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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

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PCOS Weight-Loss Thread


Sep 8, 2004
Marital Status
Hi gals! :wave:

Since one of the symptoms of our illness is weight gain, and extra difficulty in losing weight, most of us are trying to slim down. So let's have a support thread, right here in our forum -- a place to find encouragement from other people who know exactly what we're facing!

So please use this thread to post your goals, success, failures, encouragement, tips -- whatever you want!


Sep 8, 2004
Marital Status
As for me, I went for over a decade undiagnosed and not understanding why I had constant weight gain even when I ate well and exercised. I'm so thankful that I've recently been able to have a bit more normality. Still, though, I have a long way to go. In the last two years, I've lost about 45 pounds, and I should lose another 45 pounds. I could stand to lose more, but the total of 90 pounds is the minimum for me.

I've been kind of a slacker this summer -- I've been eating well, but haven't been counting every calorie and refusing every dessert, and I've totally fallen off the exercise wagon -- but I haven't gained any weight. For me, that's amazing. I used to have to be vigilant about both diet and exercise just to keep from losing -- but now that I'm in treatment, I think I'm getting a little more normal. I hope!

So basically, I need to get my tail in gear regarding exercise.
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Heh, I understand... I have just started Met and I'm now starting an exercise and calorie counting program (until I teach my body to regulate how much food it needs).

I'm not a strict cal counter, but making sure it's below 1200 (for now) and exercising at least 6 days a week for 30 mins or more... :) And I'm trying to be a lot healthier in my eating choices.. For instance, if I'd been wiser and not had that margrine on my toast today, i could have had a whole carrot instead, now that's quite a bit of size difference for the same calories.

I need to lose about 33lb at this point, but i know 22 of them have been gained in the past year :( If I don't work it out now, I will have more to deal with in the future.

Interesting diet to try is "YOU on a diet" (google will bring it up)... My Mum went on that and her PCOS hormone levels all came back in check (needless to say, she's been on it since).
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Sep 8, 2004
Marital Status
Heh, I understand... I have just started Met and I'm now starting an exercise and calorie counting program (until I teach my body to regulate how much food it needs).

I'm not a strict cal counter, but making sure it's below 1200 (for now) and exercising at least 6 days a week for 30 mins or more... :) And I'm trying to be a lot healthier in my eating choices.. For instance, if I'd been wiser and not had that margrine on my toast today, i could have had a whole carrot instead, now that's quite a bit of size difference for the same calories.

I need to lose about 33lb at this point, but i know 22 of them have been gained in the past year :( If I don't work it out now, I will have more to deal with in the future.

Interesting diet to try is "YOU on a diet" (google will bring it up)... My Mum went on that and her PCOS hormone levels all came back in check (needless to say, she's been on it since).

Hi Nobility! :wave:

Your plan sounds similar to what helped me lose those first 45 pounds. I'll go check out that diet you recommended!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
new york
Marital Status
i have tried every exercise plan/gym/sport etc. known to man... I was feeling very frustrated because the weight just cimply would not budge.

then i came across "turbo jam" on the web and ive never looked back.

the weight is now just falling off its unbelievable!

i have FINALLY found a form of exercise that i actually ENJOY and look forward to!

Praise the Lord!

Turbo Jam combines dance/tai chi & a few other things... I dont know how best to describe it other than its exercise that is actually FUN and its exercise that actually WORKS!!! :)

God bless.

P.S. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago.
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The wife of a warrior!!
Oct 30, 2007
Marital Status
I am trying a low carb diet due to my blood sugar bottoming out all the time, but it is hard for me due to I love my bread and potatoes. I have noticed a difference when I ate more carbs and how I felt awhile after I ate. The sad thing is I have trouble keeping to a exercise regiman. Anyone have any fun ways of exercising that may keep my interest.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
Dallas, TX
Marital Status
I'm low-carb also, and it was REALLY hard to adjust to, but now I love it! My body just cannot process the carbs, so keeping them to just a few a day that are made up of veggies has been great for my weight loss!

As for the exercise, I find I do my best when I'm distracted...lol. Like if I'm going to go a few miles on the treadmill, I'll turn on some sort of sitcom to distract me. If I'm thinking about something else, I don't have time to torture myself with how slowly the exercise time is going by! =)
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Oh awesome hun!!! :D

I am trying harder again... well kinda :p
I have lost 0.5kg (1 lb ish) this week so far, I'm aiming and hoping for about .5 to 1 kg lost per week. I went for a run today, even if it was only 6ish mins from start to end, and contained more walking than running.

I've just realised something too... We can ask God to bless our efforts in weightloss and health management - but first we need to be actually applying effort. That's a wake up call for me who's not drinking enough water in his muggy heat, and not eating very well most the time...
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Mrs. Luther073082

Commit to the LORD whatever you do - Proverbs 16:3
Jan 18, 2006
Marital Status
I want to lose SOME weight before New Years so I don't have to say that I spent 8000ish minutes of 2007 exercising without any weight loss. I did lose a dress size but I want the scale to change before the year is over. I realize New Years is like 2 weeks away :doh:
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Junior Member
Dec 11, 2007
Ventura County, California
Marital Status
This is such a great idea! Right now I've given up caffeine, soda, sugar, and breads. I'm allowing myself a little sugar and soda this week due to the holidays, but afterwards I'm back on the bandwagon. Make sure you are getting some excercise and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.
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