all-loving good, not only good somehow for Jesus Himself.

So, we do well to trust God our Father to correct us, mature us, have us discover with Him.

"'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" (Matthew 11:28-29)

All right . . . so we can see that if things degrade us from rest, we need to not trust those feelings and thinking which are taking us down and getting us away from enjoying Jesus in His rest. And there are things which degrade us from how we can be loving as His family >

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Whatever keeps us from this is not to be trusted!! Do not trust that worry or anger or fear or self pity or blaming or self criticizing if that criticism is not bringing us to trust God for His forgiveness and correction and maturing in how to love.

There can be troubles which are not persecution for the name of Jesus. They can be part of how we have been living for our own selves. And Jesus guarantees how we will lose our lives if we do not live for Him >

"'He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.'" (John 12:25)

God is creative. All that happens, He can use for loving and for bringing so much more and better than whatever and whoever we lose. However, we need to be submissive to God and ready for love, so we are able to handle the more and better which He brings.
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Feb 19, 2023
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Are you repent sins to God?
Are you involved with traditions of men and false doctrine??
God wants to bless His children.
Haggia chapter 1. Tells us consider your ways.
People playing church and refuse to repent, won't get God's blessing.

Proverbs chapter 1 . Be sincere and diligent. Those who won't study sound doctrine. Or listening to misguided preachers. God won't bless them.

James chapter 1. God gives wisdom and knowledge to those who ask. You must be doers of the word. Studying sound doctrine. Repenting sins to God.

2 Corinthians 6:18 . Come out from the unclean.
Toxic people can impede on your spiritual growth. Anything that causes you to sin. Cut it off. Meaning. Move away from the problems.

Make little time for Jesus. Study sound doctrine. Try to plant seeds for God. Produce fruit!

Mark 6:36
Matthew 14:14. Jesus has compassion. You must repent and produce fruit for God.
Faith is essential. Without faith we can't please God. Hu
Philippians 4:6. Prayer and supplications. Be honest with God. Ask Jesus for help. And repent.
Proverbs 3:6. Lean on God.

Ephesians 4:29
Be willing to submit to God's will. Carry your cross daily. Play actors playing church Jesus won't hear.

Be doers of the word. Repent. Produce fruit for God. Study sound doctrine.

I hope this helps you.
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John Helpher

John 3:16
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Mar 25, 2020
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So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?
You should try the teachings of Jesus. Honestly, everything you're describing is there, in his teachings. I mean, did Jesus say, "If you go to Bible study 4x per week then you won't feel better. It needs to be 5, but also 6 is pretty good, too"?

In Matthew 6 Jesus covers all of this worry about paying the bills. You should check it out. He concludes by saying, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be provided for you". Was it God's Kingdom you were seeking with the very important client who decided to pull his business? Probably not.

It's clear you believe you've got a lot to complain about, but consider it from God's perspective. You say you're his employee, but instead you go work for someone else. Everything he tries to do to break you away from that other master and get you back to himself just results in you becoming more frustrated and angry with him.

If it's God's provision you want, start working for him.
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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I want to start by saying I don't follow the prosperity gospel. But I have a couple of questions about God and suffering.

My family and I are going through a tough time. Both of my elderly parents spent 2 months each in hospital (at the exact same time) which was stressful and difficult to deal with. During that time, we had issues with a toxic family member which resulted in a lot of trouble. (and a lot of stress)

Then today a major client pulled their business, resulting in a lot of stress and worry from a financial side and also looking forward.

The list of things working against my wife and I is longer, but this is not intended to be a pity party.

Instead, we have prayed throughout all of this and yet things still go wrong. Previously, my wife went to Bible study 4x a week to try to feel closer to God, and yet feels nothing.

We have watched countless videos from The Bible Project and follow the Bible Recap and yet over the course of the last year everything we have ever had (which wasn't much) has been stripped away from us bit by bit. So, this is not in isolation but a lifetime of problems.

So, how do you try to carry on when you cry out to God to just help you to have food on the table and to pay the basic bills to survive? How do you continue when you ask for help to provide for your family but then something else is stripped away from you?

When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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You have some great questions and I will answer the best I can. My experience is drawn from the USA and developing nations.. I first would not put God in a box on doctrine, find the scriptures that seem to apply to you and confess the word and get the word in your heart where you can believe. As this resistance too is persistant, fasting is good as well as some deliverance prayers. You can be Christian and tormented through demonic powers. Find your authority in Jesus to resist and set them on the run. Ask others who are knowledgeable to help. Even if this is not your issue, and I pray it is not, you would do well to learn this somewhat neglected part of Christianity.

I'm taking another track to suggest too that perhaps you are too religious? For instance you "have" to tithe, you follow the bible strictly etc. There is nothing wrong with that but if it is true you might be condemning yourself in some way, or putting the law ahead of God. He wants you to serve in grace, you are already free. Your position in Christ is sure etc. God might be allowing these tribulations because he wants you to change in this area.

For myself, sometimes I encounter resistance when God wants me to do something. So expand your horizons in Christianity and its teachings and look to what God is trying to have you do. For me a physical move might be forthcoming.

At some point (perhaps you are there already) I would just give it all completely to God. "Letting go, and let God" applies. You can't do things on your own strength always, you have to give it to him. It is like a person in so much pain they want to die. rather than panic about it as they had done for months, they do the opposite, they cast their care completely. Here at rock bottom God can catch you. I know an African pastor that has all kinds of resistance, he even believes in much of the faith teachings but nonetheless has immense financial struggles. He walks more like Jesus than anyone I have ever been around. Somehow these struggles have shaped him and built the character that is rarely seen. He still believes they will not persist, he just continues on in joy.

So perhaps no ironclad single way to relief but perhaps something in here can be helpful. You are going to make it!. You are going to make it! God bless
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Bob Crowley

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When you are already on your knees, what else do you need to do?
We go through some dry gullies at times. I'm Catholic now but I remember my old Presbyterian pastor saying to me once "I wonder how some people survive! I really do!" He was talking from his pastoral experience of course. In his own case one of his sons committed suicide and he said to me once "I lived below the poverty line for years! I nearly starved!"

One of the sayings that we don't talk about much in the West is Christ's comment "pick up (your) cross and follow me." In some other cultures Christians are faced with persecution every day.

Faith is tested by fire, not easy times. I don't think Christ enjoyed being scourged and crucified, and He was rejected by the bulk of the people at the same time. You're following in the footsteps of the suffering God.

Sooner or later God will respond but it may not be in a way you expect or even want. In the meantime I think all you can do is just hang in there.
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