[PERMANENTLY CLOSED] Evidence of the Holy Spirit

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Nov 8, 2003
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You do not understand the gospel and what happens when one is born-again. Read Romans 4-8
why is it that every time someone says something scriptural that some people don't want to hear, the accusation is given that the one offering the hard teaching just "does not understand the gospel"? I know scripture well, have studied and continue to study extensively, have known salvation and am confident in that salvation because of the working of the HS in my life. I have shown you in scripture where it says that obedience is the result of the HS making His dwelling within us...and yet you have the nerve to accuse me of not understanding the gospel! What gives you that right? Isn't that accusation nothing more than your judgment of me, a judgment that is evil, sinful and lacks the power of the indwelling HS? Maybe, dear one, it is you who are not of understanding here. If God is dwelling without me, sin can no longer dwell there. It's a very clear biblical concept, one you would do well to study for yourself. In fact, the point of salvation (you can look this one up as well) is to break the bondage of sin and death in our lives. IOW's the very point of salvation to to remove the sin that separates us from God in the first place. That sin isn't removed just so we can invite it back into our lives, thus separating ourselves once again.

But here is another issue for your claim here that I have a lack of understanding. Throughout scripture we are told that God hears the prayers and cries of the righteous (those without sin) and is deaf to the unrighteous. So, if living a righteous life does not flow out of our salvation, out of the indwelling HS, how are we able to communicate with God at all? You see, righteousness/obedience must be a result of the indwelling HS, or there is no evidence of salvation at all. It is NOT that works bring salvation, but as you have been told many times over and that scripture clearly teaches, obedience is the result of salvation. Shall we enter a dueling scripture contest over this matter?
Loving God is not a pre-requisite to salvation. Belief and faith are what is needed for salvation and it is by grace (unmerited favor, Him doing for us what we could NEVER do for ourselves). One does not understand spiritual things until one receives the Holy Spirit. Before that no one knows how to be spiritual and love God. No one. That is why God, the Son came to earth to live a sinless life.
that is exactly why how we live our life in obedience is the working of the indwelling HS not the path to salvation. But, I am sure that was clear in my post, so I'm assuming at this point that you are teetering on the verge of trying to argue just for the sake of arguing.
1 Corinthians 2:13-15
"13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. 14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. 15 But he who is spiritual appraises all things,"

Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
yep, exactly what I said to you, I'm pretty sure I even posted both those passages, though there are so many good ones that express what I did to you that I may have gone with different ones.

So, what exactly do you think I do not understand, as per your accusation of me, or do you need to repent and apologize for misunderstanding me and misrepresenting me by jumping to judgment?
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Jan 3, 2014
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why is it that every time someone says something scriptural that some people don't want to hear, the accusation is given that the one offering the hard teaching just "does not understand the gospel"? I know scripture well, have studied and continue to study extensively, have known salvation and am confident in that salvation because of the working of the HS in my life. I have shown you in scripture where it says that obedience is the result of the HS making His dwelling within us...and yet you have the nerve to accuse me of not understanding the gospel! What gives you that right? Isn't that accusation nothing more than your judgment of me, a judgment that is evil, sinful and lacks the power of the indwelling HS? Maybe, dear one, it is you who are not of understanding here. If God is dwelling without me, sin can no longer dwell there. It's a very clear biblical concept, one you would do well to study for yourself. In fact, the point of salvation (you can look this one up as well) is to break the bondage of sin and death in our lives. IOW's the very point of salvation to to remove the sin that separates us from God in the first place. That sin isn't removed just so we can invite it back into our lives, thus separating ourselves once again.

Since the days of Christ and before there have been those who do not use scripture in it's correct context, as well as use verses of scripture to make a point that was never the original intention of the speaker/author of that chapter of the Word.

Anyone can recite scripture or seek and find using verses here and there to create any type of teaching. Scripture was written at a specific time (like during the OT and Moses lifetime when the Law was the covenant) or during Jesus life or after Jesus resurrection. That is part of context
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Jan 3, 2014
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what?????? What????? WHAT?????
You listed verses that were about love and had nothing directly to do with the Holy Spirit to explain why we must be obedient to receive the Holy Spirit???

Please reference what you stated in post #17.

We don't have to talk scripture, but if we are it needs to be correct, biblical and within context. Don't say this is what Jesus said we need to have the Holy Spirit if it is not what the Word says. You can speak in generalities as long as what you are saying is not incorrect.
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Jan 3, 2014
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Maybe, dear one, it is you who are not of understanding here. If God is dwelling without me, sin can no longer dwell there. It's a very clear biblical concept, one you would do well to study for yourself. In fact, the point of salvation (you can look this one up as well) is to break the bondage of sin and death in our lives. IOW's the very point of salvation to to remove the sin that separates us from God in the first place. That sin isn't removed just so we can invite it back into our lives, thus separating ourselves once again.

I don't think so. When one is fully grounded in the basics of their faith and know and study the Word faithfully in context and by the Holy Spirit, one can spot a false gospel very quickly.

Salvation is NOT based on obedience.
Receiving the Holy Spirit is NOT based on obedience.
Salvation is NOT based on loving God.
Receiving the Holy Spirit is NOT based on loving God.

Salvation IS based on faith that Jesus is the Son of God.
Salvation IS based on sinners admitting that they need a Savior, who through grace will allocate for their sin,which separated man from God in the first place and which unless advocated for, no one can be restored back to God.

See how simple that is
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Jan 3, 2014
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???? I know that the behavior of some showed a complete lack of HS power whereas the behavior of others showed that HS power....which was all I was saying....consider this passage, II Tim. 3:10
But know this: Difficult times will come in the last days. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to the form of godliness but denying its power. Avoid these people!

Well since we are already talking about scripture we all have the SAME HS Power.

The power of the Holy Spirit does not change, it is each of us and how much we CHOOSE to abide spiritually that shows the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. As each individual person seeks the spiritual that opening up to spiritual things allows the Holy Spirit to work within us.

There is no lack in HS Power. There is a lack of spirituality and desire of spiritual things in God's people. It is only when we desire the things of God that we are moving forward in sanctification.
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Nov 8, 2003
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Since the days of Christ and before there have been those who do not use scripture in it's correct context, as well as use verses of scripture to make a point that was never the original intention of the speaker/author of that chapter of the Word.
amen, but that does not mean you are right and everyone who disagrees with you on something is wrong or not understanding scripture, which was the point I was making. To accuse another of not understanding, is to remove from the picture this passage Isaiah 1:18 Come, let us discuss this," says the LORD." Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will be like wool...see, we can accuse each other all day long, but in the end of the matter, God alone is the judge. Just because someone disagrees with you or you think they disagree, does not automatically mean that they are the ones who lack understanding and in fact, to make that accusation means you have sinned the sin of judgment and need to be forgiven so that you can be in fellowship with God.
Anyone can recite scripture or seek and find using verses here and there to create any type of teaching. Scripture was written at a specific time (like during the OT and Moses lifetime when the Law was the covenant) or during Jesus life or after Jesus resurrection. That is part of context, what I am saying is not that you do not know scripture or that you are not saved, what I am saying is that what you share is 'another gospel' other than the gospel that Jesus preached as well as the apostles after Him. Because you are basing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit based on two criteria that were NEVER criteria of the gospel; obedience and to love the Lord spiritually.
Now, we will get into your misrepresentation of what I said in a moment, as clearly as I wrote it, it boggles my mind how you could have innocently misunderstood, but first let's talk about rightly dividing the word.

Scripture tells us to study so that we can rightly divide the word. He tells us that the HS is our teacher and will teach us all things. He also tells us that everything He says is not only 100% right 100% of the time, but consistent with scripture. So anytime I study and I am currently called by God to the ministry of study and teaching (long story), a ministry of study that averages 8-10 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, for about 8 years now, I apply the following technique so as not to be guilty of leading anyone astray...(do you need that passage about the responsibility of the teacher?)
1. I spend time praying, asking God to show me, to conform me to His word. I ask Him to remove all reconceived notions I have and in that asking, I yield myself completely to His teaching.
2. I use word study. Any good student of the word of God knows that translations can cause problems. The ancient Hebrew and Greek are difficult at best for most people. Therefore a good word study is important to understanding the intended meaning of the passage.
3. Once word study is complete, I look at the context of the passage. It is important to know the context. Now many people try to use context to dismiss things clearly stated, which is why it is important to also look at the context in scripture, aka cross references.
4. Next I look for cross references. Now cross references are vital to our understanding the context of the passage as per consistency. IOWs if you can't find the same thing throughout scripture, both old and new testaments for most things, you cannot make your case no matter how wise it might sound.
5. I then test the understanding as scripture tells us to do (will provide that passage as well if you need me to). This testing then makes sure that the teaching is 100% right 100% of the time.

So you see, where scripture tells us to make sure we are rightly dividing the word, I am making sure that I have 5 different avenues of assurance that I am not putting my own twist on it but am instead relying solely on God and His revelation. Unfortunately for you, that makes your job all the more difficult because you also would have to use all these methods of assurance in order to prove me wrong in my interpretation.

Now let's talk about what I really did say about the HS and not your misrepresentation of what I said. Your accusation of what I said is...."Because you are basing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit based on two criteria that were NEVER criteria of the gospel; obedience and to love the Lord spiritually." What I really did say is that the HS is given to all believers upon salvation and is evidenced through their obedience to God and the fruit of the Spirit as seen in Gal. Now, nothing in that suggests works righteousness, nor obedience and Love to become spirit filled or anything else you want to try to twist it into. It is very simple really, according to careful study of the word of God, the HS is given upon belief unto salvation and is evidenced through the fruit of the spirit and the obedience that every believer is to live in. Now, where Love comes into this whole thing is as I previously stated, if you want to try to argue that the believer doesn't have to Love God, I will show you passages that says that Love is the very mark of the believer, aka another evidence of the indwelling HS.
Yes I will speak out when the gospel is not being correctly preached, whether in writing or by a person.

Instead of ranting against me, you might give your Lord some glory and find out what you are doing wrong so you no longer spread these teachings. I have included what is the gospel below for you taken from a site that explains it perfectly.
you have failed to show you to be right and me wrong using the 5 study methods above. In fact, all you have shown so far is that you either don't understand what is being said, or you are willfully sinning against me with false accusation. I welcome challenge, in fact, it is part of 5 above and so my understanding is not complete without it, but offering nothing but your opinion and accusations does nothing to show us your rightly dividing the word, what it does is show your sinful nature. (yes, a nature we all have, a nature that the HS wants to change in us, as in the new man)
Question: "What is the true gospel?"

The true gospel is the good news that God saves sinners. Man is by nature sinful and separated from God with no hope of remedying that situation. But God, by His power, provided the means of man’s redemption in the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am not saying anything different....so again, either you are just not hearing what is being said, or you are willfully trying to argue.
The word “gospel” literally means “good news.” But to truly comprehend how good this news is, we must first understand the bad news. As a result of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6), every part of man—his mind, will, emotions and flesh—have been corrupted by sin. Because of man’s sinful nature, he does not and cannot seek God. He has no desire to come to God and, in fact, his mind is hostile toward God (Romans 8:7). God has declared that man’s sin dooms him to an eternity in hell, separated from God. It is in hell that man pays the penalty of sin against a holy and righteous God. This would be bad news indeed if there were no remedy.

But in the gospel, God, in His mercy, has provided that remedy, a substitute for us—Jesus Christ—who came to pay the penalty for our sin by His sacrifice on the cross. This is the essence of the gospel which Paul preached to the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 15:2-4, he explains the three elements of the gospel—the death, burial and resurrection of Christ on our behalf.
a bit of an odd wording, but amen....now, back to the discussion at hand....
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Jan 3, 2014
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???? I know that the behavior of some showed a complete lack of HS power whereas the behavior of others showed that HS power....which was all I was saying....consider this passage, II Tim. 3:10
But know this: Difficult times will come in the last days. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to the form of godliness but denying its power. Avoid these people!

Now, this passage tells us to avoid those people who just play christian while living like the world. If we can't tell the difference, how can we stay away from those God tells us to stay away from?

One would have to know another person fairly well to determine those things, because of course they are talking about someone who is saved that habitually keeps sinning without repentance. This is talking about a very specific type of Christian. One who is in terrible, terrible sin,

Just because a Christian commits one of those sins, does not me avoid them. Those who are stronger in the faith are to uphold those who are weaker. We are to counsel them and try to convince them to repent to God.
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Jan 3, 2014
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Now let's talk about what I really did say about the HS and not your misrepresentation of what I said. Your accusation of what I said is...."Because you are basing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit based on two criteria that were NEVER criteria of the gospel; obedience and to love the Lord spiritually." What I really did say is that the HS is given to all believers upon salvation and is evidenced through their obedience to God and the fruit of the Spirit as seen in Gal. Now, nothing in that suggests works righteousness, nor obedience and Love to become spirit filled or anything else you want to try to twist it into. It is very simple really, according to careful study of the word of God, the HS is given upon belief unto salvation and is evidenced through the fruit of the spirit and the obedience that every believer is to live in. Now, where Love comes into this whole thing is as I previously stated, if you want to try to argue that the believer doesn't have to Love God, I will show you passages that says that Love is the very mark of the believer, aka another evidence of the indwelling HS. you have failed to show you to be right and me wrong using the 5 study methods above. In fact, all you have shown so far is that you either don't understand what is being said, or you are willfully sinning against me with false accusation. I welcome challenge, in fact, it is part of 5 above and so my understanding is not complete without it, but offering nothing but your opinion and accusations does nothing to show us your rightly dividing the word, what it does is show your sinful nature. (yes, a nature we all have, a nature that the HS wants to change in us, as in the new man) I am not saying anything different....so again, either you are just not hearing what is being said, or you are willfully trying to argue.a bit of an odd wording, but amen....now, back to the discussion at hand....
I disagree.
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Nov 8, 2003
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You listed verses that were about love and had nothing directly to do with the Holy Spirit to explain why we must be obedient to receive the Holy Spirit???
1. I explained that those those listed that did not talk about the direct indwelling (which one did, apparently you missed it) you could not convince me that the true believer does NOT Love God. 2. scripture tells us that we will be known by our Love, now look at Gal. the fruit of the Spirit, what is evidence of God? The very first mentioned, is Love. So what would make you think that if Love is an evidence of the indwelling HS we shouldn't look at passages that talk about Love when it comes to the working of the HS in our lives? Huh?????? Come on, lay some specifics down for me....why would we think that a passage that specifies evidence of the indwelling HS would be inadmissible when talking about evidence of the indwelling HS? I can only think of one reason and it is not flattering at all, so I'll let you answer the question and hope for a more flattering response.
Please reference what you stated in post #17.

We don't have to talk scripture, but if we are it needs to be correct, biblical and within context. Don't say this is what Jesus said we need to have the Holy Spirit if it is not what the Word says. You can speak in generalities as long as what you are saying is not incorrect.
I am posting only what scripture says, if you want some passages that you don't know, let me know and as I already stated, one of those passages and I separated it out so you wouldn't miss it talked about God making His home in us, you know, the indwelling HS....so I guess you are overstating your case by falsely accusing me...it really burdens me to see people who proclaim Christ falsely accuse others on the public forum, thus leaving a sad testimony to the working of the HS within.
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so I guess you are overstating your case by falsely accusing me...it really burdens me to see people who proclaim Christ falsely accuse others on the public forum, thus leaving a sad testimony to the working of the HS within.

Why don't you take some time to show that you are right then.
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Nov 8, 2003
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I don't think so. When one is fully grounded in the basics of their faith and know and study the Word faithfully in context and by the Holy Spirit, one can spot a false gospel very quickly.

Salvation is NOT based on obedience.
you are the only one who said it was.
Receiving the Holy Spirit is NOT based on obedience.
you are the only one who said it was
Salvation is NOT based on loving God.
you are the only one who said it was.
Receiving the Holy Spirit is NOT based on loving God.
you are the only one who said it was
Salvation IS based on faith that Jesus is the Son of God.
actually it is based on belief of the heart, faith just means trusting God and is something we grow in, but not a point I would be willing to argue over being that so few people study enough to know the difference.
Salvation IS based on sinners admitting that they need a Savior,
repentance is also required, you forgot that, I can find dozens of scriptures for this if you want, just say the word and I'm be all over it.
who through grace will allocate for their sin,which separated man from God in the first place and which unless advocated for, no one can be restored back to God.
now you are getting into so territory you shouldn't in this thread, the eternal security agenda is not on topic, it does make a lively discussion but again, I would require you to provide all 5 safe guards I outlines in a previous post in order to even consider that you might be right on the matter.
See how simple that is
and see, how much of this is just you misrepresenting others so that you can start an argument you can't win.
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Nov 8, 2003
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Well since we are already talking about scripture we all have the SAME HS Power.

The power of the Holy Spirit does not change, it is each of us and how much we CHOOSE to abide spiritually that shows the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. As each individual person seeks the spiritual that opening up to spiritual things allows the Holy Spirit to work within us.

There is no lack in HS Power. There is a lack of spirituality and desire of spiritual things in God's people. It is only when we desire the things of God that we are moving forward in sanctification.
Yet in this passage, God tells us to stay away from, avoid those people who have this form of godliness but deny it's power in their lives. So why, should we avoid those that have a form of godliness but deny it's power as scripture tells us to do if there is no problem with them living their lives this way?
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Jan 3, 2014
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Scripture tells us to study so that we can rightly divide the word. He tells us that the HS is our teacher and will teach us all things. He also tells us that everything He says is not only 100% right 100% of the time, but consistent with scripture. So anytime I study and I am currently called by God to the ministry of study and teaching (long story), a ministry of study that averages 8-10 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, for about 8 years now, I apply the following technique so as not to be guilty of leading anyone astray...(do you need that passage about the responsibility of the teacher?)
1. I spend time praying, asking God to show me, to conform me to His word. I ask Him to remove all reconceived notions I have and in that asking, I yield myself completely to His teaching.
2. I use word study. Any good student of the word of God knows that translations can cause problems. The ancient Hebrew and Greek are difficult at best for most people. Therefore a good word study is important to understanding the intended meaning of the passage.
3. Once word study is complete, I look at the context of the passage. It is important to know the context. Now many people try to use context to dismiss things clearly stated, which is why it is important to also look at the context in scripture, aka cross references.
4. Next I look for cross references. Now cross references are vital to our understanding the context of the passage as per consistency. IOWs if you can't find the same thing throughout scripture, both old and new testaments for most things, you cannot make your case no matter how wise it might sound.
5. I then test the understanding as scripture tells us to do (will provide that passage as well if you need me to). This testing then makes sure that the teaching is 100% right 100% of the time.

You must be exceptional
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Nov 8, 2003
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One would have to know another person fairly well to determine those things, because of course they are talking about someone who is saved that habitually keeps sinning without repentance. This is talking about a very specific type of Christian. One who is in terrible, terrible sin,
yep...and so let's say that the only contact you have with these people is S morning church (which btw, would be a sin since we are told to encourage one another daily, but no matter we will take your scenario for the moment) now, you have gone to church with them faithfully for, let's say 10 years now, and time and time and time and time again, they exhibit the same behaviors in the church and community...what would compel me to think that it was not an unrepentant sin? Remember, these are people in the community, so their lives are not just on view in the church, but in public places in general, people I run into in the store, school, meetings, phone calls for various things, etc.
Just because a Christian commits one of those sins, does not me avoid them. Those who are stronger in the faith are to uphold those who are weaker. We are to counsel them and try to convince them to repent to God.
notice how many of that list I mentioned happened in our church...it wasn't a case of one of those sins, it was a case of most of them and unrepentance as well. It was also a case of in church as well as community, meetings, etc. So, come on, make a case for why I should not obey scripture here and instead throw away God's warning to me in exchange for your ideas of what should happen.
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Nov 8, 2003
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Why don't you take some time to show that you are right then. That is what speaking in truth is all about.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry because I did...in fact, I took great care to making sure that you could not just simply misunderstand but would have to put work into misunderstanding and still you accused falsely.
What you are doing is in other words, restating what you said that you said. Come on now, the post is right there in the thread, your exact words, why don't you defend exactly what you said and the 'replies' that were made in answers to previous posts. I'm honestly tired of people who do not write what they mean and write haphazzardly with no discernment then coming back like the one who corrects their bad theology is the bad person. Own what you write!
lol now that is funny, no doubt about it. I am a gifted writer and where I know that written communication is not an exact science and that even people who are more gifted at writing than I am can sometimes not be clear, I also know that I was clear the first time and every time afterwards that I pointed out the misrepresentation of what I said, thus, you have no wiggle room here. Even if the first time I spoke, you didn't read it for the intent of which it was written, every correction afterwards was enough to show that you were wrong in your representation of me. In fact, one clear clue should have been when I pointed out to you that you didn't seem to be understanding what I was saying. Like I said, your responses appear to be of someone who simply wants to argue for the sake of arguing rather than understanding what others are saying and the sheer number of times I corrected you are enough to evidence why I say that is what your posts seem like they are saying and doing.
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Yet in this passage, God tells us to stay away from, avoid those people who have this form of godliness but deny it's power in their lives. So why, should we avoid those that have a form of godliness but deny it's power as scripture tells us to do if there is no problem with them living their lives this way?

As I said before, the saved person who is a HABITUAL AND UNREPENTANT sinner is the one this verse is speaking about. The HABITUAL AND UNREPENTANT sinner has the Holy Spirit within them, but choose to deny this power through their choice to be both an habitual sinner as well as an unrepentent sinner.

This is a saved person who lives with little spiritual connection to God.

BECAUSE if the sinner was repentent, God is faithful and just (not the sinner, but GOD is faithful and GOD is just) in that He promised that He will forgive all sin that we repent of.

So, this verse is not talking about a saved person who has repented of any of those qualities or sins in that verse, which is why we need to be careful at how we look at others, because we have no right to judge sin that Jesus Christ has forgiven.
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Nov 8, 2003
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Anyone who can boast that they teach 100% right, 100% of the time definitely has way too much pride.
again, not anything at all like what I really did say. What I said is that scripture or the correct interpretation of scripture anyway is 100% right 100% of the time, which is why I test my understanding and encourage challenge of how I understand the word of God. Now, nothing in that even hints of me boasting of being 100% right 100% of the times when it comes to my teaching and I think you owe me an apology for yet again misrepresenting what I said so that you can rail against me without cause.
You must be exceptional to say that. Even Paul didn't say that.
see above, I am pretty tired of you falsely accusing me of all kinds of things....you need to yield yourself to the HS so that you avoid falsely accusing so much.
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Jan 3, 2014
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yep...and so let's say that the only contact you have with these people is S morning church (which btw, would be a sin since we are told to encourage one another daily, but no matter we will take your scenario for the moment) now, you have gone to church with them faithfully for, let's say 10 years now, and time and time and time and time again, they exhibit the same behaviors in the church and community...what would compel me to think that it was not an unrepentant sin? Remember, these are people in the community, so their lives are not just on view in the church, but in public places in general, people I run into in the store, school, meetings, phone calls for various things, etc. notice how many of that list I mentioned happened in our church...it wasn't a case of one of those sins, it was a case of most of them and unrepentance as well. It was also a case of in church as well as community, meetings, etc. So, come on, make a case for why I should not obey scripture here and instead throw away God's warning to me in exchange for your ideas of what should happen.

Well what type of sins are you directly speaking about. Like specific examples
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again, not anything at all like what I really did say. What I said is that scripture or the correct interpretation of scripture anyway is 100% right 100% of the time, which is why I test my understanding and encourage challenge of how I understand the word of God. Now, nothing in that even hints of me boasting of being 100% right 100% of the times when it comes to my teaching and I think you owe me an apology for yet again misrepresenting what I said so that you can rail against me without cause. see above, I am pretty tired of you falsely accusing me of all kinds of things....you need to yield yourself to the HS so that you avoid falsely accusing so much.

All I did was respond.
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