
Jun 17, 2022
United States
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Of course, yes, I know there is no perfect community- until Jesus returns. BUT I'm probably a bit of a strange one and JUST CANNOT seem to find a real community (or church for that matter) out there that even remotely fits the mold of what I'm looking to surround my family with at this phase in life.

There just seems to be a SEA of information online, but I think what I'm looking for is truly a needle in the stack (if it indeed exists at all). In desperation from search overload, I come before you oh most centralized source of Christian discussion. If such a community exists (or even close to it in my core values), please let me know.

In the meantime, my search continues as follows...

1) Conservative Mennonites...but not.

I thought I had finally found my place in the world, when I came across some Mennonite couples on Youtube recently, in which women sported not so much the tiny bonnet tight hair look, but more so a modestly sized (femininely beautiful) vale on the back of their head. The men, in like manner, didn't appear to be sporting a 3-piece suit for their daily business meeting with Jesus type look, but more so respectfully decent and comfortable attire. The more I read and saw and heard...the more I was like..."you's my people...I found my people!"

But, alas, I then read deeper and found...uh, they actually wouldn't want to be my people. Here's the thing, I'm a two-time divorcee, with two re-marriages on top. Granted both previous marriages were ended due to circumstances that certainly DO fit into what many conservative Mennonites rather un-affectionately refer to as the Matt 19:9 "exception clause" (as I've historically been that guy who makes the mistake of trying to rescue those damsels in distress and having that heart to bring every broken wing birdie home with me so I can fix them and make them whole...only to have them later turn out to be rather viscous birds of prey that seek to devour my very substance!...I digress), but I've found that most conservative Mennonites don't even except THAT as grounds allowable for divorce (much less remarriage).

And when I do find Mennonites that are open to such grounds for divorce and remarriage...they've also gone to the extreme of LBGQlmnop and perhaps resemble more an aboriginal culture in modesty of dress than say a classical Christian one. There has GOT to be a group of Mennonites (or at least Christians who hold similar lifestyles as they do), who make loving/Scripturally sound exceptions to such divorce/remarriage scenarios AND have not also dove off the deep end of our currently trending social norms. That's my hope anyway.

Summary: where are Mennonite like Christians (even if not called by such a name) who do not shun "exception clause" divorce/remarriage, allow women to still be lovely (femininely beautiful in appearance/adornment) while responsibly modest in dress (as well as respect of head covering concept), allow men to dress comfortably but respectably decently masculine (T-Shirt not a sin), and don't shun technology entirely. I love everything else I could find about this group. Independent Baptist churches tend to be on the same page as well.

2) "Cussin" Christians- not tolerated.

I just don't get it. SO MANY Christians seem to use profanity and even disrespectful slurs toward God in their daily lives. I don't get it, but I definitely know I don't want my wife and daughters around it (especially not among other followers of Christ who may more easily influence them toward speaking the same).

3) Natural/Organic (Heirloom) diet.

This is another big one for me. Nothing turns me off more (besides perhaps concepts embodied in item 1-2 above) than bringing my family to a church (or intentional community) only to find each and every fellowship gathering we attend is filled with processed, GMO, artificial, pharma experimental objects sold in mass as "food" and my children then feel the need to insert into their mouth. It soon becomes, healthy diet at home and unhealthy diet at church. Not a good association and I'd like to avoid such conflicts.

Would like a community that is dedicated to "clean" or healthy organic diet. Care should also be taken to avoid toxic building/gardening materials as well. Natural healthy lifestyles should be respected.

I'm also going to include in this category, the community needs to support members who do not wish to vaccinate (especially related to the more recent CV--19 related injections).

4) Self-Sufficient Intentional Community.

I know the Hutterites have mastered this concept, but I'm more looking for a bit less rigid approach and not necessarily 100% communal living (0% property ownership)...though I think I would be content in such a community if they waive the straw hat requirement. All kidding aside, would like to be in a community producing our own energy (such as solar, wind, or other off-the-grid solutions) and growing our own food and preparing in every other way practical to have 0 dependency on city/societal infrastructure, while still maintaining a low key visibility in the surrounding community.

5) Worldly Music/Social Media/Internet/TV/Movies and other sources of entertainment highly discouraged, but not completely forbidden.

I've already distanced myself from "secular" music long ago, but will admit I still find myself dabbling in other forms of entertainment I'd rather not (PG-13 and such), from time to time. I'd rather be among people who fill their time with other meaningful pursuits in life, so my family can make our transition to the other side of the spectrum (even if radically so, I find it better to err on the side of holiness, than walking the fence of wicked influences on our hearts). If they pretty much did completely ban most of these things in a community...I'd probably still be on for the ride. Too much of the entertainment today is so desensitizing and manipulative of our hearts/minds toward things unhealthy in life...I would not expect a community to outright ban such entertainment (though I would like something closer to that), but I wouldn't see it as a terrible thing if they did.

6) Midwifery, Female Physicians, and Homeschooling.

I have all girls in my family (except myself of course). In the spirit of caring for the modesty so cherished in item 1 above, if at all reasonably possible I would like to be in a community that supports women in utilizing midwives and female physicians for feminine needs. Women utilizing males for such needs I would like specifically discouraged, outside of extreme medical necessity and so forth.

It would also be ideal if the community worked together in homeschooling children within. Such children being sent to public schools or secular private schools would seem to take away from the point of forming such a community in the first place I would think.

7) Pacifist at heart...maybe not in practice!

I've always agreed (at least since putting faith in Christ) with so much of what Mennonites believe regarding being a pacifist. On Biblical paper and in a spirit of walking by just makes sense. Christians should not be going around killing people just because some corrupt politicians set up conditions conducive to doing so and social pressure. It can be easily argued, from Jesus' own teaching, that we should actually being doing the opposite. Yes, agree.

Buuut...if some group of men break into my cabin, with the clear intention of raping/murdering my wife and daughters...those men's life expectancy will greatly depend on the efficiency of my aim and my pulling of the trigger (semi-auto). When it comes down to it, we get out of bed in the morning and dress ourselves for nice as it would be to think God intervenes in every single moment of our lives to put our pants on for us by faith and so forth, but my reality has been that such "interventions" by God are not every moment and are not at the whim of our every single prayer.

Sometime, the reality is, no angel is showing up to stop you from sacrificing those men who are there to harm your family. If those angels do in fact show up, then praise God, no men had to die tonight...but, in the meantime, like Abraham ready to plunge that blade into his son Isaac- so much more will I be pulling that trigger to save my wife and daughters from immediate harm. And yes I know such arguments could be extended to protecting one's home, town, city, state, county, and so forth.

It's a difficult area of conviction, but I'm currently at a place of pacifist but don't think I could prevent myself from protecting my family at home. Maybe that's a lack of faith or courage, but I can't see myself waiting and watching to find out (given the grave consequences involved) if I have the power not to. I've been given no such specific promise from God that He would save them in such a situation, so here I stand.

All that said, I'm 99% pacifist and prefer the community have that heart as well...but I will be ready to protect my family, if truly cornered with no escape, using deadly force if absolutely needed (1%). For this reason, the concept of self-defense training should not be forbidden (nor the tools for doing so), but I'm not interested in being a part of a militia centric community either.

8) Not so fearful of "contemporary" instruments/styles of worship.

I have to admit, while I'm not one that has a special place in my heart for some of the traditional hymns often heard in say "conservative" Baptist churches...I'm kind warming up to some of those acappella hits I hear Mennonites jamming to (vocals only). But, perhaps this is just something that still needs to be sanctified out of me, I still have a place in my heart for worship more along the lines of a Hillsong genre (minus the scandals, with adultery and other worldly pleasures/abuses associated with that ministry these I'm more so just referring to the sound and heart of worship involved). This one is optional for me. I can find meaningful worship in classical hymns if that means items 1-7 above are there and this one is non-negotiable in the community.

As a final note, I would prefer to avoid a community in which certain styles of worship are forced. I'm definitely more of a quiet spirited worshiper and don't really flow well with coach/military command style worship, pushing on my head and telling me to fall down until my back is arched 90 degrees and I have no choice but fall down...I think you get the picture. Humble worshipers are my vibe.

9) Smokin Saints.

And no I'm not talking about physical attractiveness. SO many Christians seem to be addicted to tobacco or vaping or drinking alcohol or prescription drugs. I'd like to be in a community in which such habits are discouraged, unless you have a really good reason for doing so or it is on rare/special occasions only (as well as never in excess). It just feels like many of us are mastered by our flesh in these areas, rather than practicing mastery of our flesh, when such things are just casual habits in our lives. This is not one of those areas I like to come down too hard on, but would feel better if it was a community that did not casually accept these things as normal in a persons life.

10) English please.

I find the KJV of the Bible sort of like one step further than reading a Latin Bible (in as much as ease of comprehension rather than requiring higher education). Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite version to quote if I want to convey the beauty of that language...but it is Old English and quite difficult for the average modern reader to digest. I'm of the view that only the original manuscripts (Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek) were the inspired texts I give the greatest weight to as foundations for source of Truth.

There have been MANY translations into HUNDREDS of languages. To claim this one King's English edition was such a special translation (only to English speakers mind you) has always seemed a bit far fetched to me. I try to get as close to the source (original manuscripts via Concordance and other such tools) when I truly wish to study the Bible. All other translations, since that time, are simply tools to assist in my viewing of the Holy Text (the original manuscripts), BUT are NOT THE source of Truth documents (including KJV).

With that in mind, I would appreciate a community that does not forbid the use of other tools for studying scripture (including other translations, beside the KJV). I can live with just a KJV if I had to, but would be nice to not be limited as such.

11) The forbidding of marriage.

Yep, I saved the best for last...or the one most likely to offend the average Christian these days. This one is optional, but would be a breath of fresh air to see a community at least have a heart to treat all Biblical marriage with respect (even if not allowing such forms of marriage in the community itself). And no I'm not referring to LGBQlmnop.

Basically, there are forms of marriage that are clearly supported in the Bible and which have been practiced by God fearing men throughout history (when circumstances warranted it), but that are currently frowned upon by the secular/worldly sources. A man with more than one wife or an older man married to a teenage bride or so called "interracial" couples would be clear examples, if we were to not judge from the traditions of men (perhaps even doctrines of devils) over the blessings of Scripture that is.

Again, I'm not saying our community would be a place where such marriages were originated or allowed, but just that our community would not condemn those involved in such forms of marriage (such as in neighboring communities) that are clearly blessed in the Bible (as well as practiced throughout plenty of Jewish and Christian history). Like with any form of marriage, there can be innocent intentions and less honorable intentions for getting married (and that, if known, can be weighed in consideration of the health of any marriage relationship)...but I worry such communities, who condemn those involved in legitimate/Biblically sound forms of marriage, run the risk of being one of these people...

1 Timothy 4:1-3
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry..."

If ANY of you know of such a community of believers out there (even if they only match a handful of these 11 dream scenarios), preferably that I could physically relocate to with my family (such as an Intentional Neighbors or IC type of setup in a strategically located area of the mountains or at least well outside the confines of modern cities/culture)...please let me know. If you're only aware of churches that meet this criteria, I'll take that too as a great starting place.


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Jul 11, 2020
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The Seventh-day Adventist denomination meets most of those points, with caveats. Also, churches will vary, but as a general rule, most are consistent.

1. Conservative dress. We believe in proper dress for worship. Does every church, or every member, abide by this? No.

2. There is a big emphasis on Christian character in our church. i.e. If you're going to call yourself Christian, you should be walking the walk. Devout Christianity. Does everyone meet that standard? No.

3. Our church has a very detailed health message. Vegetarianism is encouraged. Potlucks consist of homemade vegetarian recipes. Does that mean everyone is a vegetarian? No. We also encourage only eating clean meat, if you must eat meat. You will not find meat at our potlucks though.

4. Many in our denomination are focused on communal living. We believe in self-sufficiency and a country living lifestyle. At some point, we believe we will have to flee the cities due to persecution, which is why many of us are moving to the country now. Speaking of communal... even back in the 80's, church members stopped at each others' houses to visit and/or for food. One of our deacons would make his rounds and ask for sandwiches and refreshment. lol

5. We are constantly preaching against entertainment (movies, TV, music, etc.) as they are bad influences on the Christian walk. Also, substances like caffeinated drinks, sugary drinks, etc.

6. We have had our own private schools, colleges, and health centers.

7. I would say this is more of a personal conviction, based on scripture. Whether you should be a complete pacifist or defend yourself, or both. Myself, I own firearms, but shooting someone would be a last resort. I think you'll find that views vary on this, no matter what church you belong to.

8. This would be a sticking point for most of our churches, that drums don't belong in worship. We do have acoustic guitar, and other instruments, like violin, banjo, flute, etc. We take a traditional approach, in that worship should be respectful as we're calling on the presence of the Lord. The less it sounds like contemporary music, and more like a hymn, the better. Do we have churches that use other mainstream instruments like drums? Yes.

9. Vice is something we discourage and work with our members to overcome. We actually have programs to deal with addiction of drugs and alcohol. My own mother has smoked her whole life, and still smokes. She's tried quitting, but she doesn't have the strength to overcome it. She's the type of person who worries constantly about little things, so it's a part of her personality, that she has to have something to curb the nerves. Unfortunately, she's now 72 and I doubt she'll ever stop smoking. I pray for her daily, even though I know she gave up a long time ago on it.

10. KJV and NKJV are the standards of our church. I personally prefer KJV, but some pastors prefer NKJV for whatever reason. Not sure why.

11. Our stance is this. God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. One man and many women cannot become one flesh.

While we may not exactly fit what you're looking for, we're pretty close.
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Jun 17, 2022
United States
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Sounds like you’re looking for a polygamous Amish community if the latter request is what I suspect.

Well, I don't think so. I'm not so sure I would even be comfortable in a community where such marriages (a man with more than one wife or with an older man and teenage bride kind of thing) are actually encouraged among the community members themselves, as that does tend to invite a lot of harsh persecution from the outside world (though perhaps that is me being a bit cowardly/selfish on that regard, in the interest of keeping my own family out of the actual path of such forbidden marriage persecutive efforts).

Where I am currently with that point, in my list, is simply to say it gets really old seeing churches and communities actually joining in with persecuting/shunning those involved in what I perceive to be perfectly Biblical forms of marriage...for the most part it seems, just because it is taboo from a secular perspective in our current worldly cultural influences. It doesn't sit well with me and I hate to see any group of Christians persecuting or shunning other followers of Christ simply because they are married currently more unorthodox compared to modern trends/needs. What I meant is it would be nice if the community had the mindset to at least be open to friendships and fellowship with such people....not meaning we have to live as they do.

Regarding the Amish aspect, my understanding is the Amish are a break-off from the Mennonites (100 years or so after Mennonites were a thing) due to Jakob Ammann's (hence "Am"ish) mindset of desiring a much more complete separation from the world (including every form of modern technology or gateway to the world). That's not what a Mennonite is and that's not what I want in life. Mennonites are not Amish, but Amish did originate from the Mennonite movement.
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Jun 17, 2022
United States
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You might look into Apostolic Pentecostalism

Thank you for the recommend. I will say I've investigated Apostolic Pentecostalism in the past, but I'm concerned they may tend to violate life rule #8 paragraph 2: :swoon:

"I would prefer to avoid a community in which certain styles of worship are forced. I'm definitely more of a quiet spirited worshiper and don't really flow well with coach/military command style worship, pushing on my head and telling me to fall down until my back is arched 90 degrees and I have no choice but fall down...I think you get the picture. Humble worshipers are my vibe."

My concern is they may grab me by the tongue and force the tongues of angels out of me or else treat me as a second class citizen there. I can be humble and stay genuine in such situations, but prefer to avoid any unnatural pressures on myself or my family to conform before we are actually ready. Not that I disagree with their stance on the Gifts of the Spirit, as the argument is very persuasive indeed...but I just know what the mindset can tend to be in those communities.

I'll keep in mind though.
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Jun 17, 2022
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The Seventh-day Adventist denomination meets most of those points, with caveats. Also, churches will vary, but as a general rule, most are consistent.
While we may not exactly fit what you're looking for, we're pretty close.

Yes! Seventh-day Adventist. I've actually considered this group quite a bit in the past. I eat primarily a vegan diet already (went completely raw organic vegan from about age 20-25 in order to remedy health issues I had in those days). The wife does like that meat though. Would have to wean her off. haha.

Regarding your points (I'll only address ones that don't fit me or I have questions/comments about)...

1) I wonder if there are SDA churches out there who practice modesty similar to say somewhat conservative Mennonites (including women with head coverings/vale kind of thing)? I have a special place in my heart for that kind of modesty, though don't make the case that all Christian women should be obligated to wear a vale and so forth.

8) Come to think of it, I don't care for drums either. Hadn't consciously considered drums in the past. They do seem to remind one of naked tribal men rain dancing around a fire don't they? haha. Your list seems fair enough.

10) I think they probably use NKJV just because it reads more easily with modern English most are familiar with. It requires less Old English dictionary on the side work in order to understand what is being presented. Not necessarily a more accurate translation of the original text, but just one that attempts to speak more clearly to a modern English audience.

11) The stance of those who enter into such polygynist marriages (at least the Christian/Jewish/Islamic ones I can attest to) is they do understand the marital bond/act involves one man becoming one flesh with one woman (marital consummation/intimacy), but also believe that same one man can then become one flesh with another one woman. This man then has a "one-flesh" relationship (marriage) with each individual woman.

They have a point as it is clear God recognized and even "blessed" many marriages in the Bible in which a man (Abraham, Jacob, David, Gideon, Elkanah, Solomon, and perhaps Moses just to name a few) took unto himself more than one wife. There are even passages in which God requires a man to take on a second wife, as a matter of family obligation (such as when the brother dies and leaves that wife without a husband).

One may argue all day about the merits or shortcomings of such marriages, but the clear fact remains God recognized them as legitimate marriages and you can't have a marriage without one man being one flesh with one woman. The logical takeaway then becomes, it is clearly possible for one man to be married to more than one wife (to be one flesh with each woman and that marriage to each woman still be legitimate/natural before God).

If what you stated is the current official position of all SDA's, then so be it...but my hope is they will at least be open to friendships (not shunning by default) those who do respect or practice such less commonly smiled upon Biblical forms of marriage.
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Great stuff. Read the first few Chapters of the Book of Acts and see how they essentially became a Christian commune. All things in common. I wonder if this could even be accomplished today.
Of course, yes, I know there is no perfect community- until Jesus returns. BUT I'm probably a bit of a strange one and JUST CANNOT seem to find a real community (or church for that matter) out there that even remotely fits the mold of what I'm looking to surround my family with at this phase in life.

There just seems to be a SEA of information online, but I think what I'm looking for is truly a needle in the stack (if it indeed exists at all). In desperation from search overload, I come before you oh most centralized source of Christian discussion. If such a community exists (or even close to it in my core values), please let me know.

In the meantime, my search continues as follows...

1) Conservative Mennonites...but not.

I thought I had finally found my place in the world, when I came across some Mennonite couples on Youtube recently, in which women sported not so much the tiny bonnet tight hair look, but more so a modestly sized (femininely beautiful) vale on the back of their head. The men, in like manner, didn't appear to be sporting a 3-piece suit for their daily business meeting with Jesus type look, but more so respectfully decent and comfortable attire. The more I read and saw and heard...the more I was like..."you's my people...I found my people!"

But, alas, I then read deeper and found...uh, they actually wouldn't want to be my people. Here's the thing, I'm a two-time divorcee, with two re-marriages on top. Granted both previous marriages were ended due to circumstances that certainly DO fit into what many conservative Mennonites rather un-affectionately refer to as the Matt 19:9 "exception clause" (as I've historically been that guy who makes the mistake of trying to rescue those damsels in distress and having that heart to bring every broken wing birdie home with me so I can fix them and make them whole...only to have them later turn out to be rather viscous birds of prey that seek to devour my very substance!...I digress), but I've found that most conservative Mennonites don't even except THAT as grounds allowable for divorce (much less remarriage).

And when I do find Mennonites that are open to such grounds for divorce and remarriage...they've also gone to the extreme of LBGQlmnop and perhaps resemble more an aboriginal culture in modesty of dress than say a classical Christian one. There has GOT to be a group of Mennonites (or at least Christians who hold similar lifestyles as they do), who make loving/Scripturally sound exceptions to such divorce/remarriage scenarios AND have not also dove off the deep end of our currently trending social norms. That's my hope anyway.

Summary: where are Mennonite like Christians (even if not called by such a name) who do not shun "exception clause" divorce/remarriage, allow women to still be lovely (femininely beautiful in appearance/adornment) while responsibly modest in dress (as well as respect of head covering concept), allow men to dress comfortably but respectably decently masculine (T-Shirt not a sin), and don't shun technology entirely. I love everything else I could find about this group. Independent Baptist churches tend to be on the same page as well.

2) "Cussin" Christians- not tolerated.

I just don't get it. SO MANY Christians seem to use profanity and even disrespectful slurs toward God in their daily lives. I don't get it, but I definitely know I don't want my wife and daughters around it (especially not among other followers of Christ who may more easily influence them toward speaking the same).

3) Natural/Organic (Heirloom) diet.

This is another big one for me. Nothing turns me off more (besides perhaps concepts embodied in item 1-2 above) than bringing my family to a church (or intentional community) only to find each and every fellowship gathering we attend is filled with processed, GMO, artificial, pharma experimental objects sold in mass as "food" and my children then feel the need to insert into their mouth. It soon becomes, healthy diet at home and unhealthy diet at church. Not a good association and I'd like to avoid such conflicts.

Would like a community that is dedicated to "clean" or healthy organic diet. Care should also be taken to avoid toxic building/gardening materials as well. Natural healthy lifestyles should be respected.

I'm also going to include in this category, the community needs to support members who do not wish to vaccinate (especially related to the more recent CV--19 related injections).

4) Self-Sufficient Intentional Community.

I know the Hutterites have mastered this concept, but I'm more looking for a bit less rigid approach and not necessarily 100% communal living (0% property ownership)...though I think I would be content in such a community if they waive the straw hat requirement. All kidding aside, would like to be in a community producing our own energy (such as solar, wind, or other off-the-grid solutions) and growing our own food and preparing in every other way practical to have 0 dependency on city/societal infrastructure, while still maintaining a low key visibility in the surrounding community.

5) Worldly Music/Social Media/Internet/TV/Movies and other sources of entertainment highly discouraged, but not completely forbidden.

I've already distanced myself from "secular" music long ago, but will admit I still find myself dabbling in other forms of entertainment I'd rather not (PG-13 and such), from time to time. I'd rather be among people who fill their time with other meaningful pursuits in life, so my family can make our transition to the other side of the spectrum (even if radically so, I find it better to err on the side of holiness, than walking the fence of wicked influences on our hearts). If they pretty much did completely ban most of these things in a community...I'd probably still be on for the ride. Too much of the entertainment today is so desensitizing and manipulative of our hearts/minds toward things unhealthy in life...I would not expect a community to outright ban such entertainment (though I would like something closer to that), but I wouldn't see it as a terrible thing if they did.

6) Midwifery, Female Physicians, and Homeschooling.

I have all girls in my family (except myself of course). In the spirit of caring for the modesty so cherished in item 1 above, if at all reasonably possible I would like to be in a community that supports women in utilizing midwives and female physicians for feminine needs. Women utilizing males for such needs I would like specifically discouraged, outside of extreme medical necessity and so forth.

It would also be ideal if the community worked together in homeschooling children within. Such children being sent to public schools or secular private schools would seem to take away from the point of forming such a community in the first place I would think.

7) Pacifist at heart...maybe not in practice!

I've always agreed (at least since putting faith in Christ) with so much of what Mennonites believe regarding being a pacifist. On Biblical paper and in a spirit of walking by just makes sense. Christians should not be going around killing people just because some corrupt politicians set up conditions conducive to doing so and social pressure. It can be easily argued, from Jesus' own teaching, that we should actually being doing the opposite. Yes, agree.

Buuut...if some group of men break into my cabin, with the clear intention of raping/murdering my wife and daughters...those men's life expectancy will greatly depend on the efficiency of my aim and my pulling of the trigger (semi-auto). When it comes down to it, we get out of bed in the morning and dress ourselves for nice as it would be to think God intervenes in every single moment of our lives to put our pants on for us by faith and so forth, but my reality has been that such "interventions" by God are not every moment and are not at the whim of our every single prayer.

Sometime, the reality is, no angel is showing up to stop you from sacrificing those men who are there to harm your family. If those angels do in fact show up, then praise God, no men had to die tonight...but, in the meantime, like Abraham ready to plunge that blade into his son Isaac- so much more will I be pulling that trigger to save my wife and daughters from immediate harm. And yes I know such arguments could be extended to protecting one's home, town, city, state, county, and so forth.

It's a difficult area of conviction, but I'm currently at a place of pacifist but don't think I could prevent myself from protecting my family at home. Maybe that's a lack of faith or courage, but I can't see myself waiting and watching to find out (given the grave consequences involved) if I have the power not to. I've been given no such specific promise from God that He would save them in such a situation, so here I stand.

All that said, I'm 99% pacifist and prefer the community have that heart as well...but I will be ready to protect my family, if truly cornered with no escape, using deadly force if absolutely needed (1%). For this reason, the concept of self-defense training should not be forbidden (nor the tools for doing so), but I'm not interested in being a part of a militia centric community either.

8) Not so fearful of "contemporary" instruments/styles of worship.

I have to admit, while I'm not one that has a special place in my heart for some of the traditional hymns often heard in say "conservative" Baptist churches...I'm kind warming up to some of those acappella hits I hear Mennonites jamming to (vocals only). But, perhaps this is just something that still needs to be sanctified out of me, I still have a place in my heart for worship more along the lines of a Hillsong genre (minus the scandals, with adultery and other worldly pleasures/abuses associated with that ministry these I'm more so just referring to the sound and heart of worship involved). This one is optional for me. I can find meaningful worship in classical hymns if that means items 1-7 above are there and this one is non-negotiable in the community.

As a final note, I would prefer to avoid a community in which certain styles of worship are forced. I'm definitely more of a quiet spirited worshiper and don't really flow well with coach/military command style worship, pushing on my head and telling me to fall down until my back is arched 90 degrees and I have no choice but fall down...I think you get the picture. Humble worshipers are my vibe.

9) Smokin Saints.

And no I'm not talking about physical attractiveness. SO many Christians seem to be addicted to tobacco or vaping or drinking alcohol or prescription drugs. I'd like to be in a community in which such habits are discouraged, unless you have a really good reason for doing so or it is on rare/special occasions only (as well as never in excess). It just feels like many of us are mastered by our flesh in these areas, rather than practicing mastery of our flesh, when such things are just casual habits in our lives. This is not one of those areas I like to come down too hard on, but would feel better if it was a community that did not casually accept these things as normal in a persons life.

10) English please.

I find the KJV of the Bible sort of like one step further than reading a Latin Bible (in as much as ease of comprehension rather than requiring higher education). Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite version to quote if I want to convey the beauty of that language...but it is Old English and quite difficult for the average modern reader to digest. I'm of the view that only the original manuscripts (Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek) were the inspired texts I give the greatest weight to as foundations for source of Truth.

There have been MANY translations into HUNDREDS of languages. To claim this one King's English edition was such a special translation (only to English speakers mind you) has always seemed a bit far fetched to me. I try to get as close to the source (original manuscripts via Concordance and other such tools) when I truly wish to study the Bible. All other translations, since that time, are simply tools to assist in my viewing of the Holy Text (the original manuscripts), BUT are NOT THE source of Truth documents (including KJV).

With that in mind, I would appreciate a community that does not forbid the use of other tools for studying scripture (including other translations, beside the KJV). I can live with just a KJV if I had to, but would be nice to not be limited as such.

11) The forbidding of marriage.

Yep, I saved the best for last...or the one most likely to offend the average Christian these days. This one is optional, but would be a breath of fresh air to see a community at least have a heart to treat all Biblical marriage with respect (even if not allowing such forms of marriage in the community itself). And no I'm not referring to LGBQlmnop.

Basically, there are forms of marriage that are clearly supported in the Bible and which have been practiced by God fearing men throughout history (when circumstances warranted it), but that are currently frowned upon by the secular/worldly sources. A man with more than one wife or an older man married to a teenage bride or so called "interracial" couples would be clear examples, if we were to not judge from the traditions of men (perhaps even doctrines of devils) over the blessings of Scripture that is.

Again, I'm not saying our community would be a place where such marriages were originated or allowed, but just that our community would not condemn those involved in such forms of marriage (such as in neighboring communities) that are clearly blessed in the Bible (as well as practiced throughout plenty of Jewish and Christian history). Like with any form of marriage, there can be innocent intentions and less honorable intentions for getting married (and that, if known, can be weighed in consideration of the health of any marriage relationship)...but I worry such communities, who condemn those involved in legitimate/Biblically sound forms of marriage, run the risk of being one of these people...

1 Timothy 4:1-3
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry..."

If ANY of you know of such a community of believers out there (even if they only match a handful of these 11 dream scenarios), preferably that I could physically relocate to with my family (such as an Intentional Neighbors or IC type of setup in a strategically located area of the mountains or at least well outside the confines of modern cities/culture)...please let me know. If you're only aware of churches that meet this criteria, I'll take that too as a great starting place.
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Jun 17, 2022
United States
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Great stuff. Read the first few Chapters of the Book of Acts and see how they essentially became a Christian commune. All things in common. I wonder if this could even be accomplished today.

The Hutterites seem to actually pull it off (Acts Christian Commune concept), but they're model of living is far more rigid in structure that I would prefer in life.
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Jun 17, 2022
United States
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I assume we’re discussing age correct? Whenever you color outside the lines you have accept to what comes along with it. Choices have consequences good and bad. You can’t make anyone accept you.

You can find others like yourself and build community that way. But you’re not going to change anyone’s morality. Only God can. Some things are too difficult to swallow. It’s a fact of life.

True and that's the intended point of this thread really...finding a community out there who already has much the same perspective. Far more preferable to starting from scratch.

And I was referring more broadly to many forms of Biblical marriage that are sometimes frowned upon by our surrounding cultures ("interracial" marriages, teen marriage, polygyny, and so forth). Not that our community should sponsor such marriages, but at least don't have the mindset to condemn others involved in such marriages off hand (without consideration of intent behind those marriages).

Again, don't want to get hung up on those points, as they are more wants than needs in my book...I've just seen friends hurt by Christians in such arrangements and I'd rather avoid being THAT shunning community, based on worldly standards rather the Scriptural foundations. Haters gonna hate, I guess, but just don't like being around that kind of spirit.
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Jun 17, 2022
United States
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At the end of the day you'll have to stick out your neck. A denomination may appear ideal based on its tenets. But you're dealing with real people. How they apply them is the difference. Ask the Lord to give you grace and help you extend the same. Maybe you can open their eyes in the areas you find troubling. Give and take.

Full transparency...this thread is really my last ditch approach casting out a net to just see if there are perhaps any better fish in the pond, before I actually pull the trigger on a community I already have in mind. This community does meet many of the key areas on my wishlist, so to speak, but would require some of that "ask the Lord to give you grace and help you extend the same" in other key areas that concern my family. What you describe is really my situation now anyway, living in a big city culture, but I prefer to transition my family to a community with perhaps less conflict in each of these key areas- so we can focus energies on other things from there.

At any rate, thank you for offering sound wisdom on the topic.
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