Please, help me discern ...

Jan 16, 2013
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I am new here. Thank goodness i found this forum. I am hoping you guys can help em discern what is the next proper step.

Currently, DH and I are quiverful and expecting baby number 6. :clap: we are both delighted in this. With that being said, this will also be my 6th C section. :doh: At my U/S yesterday, the DR said the baby had implanted directly on my c section scar and that the scar was already thinning and I had a huge chance of complete dehiscence! I have had a accreta in the past (4th c section) that they were able to control but as a result I became Kell antibody positive for d/t mixing of blood during surgery. This efrfected the last baby (number 5) and the bbay needed an inutero blood transfusion or to be deliivered preemie. we opted preemie and she was born at 36 weeks. With this pregnancy I was told to expect another accreta (much worse) because not only is the baby implanted on my scar but I also have a total previa right now (placenta covers the cervix) and the DR is afraid the accreta will also invade my bladder (perccreta) which is also life threatening ON TOP of the Kell antibody issue we are dealing with. The DR said to expect to deliver this precious baby between 25-36 weeks (IF and major IF we are able to carry that long without a total dehiscence and total rupture of uterus).

The DR reccomneds have a partial hystorectomy or a tubal because the complications of pregnancy are too great and life threatening to both baby and I. WE ARE DEVESTATED. Being QF is so much a part of our identity. I cant imagine when ppl ask "are u done yet??" with answering 'yes". right now we always say "well see what other blessings are in our future". The logical side of me says I am lucky to have experienced 5 c sections going on 6 so far. The faithful side says not to worry and keep having them. But I feel different with this preg. I ahve sense day 1 and my body literally feels like it is falling apart on me (and it is quite literally coming apart at the seams) Our friends and family dont understand. They recommend medical terminiation because wehave our 5 children to think about. We WILL NOT TO THAT. it is a matter of trying to figure out what we will do after this pregnancy whther we make it to delivery or not. from one QF family to another, wwyd? :prayer:


Repartee Animal: Quipping the Saints!
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Jul 25, 2005
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I did not understand all of the medical jargon, but I think I got the gist. We live in a fallen world with bodies that fail, age, die and are otherwise subject to infirmity. Being Quiverfull doesn't change that. It is just offering your gametes as long as you are able to. You will be no less QF if your body fails from circumstances beyond your control.

P.S.: DW, too, had complications after our last one and had to get a hysterectomy.
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Jun 13, 2012
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I think the answer is pretty clear. You just physically can't have babies any more. The child-bearing years do not last forever for anyone, no matter what your philosophy is. You have to do what is best for this baby and then your own body. I wish you the best and hope you can carry your child as close to term as possible.
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Jul 26, 2013
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I know this post is old, but I want to put in my 2 cents as well. I had medical problems with my first pregnancy, and we had a fear of a heart problem with my second. We prayed about having a third and I felt God telling me no. I was devastated, His word says children are a blessing, and I wanted that blessing. Then I heard a whisper "There are other ways" while I only have biological kids, and I can't become pregnant again, I can still add to my family! We fill very lead to adopt, we could also host exchange students, "adopt" college kids from the local university, or any other number of ways to fill our lives with children, and impact them in many ways. Am I still sad? Yes! Do I still hate the question "Are you having any more?" More than anything! I want to cry every time someone asks, but I know God Knows best, and as long as I am walking in his ways all will go well!
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slightly insane mom of many
Jul 6, 2013
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We stopped having babies when my husband's illness got to the point where we just couldn't deal with another infant in the house. We had started getting the older kids out on their own and adding one more just wasn't wise. Our "baby" is almost 9 now.

Knowing that another pregnancy could endanger your health, I don't believe it would be wise to take the risk. What would happen if the baby made it but you didn't? Then you'd leave X number of kids (including a newborn) without a mother. Knowing when to stop takes discernment and it's not everyone's calling in life to have a mega-family.
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