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Jul 21, 2004
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Please pray for South Africa there is much murder and death of the innocent there right now.

If we only knew all the death and atrocity that goes on in the world while we live in comfort we would realize that we have come to the very end of time.

Please remember to pray for the hurting, the dying and the suffering. Please remember them, God does.

Blessings and peace to you.



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Feb 18, 2005
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As a South African, thank you. But know this, the same thing is happening throughout the world. However, we as Christians should not become afraid or depressed of endtimes due to the increase of these things mentioned. Prior to the end we need to see the maturing of the bride and the Gospel of the Kingdom preached to all. This is happening on a grand scale in Africa. I am concerned for the Church in America due to it's lukewarmness and its criticizing of its anointed leaders. I do not know what to say about the church in Europe, except that South African and Nigerian churches are for many years taking the gospel back to Europe.

Nigeria: The nation’s president, Olusegun Obasanjo, sent two official representatives to the United States [to Benny Hinn] with an invitation to hold a massive service in this country where 30 million [of 134 million population] people watch Benny Hinn telecasts every day.

Nigeria: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
On October 31st 2003, just a few months ago, Christ Embassy organized a one-day crusade in the city of Benin, an ancient city in mid-western Nigeria, and capital of Edo state. It was attended by a mammoth crowd of over 1 million in a single service which lasted all night long. In spite of the heavy rains that fell that night, multitudes pressed in to hear the Word and be healed. As the rains fell all that night, everyone was soaked in water; many were in flooded areas of the grounds; yet the joy was tremendous. The miracles were numerous and extraordinary.

One of the striking things about these crusades is the fact that they are organized by a single ministry and not through several churches. In this way, more than 80% of those attending are sinners as evidenced by the response to the altar calls.

2.5 Million Attended the Night of Bliss Port Harcourt Crusade, people had started calling in from within and outside the country for seat reservations; others made reservations through the Internet and by post; many others went to various Christ Embassy church offices across the nation in person. By the eve of the program, the total number of callers and those officially indicating their intention to attend the program had gone beyond 800,000 people! Expectant people had started trickling into the stadium grounds from the afternoon of Thursday the 5th of February, well over 24 hours before the take-off time, some of them armed with overnight bags and a stoical determination to bear the night’s cold and stick to their seats for the long wait before the programme eventually kicked off officially at 6.00pm Friday evening, of February 6th.

By the morning of Friday the 6th, people from all walks of life, young and old, sick and hale, dignitaries and common people were already seated in the stadium grounds from all around the city and the state. Many also came in from the neighbouring states - Enugu, Ebonyi, Imo, Abia, Anambra, Akwa-Ibom, Cross River, Bayelsa, Delta, Edo; from all across the country and different parts of the world they came, all united by a common desire to be in the presence of the great God of glory, to receive His loving touch and be blessed by Him.

For the Port-Harcourt crusade, there were more than 3,000 choristers, 2,000 ushers, 500 venue managers, 1,000 police/military personnel and 500 marshals, making a combined crowd control team of over 4,000 persons besides the Man ‘O’ War and Civil Defence teams. More than one million gave their hearts to the Lord in this tremendous crowd which occupied a total area of more than 900,000 square meters, most of them standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

Nigeria: TB Joshua is healing the one terrible sickness after the other in the name of Jesus.

South Africa: Kobus van Rensburg has seen 840 cripples walk since 2000. This is NOT counting those healed of cancer, HIV- AIDS etc.

But these people are highly criticized by largely the church. Seems like no one can believe that anything good can come from dark Africa. And this rings a bell doesn't it?

When you pray for South Africa and Africa, also pray for a hunger in Africa for Jesus.

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Mark Downham

A Desert Voice
Sep 15, 2004
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I thank you for Michelle - whom You have made a prophetic intercessor and through whom You are standing in the gap over South Africa - I prophetically declare and proclaim your righteousness and the intercessory healing power of your presence into her prayers that they would bind the ravaging and divisive worrjk of the enemy and release the healing flow of the Holy Spirit - that where the Land has been defiled by the Locusts of Apartheid and Racial/Tribal Division it would be healed - I ask that her prayers would be used to heal the land and set captives free -

I thank you for the resilience and the strength that You have spiritually formed in Michelle and I ask that You would directly disciple Her into all truth and build a n ever deepening understanding of You as the Living Word in Scripture - through your Rhema - your revealed, applied and active Word at work in her Heart - Ia sk that she would crossover from a world driven by Chronos or worldly time into Kairos time - which is the very substance of prophetic reality and ACTION!

In His name cross over now in the same way Elisha crossed over when Elijah threw His mantle over Him.


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Mark Downham

A Desert Voice
Sep 15, 2004
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I meant it when I prophetically declared Kairos into your walk with Him and NO Word of God is without power - especially His birthing power as Mary will tell You in Luke 1.

Life is about to become very interesting - because miracles are going to happen.

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Jul 21, 2004
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Yes Lord!

I thank you for Mark's anointed, Spiritfilled prayer! I thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost that is moving even at this very moment to join us to your holy anointed time of deliverance, restoration and power! Halleljuah!

I thank you for those who bind together with me, your word, and the power of the Holy Ghost to intercede for the precious souls of the innocent in Africa, the forgotten. I thank you that the power of your Spirit is moving in that land to stop the killing, send deliverance and mercy to the suffering that they come to a saving knowledge of you!

I pray for the sleeping church, that they would arise! Arise to see what you see! Arise to feel what you feel! Arise to consciousness and pray, pray, pray, in Jesus name! Have mercy today Lord! Have mercy on us today that we would know you in a deeper way, love you more deeply and truly love our fellow-man, in the mighty and precious name of our Lord!
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