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Jan 15, 2017
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The following words are not my own, but I believe they express what's been nagging at me lately. Christians tend to believe we have to automatically forgive people, whether or not they genuinely repent. And we wonder why abuse is so widespread, even in our churches.

"God forgives everybody who REPENTS, not everybody who doesn’t repent, and continues sinning. Repentance means turning from one’s sinful ways and changing one’s LIFE. It does not mean continuing on as before, and it also does not mean stopping just one or two obnoxious behaviors while continuing all the rest, or even finding some new ones. It might surprise such self-righteous offenders to learn that God does NOT forgive “everybody”, and that he does NOT tell us to, either. In fact, there is NOT ONE INSTANCE in Scripture of the Lord forgiving anyone who remains “stiff-necked” (stubborn) and unrepentant.
Before one starts quoting the Bible, it might be a good idea to actually READ IT first. When ungodly people state that God’s Word says something that justifies or facilitates their wickedness, I just love to hand them a Bible and ask them to show me exactly where it says that. Usually, they get all flustered, angry, or embarrassed, and quickly change the subject or storm off in a huff. If, by some remote chance, they can actually find the Scripture they’re referring to (and conveniently misinterpreting), then we can read it in context and explore it together- but that hasn’t happened to me yet!
Those who know the Lord and study his Word know that he has such a heart of love for the downtrodden and the broken-hearted, and that he desires us to be free of every kind of bondage. God’s Word is infallible, and God does not play mean little tricks on abuse victims. He NEVER says anything that would make it easier for a sinner to keep on sinning or an abuser to keep on abusing. To even suggest otherwise is to reveal a profound ignorance of God’s divine nature.
Biblically speaking, NO ONE gets forgiven without changing his ways and turning to God and godliness. The New Testament includes an additional requirement for meriting forgiveness- accepting Jesus as one’s Lord and Savior (and no one who has genuinely done that can continue abusing others). Abusers would just love an excuse to obligate us to forgive them without the slightest effort to make amends, commitment to change, or anything expected of them at all. It’s the Abuser’s Dream Gig- to be able to commit one evil deed after another with impunity, and then pervert the Word of God by claiming that others have to repeatedly and unconditionally forgive her. This is utter nonsense.
BE NOT DECEIVED; GOD IS NOT MOCKED: FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP….Galatians 6:7. The Bible is not an excuse for abusive people to have a field day without ever suffering any consequences. Distorting the Word of God to get away with evil is an indication of the demonic nature of such people, not of their innocence and good intentions. Ask any deliverance minister and you will learn that twisting God’s Word to facilitate evil is one of the most common tactics used by demons.
Abusers by definition wouldn’t have the slightest idea what the Bible REALLY says about forgiveness, or anything else. It’s not like they spend a lot of time studying God’s Word and applying it to their lives. They’re just repeating something they heard somewhere along the line, and twisting it to suit their own purposes. They’re using what they imagine Scripture says to pressure us and guilt us into forgiving them when they have done nothing whatsoever to deserve our forgiveness.
Some abusers like to call themselves Christians, because it enables them to get away with abusive behavior more frequently without being challenged or confronted. These people might actually be familiar with Scripture, and then use it, twist it, and take it out of context to justify their behavior and attempt to deceive us into forgiving them when no forgiveness is warranted. But talk is cheap. We need to study the Bible concerning this, and pray for the discernment and wisdom to distinguish between REAL Christians and PRETEND Christians- those who are conveniently “Christian” only when it suits them. One big clue is that REAL Christians ACT LIKE real Christians. This means they do NOT mistreat other people.
The Bible does in fact tell us that we should forgive as the Lord forgave us (Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:32). But there are requirements for forgiveness. If we read in more depth and in context about God forgiving us, including the hows, whys and under what circumstances, we will see that he only forgives us when we come to him in the spirit of remorse, change our lives through his Son, ask for forgiveness, and repent (CHANGE). So if we are to forgive others as God forgives us, then we are to forgive them AFTER they have shown genuine remorse by the grace of Jesus’ cleansing blood, and AFTER they have repented (CHANGED), NOT BEFORE. That is the formula for forgiveness which God models for us, and that is the formula which he instructs us to follow.
Other Scriptural examples of the Lord forgiving us IF AND WHEN WE REPENT are written in Ezekiel 33:10-20, Isaiah 55:6-7, Jeremiah 6:16-30 & 26:3, Luke 13:3 & 5, Acts 3:19. These are just a few of the examples we can study that will educate us about God’s prerequisites and requirements for forgiveness.
We are not to cheapen the gift of forgiveness by giving it prematurely or undeservedly, to those who demand it and act as if they are entitled to it, and yet have done nothing to merit it. The Lord’s higher purpose is to change men’s hearts and make them turn from evil, give up their wicked ways, and choose to follow HIM instead of Satan. He does that by requiring repentance before forgiveness, not by giving evildoers a free ride."

Again, these words aren't my own, but they almost perfectly express what apparently most people are not capable of seeing, or simply don't want to see.

Fish Catcher Jim

Radically Saved
Feb 19, 2015
SW MI for now
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Mark 11:25
When you Stand Praying - Forgive - if you have Aught against Any - So your Father which is Heaven - May Forgive You - Your Trespasses - And - Cleanse You - Of All Unrighteousness.

I do not find anything about forgiving those who show they truly repented.

What I do find is the Father Saying Forgive Now no matter what.
I could post for an hour all the scriptures that COMMAND us to forgive point blank.

If some one has to prove they repented before you forgive them, then you simply forgave them from your human nature.
Forgive because it pleases God and you have Forgiven in the Spirit in Love.

We are commanded to walk in Love, we are not walking in love if we have unforgiveness because we judge them unworthy because they don't show remorse or true repentance.

We are commanded to Love and Forgive and Pray for our enemies....... again He did not say if the repent or show you remorse.

Scriptures commands us to forgive.

Notice I have not said we are to be pasties or door mats. I can forgive the kid for stealing my fishing poles but this does not say I won't call the police and have him pay for his crime.
Forgiveness is a condition of the heart. Most things people hold grudges and unforgiveness for should just be let go of.
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Active Member
Jan 15, 2017
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I'm afraid I must greatly disagree. You apparently did not read the scriptures I pointed out.

"Forgiveness and the requirement to forgive are not necessarily what we have been led to believe they are by our abusers and their enablers, or by others who are either misinformed or trying to deceive us. In the Bible, we are told to forgive as the Lord forgave us.(Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 4:32) The Lord forgives us when we repent. (Ezekiel 33:10-20, Isaiah 55:6-7, Jeremiah 6:16-30 & 26:3, Luke 13:3 & 5, Acts 3:19) He does NOT forgive those who are 'stiff-necked' , refuse to repent, and intend to continue in their sinful ways, and he does not expect us to, either. By forgiving unremorseful evildoers, we are depriving them of the opportunity to repent and transform their lives.

In Luke 17:3, Jesus tells us very clearly that we are to forgive someone who sins against us IF he repents. God does not want us to continue to be abused, in fact, we are told to shun evildoers ( Some examples are Psalm 37:9, Psalm 119:115, Matthew 18:17, Titus 3:10-11, 1 Corinthians 5:1-5."

Read those scriptures before you reply to me, please.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2016
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I think you are mistaking forgiveness, with forgetfulness. Forgiving helps the forgiver, forgetting helps and empowers the abuser. I can forgive you for stealing money you borrowed from me and still decide to not lead you money again.

I know I have forgiven when I no longer harbor negative emotions when thinking about the "wrong" that was done to me. It is truly liberating to not be held down and in bondage to hate and fear and negative emotions because of what someone did to me. This is the benefit of forgiveness.....you take back control of your emotions, your world.

God forgave me a big debt, If I in turn beat my fellow man and throw him in prison for a small debt....God will throw me in the same prison until my own debt is paid in full.

Forgive and ye shall be forgiven. Forget and ye will be taken advantage of.
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Phil 1:21

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Apr 3, 2017
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I think you are mistaking forgiveness, with forgetfulness. Forgiving helps the forgiver, forgetting helps and empowers the abuser. I can forgive you for stealing money you borrowed from me and still decide to not lead you money again.

I know I have forgiven when I no longer harbor negative emotions when thinking about the "wrong" that was done to me. It is truly liberating to not be held down and in bondage to hate and fear and negative emotions because of what someone did to me. This is the benefit of forgiveness.....you take back control of your emotions, your world.

God forgave me a big debt, If I in turn beat my fellow man and throw him in prison for a small debt....God will throw me in the same prison until I own debt is paid in full.

Forgive and ye shall be forgiven. Forget and ye will be taken advantage of.

Amen, brother!
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Fish Catcher Jim

Radically Saved
Feb 19, 2015
SW MI for now
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I'm afraid I must greatly disagree. You apparently did not read the scriptures I pointed o
Actually I have read and will always read them.

we are told to forgive as the Lord forgave us.
We are also told to Love even as God Loves us.
By forgiving unremorseful evildoers, we are depriving them of the opportunity to repent and transform their lives.

So if I forgive the 2 guys who brutally raped and beat my friend and left her for dead then that deprives them of an opportunity to repent?
That's crazy to say the least. Clearly you really don't understand the power of God's love.

This does not say they are not to be punished under the law.

If a brother sins against you is the focal point you use.
Now if you are walking in love, then you won't be holding onto offenses and won't have anything to forgive or you forgive them and let it go.

If something is so huge that you must point it out then remember to thoroughly examine your life first. Because as you judge them of their wrong doing you will bring judgment upon yourself.

Read those scriptures before you reply to me, please.

It won't help any. I am not going to accept your thinking on this.

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Fish Catcher Jim

Radically Saved
Feb 19, 2015
SW MI for now
United States
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Funny how everything is focused on some one else here.

You who judge your brother of sin, are you totally sin free this day yourself?

Faith requires Love
Love Requires Forgiveness
Tell me how you can walk in Love with unforgiveness? You can not!

So with unforgiveness your love walk suffers and if your love walk suffers then your faith will suffer and if your faith suffers then your prayer life suffers.

The devil roams around Looking for some one to devour or a way to legally gain access to.
Unforgiveness is such a door.
Unforgiveness brings bitterness and stress which brings strife where every kind of evil is found.

Friends why not simply obey His word and stop looking for loop holes or hidden meanings or ways to please the flesh. After all is it not your flesh that does not want to forgive.
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