Nuclear War Prophesied


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Firstly, I would like to say that even God does not delight in the death of the wicked. He tries to turn man to life. But there comes a time when, people have heard, and many rejected His message. Throughout history, God has bought judgment on man for sin. As we reach the end of the days, his judgment becomes many and varied. I believe the last days are upon us. Having had dreams, I believe from God, that spoke of the last hour, see video:

But I want to bring to your attention the following article. I posted something similar earlier, but this is a clearer translation. It was a prophecy given in 1968 that speaks of the war we currently have. See the website, or read the text below.

The prophecy of Valdres, Norway, 1968 - Jesus Kristus Allena

The prophecy of Valdres in Norway 1968

This is a prophecy about the last days before Jesus Christ comes back. It is for all people to hear, but especially for followers of Jesus Christ.

This prophecy I trust and believe with all my heart is from the Lord. It was given to an old woman, a faithful servant of the Lord, and she gave it to a very reliable evangelist called Emanuel Minos. The woman did not bring forth any other prophecy during her lifetime. I believe that it is very important that believers in Christ, all over the world, to take part of this prophecy. All of it is important, but what she saw about the church is of course most important for all believers in Christ to be aware of.

I tried to translate it as best as I could. If it says: my remark Konrad it means that I personally added it to explain something. To understand why this prophecy is so reliable we need to remember that when she saw these things, most of what she prophesied was totally unthinkable. There was a terrible Cold War between East (Russia and USA) and The Third World War was close many times, like during the Korea War, Cuba crisis and also several other times. A long period of peace, like we have seen between 1988-2015, was not even near 1968, instead the tensions were strong. The TV was new, there was no Internet, no video or DVD. Many of the things she saw were unthinkable. To show sex on TV was strictly forbidden in Norway 1968 and homosexuality was not acceptable in the society and absolutely not in the church, which it is today, in Norway, Sweden and many other countries. This prophecy I trust. It has all happened exactly the way she saw it.

This is my translation of the prophecy.

“I saw the world as a map rolled out before me. I saw Europe – country by country. I saw Scandinavia and Norway. I saw some things that would happen shortly before Jesus comes back (and the time of the church is over). A calamity that we never before have seen anything even close.

Before Jesus comes back and the Third World War breaks loose, there will be a period with detention like never before. It will be peace, and that period of peace will last long. During that period there will disarmament in many countries, so also in Norway. The Third World War will start in a way that no one had expected and from an unexpected place, and we (Norway) will be as unprepared as in April 1940.

I saw that there will be a lukewarmness among Christians as never before. A falling away from true and living Christianity. The Christians will not be open for soul searching preaching before Jesus comes back. They will not listen to sin and grace, The Law and the gospel, penance and repentance. Instead there will be a new kind of preaching, a form of happiness Christianity. It will be about being successful and getting forward. It will be about material things in a way that God never had promised. Churches will be more and more empty. Instead of preaching about picking up the cross and following Jesus, there will be entertainment, art and culture, where there should have been revival, anguish and services for conversion. This will happen to a large extent before Jesus comes back and the calamity breaks loose over us.

There will be a moral collapse that Norway has never seen before. People will live together as if they were married without being married. There will be a lot of impurity before marriages and there will be a lot of unfaithfulness within the marriages. Yes, even in the Christian marriages unfaithfulness will come and they will be dissolved. Even perverse sins, sins against nature, will be spread and will even be accepted among Christians.

Right before Jesus comes back there will be TV-programs shown as we have never seen before. TV will be filled with such a terrible violence that it will teach people to murder and kill each other and it will be unsafe to walk in the streets. People will start to do what they see on TV and this will be shown not only on TV, but also on many other places. (My remark Konrad: I guess she saw Internet and DVD-movies etc). It will be exactly the way it is today on the radio. We will be able to tune in one program after another, and it will be filled with violence and people will use it as entertainment. The worst thinkable scenes of murder and violence towards others will be shown and this will spread in the society.

There will be shown scenes of sexual inter course. The most intimate things that take place in a marriage will be shown on TV. (My remark Konrad: here Emanuel Minos protested and said it was impossible because it is illegal. But the woman continued). It will happen and you, Emanuel Minos, will see it fulfilled. Laws that we have today will be broken down and the most inappropriate things will be shown before our eyes.

People from poor countries will pour and flood into Europe. (My remark Konrad: this was fulfilled especially about 2015-2017). They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. People will dislike that they are here and will be hard towards them. They will be more and more treated the way the Jews were before the war. Then the measure of our sins has become full. This will take place right before the return of Jesus Christ and the Third World War breaks loose.

The war starts as a small conflict, an insignificant conflict. But it will not stop. It will increase and spread. At the end it will develop into a Great War. At the end of the Great War terrible weapons will be used, among them nuclear weapons. Air, soil and water will severely polluted. The air will be so polluted that it will be impossible to breathe it and that will happen on many continents; America, Europe, Japan and Australia – the rich countries. The water will be polluted. We will not be able to have agricultural there.

The result will be that there is a small remnant left. Those who are left in the rich countries will try to flee to the poorest countries, which have not been damaged, but they will be treating us the same way as we treated them and will not be so willing to receive.

I am happy that I will not have to live to see this, but when the time is drawing near you must take courage and travel around and warn and tell people this that I have seen.”

(My remark Konrad: this last sentence she said to Emanuel Minos in 1968 when all this was unthinkable. When Emanuel had received this he thought it was too racial and that he couldn’t preach it, so he put it in a drawer and in time he forgot about it. Sometime about 1990 he “happened” to open the drawer, saw the note, read it and realized that it had all happened just as she told him. He then decided to start preaching it.)​

Maria Billingsley

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Firstly, I would like to say that even God does not delight in the death of the wicked. He tries to turn man to life. But there comes a time when, people have heard, and many rejected His message. Throughout history, God has bought judgment on man for sin. As we reach the end of the days, his judgment becomes many and varied. I believe the last days are upon us. Having had dreams, I believe from God, that spoke of the last hour, see video:

But I want to bring to your attention the following article. I posted something similar earlier, but this is a clearer translation. It was a prophecy given in 1968 that speaks of the war we currently have. See the website, or read the text below.

The prophecy of Valdres, Norway, 1968 - Jesus Kristus Allena

The prophecy of Valdres in Norway 1968

This is a prophecy about the last days before Jesus Christ comes back. It is for all people to hear, but especially for followers of Jesus Christ.

This prophecy I trust and believe with all my heart is from the Lord. It was given to an old woman, a faithful servant of the Lord, and she gave it to a very reliable evangelist called Emanuel Minos. The woman did not bring forth any other prophecy during her lifetime. I believe that it is very important that believers in Christ, all over the world, to take part of this prophecy. All of it is important, but what she saw about the church is of course most important for all believers in Christ to be aware of.

I tried to translate it as best as I could. If it says: my remark Konrad it means that I personally added it to explain something. To understand why this prophecy is so reliable we need to remember that when she saw these things, most of what she prophesied was totally unthinkable. There was a terrible Cold War between East (Russia and USA) and The Third World War was close many times, like during the Korea War, Cuba crisis and also several other times. A long period of peace, like we have seen between 1988-2015, was not even near 1968, instead the tensions were strong. The TV was new, there was no Internet, no video or DVD. Many of the things she saw were unthinkable. To show sex on TV was strictly forbidden in Norway 1968 and homosexuality was not acceptable in the society and absolutely not in the church, which it is today, in Norway, Sweden and many other countries. This prophecy I trust. It has all happened exactly the way she saw it.

This is my translation of the prophecy.

“I saw the world as a map rolled out before me. I saw Europe – country by country. I saw Scandinavia and Norway. I saw some things that would happen shortly before Jesus comes back (and the time of the church is over). A calamity that we never before have seen anything even close.

Before Jesus comes back and the Third World War breaks loose, there will be a period with detention like never before. It will be peace, and that period of peace will last long. During that period there will disarmament in many countries, so also in Norway. The Third World War will start in a way that no one had expected and from an unexpected place, and we (Norway) will be as unprepared as in April 1940.

I saw that there will be a lukewarmness among Christians as never before. A falling away from true and living Christianity. The Christians will not be open for soul searching preaching before Jesus comes back. They will not listen to sin and grace, The Law and the gospel, penance and repentance. Instead there will be a new kind of preaching, a form of happiness Christianity. It will be about being successful and getting forward. It will be about material things in a way that God never had promised. Churches will be more and more empty. Instead of preaching about picking up the cross and following Jesus, there will be entertainment, art and culture, where there should have been revival, anguish and services for conversion. This will happen to a large extent before Jesus comes back and the calamity breaks loose over us.

There will be a moral collapse that Norway has never seen before. People will live together as if they were married without being married. There will be a lot of impurity before marriages and there will be a lot of unfaithfulness within the marriages. Yes, even in the Christian marriages unfaithfulness will come and they will be dissolved. Even perverse sins, sins against nature, will be spread and will even be accepted among Christians.

Right before Jesus comes back there will be TV-programs shown as we have never seen before. TV will be filled with such a terrible violence that it will teach people to murder and kill each other and it will be unsafe to walk in the streets. People will start to do what they see on TV and this will be shown not only on TV, but also on many other places. (My remark Konrad: I guess she saw Internet and DVD-movies etc). It will be exactly the way it is today on the radio. We will be able to tune in one program after another, and it will be filled with violence and people will use it as entertainment. The worst thinkable scenes of murder and violence towards others will be shown and this will spread in the society.

There will be shown scenes of sexual inter course. The most intimate things that take place in a marriage will be shown on TV. (My remark Konrad: here Emanuel Minos protested and said it was impossible because it is illegal. But the woman continued). It will happen and you, Emanuel Minos, will see it fulfilled. Laws that we have today will be broken down and the most inappropriate things will be shown before our eyes.

People from poor countries will pour and flood into Europe. (My remark Konrad: this was fulfilled especially about 2015-2017). They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. People will dislike that they are here and will be hard towards them. They will be more and more treated the way the Jews were before the war. Then the measure of our sins has become full. This will take place right before the return of Jesus Christ and the Third World War breaks loose.

The war starts as a small conflict, an insignificant conflict. But it will not stop. It will increase and spread. At the end it will develop into a Great War. At the end of the Great War terrible weapons will be used, among them nuclear weapons. Air, soil and water will severely polluted. The air will be so polluted that it will be impossible to breathe it and that will happen on many continents; America, Europe, Japan and Australia – the rich countries. The water will be polluted. We will not be able to have agricultural there.

The result will be that there is a small remnant left. Those who are left in the rich countries will try to flee to the poorest countries, which have not been damaged, but they will be treating us the same way as we treated them and will not be so willing to receive.

I am happy that I will not have to live to see this, but when the time is drawing near you must take courage and travel around and warn and tell people this that I have seen.”

(My remark Konrad: this last sentence she said to Emanuel Minos in 1968 when all this was unthinkable. When Emanuel had received this he thought it was too racial and that he couldn’t preach it, so he put it in a drawer and in time he forgot about it. Sometime about 1990 he “happened” to open the drawer, saw the note, read it and realized that it had all happened just as she told him. He then decided to start preaching it.)​
Thanks for sharing ! I have my doubts though. I like to discern prophesies especially ones that are to " come soon". Maybe the Valdres prophesy will take place in a furist world but certainly not in this generation. The red flag I am speaking of is the " disarmament " of nations. This is just not going to happen I'm affraid nor will we see this happen anytime soon. Blessings
During that period there will disarmament in many countries....
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Just me
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Thanks for sharing ! I have my doubts though. I like to discern prophesies especially ones that are to " come soon". Maybe the Valdres prophesy will take place in a furist world but certainly not in this generation. The red flag I am speaking of is the " disarmament " of nations. This is just not going to happen I'm affraid nor will we see this happen anytime soon. Blessings
During that period there will disarmament in many countries....

Trends in military spending

Worldwide military spending, when estimated on the basis of unweighted country averages, has declined by nearly half, from 3.6 percent of GDP during the Cold War period (1970–90) to 1.9 percent of GDP in the years following the global financial crisis (2010–19) (Chart 1).


Military Spending in the Post-Pandemic Era – IMF F&D).
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Maria Billingsley

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The defence of the Valdes Prophecy.

The Valdes prophecy is a little know prophecy that was released by Emanuel Minos, it was conveyed to him by an elderly woman from Valdes in 1968. The prophecy was kept in a draw, but latter released publicly by Minos when he realized that much of it had, or was coming to pass in his day.

Emanuel Minos – Wikipedia

Emanuel Minos med profetier | Kristenbloggen

Why is it relevant to us today, it speaks of the current war, and how it will turn nuclear. It was originally released in Norwegian, not being a native speaker of that language I have put two English translations of the prophecy here.

The first translation is taken from The prophecy of Valdres, Norway, 1968 - Jesus Kristus Allena and the second 1968 Prophecy by a 90 Year Old Norwegian Woman - Off Grid Worship

Translation 1

“I saw the world as a map rolled out before me. I saw Europe – country by country. I saw Scandinavia and Norway. I saw some things that would happen shortly before Jesus comes back (and the time of the church is over). A calamity that we never before have seen anything even close.

Translation 2

“I saw the time just before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the events with my natural eyes. I saw the world like a kind of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia. I saw Norway. I saw certain things that would take place just before the return of Jesus, and just before the last calamity happens, a calamity the likes of which we have never before experienced.

My Note

Nothing to add.

Translation 1

Before Jesus comes back and the Third World War breaks loose, there will be a period with detention like never before. It will be peace, and that period of peace will last long. During that period there will disarmament in many countries, so also in Norway. The Third World War will start in a way that no one had expected and from an unexpected place, and we (Norway) will be as unprepared as in April 1940.

Translation 2

1. “First before Jesus comes and before the Third World War breaks out there will be a ‘détente’ like we have never had before. There will be peace between the superpowers in the east and the west, and there will be a long peace. (Remember, that this was in 1968 when the cold war was at its highest. E. Minos) In this period of peace, there will be disarmament in many countries, also in Norway and we are not prepared when it (the war) comes.

The Third World War will begin in a way no one would have anticipated – and from an unexpected place.

My Note

This has come to pass there was been a peace between the Super Powers, especially with the fall of the Old Soviet Union. This resulted in disarmament, and a feeling of greater security with in many nations, which resulted in less military spending. The following quote is taken from The International Monetary Fund Website.

Worldwide military spending, when estimated on the basis of unweighted country averages, has declined by nearly half, from 3.6 percent of GDP during the Cold War period (1970–90) to 1.9 percent of GDP in the years following the global financial crisis (2010–19)

Military Spending in the Post-Pandemic Era – IMF F&D

World wide military spending has halved since 1970.

Translation 1

I saw that there will be a lukewarmness among Christians as never before. A falling away from true and living Christianity. The Christians will not be open for soul searching preaching before Jesus comes back. They will not listen to sin and grace, The Law and the gospel, penance and repentance. Instead there will be a new kind of preaching, a form of happiness Christianity. It will be about being successful and getting forward. It will be about material things in a way that God never had promised. Churches will be more and more empty. Instead of preaching about picking up the cross and following Jesus, there will be entertainment, art and culture, where there should have been revival, anguish and services for conversion. This will happen to a large extent before Jesus comes back and the calamity breaks loose over us.

Translation 2

2. “A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a falling away from true, living Christianity.

Christians will not be open to penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead: prosperity (happiness) Christianity.

“The important thing will be to have success, to be something; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations—like, to take your cross up and follow Jesus, – entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.

My Note

The church has followed this pattern to the letter, most churches preach a prosperity gospel, that has replaced repentance. Art and entertainment are more important to the average Christian that seeking God. Even I have been guilty of this.

Translation 1

There will be a moral collapse that Norway has never seen before. People will live together as if they were married without being married. There will be a lot of impurity before marriages and there will be a lot of unfaithfulness within the marriages. Yes, even in the Christian marriages unfaithfulness will come and they will be dissolved. Even perverse sins, sins against nature, will be spread and will even be accepted among Christians.

Translation 2

3. “There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of.

People will live together like married without being married. (I do not believe the concept ‘cohabitor’ existed in 1968 – E. Minos.) Much uncleanness before marriage and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural (the common), and it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles and we pet it—even sin against nature. Just before Jesus’ return, there will be TV programs like we have never experienced. (TV had just arrived in Norway in 1968. E. Minos)

My Note

This has happened to the church, accepting “sin’s against nature” (homosexuality), it has been petted.

Translation 1

Right before Jesus comes back there will be TV-programs shown as we have never seen before. TV will be filled with such a terrible violence that it will teach people to murder and kill each other and it will be unsafe to walk in the streets. People will start to do what they see on TV and this will be shown not only on TV, but also on many other places. (My remark Konrad: I guess she saw Internet and DVD-movies etc). It will be exactly the way it is today on the radio. We will be able to tune in one program after another, and it will be filled with violence and people will use it as entertainment. The worst thinkable scenes of murder and violence towards others will be shown and this will spread in the society.

There will be shown scenes of sexual inter course. The most intimate things that take place in a marriage will be shown on TV. (My remark Konrad: here Emanuel Minos protested and said it was impossible because it is illegal. But the woman continued). It will happen and you, Emanuel Minos, will see it fulfilled. Laws that we have today will be broken down and the most inappropriate things will be shown before our eyes.

Translation 2

“TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other, and it will be unsafe in our streets. People will copy what they see. There will not be only one ‘station’ on TV, it will be filled with ‘stations.’ (She did not know the word ‘channel’ which we use today. Therefore, she called them stations. E. Minos.)

TV will be just like the radio where we have many ‘stations,’ and it will be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. We will see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one on the other, and this will spread in society.

Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that take place in a marriage.” (I protested and said, we have a paragraph that forbids this kind of thing. E. Minos.) There the old woman said: “It will happen, and you will see it. All we have had before will be broken down, and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes.”

My Note

TV is certainly now filled with sex and violence, and people do use it for entertainment. The only thing that seems a little extreme here is the statement “it will be unsafe in the streets”, but even this has increased since her time, I remember it being said of that generation they felt safe enough to leave their doors unlocked. Now doors everywhere are locked. Examples of people copying what they seen in entertainment is things like Vampire Killings, people carrying out their phantasies that they have experienced in media.

Translation 1

People from poor countries will pour and flood into Europe. (My remark Konrad: this was fulfilled especially about 2015-2017). They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. People will dislike that they are here and will be hard towards them. They will be more and more treated the way the Jews were before the war. Then the measure of our sins has become full. This will take place right before the return of Jesus Christ and the Third World War breaks loose.

Translation 2

4. “People from poor countries will stream to Europe.

(In 1968 there was no such thing as immigration. E. Minos.) They will also come to Scandinavia — and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and become hard with them. They will be treated like the Jews before the Second World War. Then the full measure of our sins will have been reached. (I protested at the issue of immigration. I did not understand it at the time. E. Minos.)

My Note

Note here she says immigration will be despised in Europe, like “before the second world war”, she does not say it will be crushed like in the war. Before the war laws were enacted that discriminated against Jews, and/or they were despised, she is making reference to this in today’s Europe.

Translation 1

The war starts as a small conflict, an insignificant conflict. But it will not stop. It will increase and spread. At the end it will develop into a Great War. At the end of the Great War terrible weapons will be used, among them nuclear weapons. Air, soil and water will severely polluted. The air will be so polluted that it will be impossible to breathe it and that will happen on many continents; America, Europe, Japan and Australia – the rich countries. The water will be polluted. We will not be able to have agricultural there.

The result will be that there is a small remnant left. Those who are left in the rich countries will try to flee to the poorest countries, which have not been damaged, but they will be treating us the same way as we treated them and will not be so willing to receive.

I am happy that I will not have to live to see this, but when the time is drawing near you must take courage and travel around and warn and tell people this that I have seen.”

Translation 2

The tears streamed from the old woman’s eyes down her cheeks. “I will not see it, but you will. Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the Third World War breaks out. It will be a short war.” (She saw it in the vision.)

“All that I have seen of war before is only child’s play compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear atom bomb. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents, America, Japan, Australia, and the wealthy nations. The water will be ruined (contaminated?). We can no longer till the soil. The result will be that only a remnant will remain. The remnant in the wealthy countries will try to flee to the poor countries, but they will be as hard on us as we were on them.

“I am so glad that I will not see it, but when the time draws near, you must take courage and tell this. I have received it from God, and nothing of it goes against what the Bible tells.

“The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as Savior and Lord is safe.”

My Note

This takes us to the Ukraine conflict the first conflict involving superpowers, and it is said to turn Nuclear. This should be a warning to us to turn away from the sins she mentions. Dependence upon entertainment in the church, sexual sins, including homosexuality, watching sexual movies or delighting in violence.
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Finally found the original, read by Minos.

I had studied in Oxford

I had been in Oxford at the university for five years, In total i was in Oxford for seven years

Two years studying language and five years at the university

When i got back from my studying in Oxford

I got a calling in Norway that i had never got before

I got a calling from the Norwegian church

And i arrived to a church in a place called Valdres

A value that is incredibly beautiful

I held Mass there

I kept to the scriptures

And it was no prophetic message

But when the preaching was done and the meting was over

I was standing with the elder of the church of a near village

My wife was allso there

Then an old lady approached

She said she was 90 years old

"Do you wannt to write this down" she said "Cause i have had a vision"

"When Jesus returns"

"And when the third world war breaks out"

So i wrote this vision down

She said "When God reminds you of this"

"Then you shall read this on your meetings"

But when i returned to Oslo

And had read trough the vision

I said to myself, this is to radical, its to extrem

I could never read this on an open meeting

So i put it away in a drawer

This was in 1964

And it stayed there

But then in 1993

I was cleaning out this drawer

And the vision fell out

I looked at it, and much had come to pass

Much had been fulfilled

I said to myself, i will find courage

And read this on a meeting when i speak of Jesus return

And this i have done, and it has attracted allot of attention

After this it has been published in several newspapers

Now i will tell you what she said

"It was like a map was rolled out in front of me"

"I saw it with my natural eyes"

Cause i asked here if she saw it within herself, "no" she said

"I saw it with my natural eyes"

"It was like a map and i saw it with my natural eyes"

"On the map was all of the continents"

"I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway"

"What i was allowed to see was things that should take place before the return of Jesus. And the breakout of the third world war"

The vision is split in four parts, this is the first part.

"Before Jesus returns, And before the third world war breaks out. There will be a calm period"

This was in the time of the cold war

She continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world"

"People will make long term plans"

"In our country there will be disarmament"

"And we will once again be unprepared, just as we where in the 9th of april 1940"

"When Hitler and Germany occupied Norway"

"The third world war starts in a way that no one expected. And from a totally unexpected direction"

The second part

"There will be a falling away"

"That does not have any comparison"

"From true and real Christianity"

"Among the believers many will be lukewarm"

"They will no longer be open to examine their believes"

"People will not want to hear about sin and grace, The gospel, repentance"

"A new kind of preaching will take over the pulpit"

"It will be about searching for happiness, success and material gains"

"A kind of prosperity gospel"

"The churches will start to become empty"

"The same with the prayer houses"

"The believers will no longer want to follow Jesus on the narrow path"

"Entertainment, Art and cultural happenings"

"Will take more and more of what before was revival preaching, repentance and need"

This was the second part, Third part

"There will be a moral falling away, such as we have never witnessed before"

"People will be living like married without being married"

At this time there was no concept of this kind of living arrangements, so the old lady expressed herself like this.

"There will be great sin and uncleanness before the marriage "

"And there will be much adultery in the marriages, even in the christian ones"

"Unnatural sins will also start to spread"

"And this sins will even be accepted in Christian followings"

"Television will play a great part"

"There will be many TV stations" in this time they didn't say channels

"The television will be filled with violence, and the violence will become entertainment"

"This violence that people see on the television will come to form the city's and villages "

"They will also show intimate love scenes"

"The most intimate that belongs to the marriage will be shown openly on the television"

When she said this i objected and told her this is not lawful in Norway

Norway has a law against this kind of thing. And when i said this she raised her voice and shouted

"When this time comes people will no longer follow this law, no one will then care about these things"

Part four

"People from poor country's will pour into the rich country's "

"They will come to Europe, Scandinavia and Norway, there will be many that comes"

"And the people will start to dislike them and threat them harshly" When she said this she started crying.

"They will threat them more and more like the Jews before the second world war"

"When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full" and the war will break out"

"At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spread"

"Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons

"The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined "

"People from the industrialized country's in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there"

"They will flee to the poor country's that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us"

"In the same way that we where not willing to receive them"

This was the prophecy

I think that some of it has come true , I don't know what you think but i think so.
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Aug 27, 2015
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I live in Finland. I saw a dream a little over a year ago, maybe even two, I am not sure, where I asked one of my army friends "do you think we will end up going to war?". I felt like it had a meaning in it. I'm not in any contact with said friend currently, but my life is going towards a path where it might become a real possibility very soon.

Pretty much exactly year ago I saw a dream where I was waiting for a train with couple other church members. Then I saw a burning train passing by, going VERY fast. I knew that whoever this train symbolized, was going towards a disaster and it was all his fault. Behind it, followed old Russian modeled ambulances. I knew this because I am originally from Belarus, living in Finland. After the ambulances, the dream followed the train path little bit where it crashed(not sure?) and I saw a lot of bodies in piles. I said to my friend "this is worse than in movies". From this dream, I knew something bad is going to happen regarding Russia, because of old russian modeled ambulances, I just wasn't sure what. Couple months later and we have a war.

Couple weeks ago I woke up to words "beginning of the end". I wasn't sure what it meant, because I have some personal prophecies regarding the end of my life, that its going to end well. I thought I was taking steps towards that on that day, it was a good day. Either way, I also had this feeling it might mean literal end. I think its the latter. Couple days after, I googled what happened on the day that I heard those words. Crimean burning train happened on that day.

I'm not gonna go into detail, but I think there will be problems regarding food in Finland. No prophetic words or anything, just one time God told me couple months ago "Money won't buy you food if there is no food available" since I was leaning towards money for filling my needs. Reading between the lines, I assume there will be problems with food delivery that even rich people won't be able to avoid.

We had somebody prophesying regarding hard times that are coming and it will touch the whole world from over a year ago, before the war had begun or Russia even had their troops in masses at the border. Literally with date from stream recording. Huge revival was also prophesied, which will start from Finland and will be taken around the globe and that Finland will rise up. If we believe that, I believe there will be some kind of a pause in regarding this national conflict, but then it will come back. Huge revival then the end, is a common theme I hear often. But we'll see how it goes. All I know is that revival will come. Also I am glad that I think my path will lead me to Brazil someday lol.
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
New York
United States
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The LORDS not going to return Until Daniels Prophecy has been fulfilled.. As Mystery Babylon is The United States
“And he [the prince] will make [some translations say ‘confirm’] a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate [some interpretations say, set up an idol on the wing or precipice of the Temple], even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.” (Daniel 9:27; see also Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4)

The anti-Messiah will also proclaim himself to be God!

“He [the man of lawlessness] will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” (2 Thess. 2:4)
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Aug 30, 2008
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The LORDS not going to return Until Daniels Prophecy has been fulfilled.. As Mystery Babylon is The United States
“And he [the prince] will make [some translations say ‘confirm’] a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate [some interpretations say, set up an idol on the wing or precipice of the Temple], even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.” (Daniel 9:27; see also Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4)

The anti-Messiah will also proclaim himself to be God!

“He [the man of lawlessness] will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” (2 Thess. 2:4)

I agree that the anti-CHrist must be revealed. But if you look at the prophecy given the world does not end with this nuclear strike. There is still plenty of time for the man of sin to show. Note it is only the industrialized nations that suffer the strike.

"The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined "​

"People from the industrialized country's in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there"​

"They will flee to the poor country's that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us"​

"In the same way that we where not willing to receive them"​
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