Statement of Purpose Philosophy Forum Statement of Purpose

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Philosophy Forum Statement of Purpose

The Philosophy forum is for the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Epistemology is concerned with the origin and nature of knowledge, and is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

Philosophy: Critical examination of the rational grounds of our most fundamental beliefs and logical analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophy may also be defined as reflection on the varieties of human experience, or as the rational, methodical, and systematic consideration of the topics that are of greatest concern to humanity. -- Concise Encyclopedia

Philosophy of religion is a philosophical study of religion which seeks to discuss questions regarding the nature of religion as a whole, including the nature and existence of God, rather than examining or arguing against the theology of a particular belief system. The philosophy of religion is rational, critical thought and exploration of general religious themes and concepts. Philosophy of religion is focused on investigating religion itself, rather than the truth of any particular religion. The CF Philosophy forum is not intended for general apologetics of Christianity, i.e., the defense of the Christian faith against arguments, objections or attacks from non-Christians. Nor is this forum intended as a means for Christian evangelism (persuasion) of unbelievers. We ask that you would show respect for the Christian faith and not make posts which insult or mock Christianity or any part of the Trinity-Father (God), Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Threads which staff determines are intended for the sole purpose of attacking or arguing against Christianity will be closed.

Handling Disagreements

Members who participate in the Philosophy forum are expected to treat one another with courtesy and respect at all times, ESPECIALLY when you disagree with each other. It is not a flame for a member to disagree with another member's argument or opinion on a specific topic. Discussions and debates may at times become heated, so please remember to keep your emotions in check and your responses in line with our sitewide rules and the following guidelines.

  • When you disagree, address the content of the post and not the poster.
  • When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes referred to as "X means Y because of Z", must be followed especially when posting claims that are widely considered to be controversial.
  • When you disagree and you find yourself becoming frustrated and angry, step away from the computer and give yourself time to cool down.
  • Always proofread your post before hitting the "Reply" button to make sure you have responded with courtesy and respect.
Please review the Discussion and Debate Guidelines in the Discussion and Debate forums, and particularly the posting netiquette.

Off Topic Discussions

Make sure that you are posting within the purpose of the forum. To prevent off topic threads, make your OP clear and ask questions or make statements that address philosophy or epistemology. Other threads will be moved or deleted.

General Apologetics is not permitted anywhere on CF.

Discussion of homosexuality is not permitted in Philosophy. Homosexuality may only be discussed, without promotion, in our Congregation forums. Homosexuality may also be discussed in the Recovery and Ask a Chaplain forums solely for the purpose of seeking support with struggles overcoming same-sex attractions, and homosexual issues. Political, legal, historical and civil rights issues related to gay rights may be discussed in American Politics but may not be directed toward the morality of homosexuality or same-sex marriage.

All "Ask a [fill in the blank]" or "Why I am a [fill in the blank]" threads are considered promotion threads and will not be allowed. Out of respect, Christians will not make any "Ask a [fill in the blank]" or "Why I am a [fill in the blank]" threads either.
Additional Guidelines

Thread Tags: Thread tags are relevant keywords or terms that relate to the topic and/or content of a thread. Tags enable you to find other threads which address the same topic as tagged by other members. Tags are not for flaming or rude comments. The CF site wide rules apply to tags and tags which violate the rules may receive staff actions. Staff are able to see who posted a thread tag. While we want to encourage everyone to tag threads and contribute to the system, please think before you tag.

CF staff reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary.

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