Prayer Requested


Part of the Family
Apr 18, 2014
Marital Status
I just want to request prayer for a very difficult and stressful situation that has come up regarding my relationship with my soon-to-be husband. He is awesome, supportive, Christ-like character, etc. He himself is not the problem. There is one friend of mine - he is only slightly younger than my dad and has been a spiritual mentor since I was about 10 years old and he is still a youth leader at the church where I grew up - who is vehemently claiming that my fiance will ruin my life and I should not marry him. He has never met my fiance. He has heard only good things from me. He believes God gave him a message to tell me which proclaims nothing but pain, gloom, doom, and disaster - especially in my chosen career as a minister - and has been encouraging an interpretation of that message which in his mind either forces me to give up on God's will or give up on my fiance. I did not hear any of this from him or anyone else at all until he called me months ago with the message (which he had apparently been withholding for months because he didn't want to damage his friendship with me). He hasn't spoken to me or interacted with me at all since that phone call - until this past weekend. He emailed me a nasty email claiming that I was being a horrible, selfish, stupid, addict-like person since I was choosing to be engaged to my fiance and go ahead and marry him. I am not convinced that the attitude being presented by my friend is actually a godly or Christ-like attitude and whether or not the message itself is from God, the interpretation my friend is encouraging makes every part of my soul scream "NO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT!" and it's not the selfish part of my soul (although that gets sad too) but it's the part that has been spiritually discerning in the past. I have also shared his email with very strong spiritual people I trust and they have strongly disagreed with everything he said. I myself do not feel that God is at all displeased with my choice of life partner. But this man has been prying my relatives and friends without my knowledge for their reservations (without knowing what those reservations may be or why or considering the source at all) and then asserting that he's not the only one that's concerned and that God is trying to tell me something because of all the witnesses he lists (none of whom have actually shared any reservations with me or had very different and normal/common reservations at the time he spoke with them and don't feel the same way anymore). I do not harbor anger or resentment toward this man, I know he is only trying to warn me of potential danger he is convinced exists and he wants the best for me. But I do not believe this is right, or helpful, or accurate. I feel at peace with God and at peace with the decision to marry my fiance, and so does my family and closest friends. I have only blinding fear and anxiety when my mind wanders to or considers what my friend is saying. The kind of fear and anxiety I am experiencing associated with this is one which I recognize as symptoms of spiritual harassment I have experienced in the past at important junctions in my life where I felt lead by God in a direction and something happened to try to mess that up. And at those times, I was completely single so there was no one to blame but me for whatever decision I made.
So, *big sigh* ...
please forgive me for this long explanation/venting session, it's just so complicated what I need prayer for. Please pray for me, that God's will be done in everything, that the harassment will stop and my soul will find peace in Jesus, and that I won't unnecessarily harm either of these close relationships I have had with my fiance and also with my friend who is now raising such a ruckus. I know that's a tall order, but with God all things are possible. So I pray for the impossible to be possible. Thank you.
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